# The PHP Mess Detector (all modules)
# delete the `build/cache/pmd_modules_result_cache.php` and `build/cache/pmd_core_result_cache.php` files
# run the `phing -f tools/build/build_all.xml phpmd-ci` command
# remember previous command execution time (shown after `Total time: ...`)
# open any of above deleted cache files for editing
# confirm, that it contains relative paths to project files
# re-run the same command
# remember previous command execution time (shown after `Total time: ...`)
# confirm, that 2nd run of the command went much faster, then the 1st one
# The PHP Mess Detector (custom module)
# delete the `pmd_custom_result_cache.php` file
# run the `phing -f tools/build/build_custom.xml phpmd-ci` command
# remember previous command execution time (shown after `Total time: ...`)
# open above deleted cache file for editing
# confirm, that it contains relative paths to project files
# re-run the same command
# remember previous command execution time (shown after `Total time: ...`)
# confirm, that 2nd run of the command went faster, then the 1st one
# The PHP Code Sniffer (all modules)
# run the `phing -f tools/build/build_all.xml phpcs-ci` command
# remember previous command execution time (shown after `Time: ...`)
# re-run the same command
# remember previous command execution time (shown after `Time: ...`)
# confirm, that 2nd run of the command went much faster, then the 1st one
# The PHP Code Sniffer (custom module)
# run the `phing -f tools/build/build_custom.xml phpcs-ci` command
# remember previous command execution time (shown after `Time: ...`)
# re-run the same command
# remember previous command execution time (shown after `Time: ...`)
# confirm, that 2nd run of the command went faster, then the 1st one