* in IDE:```
1.lang=php, open `/index.php` file for editingname=Code fragment
$application->Conn->GetRow('SELECT Name FROM ' . 2TABLE_PREFIX . after `$application->Init();` line add this code:'AdminSkins');
```$application->Conn->doInsert(array('Name' => 'tmp-name'), TABLE_PREFIX . 'AdminSkins');
lang=phpdie('insert_id: ' . $application->Conn->getInsertID());
$application->Conn->GetRow('SELECT Name FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'AdminSkins');
$application->Conn->doInsert(array('Name' => 'tmp-name'), TABLE_PREFIX . 'AdminSkins');```
* in IDE:
die('insert_id: ' 1. $application->Conn->getInsertID());open `/index.php` file for editing
``` 2. after `$application->Init();` line add code shown above test plan
3. save changes
4. change `/system/config.php` file to enable support for load balancing (see example in http://community.in-portal.org/x/Npkk and you can use same server as both slave & master)
* in Web Browser
# open Front-End
# confirm, that `insert_id: X` is displayed, where `X` is a positive non-zero integer