- used domains:
- - base domain for testing
- - domain, where 1st site domain could be accessed
- in any editor:
- open the OS-specific hosts file (the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts on Windows; the /etc/hosts on macOS/Linux) for editing as Administrator
- add entries for each of the above-shown domains in there (e.g. if you have aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd entry, then add aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd entry and so on)
- save changes
- in IDE:
- open themes/default/index.tpl template for editing
- add <inp2:m_CheckSSL mode="required" condition="Require_SSL" /> code on a new line after the 1st HTML comment
- add the [Site Domain ID: <inp2:site-domain.current_Field name="DomainId"/>]<br/><script> document.write('[URL: ' + window.location.href + ']<br/><br/>');</script> line above the <inp2:st_ContentBlock num="1"/> line
- save changes
- open themes/advanced/index.tpl template for editing
- add <inp2:m_CheckSSL mode="required" condition="Require_SSL" /> code on a new line after the 1st HTML comment
- add the [Site Domain ID: <inp2:site-domain.current_Field name="DomainId"/>]<br/><script> document.write('[URL: ' + window.location.href + ']<br/><br/>');</script> line above the <inp2:st_ContentBlock num="1"/> line
- save changes
- open core/admin_templates/incs/form_blocks.tpl template for editing
- add the [SD ID: <inp2:site-domain.current_Field name="DomainId"/>] code in the <span class="tablenav_link" id="blue_bar">...</span> element
- save changes
- open themes/default/index.tpl template for editing
- in the Admin Console:
- login to the Admin Console by accessing it on the domain over http:// protocol
- go to the Configuration → Website → Advanced section
- uncheck these system settings:
- Require SSL for login & checkout
- Require SSL for Administrative Console
- Redirect to HTTP when SSL is not required
- set SSL Domain ( system setting to the
- clear the SSL Domain for Administrative Console ( system setting
- Session Cookie Domains (single domain per line) system setting to this value (multi-line):
- save changes
- go to the Configuration → Website → Themes section
- enable the default theme
- go to the Configuration → Website → Site Domains section
- add 1st site domain with:
- (fixed) Domain
- (fixed) SSL Domain
- Theme=default
- logout from the Admin Console
- delete all cookies
Part 1.1 - testing admin console access on the main domain over http protocol
- login to the Admin Console by accessing it on the domain over http:// protocol
- confirm that you're looking at Admin Console at the domain over http:// protocol
- go to the Configuration → Website → Advanced section
- uncheck these system settings:
- Require SSL for login & checkout
- Require SSL for Administrative Console
- save changes
- reload the page
- confirm that you're looking at Admin Console at the domain over http:// protocol
- confirm that [SD ID: ] is added in the current page blur bar
- go to the Website & Content → Browse Website section
- confirm, that:
- you see editing mode controls (the Browse Mode, Content Mode and such) in the top frame
- you're currently in the Browse Mode
- (new) the advanced theme is being used
- you'll see [Site Domain ID: 0] text
- you'll see the [URL: ...], where ... is replaced with URL from a domain using http:// protocol
- switch to the Content Mode
- confirm, that orange buttons for editing page/content blocks are now shown
- logout
Part 1.2 - testing admin console access on the main domain over https protocol
- login to the Admin Console by accessing it on the domain over https:// protocol
- confirm that you're looking at Admin Console at the domain over https:// protocol
- go to the Website & Content → Labels & Phrases
- confirm that [SD ID: ] is added in the current page blur bar
- go to the Website & Content → Browse Website section
- confirm, that:
- you see editing mode controls (the Browse Mode, Content Mode and such) in the top frame
- you're currently in the Browse Mode
- (new) the advanced theme is being used
- you'll see [Site Domain ID: 0] text
- you'll see the [URL: ...], where ... is replaced with URL from a domain using https:// protocol
- switch to the Content Mode
- confirm, that orange buttons for editing page/content blocks are now shown
- logout
(new) Part 1.3 - testing SSL redirect for Admin Console on the main domain
- login to the Admin Console by accessing it on the domain over http:// protocol
- go to the Configuration → Website → Advanced section
- check these system settings:
- Require SSL for login & checkout
- Require SSL for Administrative Console
- save changes
- reload the page
- confirm that you're looking at Admin Console at the domain over https:// protocol (redirect from http:// to https:// should have happened)
- confirm that [SD ID: ] is added in the current page blur bar
- go to the Website & Content → Browse Website section
- confirm, that:
- you see editing mode controls (the Browse Mode, Content Mode and such) in the top frame
- you're currently in the Browse Mode
- (new) the advanced theme is being used
- you'll see [Site Domain ID: 0] text
- you'll see the [URL: ...], where ... is replaced with URL from a domain using https:// protocol
- switch to the Content Mode
- confirm, that orange buttons for editing page/content blocks are now shown
- logout
(new) Part 1.4 - testing SSL redirect for Front-End on the main domain
- open the Front-End on the domain over http:// protocol
- confirm, that:
- you've been redirected to the https:// protocol on the same domain
