1. open `/admin/index.php` file for editing
2. replace the `$application->Run();` line with below code:
/** @var kCountryStatesHelper $country_state_helper */
$country_state_helper = $application->recallObject('CountryStatesHelper');
echo $country_state_helper->getCountryIso('USA') . ';';
echo $country_state_helper->getCountryIso('US', true) . ';';
echo $country_state_helper->getCountryIso('RUS') . ';';
echo $country_state_helper->getCountryIso('RU', true) . ';';
3. save changes
In Admin Console:
# go to Admin Console
# confirm, that `US;USA;RU;RUS;` text is displayed
# confirm, that in Debugger contains one SQL statement from the `CountryStates` table
# reload the page
# confirm, that `US;USA;RU;RUS;` text is displayed
# confirm, that in Debugger contains no SQL statements from the `CountryStates` table