NOTE: Repeat steps below on `Clean Install` and after `Upgrade` (simulate upgrade by running added SQLs from `upgrades.sql` file by injecting TABLE_PREFIX into them).
NOTE: Confirm, that contents of all sent out e-mails is identical in both cases (clean install and upgrade).
## Part 1 (expiration reminder)
# go to Admin Console
# go to {nav Configuration > Users > General} section
# check `Advanced User Management` checkbox and save changes
# go to {nav User Management > Users} section
# create a user
# open that user for editing
# go to `Groups` tab
# use `Add` toolbar button to add user to the `Subscribers` group
# from group list open membership record, that was just created for editing
# set membership expiration to 5 days from now (the period in days should be smaller then value of `Group Membership Expiration Reminder (days)` setting in {nav Configuration > Users > General} section)
# save changes to user record
# run the `in-portal scheduled-task:run membership_expiration` command from command line
# go to `Email Queue` tab after switching to the {nav User Management > Mailings} section
# click on `Process Queue` toolbar button
# confirm, that both e-mails were sent out and all info is present in there
## Part 2 (expiration)
# repeat all of above steps, but this time enter membership expiration date in past