# go to {nav Configuration > E-commerce > General}
# set "Choose the exchange rate source" to "Federal Reserve Bank of New York - www.ny.frb.org"
# press "Save" button
# go to {nav Configuration > E-commerce > Currencies}
# enable at least 3 currencies (e.g. GBP, EUR, USD) and either of them must be set as primary
# press "Update Rates" button
# in the dialog, that appears after "Update Rates" button press, confirm the action so that all and not only active currencies would be updated
# confirm that no errors reported in the {nav Logs & Reports > System Log}
# go to {nav Configuration > E-commerce > General}
# set "Choose the exchange rate source" to "European Central Bank - www.ecb.int"
# press "Save" button
# go to {nav Configuration > E-commerce > Currencies}
# press "Update Rates" button
# in the dialog, that appears after "Update Rates" button press, confirm the action so that all and not only active currencies would be updated
# confirm that no errors reported in the {nav Logs & Reports > System Log}
# confirm that active currency rates are updated
# set "Choose the exchange rate source" to "Bank of Latvia - www.bank.lv"
# press "Save" button
# go to {nav Configuration > E-commerce > Currencies}
# press "Update Rates" button
# in the dialog, that appears after "Update Rates" button press, confirm the action so that all and not only active currencies would be updated
# confirm that no errors reported in the {nav Logs & Reports > System Log}