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⚙ D301 INP-1697 - Automate usage of "allow_html" block parameter
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INP-1697 - Automate usage of "allow_html" block parameter

Authored by alex on May 1 2017, 1:52 AM.


Test Plan


  • in IDE:
    1. open /core/admin_templates/incs/form_blocks.tpl file for editing
    2. locate declaration of inp_edit_textarea block
    3. after </textarea> on next line add: <div>[[<inp2:$prefix_Field name="$field"/>]]</div>
    4. save changes
    5. open /modules/in-news/admin_templates/articles/articles_edit.tpl file for editing
    6. locate declaration of form row for Excerpt field
    7. after </textarea> on next line add: <div>[[<inp2:$prefix_Field name="$field"/>]]</div>
    8. save changes
  • login to Admin Console:
    1. go to Website & ContentStructure & Data section
    2. click on Sections tab
    3. place ID of Directory category (was 139 in my case) in before @@ID@@ after fixture instead of ID
WARNING: When checking for replaced value look between [[ and ]] below textarea !!!

Part 1

  1. login to Admin Console
  2. go to Website & ContentStructure & Data section
  3. click on Sections tab
  4. open any category for editing
  5. for Description field:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon is shown below field field
    2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    3. click on General tab to reload the page submitting the changes
    4. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below field's textarea is converted into a link
  6. for Meta Keywords, Meta Description and Analytics Tracking Code fields:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon isn't shown below field field
    2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    3. click on General tab to reload the page submitting the changes
    4. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below field's textarea isn't converted into a link
  7. close editing window

Part 2

  1. login to Admin Console
  2. go to Website & ContentForms section
  3. open new form creation page
  4. for Description field:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon is shown below field field
    2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    3. click on General tab to reload the page submitting the changes
    4. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below field's textarea is converted into a link
  5. fill in required fields
  6. go to E-mail Communication tab during
  7. check Enable checkbox
  8. for Reply Message Signature field:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon is shown below field field
    2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    3. click on E-mail Communication tab to reload the page submitting the changes
    4. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below field's textarea is converted into a link
  9. close adding window

Part 3

  1. login to Admin Console
  2. go to Website & E-mail Templates section
  3. open any e-mail template for editing
  4. for HTML Version field:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon is shown below field field
    2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    3. click on General tab to reload the page submitting the changes
    4. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below field's textarea is converted into a link
  5. for Text Version field:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon isn't shown below field field
    2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    3. click on General tab to reload the page submitting the changes
    4. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below field's textarea isn't converted into a link
  6. click on Settings tab
  7. for Replacement field:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon isn't shown below field field
  8. for Description and Extra Headers fields:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon isn't shown below field field
    2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    3. click on Settings tab to reload the page submitting the changes
    4. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below field's textarea isn't converted into a link
  9. close editing window

Part 4

  1. login to Admin Console
  2. go to User ManagementMailings section
  3. open new mailing creation page
  4. for HTML Version field:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon is shown below field field
    2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    3. click on Save button (ignore validation error) to reload the page submitting the changes
    4. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below field's textarea is converted into a link
  5. for Text Version field:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon isn't shown below field field
    2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    3. click on Save button (ignore validation error) to reload the page submitting the changes
    4. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below field's textarea isn't converted into a link
  6. close adding window

Part 5

  1. login to Admin Console
  2. go to Website & ContentPromo BlocksDefault Group section
  3. open new promo block creation page
  4. for Text field:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon is shown below field field
    2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    3. click on Save button (ignore validation error) to reload the page submitting the changes
    4. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below field's textarea is converted into a link
  5. close adding window

Part 6

NOTE: The D303 needs to be applied to test this part of the plan.
  1. login to Admin Console
  2. go to ConfigurationWebsiteRegional section
  3. open any language for editing
  4. for HTML Version field:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon is shown below field field
    2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    3. click on General tab to reload the page submitting the changes
    4. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below field's textarea is converted into a link
  5. for Text Version field:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon isn't shown below field field
    2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    3. click on General tab to reload the page submitting the changes
    4. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below field's textarea isn't converted into a link
  6. click on E-mail Templates tab
  7. open any e-mail template for editing
  8. remove value from Subject field to cause validation error later
  9. for HTML Version field:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon is shown below field field
    2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    3. click on Save button (ignore validation error) to reload the page submitting the changes
    4. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below field's textarea is converted into a link
  10. for Extra Headers and Text Version fields:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon isn't shown below field field
    2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    3. click on Save button (ignore validation error) to reload the page submitting the changes
    4. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below field's textarea isn't converted into a link
  11. close email template editing window
  12. click on Labels tab
  13. open any phrase for editing
  14. for Phrase, Hint Phrase and Column Phrase fields:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon isn't shown below field field
    2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    3. click on Save button (ignore validation error) to reload the page submitting the changes
    4. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below field's textarea isn't converted into a link
  15. close phrase editing window
  16. close language editing window

