## Preparation
# go to {nav Website & Content > Labels & Phrases4} section
# modify some phrase, if all minutes or days in the "Modified On" column are equal
# confirm, that are visible records with different minutes and different days in the "Modified On" column
## Testing "Modified On" column filter
# specify one from date only (no time)
# confirm, that records with other dates are filtered out
# specify one to date only (no time)
# confirm, that records with other dates are filtered out
# specify one to date only (with time)
# confirm, that records with other dates or minutes are filtered out (ignoring seconds)
# specify one from date only (with time)
# confirm, that records with other dates or minutes are filtered out (ignoring seconds)
# specify both from & to dates with time
# confirm, that records with dates between specified datetimes (ignoring seconds) are visible, but other are filtered out
# specify both from & to dates with time in output format (without seconds)
# confirm, that records with dates between specified datetimes (ignoring seconds) are visible, but other are filtered out
# specify both from & to dates with time in input format (with seconds)
# confirm, that records with dates between specified datetimes (ignoring seconds) are visible, but other are filtered out