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Index: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.1.2/core/admin_templates/login.tpl
--- branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.1.2/core/admin_templates/login.tpl (revision 6841)
+++ branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.1.2/core/admin_templates/login.tpl (revision 6842)
@@ -1,83 +1,83 @@
<inp2:m_include t="incs/header" nobody="yes"/>
<body topmargin="0" leftmargin="8" marginheight="0" marginwidth="8" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" onLoad="document.getElementById($form_name).login.focus();">
<inp2:m_ParseBlock name="kernel_form"/>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="100%">
<td valign="middle" align="center">
<div align="center">
<img title="In-portal" src="img/globe.gif" width="84" height="82" border="0">
<img title="In-portal" src="img/logo.gif" width="150" height="82" border="0"><br />
<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" class="tableborder_full" width="222" height="30">
<td align="right" valign="top" class="tablenav" width ="220" nowrap height="30" style="background: url(img/tabnav_left.gif);">
<span style="float: left;">
<img src="img/icons/icon24_lock_login.gif" width="16" height="22" alt="" border="0" align="absmiddle"> <inp2:m_phrase name="la_Login"/>
<a href="help/manual.pdf"><img src="img/blue_bar_help.gif" border="0"></a>
<td colspan="2" bgcolor="#F0F0F0">
<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<tr bgcolor="#F0F0F0">
<td class="text"><inp2:m_phrase name="la_Text_Login"/></td>
<td><input type="text" name="login" class="text" onkeypress="catchHotKeysA(event);"></td>
<tr bgcolor="#F0F0F0">
<td class="text"><inp2:m_phrase name="la_prompt_Password"/></td>
<td><input type="password" name="password" class="text" onKeyPress="catchHotKeysA(event);"></td>
<tr bgcolor="#F0F0F0">
<td colspan="2">
<div align="left">
<input type="submit" name="login_button" onclick="doLogin();" value="<inp2:m_phrase name="la_Login"/>" class="button">
<input type="reset" name="cancel_button" value="<inp2:m_phrase name="la_Cancel"/>" class="button">
- <inp2:m_if check="u_HasError" field="any">
- <p class="error"><inp2:u_Error field="ValidateLogin"/></p>
+ <inp2:m_if check="u.current_HasError" field="any">
+ <p class="error"><inp2:u.current_Error field="ValidateLogin"/></p>
<input type="hidden" name="next_template" value="<inp2:m_if check="m_GetEquals" name="next_template" value="">index<inp2:m_else/><inp2:m_get var="next_template"/></inp2:m_if>">
<script type="text/javascript">
function doLogin()
submit_event('u', 'OnLogin');
function catchHotKeysA(e)
if (!e) return;
if (e.keyCode == 13) doLogin();
var a_parent = window.parent;
function redirect()
{ = 'redirect';
var i = 0;
while (i < 10) {
if ( == 'main_frame') break;
a_parent = window.parent;
page = '<inp2:m_t t="index" expired="1" escape="1" no_amp="1"/>'; // a_parent.location.href + '?expired=1';
if (i < 10) {
<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.1.2/core/admin_templates/login.tpl
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## -1 +1 ##
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\ No newline at end of property
Index: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.5.2/kernel/units/reviews/reviews_tag_processor.php
--- branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.5.2/kernel/units/reviews/reviews_tag_processor.php (revision 6841)
+++ branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.5.2/kernel/units/reviews/reviews_tag_processor.php (revision 6842)
@@ -1,95 +1,111 @@
class ReviewsTagProcessor extends kDBTagProcessor
* Returns a link for editing product
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function ItemEditLink($params)
$item_prefix = $params['item_prefix'];
$id_field = $this->Application->getUnitOption($item_prefix,'IDField');
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject($this->getPrefixSpecial(),$this->Prefix, $params);
$item_id = $object->GetDBField($id_field);
return $this->Application->HREF($params['edit_template'],'', Array(
'm_opener' => 'd',
$item_prefix.'_mode' => 't',
$item_prefix.'_event' => 'OnEdit',
$item_prefix.'_id' => $item_id,
'pass' => 'all,'.$item_prefix
), 'index.php');
* Get's reuested field value
* @param Array $params
* @return string
* @access public
function Field($params)
$field = $this->SelectParam($params, 'name,field');
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject($this->getPrefixSpecial(),$this->Prefix, $params);
if ($field == 'ReviewText') {
if ($object->GetDBField('TextFormat') == 1) {
$params['no_special'] = 'no_special';
else {
return parent::Field($params);
function AlreadyReviewed($params)
- $user_id = ($this->Application->GetVar('u_id') == 0) ? -2 : $this->Application->GetVar('u_id');
+ $user_id = $this->getUserID();
$object =& $this->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
$product_info = $object->getLinkedInfo();
$sql = ' SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'SpamControl
WHERE ItemResourceId='.$product_info['ParentId'].'