Part 7

  • in Admin Console:
    1. go to Website & ContentForms section
    2. create Contact Us form (even without fields)
    3. go to ConfigurationUsersGeneral section
    4. check Advanced User Management checkbox and save changes
    5. go to User ManagementGroups section
    6. open editing of admin group
    7. click on Permissions tab
    8. check all permissions for Contact Us form
    9. press Save toolbar button
    10. remember ID of created form
  • in Database:
    1. execute this SQL (replace {FORM_ID} with ID of created form):
INSERT INTO FormSubmissions (FormSubmissionId, FormId, SubmissionTime, IPAddress, ReferrerURL, LogStatus)
VALUES (DEFAULT, {FORM_ID}, 1493655880, '', 'http://vm.aik.ninja/', 2);
  • in Admin Console:
    1. go to Website & ContentFormsContact Us section
    2. open any record for editing
    3. for Notes field:
      1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon isn't shown below field field
      2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    4. click on Save button
    5. open same record for editing
    6. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below Notes field's textarea isn't converted into a link
    7. close editing window

Part 8

  1. login to Admin Console
  2. go to User ManagementGroups section
  3. open editing of admin group
  4. for Description and IP Restrictions fields:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon isn't shown below field field
    2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    3. click on General tab to reload the page submitting the changes
    4. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below field's textarea isn't converted into a link
  5. close editing window

Part 9

  1. login to Admin Console
  2. go to Website & ContentLabels & Phrases section
  3. open any phrase for editing
  4. remove value from Label field to cause validation error later
  5. for Phrase, Hint Phrase and Column Phrase fields:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon isn't shown below field field
    2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    3. press Save button to reload the page submitting the changes
    4. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below field's textarea isn't converted into a link
  6. close editing window

Part 10

  1. login to Admin Console
  2. go to Website & ContentStructure & DataLinks section
  3. click on Links tab
  4. open new link adding window
  5. fill all required fields on General tab
  6. click on Comments (or Reviews) tab
  7. open new comment/review adding
  8. for Comment field:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon isn't shown below field field
    2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    3. click on Save button to reload the page submitting the changes
    4. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below field's textarea isn't converted into a link
  9. close comment/review adding window
  10. close link adding window

Part 11

NOTE: The D303 needs to be applied to test this part of the plan.
  1. login to Admin Console
  2. go to ConfigurationWebsiteThemes section
  3. open theme for editing
  4. remove value from Name field to cause validation error later
  5. for Description field:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon isn't shown below field field
    2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    3. click on General tab to reload the page submitting the changes
    4. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below field's textarea isn't converted into a link
  6. close editing window

Part 12

  1. login to Admin Console
  2. go to CustomWidgets section
  3. open new record adding window
  4. for Phone field:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon isn't shown below field field
    2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    3. press Save button to reload the page submitting the changes
    4. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below field's textarea isn't converted into a link
  5. close adding window

Part 13

  1. login to Admin Console
  2. go to Website & ContentPolls section
  3. open new record adding window
  4. for Question field:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon is shown below field field
    2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    3. click on General tab to reload the page submitting the changes
    4. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below field's textarea is converted into a link
  5. enter all required fields on General tab
  6. click on User Comments tab
  7. open new comment adding window
  8. for Comment field:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon isn't shown below field field
    2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    3. press Save button to reload the page submitting the changes
    4. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below field's textarea isn't converted into a link
  9. close comment adding window
  10. close poll adding window

Part 14

  1. login to Admin Console
  2. go to E-commerceManufacturers section
  3. open new record adding window
  4. for Description field:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon is shown below field field
    2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    3. press Save button to reload the page submitting the changes
    4. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below field's textarea is converted into a link
  5. close adding window

