NOTE: The document root is the directory on a web server where the website files for a domain name are stored.
# Part 1 - defaults (the DBG_LOCAL_BASE_PATH and DBG_EDITOR_URL)
# in IDE:
* open the `/system/debug.php` file for editing
* comment-out these keys in the `$dbg_options` array: `DBG_LOCAL_BASE_PATH`, `DBG_EDITOR_URL`
* save changes
# in Admin Console
* stay on the login screen
* open the Debugger Report
* use `Inspect` context menu entry on the 1st file editing link below an SQL query (has `logger.php:265` text for me)
* confirm, that shown URL:
* is encoded (all the `/` symbols are replaced with `%2F`)
* URL-decoded version of it looks like `phpstorm://open?file=/path/to/file&line=line_number` (`/path/to/file` - path to a file from the Web Server including Document Root; `line_number` - line number in that file)
# Part 2 - custom DBG_LOCAL_BASE_PATH
# in IDE:
* open the `/system/debug.php` file for editing
* comment-out these keys in the `$dbg_options` array: `DBG_EDITOR_URL`
* in the `DBG_LOCAL_BASE_PATH` key of the `$dbg_options` array specify `'/Volumes/web'`
* save changes
# in Admin Console
* stay on the login screen
* open the Debugger Report
* use `Inspect` context menu entry on the 1st file editing link below an SQL query (has `logger.php:265` text for me)
* confirm, that shown URL:
* is encoded (all the `/` symbols are replaced with `%2F`)
* URL-decoded version of it looks like `phpstorm://open?file=/path/to/file&line=line_number` (`/path/to/file` - path to a file from the Web Server, where Document Root was replaced with `/Volumes/web`; `line_number` - line number in that file)
# Part 3 - custom DBG_EDITOR_URL
# in IDE:
* open the `/system/debug.php` file for editing
* comment-out these keys in the `$dbg_options` array: `DBG_LOCAL_BASE_PATH`
* in the `DBG_EDITOR_URL` key of the `$dbg_options` array specify `'subl://open?url=%F&line=%L'`
* save changes
# in Admin Console
* stay on the login screen
* open the Debugger Report
* use `Inspect` context menu entry on the 1st file editing link below an SQL query (has `logger.php:265` text for me)
* confirm, that shown URL:
* is encoded (all the `/` symbols are replaced with `%2F`)
* URL-decoded version of it looks like `subl://open?url=/path/to/file&line=line_number` (`/path/to/file` - path to a file from the Web Server including Document Root; `line_number` - line number in that file)