* Front-End:
# create template using this contents: {P8}
* Admin Console:
# go to {nav Configuration > Website > Themes} section
# press `Rescan Themes` button
* Front-End:
# open created template in web browser by going to http://www.website.tld/path/to/template.html url
# confirm, that detailed information about top level menu entries is displayed
# remember available key names for each displayed menu item
* PhpStorm:
# create `/modules/custom/units/sections/helpers/e_menu_helper.php` file
# in that file create `EMenuHelper` class, that would extend `MenuHelper` class
# override class constructor and before calling parent class constructor add following entries to `$this->itemParams` array:
* key: `extra1`; value: `array('Filename')`
* key: `extra2`; value: `array('Status', null)`
* key: `extra3`; value: `array('CreatedOn', 'Y-m-d')`
* key: `extra4`; value: `array('CreatedOn')`
# open `/modules/custom/units/sections/sections_config.php` file
# add `array('pseudo' => 'MenuHelper', 'class' => 'EMenuHelper'),` line to the array in `$config['RegisterClasses']` key
* in CLI:
# run the `in-portal classmap:rebuild` command
* Admin Console:
# go to {nav Tools > System Tools} section
# click on `Reset` button in the `Config Files` sub-section
* Front-End:
# reload page
# confirm, that following additional keys are now present in data displayed for each menu item: `extra1`, `extra2`, `extra3`, `extra4`
# confirm, that value in `extra1` keys represent value of `Filename` field as-is (no formatter applied)
# confirm, that value in `extra2` keys represent value of `Status` field with formatter applied
# confirm, that value in `extra3` keys represent value of `CreatedOn` field with formatter applied (custom date format)
# confirm, that value in `extra4` keys represent value of `CreatedOn` field as-is (no formatter applied)