= Test `Admin console` =
1. Add code into `core/admin_templates/languages/phrase_list.tpl` just after `<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header"/>` (after line 2)
Selected: <inp2:phrases_SelectedRecords/><br/>
GridInfo: <inp2:phrases_GridInfo type="selected"/>
2. Login to `Admin Console` as `root`
3. Go to {nav Website & Content > Labels & Phrases}
4. Confirm you see
Selected: 20
GridInfo: 20
just after header
= Test `Frontend` =
NOTE: Please use advanced theme with installed content and installed in-commerce module to test
1. Add `Selected: <inp2:c_SelectedRecords list_name="category_search_results"/>` to `themes/advanced/platform/elements/content_boxes/search_results.elm.tpl` inside element `<inp2:m_Capture to_var="header">` before closing `</inp2:m_Capture>`:
2. Go to `Frontend`
3. Search for `products` via search box with `Entire Website` option selected.
4. Confirm you see `Category Search Results (13) Selected: 3` in header before categories list.
5. Go to `Admin Console` as `root`
6. Go to {nav Website & Content > Products} and add 3 Tangible products:
* click on `New Product` and select `Tangible` in dropdown;
* enter `Title`, `SKU` and select `Active` in `Status`;
* click `Save`
* repeat 2 more times
7. Add code into `themes/advanced/in-commerce/elements/content_boxes/new_products.elm.tpl` just after `<inp2:m_RenderElement design="content_box" data_exists="1">` (after line 2)
Selected: <inp2:p_SelectedRecords list_name="new_products" types="new" recursive="true" per_page="2"/>
8. Add same code in same file just after `</table>`.
9. Go to `Frontend`, {nav Products} (last item in menu)
10. Confirm you see list with 2 products and `Selected: 2` just before and just after list.