# use `<inp2:u.current_Field name="PrimaryImage" format="resize:50x50;default:..."/>` tag (replace `...` with actual image path)create a {nav Products > sub products} category
# in that category create:
* a tangible product without image
* a tangible product with an image
# in the `/themes/advanced/in-commerce/elements/products.elm.tpl` template change the `MaxWidth="thumbnail"` to `MaxWidth="50"` in the `product_element` block
# open created category on Front-End
# confirm that both images (default one and uploaded one) were created under `/system/thumbs/themes/advanced/platform/img/` folder
# go to {nav E-commerce > Manufacturers} section in Admin Console
# create/update manufacturer and upload a logo
# open that manufacturer for editing
# check,# confirm that with empty "PrimaryImage" field value (in db) the resized default resized image was created under `/system/thumbs/system/image is placed within `/systems/manufacturers/` folder