## Preparations
In the `themes\advanced\in-bulletin\elements\side_boxes\polls.elm.tpl` template add below code at the beginning of `poll_element` element:
<img src="<inp2:Field name='Image' format='resize:480x640;crop:100|200;quality:10;orientation:auto'/>" border="0" alt="<inp2:Field field='Question'/>">
<img src="<inp2:Field name='Image' format='resize:x480;orientation:landscape'/>" border="0" alt="<inp2:Field field='Question'/>">
<img src="<inp2:Field name='Image' format='resize:x480;orientation:portrait'/>" border="0" alt="<inp2:Field field='Question'/>">
<img src="<inp2:Field name='Image' format='resize:640x480;output_format:png'/>" border="0" alt="<inp2:Field field='Question'/>">
## Testing
# Make sure In-Bulletin module is active and advanced theme is selected as default theme
# Go to {nav Catalog & Website > Polls} section
# Create poll without answers, but with big enough (more than 640x480) landscape jpg image
# Go to front-end `forums.html` page
# Confirm, that first image shown is landscape, bad quality, cropped by horizontal axis 2x more, than by vertical
# Confirm, that second image shown have height 480px
# Confirm, that third image shown have width 480px
# Confirm, that fourth image shown is in png format