## Topics
# create new user in the adm.console
# login with newly created user to front-end
# click on the "Forums" link in the top menu
# click on the "New Topic" link in the sidebar's "Action Box" section
# fill all required fields
# submit form (click "Create" button)
# go to adm console
# click on the "Topics" section
# confirm that just entered topic is visible in the grid, including "Modified On" and "Modified By" values
# double click just entered topic in the grid to edit it
# confirm that "Modified" label with datetime value, same as in the grid, is visible under "Created On" field
# confirm that "Modified By" label with username value, same as in the grid, is visible under "Modified" field
## Links
# click on the "Links" section
# click on the "New Link" button in the toolbar
# fill all required fields
# submit form (click "Save" button)
# confirm that just entered link is visible in the grid, including "Modified On" and "Modified By" columns, that have empty and "n/a" values respectively
# double click just entered link in the grid to edit it
# change some link field value
# submit form (click "Save" button)
# confirm that just modified link have non-empty values in the "Modified On" and "Modified By" columns
# double click just entered link in the grid to edit it
# confirm that "Modified" label with datetime value, same as in the grid, is visible under "Created On" field
# confirm that "Modified By" label with username value, same as in the grid, is visible under "Modified" field
## Products
# click on the "Products" section
# click on the "New Product" button in the toolbar
# fill all required fields
# submit form (click "Save" button)
# confirm that just entered product is visible in the grid, including "Modified On" and "Modified By" columns, that have empty and "n/a" values respectively
# double click just entered product in the grid to edit it
# change some product field value
# submit form (click "Save" button)
# confirm that just modified product have non-empty values in the "Modified On" and "Modified By" columns
# double click just entered product in the grid to edit it
# confirm that "Modified" label with datetime value, same as in the grid, is visible under "Created On" field
# confirm that "Modified By" label with username value, same as in the grid, is visible under "Modified" field
## Articles
# click on the "Articles" section
# click on the "New Article" button in the toolbar
# fill all required fields
# submit form (click "Save" button)
# confirm that just entered article is visible in the grid, including "Modified On" and "Modified By" columns, that have empty and "n/a" values respectively
# double click just entered article in the grid to edit it
# change some article field value
# submit form (click "Save" button)
# confirm that just modified article have non-empty values in the "Modified On" and "Modified By" columns
# double click just entered article in the grid to edit it
# confirm that "Modified" label with datetime value, same as in the grid, is visible under "Created On" field
# confirm that "Modified By" label with username value, same as in the grid, is visible under "Modified" field