=## Preparation =
# Login into aAdmin cConsole
# Go to {nav User Management > Administrators} section
# Add administrator with username `tester1`, enter all required fields and save.
# Add administrator with username `tester2`, enter all required fields and save.
# Go to {nav Configuration > Website > Advanced} section
# Set `Left Menu (Tree) Width` equalssetting to 300`300` and save changes.
=## Testing = (part 1)
# Login into aAdmin cConsole as `root` user
# Make left menu width 2 times wider by dragging it's right border
# Wait for 1 second (new width will be saved)
# Logout# Reload page (whole frameset)
# Login into admin consol# Confirm, that menu width is the same as tester1before page reload
# Confirm left menu has default width, entered to `Left Menu (Tree) Width` (300px)# Logout
## Testing (part 2)
# Login into Admin Console as `tester1` user
# Logout# Confirm left menu width matches one, that was entered in `Left Menu (Tree) Width` system setting (the `300px`)
# Login into admin console as root
# Confirm left menu has same width as you set last time by root (at 2)
# Remove value from `Left Menu (Tree) Width` save changes.out
## Testing (part 3)
# Login into admin console as `tester2` user
# Logout# Go to {nav Configuration > Website > Advanced} section
# Login into admin console as tester2# Remove value from `Left Menu (Tree) Width` setting and save changes.
# Confirm left menu has default width, entered in code (# Reload page (whole frameset)
# Confirm, that menu width is now `200px)