AND IPaddress="'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'"
AND PortalUserId='.$user_id.'
AND DataType="Review"';
$res = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
if($res['Expire'] > adodb_mktime())
$ret = 1;
$sql = 'DELETE FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'SpamControl
WHERE ItemResourceId='.$product_info['ParentId'].'
AND IPaddress="'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'"
AND PortalUserId='.$user_id.'
AND DataType="Review"';
$ret = 0;
return $ret;
function HasError($params)
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject($this->getPrefixSpecial(), $this->Prefix, $params);
if (method_exists($object, 'GetErrorMsg')) {
return parent::HasError($params);
else {
return 0;
+ /**
+ * Returns current user id for reviews, for logic ask Kostja T.
+ *
+ * @return int
+ */
+ function getUserID()
+ {
+ $user_id = $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id');
+ if ($user_id == 0) {
+ $user_id = -2;
+ }
+ return $user_id;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.5.2/kernel/units/reviews/reviews_tag_processor.php
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +1 ##
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\ No newline at end of property
Index: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.5.2/core/units/reviews/reviews_tag_processor.php
--- branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.5.2/core/units/reviews/reviews_tag_processor.php (revision 6841)
+++ branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.5.2/core/units/reviews/reviews_tag_processor.php (revision 6842)
@@ -1,95 +1,111 @@
class ReviewsTagProcessor extends kDBTagProcessor
* Returns a link for editing product
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function ItemEditLink($params)
$item_prefix = $params['item_prefix'];
$id_field = $this->Application->getUnitOption($item_prefix,'IDField');
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject($this->getPrefixSpecial(),$this->Prefix, $params);
$item_id = $object->GetDBField($id_field);
return $this->Application->HREF($params['edit_template'],'', Array(
'm_opener' => 'd',
$item_prefix.'_mode' => 't',
$item_prefix.'_event' => 'OnEdit',
$item_prefix.'_id' => $item_id,
'pass' => 'all,'.$item_prefix
), 'index.php');
* Get's reuested field value
* @param Array $params
* @return string
* @access public
function Field($params)
$field = $this->SelectParam($params, 'name,field');
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject($this->getPrefixSpecial(),$this->Prefix, $params);
if ($field == 'ReviewText') {
if ($object->GetDBField('TextFormat') == 1) {
$params['no_special'] = 'no_special';
else {
return parent::Field($params);
function AlreadyReviewed($params)
- $user_id = ($this->Application->GetVar('u_id') == 0) ? -2 : $this->Application->GetVar('u_id');
+ $user_id = $this->getUserID();
$object =& $this->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
$product_info = $object->getLinkedInfo();
$sql = ' SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'SpamControl
WHERE ItemResourceId='.$product_info['ParentId'].'
AND IPaddress="'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'"
AND PortalUserId='.$user_id.'
AND DataType="Review"';
$res = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
if($res['Expire'] > adodb_mktime())
$ret = 1;
$sql = 'DELETE FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'SpamControl
WHERE ItemResourceId='.$product_info['ParentId'].'
AND IPaddress="'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'"
AND PortalUserId='.$user_id.'
AND DataType="Review"';
$ret = 0;
return $ret;
function HasError($params)
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject($this->getPrefixSpecial(), $this->Prefix, $params);
if (method_exists($object, 'GetErrorMsg')) {
return parent::HasError($params);
else {
return 0;
+ /**
+ * Returns current user id for reviews, for logic ask Kostja T.
