NOTE: Test on clean install In-portal full preset with default theme as primary
1. add `themes/default/scan_problem_1.tpl` with content:
``` lang=html
<NAME>Test scan</NAME>
<SECTION>New section</SECTION>
Test 1
2. add `themes/default/scan_problem_2.tpl` with content:
``` lang=html
<NAME>New section</NAME>
Test 2
3. log in to Admin Console
4. go to {nav Tools > System Tools} section
5. press `Refresh` button in the `Refresh Theme Files` section
6. go to {nav Website & Content > Structure & Data} section
7. confirm, that:
* there is only one `New section` category, that in category list has "red folder icon" and "red asterisk icon" after it's name
* inside that `New section` category there `Test scan` category, that in category list has "red folder icon" and "red asterisk icon" after it's name