# Goals
* execute every changed code fragment from CLI and Web
* confirm, that every scheduled task can run from CLI
* confirm, that deploy works from CLI
* apply dependency patches & test them from CLI & web (when relevant) as well
# Plan (part 1 - addresses)
* in Admin Console
# go to {nav User Management > Users} section
# create 2 active users by using `Add` toolbar button
* on the Front-End
# login using 1st created user
# click on `My Addresses` link in `My Account` sidebox on the left
# click on `New Address` link
# create new address
# confirm, that you're redirected to address list page
# click `Edit` link to edit just created address
# locate "addr-X---" part at the end of page URL (the X is any number)
# change any field value
* in the database
# open "Addresses" table
# locate record, that has "AddressId" column value equals to "X" number obtained above
# change value of "PortalUserId" field to ID of 2nd created user
* on the Front-End
# press the `Update` button
# confirm, that you stayed on same address editing page
* in the database
# open "Addresses" table
# locate record, that has "AddressId" column value equals to "X" number obtained above
# confirm, that previously made field change isn't saved to that database record
# change value of "PortalUserId" field to ID of 1st created user
* on Front-End
# press `Update` button
# confirm, that you're redirected to address list page
# confirm, that made change is visible on address list page
* in the database
# open "Addresses" table
# locate record, that has "AddressId" column value equals to "X" number obtained above
# change value of "PortalUserId" field to ID of 2nd created user
* on Front-End
# press `Delete` link
# agree to address removal in the dialog, that appears
# confirm, that page has reloaded and that address isn't shown
* in the database
# open "Addresses" table
# locate record, that has "AddressId" column value equals to "X" number obtained above
# confirm, that record wasn't deleted
# change value of "PortalUserId" field to ID of 1st created user
* on Front-End
# reload the page
# press `Delete` link
# agree to address removal in the dialog, that appears
# confirm, that page has reloaded and that address isn't shown
* in the database
# open "Addresses" table
# locate record, that has "AddressId" column value equals to "X" number obtained above
# confirm, that record was deleted