# Login as administrative user to the adm.console
# Go to {nav Website & Content > Structure & Data} section
# Edit some category, edit category Description field using CKEditor, confirm that image upload in CKEditor works fine. (That is test for changes in core/ckeditor/ckfinder/core/connector/php/php5/Core/Config.php)
# No normal tests for changes in core/ckeditor/ckfinder/core/connector/php/php5/Utils/Security.php, because get_magic_quotes_gpc() always return false and changed code is never called. Comment "if" condition (line 35 and line 52). Set debugger breakpoints in the line 73 of core/ckeditor/ckfinder/core/connector/php/connector.php (getRidOfMagicQuotes call). Debug after pressing "Browse Server" button in CKEditor. Confirm, that $_GET variable is recursively iterated and "stripslashes" function is applied to each it's data element.
CKEditor's "Browse Server" button leads to changed places in
core/ckeditor/ckfinder/core/connector/php/php5/Utils/Security.php (need remove if condition with "get_magic_quotes_gpc()" to execute changed code in Security.php)
Changes in core/install.php - may be invoked when upgrading from some old version, after pressing "Continue" button on
"Select Modules to Upgrade" step.
Changes in core/kernel/db/cat_event_handler.php
1) event OnSaveSettings may be invoked from Tools > Import Data, when pressing folder icin-button in the "Import Section:: row.
2) method _getPermissionCheckInfo in changed part may be invoked when creating new product with non-root admin user, after pressing "Save" button.
Changes in core/kernel/db/db_event_handler.php
1) event OnValidateField is invoked when on front-end, in advanced theme, registered user edits form fields in the My Profile form (platform/my_account/my_profile.html)
2) to debug change in AddFilters, add filter on any column in any adm.comsole grid (for example, Order = 1 in the Structure & Data -> Sections), and then reload page, containing grid
3) OnCreate - Edit any Category, open form to add Category image on Images tab, debug on Save button click
4) OnSelectUser - comment out function processUserSelector in the form_blocks.tpl, edit any Category, open user selector for Created By Field, debug on Save button click in user selector popup
Change in core/units/categories/categories_event_handler.php - login as non-root in adm.console, check some category in Structure & Data -> Sections grid, debug on Approve button click
Changes in core/units/content/content_eh.php
- both changed places are debuggable from one place - open any content block to edit in Browse Website -> Content Mode. Debug on Save button click.
Change in core/units/email_templates/email_template_eh.php - do not see and can't imagine where this may be used. Change is in OnSelectUser method. There are no fields, containing user Id in this unit configuration. This is working only with "module" special. I do not see where this email-template unit is used with "module" special.
Change in core/units/helpers/brackets_helper.php - Go to E-Commerce -> Affiliates -> Affiliate Plans. Open form to Add affiliate plan. Press "More Brackets" button. Debug on "Save" button click.
Change in core/units/helpers/captcha_helper.php. To debug make changes:
1) Configuration -> Users -> General -> Use Captcha code on Registration - make checkbox on.
2) users_event_handler.php - change second parameter in this line "$captcha_helper->validateCode($event, false);" to be true.
Debug on submit front-end user registration form - platform/login/register.html
Changes in core/units/helpers/cat_dbitem_export_helper.php - both changes are debuggable on run export (Save button click) in adm.console Website & Content -> Structure & Data -> Products -> Tools (toolbar button) -> Export
Change in core/units/helpers/controls/minput_helper.php - Website & Content - Email Temolates -> edit some template -> Settings tab, debug on "Add" button click under "Recipient's Name" field.
Change in core/units/helpers/file_helper.php - User Management -> Users, debug click on toolbar Edit button with any user checked.
Changes in core/units/helpers/search_helper.php - all 3 changed places are debuggable by setting any filter in the Management -> Users grid and click Search toolbar button. First two changes - in the request, directly produced by Search button click. Third change - after redirect.
Changes in core/units/languages/languages_event_handler.php -
1) Configuration ->Website -> Regional - click Import button, debug for submit of import form - place in OnImportLanguage method.
2) Configuration ->Website -> Regional - choose language, click Export button, debug for submit of export form -
place in OnExportProgress method.
Change in core/units/reviews/reviews_event_handler.php - in adm.console edit product, go on comments tab, edit some comment, debug on comment save button click.
## To be continued