NOTE: All tests would happen in shell (e.g. in Bash).
# go to In-Portal installation root folder
# run `source ./tools/` to enable auto-complete
# confirm, that no error happens from running this command
# confirm that you type `in-portal ` (note space at the end) and then press `TAB` twice then following suggestions will be shown:
* `cache:reset`
* `classmap:rebuild`
* `event:run`
* `help`
* `list`
# delete the `file_hashes.php` files in each module (you can do a global search and then delete all what's found)
# run `in-portal classmap:rebuild` command
# confirm, that similar (might be more/less rows and times might differ) table is shown
| Path | Scanned in | Parsed in |
| .../core | 0.0170s | 0.0127s |
| .../modules/custom | 0.0018s | 0.0015s |
| .../modules/in-auction | 0.0019s | 0.0021s |
| .../modules/in-bulletin | 0.0018s | 0.0017s |
| .../modules/in-commerce | 0.0062s | 0.0060s |
| .../modules/in-link | 0.0014s | 0.0016s |
| .../modules/in-news | 0.0008s | 0.0013s |
# confirm, that `file_hashes.php` files where created in each module
# run `in-portal cache:reset` command
# confirm, that error happens
# type `in-portal cache:reset --` (note space at the end) and press `TAB` twice
# confirm that among others there are these cache reset options:
* `--admin-sections`
* `--mod-rewrite`
* `--sms-menu`
* `--unit-data`
* `--all-keys`
* `--templates`
* `--unit-files`
# run `in-portal cache:reset -h` command
# confirm that help text is shown for each option
# run the `in-portal cache:reset` command with each of the options separately
# confirm that:
* corresponding cache are reset (each option matches to a button in `System Tools` section with same name)
* the cache name is shown before cache reset is done
* the `OK` is shown after cache was reset (there can be delay between cache reset start and finish for large caches)
# try specifying seveal options at once
# confirm that all of specified caches are reset
# run the `in-portal event:run` command
# confirm, that error is shown
# run `in-portal event:run adm:OnDeploy` command
# confirm, that event was executed