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INP-1894 - Extract "Change Log" code to a central place

Authored by alex on Jan 28 2025, 6:59 AM.


Test Plan


  1. don't apply the patch
  2. in the Admin Console:
    1. login to the Admin Console
    2. go to the Logs & ReportsChanges Log section
    3. if there is warning message (above the grid) telling, that change log is disabled, then:
      1. click on the provided link to enable change log
      2. logout & login again
  3. in the IDE:
    1. open core/admin_templates/languages/phrase_list.tpl file for editing
    2. change std_edit_item(...) to std_edit_temp_item(...)
    3. change std_precreate_item(...) to std_new_item(...)

Part 1

  1. go to the ConfigurationE-commerceShipping section
  2. create a fully configured custom shipping type (with couple zones, couple brackets and several costs)
  3. open just created shipping type for editing > change one zone's name & delete another zone > save changes
  4. go to the Website & ContentLabels & Phrases section
  5. add new phrase
  6. open added phrase for editing > change something > save changes
  7. delete some phrase
  8. go to the Logs & ReportsChanges Log section
  9. remeber conceptually how records look like

Part 2

  1. apply the patch
  2. repeat all the specs from Part 1, but instead of remembering (at last step) confirm, that after patch was applied the created change log records look conceptually the same (same actions produce same records (except for auto-increment id changes))

Diff Detail

rINP In-Portal
Automatic diff as part of commit; lint not applicable.
Automatic diff as part of commit; unit tests not applicable.

Event Timeline

alex created this revision.Jan 28 2025, 6:59 AM
alex requested review of this revision.Jan 28 2025, 6:59 AM
alex updated this revision to Diff 1308.Jan 28 2025, 7:04 AM

Added missing license.

erik accepted this revision.Jan 28 2025, 8:55 AM
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jan 28 2025, 8:55 AM
This revision was landed with ongoing or failed builds.Jan 28 2025, 10:39 AM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.