* login to Admin Console
# go to {nav Configuration > E-commerce > Shipping} section
* create new `Custom Shipping Type`
* on `General` tab set `Shipping Type` field set to `handling`
* on `Shipping Zones` tab add zone covering all countries
# go to {nav Website & Content > Structure & Data > Products} section
# create a tangible product
# go to {nav Configuration > E-commerce > General} section
# ensure, that `Require login before checkout` checkbox is turned off
* go to Front-End
# start checkout using advanced theme
# input valid address with "United States" as `Country`
# press "Update Address" button
# confirm, that some shipping options appeared below after page refresh
# make empty `State` field of shipping address
# press "Update Address" button
# confirm, that no shipping options appeared below after page refresh