- (new) the advanced theme is being used
- you'll see [Site Domain ID: 0] text
- you'll see the [URL: ...], where ... is replaced with URL from a domain using https:// protocol
Part 2 - testing front-end access on the main domain
- login to the Admin Console by accessing it on the domain over https:// protocol
- go to the Configuration → Website → Advanced section
- uncheck these system settings:
- Require SSL for login & checkout
- Require SSL for Administrative Console
- save changes
- (new) logout
- open the Front-End on the domain over http:// protocol
- confirm, that:
- you've remained on the same domain/protocol
- you'll see [Site Domain ID: 0] text
- you'll see the [URL: ...], where ... is replaced with URL from a domain using http:// protocol
- open the Front-End on the domain over https:// protocol
- confirm, that:
- you've remained on the same domain/protocol
- (new) the advanced theme is being used
- you'll see [Site Domain ID: 0] text
- you'll see the [URL: ...], where ... is replaced with URL from a domain using https:// protocol
Part 3.1 - testing admin console access on site domain over http protocol
- login to the Admin Console by accessing it on the domain over http:// protocol
- go to the Configuration → Website → Advanced section
- uncheck these system settings:
- Require SSL for login & checkout
- Require SSL for Administrative Console
- save changes
- reload the page
- (removed)
if you're on the https:// protocol, then adjust URL to use http:// protocol - confirm that you're looking at Admin Console at the domain over http:// protocol
- confirm that [SD ID: 1] is added in the current page blur bar (the 1 is site domain ID)
- go to the Website & Content → Browse Website section
- confirm, that:
- you see editing mode controls (the Browse Mode, Content Mode and such) in the top frame
- you're currently in the Browse Mode
- (new) the default theme is being used
- you'll see [Site Domain ID: 1] text (the 1 is site domain ID)
- you'll see the [URL: ...], where ... is replaced with URL from a domain using http:// protocol
- switch to the Content Mode
- confirm, that orange buttons for editing page/content blocks are now shown
- logout
Part 3.2 - testing admin console access on site domain over https protocol
- login to the Admin Console by accessing it on the domain over https:// protocol
- (fixed) confirm that you're looking at Admin Console at the domain over https:// protocol
- go to the Website & Content → Labels & Phrases
- confirm that [SD ID: 1] is added in the current page blur bar (the 1 is site domain ID)
- go to the Website & Content → Browse Website section
- confirm, that:
- you see editing mode controls (the Browse Mode, Content Mode and such) in the top frame
- you're currently in the Browse Mode
- (new) the default theme is being used
- you'll see [Site Domain ID: 1] text (the 1 is site domain ID)
- you'll see the [URL: ...], where ... is replaced with URL from a domain using https:// protocol
- switch to the Content Mode
- confirm, that orange buttons for editing page/content blocks are now shown
- logout
(new) Part 3.3 - testing SSL redirect for Admin Console on the site domain
- login to the Admin Console by accessing it on the domain over http:// protocol
- go to the Configuration → Website → Advanced section
- check these system settings:
- Require SSL for login & checkout
- Require SSL for Administrative Console
- save changes
- reload the page
- confirm that you're looking at Admin Console at the domain over https:// protocol (redirect from http:// to https:// should have happened)
- confirm that [SD ID: 1] is added in the current page blur bar (the 1 is site domain ID)
- go to the Website & Content → Browse Website section
- confirm, that:
- you see editing mode controls (the Browse Mode, Content Mode and such) in the top frame
- you're currently in the Browse Mode
- (new) the default theme is being used
- you'll see [Site Domain ID: 1] text (the 1 is site domain ID)
- you'll see the [URL: ...], where ... is replaced with URL from a domain using https:// protocol
- switch to the Content Mode
- confirm, that orange buttons for editing page/content blocks are now shown
- logout
(new) Part 3.4 - testing SSL redirect for Front-End on the site domain
- open the Front-End on the domain over http:// protocol
- confirm, that:
- you've been redirected to the https:// protocol on the same domain
- (new) the default theme is being used
- you'll see [Site Domain ID: 1] text (the 1 is site domain ID)
- you'll see the [URL: ...], where ... is replaced with URL from a domain using https:// protocol
Part 4 - testing front-end access on site domain
- (new) login to the Admin Console by accessing it on the domain over https:// protocol
- (new) go to the Configuration → Website → Advanced section
- (new) uncheck these system settings:
- Require SSL for login & checkout
- Require SSL for Administrative Console
- (new) save changes
- (new) logout
- open the Front-End on the domain over http:// protocol
- confirm, that:
- you've remained on the same domain/protocol
- (new) the default theme is being used
- you'll see [Site Domain ID: 1] text (the 1 is site domain ID)
- you'll see the [URL: ...], where ... is replaced with URL from a domain using http:// protocol
- open the Front-End on the domain over https:// protocol
- confirm, that:
- you've remained on the same domain/protocol
- (new) the default theme is being used
- you'll see [Site Domain ID: 1] text (the 1 is site domain ID)
- you'll see the [URL: ...], where ... is replaced with URL from a domain using https:// protocol