# in IDE:
* open any editing template, that uses 'inp_edit_options' block
* pick any field on that template, that uses 'inp_edit_options' block
* change following for that field:
* replace `inp_edit_options` with `inp_edit_multioptions`
# in Admin Console
* go to template, that you're editing before
* confirm, that for picked field the `inp_edit_multioptions` block is used and it's `style` attribute (in HTML) is empty or missing
# in IDE:
* add `style="height: 200px;"` as attribute to picked above field using `inp_edit_multioptions` block
# in Admin Console
* go to template, that you're editing before
* confirm, that for picked field the `inp_edit_multioptions` block is used and it's `style` attribute matches the one specified in template