# go to Admin Console
# go to {nav Website & Content > Structure & Data} section
# create `Sub Directory` category in `Directory` category
# go to {nav Directory > Sub Directory} category
# create 2 links, that has `New = Always`, `Hot = Never`, `Pop = Never`, `Status = Active`
# create 2 links, that has `New = Never`, `Hot = Always`, `Pop = Never`, `Status = Active`
# create 2 links, that has `New = Never`, `Hot = Never`, `Pop = Always`, `Status = Active`
# go to Front-End
# go to {nav Directory > Sub Directory} category using top menu
# confirm, that in sidebar following sideboxes are present:
* `New Links` and it's showing only new links
* `Hot Links` and it's showing only hot links
* `Popular Links` and it's showing only pop links
# confirm, that on the right all created links are shown