# in IDE:
* create `/themes/advanced/test.tpl` template
# in Admin Console
* go to {nav Configuration > Website > Themes} section
* press `Rescan Themes` toolbar button
* go to {nav Website & Content > Structure & Data} section
* confirm, that category for `test.tpl` template was created and it has red icon
* delete that category
* open any category with Yellow icon (e.g. `Forums`) for editing
* change it's type from `Virtual` into `Template`
* specify `test_bad` in `Template File` field
* attempt to save changes
* confirm, that validation error on `Template File` field is triggered about non-existing `test_bad` template
* specify `test` in `Template File` field
* attempt to save changes
* confirm, that changes were saved and chosen category now has Red icon
* open any category with Red icon for editing
* change it's type from `Template` into `Virtual`
* specify design in `Template` dropdown
* attempt to save changes
* confirm, that changes were saved and chosen category now has Yellow icon