# Preparations
1. install Composer dependencies using `php "which composer" install` command (replace double quotes with backticks)
# Testing part 1 (locator)
2. create `/locator_test.php` file with this content:
use ConsoleHelpers\PHPUnitCompat\AbstractTestCase as AbstractTestCaseAlias;
use Yoast\PHPUnitPolyfills\Polyfills\AssertFileDirectory;
$locate_class = require __DIR__ . '/tools/class_locator.php';
echo $locate_class(AssertFileDirectory::class) . '<br/>';
echo $locate_class(AbstractTestCaseAlias::class) . '<br/>';
echo $locate_class(NParserCompiler::class) . '<br/>';
3. open the created file in the browser
4. confirm, that output looks similar to this (you'll see full path to the In-Portal instead of `...`):
# Test part 2 (PHP version)
# confirm, that on PHP < 5.6
* you can't install In-Portal from the Web Browser (the `/core/install.php` URL)
* you can't install In-Portal dependencies using Composer (the `php "which composer" install` command, but replace double quotes with backticks)
# confirm, that on PHP >= 5.6
* you can install In-Portal from the Web Browser (the `/core/install.php` URL)
* you can install In-Portal dependencies using Composer (the `php "which composer" install` command, but replace double quotes with backticks)
# confirm, that the In-Portal installation wizard shows a minimal supported PHP version in 2 places (requirement list on the left + requirement explanation on the right)