1. replace contents of the `/modules/custom/install/project_upgrades.sql` file with this (replace `52x_` with your table prefix from `/system/config.php`):
# r1: Initial Project Task (#TASK_ID)
FROM `52x_Modules`;
# r2: Another Task (#TASK_ID2)
select sleep(3);
SELECT Version
FROM `52x_Modules`;
2. execute `UPDATE `52x_Modules` SET AppliedDBRevisions = NULL;` (replace `52x_` with your table prefix from `/system/config.php`) database query
3. run the `php tools/run_event.php adm:OnDeploy b674006f3edb1d9cd4d838c150b0567d` script
4. confirm, that:
* database query execution time is shown in format from the task for each query on both screen and log file
* executed revision number/name is shown in log as well