NOTE: Run the `composer update` command after applying a patch to sync contents of the `/vendor` folder with changes made to the `composer.json`.
* in IDE:
1. replace the `$application->Run();` line in the `/index.php` file with the following content:
$test = array(
5 => 'value',
'test' => 12,
$result1 = '{{{' . kUtil::varDumpColorized($test, 'front-end', false) . '}}}';
$result2 = '{{{' . kUtil::varDumpColorized($test, 'front-end', true) . '}}}';
$result3 = '{{{' . kUtil::varDumpColorized($test, 'front-end') . '}}}';
$result4 = '{{{' . kUtil::varDumpColorized($test, 'front-end2') . '}}}';
$result5 = '{{{' . kUtil::varDumpColorized($test, 'front-end2') . '}}}';
echo '<h1>one</h1>' . PHP_EOL . $result1 . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
echo '<h1>two</h1>' . PHP_EOL . $result2 . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
echo '<h1>three</h1>' . PHP_EOL . $result3 . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
echo '<h1>four</h1>' . PHP_EOL . $result4 . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
echo '<h1>five</h1>' . PHP_EOL . $result5 . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
2. replace the `$application->EventManager->runScheduledTasks(true);` line in the `/tools/cron.php` file with the same content as shown above
* on the Front-End:
# open the homepage (the `/index.php` URL)
# confirm, that displayed content has the following structure:
* colored dump, that has the `result_number` key set to `1`
* the `result 1` heading
* nothing wrapped in the `{{{` and `}}}`
* the `result 2` heading
* the colored dump, that has the `result_number` key set to `2`, wrapped in the `{{{` and `}}}`
* the `result 3` heading
* the colored dump, that has the `result_number` key set to `3`, wrapped in the `{{{` and `}}}`
* the `result 4` heading
* the colored dump, that has the `result_number` key set to `4`, wrapped in the `{{{` and `}}}`
* the `result 5` heading
* the colored dump, that has the `result_number` key set to `5`, wrapped in the `{{{` and `}}}`
# do the `View Source` of the page
# confirm, that the large javascript+css block only appears twice in the following places:
* before the colored dump, that has the `result_number` key set to `1`
* before the colored dump, that has the `result_number` key set to `4`
* in CLI:
# run the `php tools/cron.php` command
# confirm, that the output is similar (colors might differ) to the Front-End, but the colored dumps are present in the same places