NOTE: Repeat test plan below in `5.2.x clean install` and in `5.1.x clean install upgraded to 5.2.x`.
## Preparations
# open 2 windows in Firefox: `normal` and `private browsing` one
# in both windows:
* login to Admin Console (will be 2 different sessions)
* go to {nav User Management > Users} section
# enable `debug all pages` setting in debugger toolbar in `normal` browser window
# in IDE (PhpStorm):
* open settings page
* change `Max. simultaneous connections` setting to `2` in the {nav Languages & Frameworks > PHP > Debug} setting group
* save changes
* open `/core/kernel/utility/temp_handler.php` file
* place breakpoint at `$ids = $this->DoCopyTempToOriginal($this->Tables, null, $master_ids);` line in the `kTempTablesHandler::SaveEdit` method
# in `private browsing` window:
* create user with `user_p1` username
* create user with `user_p2` username
## Part 1 (adding + editing doesn't collide)
# in `normal` window:
* create user with `user_ae1` username
* confirm, that PhpStorm's debugger kicked in and code is paused at above created breakpoint
# in `private browsing` window
* double click on `user_p1` user record to begin editing process
* change some fields (but not username)
* press save
* confirm, that made changes were saved in live table
* confirm, that saving process took no longer then 5 seconds
# in `normal` window:
* continue script execution
* confirm, that `user_ae1` user was created
## Part 2 (adding + adding doesn't collide)
# in `normal` window:
* create user with `user_aa1` username
* confirm, that PhpStorm's debugger kicked in and code is paused at above created breakpoint
# in `private browsing` window
* create user with `user_aa2` username
* confirm, that creation process took no longer then 5 seconds
* confirm, that `user_aa2` user was created
# in `normal` window:
* continue script execution
* confirm, that `user_aa1` user was created
## Part 3 (same record editing does collide)
# in `normal` window:
* double click on `user_p1` user record to begin editing process
* confirm, that PhpStorm's debugger kicked in and code is paused at above created breakpoint
# in `private browsing` window
* select both `user_p1` and `user_p2` in users grid
* click on `Edit` button on toolbar
* change some fields (but not username)
* press save
* confirm, that after 30 seconds delay an `alert` was shown with an error message
* confirm, that after pressing `OK` button (name might be OS-specific) in that `alert` the changes made to user record are still shown in editing window
# in `normal` window:
* continue script execution
# in `private browsing` window
* press `Save` button on toolbar
* confirm, that creation process took no longer then 5 seconds
* confirm, that changes made to `user_p2` and `user_p2` are shown in grid
## Part 4 (different record editing doesn't collide)
# in `normal` window:
* double click on `user_p1` user record to begin editing process
* confirm, that PhpStorm's debugger kicked in and code is paused at above created breakpoint
# in `private browsing` window
* double click on `user_p2` user record to begin editing process
* change some fields (but not username)
* press save
* confirm, that creation process took no longer then 5 seconds
* confirm, that changes made are shown in grid
# in `normal` window:
* continue script execution
## Part 5 (different unit record editing doesn't collide)
# in `normal` window:
* double click on `user_p1` user record to begin editing process
* confirm, that PhpStorm's debugger kicked in and code is paused at above created breakpoint
# in `private browsing` window
* go to {nav Website & Content > Labels & Phrases} section
* locate phrase, which ID matches ID of `user_p1` user and open it for editing
* change it's translation
* press save
* confirm, that saving process took no longer then 5 seconds
* confirm, that changes made are shown in grid
# in `normal` window:
* continue script execution