+ *
+ * @return int
+ */
+ function getUserID()
+ {
+ $user_id = $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id');
+ if ($user_id == 0) {
+ $user_id = -2;
+ }
+ return $user_id;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.5.2/core/units/reviews/reviews_tag_processor.php
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
\ No newline at end of property
Index: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.34.2/core/units/general/cat_dbitem.php
--- branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.34.2/core/units/general/cat_dbitem.php (revision 6841)
+++ branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.34.2/core/units/general/cat_dbitem.php (revision 6842)
@@ -1,461 +1,461 @@
class kCatDBItem extends kDBItem {
* Category path, needed for import
* @var Array
var $CategoryPath = Array();
* Use automatic filename generation
* @var bool
var $useFilenames = true;
* Use pending editing abilities during item (delegated by permissions)
* @var bool
var $usePendingEditing = false;
function Clear()
$this->CategoryPath = Array();
* Set's prefix and special
* @param string $prefix
* @param string $special
* @access public
function Init($prefix, $special, $event_params = null)
parent::Init($prefix, $special, $event_params);
$this->usePendingEditing = $this->Application->getUnitOption($this->Prefix, 'UsePendingEditing');
function Create($force_id=false, $system_create=false)
if (!$this->Validate()) return false;
$this->SetDBField('ResourceId', $this->Application->NextResourceId());
$this->SetDBField('Modified', adodb_mktime() );
if ($this->mode != 't' && !$this->Application->IsAdmin()) {
- $this->SetDBField('CreatedById', $this->Application->GetVar('u_id'));
+ $this->SetDBField('CreatedById', $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id'));
if ($this->useFilenames) {
$ret = parent::Create();
if ($ret) {
$primary_category = $this->GetDBField('CategoryId') > 0 ? $this->GetDBField('CategoryId') : $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id');
$fields_hash = Array(
'CategoryId' => $primary_category,
'ItemResourceId' => $this->GetField('ResourceId'),
'PrimaryCat' => 1,
'ItemPrefix' => $this->Prefix,
'Filename' => $this->GetDBField('Filename'),
$this->Conn->doInsert($fields_hash, $this->CategoryItemsTable());
return $ret;
function Update($id=null, $system_update=false)
$this->VirtualFields['ResourceId'] = Array();
$this->SetDBField('Modified', adodb_mktime() );
- $this->SetDBField('ModifiedById', $this->Application->GetVar('u_id'));
+ $this->SetDBField('ModifiedById', $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id'));
if ($this->useFilenames) {
$ret = parent::Update($id, $system_update);
if ($ret) {
$filename = $this->useFilenames ? $this->GetDBField('Filename') : '';
$sql = 'UPDATE '.$this->CategoryItemsTable().'
SET Filename = '.$this->Conn->qstr($filename).'
WHERE ItemResourceId = '.$this->GetDBField('ResourceId');
return $ret;
* Returns CategoryItems table based on current item mode (temp/live)
* @return string
function CategoryItemsTable()
$table = TABLE_PREFIX.'CategoryItems';
if ($this->Application->IsTempTable($this->TableName)) {
$table = $this->Application->GetTempName($table);
return $table;
function checkFilename()
if( !$this->GetDBField('AutomaticFilename') )
$filename = $this->GetDBField('Filename');
$this->SetDBField('Filename', $this->stripDisallowed($filename) );
function Copy($cat_id=null)
if (!isset($cat_id)) $cat_id = $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id');
return $this->Create($cat_id);
function NameCopy($master=null, $foreign_key=null)
$title_field = $this->Application->getUnitOption($this->Prefix, 'TitleField');
if (!$title_field) return;
$new_name = $this->GetDBField($title_field);
$cat_id = $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id');
$original_checked = false;
do {
if ( preg_match('/Copy ([0-9]*) *of (.*)/', $new_name, $regs) ) {
$new_name = 'Copy '.( (int)$regs[1] + 1 ).' of '.$regs[2];
elseif ($original_checked) {
$new_name = 'Copy of '.$new_name;
$query = 'SELECT '.$title_field.' FROM '.$this->TableName.'
