## Preparations
# copy over `/index.php` into `/autoloading_test.php`
# in `/autoloading_test.php` file: replace all code that comes after `$application->Init();` line with `$object = new ClassNameHere();`
## Actual Test
Tested classes:
* `UnitConfigDecorator`
* `kSubscriptionItem`
* `clsCachedPermissions`
* `clsRecursionStack`
* `kXMLNode`
* `kXMLNode5`
* `XMLIterator`
* `_BlockTag`
* `_Tag_Comment`
* `_Tag_DefineElement`
* `_Tag_Capture`
* `_Tag_RenderElement`
* `_Tag_RenderElements`
* `_Tag_Param`
* `_Tag_Include`
* `_Tag_If`
* `_Tag_IfNot`
* `_Tag_DefaultParam`
* `_Tag_SetParam`
* `_Tag_Cache`
* `_Tag_IfDataExists`
* `_Tag_Compress`
* `kSubscriptionAnalyzer`
* `UsersSyncronize`
Change `/autoloading_test.php` and:
* replace `ClassNameHere` with tested class
* if that class needs constructor parameters put any that matches typehint
* open `/autoloading_test.php` file from CLI or Web
* confirm, that class instance was created and no error happened