Part 15

  1. login to Admin Console
  2. go to Website & ContentStructure & DataProducts section
  3. click on Products tab
  4. open new tangible product adding window
  5. for Description field:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon is shown below field field
    2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    3. click on General tab to reload the page submitting the changes
    4. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below field's textarea is converted into a link
  6. for Excerpt and Meta Description fields:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon isn't shown below field field
    2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    3. click on General tab to reload the page submitting the changes
    4. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below field's textarea isn't converted into a link
  7. fill all required fields on General tab
  8. click on Inventory tab
  9. click on By Product value in Enabled field
  10. accept confirmation dialog, that will appear
  11. for Comment field:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon isn't shown below field field
    2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    3. click on Inventory tab to reload the page submitting the changes
    4. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below field's textarea isn't converted into a link
  12. close adding window

Part 16

  1. login to Admin Console
  2. go to E-commerceAffiliates section
  3. open new record adding window
  4. for Comment field:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon isn't shown below field field
    2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    3. click on General tab to reload the page submitting the changes
    4. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below field's textarea isn't converted into a link
  5. fill all required fields on General tab
  6. press Save button to create new affiliate record
  7. open created record for editing
  8. press Pay Out button on toolbar
  9. remove value from Amount field to cause validation error later
  10. for Comment field:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon isn't shown below field field
    2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    3. click on Pay Out button to reload the page submitting the changes
    4. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below field's textarea isn't converted into a link
  11. close payment adding window
  12. close affiliate editing window

Part 17

  1. login to Admin Console
  2. go to E-commerceOrders section
  3. click on Incomplete tab
  4. open new record adding window
  5. for User Comment and Admin Comment fields:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon isn't shown below field field
    2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    3. click on General tab to reload the page submitting the changes
    4. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below field's textarea isn't converted into a link
  6. close adding window

Part 18

  1. login to Admin Console
  2. go to Website & ContentStructure & DataDirectory section
  3. click on Links tab
  4. open new link adding window
  5. for Description field:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon is shown below field field
    2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    3. click on General tab to reload the page submitting the changes
    4. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below field's textarea is converted into a link
  6. for Meta Description field:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon isn't shown below field field
    2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    3. click on General tab to reload the page submitting the changes
    4. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below field's textarea isn't converted into a link
  7. close adding window

Part 19

  1. login to Admin Console
  2. go to DirectoryPaid Listings section
  3. click on Listing Types tab
  4. open new record adding window
  5. for Description field:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon is shown below field field
    2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    3. click on General tab to reload the page submitting the changes
    4. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below field's textarea is converted into a link
  6. close adding window

Part 20

  1. login to Admin Console
  2. go to Website & ContentStructure & DataNews section
  3. click on Articles tab
  4. open new article adding window
  5. for Article Body field:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon is shown below field field
    2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    3. click on General tab to reload the page submitting the changes
    4. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below field's textarea is converted into a link
  6. for Article Excerpt and Meta Description fields:
    1. confirm, that WYSIWYG editor icon isn't shown below field field
    2. type/paste fixture into field's textarea
    3. click on General tab to reload the page submitting the changes
    4. confirm, that @@ID@@ fragment below field's textarea isn't converted into a link
  7. close adding window

Diff Detail

rINP In-Portal
Lint ErrorsExcuse: Not yet time for array formatting fixing.
No Unit Test Coverage
Build Status
Buildable 722
Build 722: arc lint + arc unit

Event Timeline

alex updated this revision to Diff 736.May 1 2017, 1:52 AM
alex retitled this revision from to INP-1697 - Automate usage of "allow_html" block parameter.
alex updated this object.
alex edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
alex added 1 JIRA issue(s): INP-1697.
alex edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)May 1 2017, 1:25 PM
alex edited edge metadata.
erik edited edge metadata.May 9 2017, 6:30 AM

Today tested parts 1..3 only.

erik accepted this revision.May 10 2017, 6:01 AM
erik edited edge metadata.

Some issues on test plan:

9.5.C. - No clickable General tab on label editing screen. Button Save used for test.
11.4 - no Label field in the theme editing form (Name field is there)
20.6 - Article excerpt do not use standard inp_edit_textarea control, so it can't be tested this way without some additional changes.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.May 10 2017, 6:01 AM
alex edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)May 10 2017, 6:48 AM
alex edited edge metadata.
alex edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)May 10 2017, 6:50 AM
In D301#5975, @erik wrote:

Some issues on test plan:

9.5.C. - No clickable General tab on label editing screen. Button Save used for test.
11.4 - no Label field in the theme editing form (Name field is there)
20.6 - Article excerpt do not use standard inp_edit_textarea control, so it can't be tested this way without some additional changes.

I've updated test plan to reflect proposed changes.

This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.