('.TABLE_PREFIX.'CategoryItems.ItemResourceId = '.$this->TableName.'.ResourceId)
WHERE ('.TABLE_PREFIX.'CategoryItems.CategoryId = '.$cat_id.') AND '.
$title_field.' = '.$this->Conn->qstr($new_name);
$res = $this->Conn->GetOne($query);
$original_checked = true;
} while ($res !== false);
$this->SetDBField($title_field, $new_name);
function MoveToCat($cat_id=null)
// $this->NameCopy();
$cat_id = $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id');
// check if the product already exists in destination cat
$query = 'SELECT PrimaryCat FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'CategoryItems
WHERE CategoryId = '.$cat_id.' AND ItemResourceId = '.$this->GetDBField('ResourceId');
// if it's not found is_primary will be FALSE, if it's found but not primary it will be int 0
$is_primary = $this->Conn->GetOne($query);
$exists = $is_primary !== false;
if ($exists) { // if the Product already exists in destination category
if ($is_primary) return; // do nothing when we paste to primary
// if it's not primary - delete it from destination category,
// as we will move it from current primary below
$query = 'DELETE FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'CategoryItems
WHERE ItemResourceId = '.$this->GetDBField('ResourceId').' AND CategoryId = '.$cat_id;
$query = 'UPDATE '.TABLE_PREFIX.'CategoryItems SET CategoryId = '.$cat_id.
' WHERE ItemResourceId = '.$this->GetDBField('ResourceId').' AND PrimaryCat = 1';
// We need to delete CategoryItems record when deleting product
function Delete($id = null)
if( isset($id) ) {
$ret = parent::Delete();
if ($ret) {
$query = ' DELETE FROM '.$this->CategoryItemsTable().'
WHERE ItemResourceId = '.$this->GetDBField('ResourceId');
return $ret;
* Deletes item from categories
* @param Array $delete_category_ids
* @author Alex
function DeleteFromCategories($delete_category_ids)
$id_field = $this->Application->getUnitOption($this->Prefix, 'IDField'); // because item was loaded before by ResourceId
$ci_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption($this->Prefix.'-ci', 'TableName');
$resource_id = $this->GetDBField('ResourceId');
$item_cats_sql = 'SELECT CategoryId FROM %s WHERE ItemResourceId = %s';
$delete_category_items_sql = 'DELETE FROM %s WHERE ItemResourceId = %s AND CategoryId IN (%s)';
$category_ids = $this->Conn->GetCol( sprintf($item_cats_sql, $ci_table, $resource_id) );
$cats_left = array_diff($category_ids, $delete_category_ids);
$sql = 'SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE ResourceId = %s';
$ids = $this->Conn->GetCol( sprintf($sql, $id_field, $this->TableName, $resource_id) );
$temp =& $this->Application->recallObject($this->getPrefixSpecial().'_TempHandler', 'kTempTablesHandler');
$temp->DeleteItems($this->Prefix, $this->Special, $ids);
$this->Conn->Query( sprintf($delete_category_items_sql, $ci_table, $resource_id, implode(',', $delete_category_ids) ) );
$sql = 'SELECT CategoryId FROM %s WHERE PrimaryCat = 1 AND ItemResourceId = %s';
$primary_cat_id = $this->Conn->GetCol( sprintf($sql, $ci_table, $resource_id) );
if( count($primary_cat_id) == 0 )
$sql = 'UPDATE %s SET PrimaryCat = 1 WHERE (CategoryId = %s) AND (ItemResourceId = %s)';
$this->Conn->Query( sprintf($sql, $ci_table, reset($cats_left), $resource_id ) );
* replace not allowed symbols with "_" chars + remove duplicate "_" chars in result
* @param string $string
* @return string
function stripDisallowed($filename)
$filenames_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('FilenamesHelper');
$table = $this->mode == 't' ? $this->Application->GetTempName(TABLE_PREFIX.'CategoryItems') : TABLE_PREFIX.'CategoryItems';
return $filenames_helper->stripDisallowed($table, 'ItemResourceId', $this->GetDBField('ResourceId'), $filename);
/* commented out because it's called only from stripDisallowed body, which is moved to helper
function checkAutoFilename($filename)
$filenames_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('FilenamesHelper');
return $filenames_helper->checkAutoFilename($this->TableName, $this->IDField, $this->GetID(), $filename);
* Generate item's filename based on it's title field value
* @return string
function generateFilename()
if ( !$this->GetDBField('AutomaticFilename') && $this->GetDBField('Filename') ) return false;
$title_field = $this->Application->getUnitOption($this->Prefix, 'TitleField');
if (preg_match('/l([\d]+)_(.*)/', $title_field, $regs)) {
// if title field is multilingual, then use it's name from primary language
$title_field = 'l'.$this->Application->GetDefaultLanguageId().'_'.$regs[2];
$name = $this->stripDisallowed( $this->GetDBField($title_field) );
if ( $name != $this->GetDBField('Filename') ) $this->SetDBField('Filename', $name);
* Check if value is set for required field
* @param string $field field name
* @param Array $params field options from config
* @return bool
* @access private
function ValidateRequired($field, $params)
$res = true;
$error_field = isset($params['error_field']) ? $params['error_field'] : $field;
if ( getArrayValue($params,'required') )
$res = ( (string) $this->FieldValues[$field] != '');
if (!$res) $this->FieldErrors[$error_field]['pseudo'] = 'required';
return $res;
* Adds item to other category
* @param int $category_id
* @param bool $is_primary
function assignToCategory($category_id, $is_primary = false)
$table = $this->mode == 't' ? $this->Application->GetTempName(TABLE_PREFIX.'CategoryItems') : TABLE_PREFIX.'CategoryItems';
$key_clause = '(ItemResourceId = '.$this->GetDBField('ResourceId').')';
// get all cateories, where item is in
$sql = 'SELECT PrimaryCat, CategoryId FROM '.$table.' WHERE '.$key_clause;
$item_categories = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql, 'CategoryId');
if (!$item_categories) {
$item_categories = Array();
$primary_found = false;
// find primary category
foreach ($item_categories as $item_category_id => $primary_found) {
if ($primary_found) {
if ($primary_found && ($item_category_id == $category_id) && !$is_primary) {
// want to make primary category as non-primary :(
return true;
else if (!$primary_found) {
$is_primary = true;
if ($is_primary && $item_categories) {
// reset primary mark from all other categories
$sql = 'UPDATE '.$table.' SET PrimaryCat = 0 WHERE '.$key_clause;
// UPDATE & INSERT instead of REPLACE because CategoryItems table has no primary key defined in database
if (isset($item_categories[$category_id])) {
$sql = 'UPDATE '.$table.' SET PrimaryCat = '.($is_primary ? 1 : 0).' WHERE '.$key_clause.' AND (CategoryId = '.$category_id.')';
else {
$sql = 'INSERT INTO '.$table.' (CategoryId,ItemResourceId,PrimaryCat,ItemPrefix,Filename) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)';
$filename = $this->useFilenames ? $this->GetDBField('Filename') : ''; // because some prefixes does not use filenames
$this->Conn->Query( sprintf($sql, $category_id, $this->GetDBField('ResourceId'), $is_primary ? 1 : 0, $this->Conn->qstr($this->Prefix), $this->Conn->qstr($filename)) );
// to ensure filename update after adding to another category
// this is critical since there may be an item with same filename in newly added category!
* Removes item from category specified
* @param int $category_id
function removeFromCategory($category_id)
$sql = 'DELETE FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'CategoryItems WHERE (CategoryId = %s) AND (ItemResourceId = %s)';
$this->Conn->Query( sprintf($sql, $category_id, $this->GetDBField('ResourceId')) );
* Returns list of columns, that could exist in imported file
* @return Array
function getPossibleExportColumns()
static $columns = null;
if (!is_array($columns)) {
$columns = array_merge($this->Fields['AvailableColumns']['options'], $this->Fields['ExportColumns']['options']);
return $columns;
* Returns item's primary image data
* @return Array
function getPrimaryImageData()
$sql = 'SELECT *
WHERE (ResourceId = '.$this->GetDBField('ResourceId').') AND (DefaultImg = 1)';
$image_data = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
if (!$image_data) {
// 2. no primary image, then get image with name "main"
$sql = 'SELECT *
WHERE (ResourceId = '.$this->GetDBField('ResourceId').') AND (Name = "main")';
$image_data = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
return $image_data;
function ChangeStatus($new_status)
$status_field = array_shift( $this->Application->getUnitOption($this->Prefix,'StatusField') );
$this->SetDBField($status_field, $new_status);
return $this->Update();
* Approves changes made to category item
* @return bool
function ApproveChanges()
$original_id = $this->GetDBField('OrgId');
if (!($this->usePendingEditing && $original_id)) {
// non-pending copy of original link
return $this->ChangeStatus(STATUS_ACTIVE);
if ($this->raiseEvent('OnBeforeDeleteOriginal', null, Array('original_id' => $original_id))) {
// delete original item, because changes made in pending copy (this item) got to be approved in this method
$temp_handler =& $this->Application->recallObject($this->getPrefixSpecial().'_TempHandler', 'kTempTablesHandler');
$temp_handler->DeleteItems($this->Prefix, $this->Special, Array($original_id));
$this->SetDBField('OrgId', 0);
return $this->ChangeStatus(STATUS_ACTIVE);
return false;
* Decline changes made to category item
* @return bool
function DeclineChanges()
$original_id = $this->GetDBField('OrgId');
if (!($this->usePendingEditing && $original_id)) {
// non-pending copy of original link
return $this->ChangeStatus(STATUS_DISABLED);
// delete this item, because changes made in pending copy (this item) will be declined in this method
$temp_handler =& $this->Application->recallObject($this->getPrefixSpecial().'_TempHandler', 'kTempTablesHandler');
$temp_handler->DeleteItems($this->Prefix, $this->Special, Array($this->GetID()));
// original item is not changed here, because it is already enabled (thrus pending copy is visible to item's owner or admin with permission)
return true;
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.34.2/core/units/general/cat_dbitem.php
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
\ No newline at end of property
Index: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.17.2/kernel/units/visits/visits_event_handler.php
--- branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.17.2/kernel/units/visits/visits_event_handler.php (revision 6841)
+++ branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.17.2/kernel/units/visits/visits_event_handler.php (revision 6842)
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
class VisitsEventHandler extends kDBEventHandler {
* Registers user visit to site
* @param kEvent $event
function OnRegisterVisit(&$event)
if ($this->Application->IsAdmin()) {
// admin logins are not registred in visits list
return true;
if ($this->Application->RecallVar('visit_id')) {
return true;
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload'=>true) );
$object->SetDBField('VisitDate_date', adodb_mktime() );
$object->SetDBField('VisitDate_time', adodb_mktime() );
$object->SetDBField('Referer', getArrayValue($_SERVER, 'HTTP_REFERER') );
$object->SetDBField('IPAddress', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] );
if( $object->Create() )
$this->Application->StoreVar('visit_id', $object->GetID() );
$this->Application->SetVar('visits_id', $object->GetID() );
* Apply any custom changes to list's sql query
* @param kEvent $event
* @access protected
* @see OnListBuild
function SetCustomQuery(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject();
$types = $event->getEventParam('types');
if($types == 'myvisitors')
- $user_id = $this->Application->GetVar('u_id');
+ $user_id = $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id');
$object->addFilter('myitems_user1','au.PortalUserId = '.$user_id);
$object->addFilter('myitems_user2','au.PortalUserId >0');
if($types == 'myvisitororders' && $event->Special == 'incommerce')
- $user_id = $this->Application->GetVar('u_id');
+ $user_id = $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id');
$object->addFilter('myitems_orders','ord.OrderId IS NOT NULL');
$object->addFilter('myitems_user1','au.PortalUserId = '.$user_id);
$object->addFilter('myitems_user2','au.PortalUserId >0');
$object->addFilter('myitems_orders_processed','ord.Status = 4');
* Apply some special processing to
* object beeing recalled before using
* it in other events that call prepareObject
* @param kBase $object
* @param kEvent $event
* @access protected
function prepareObject(&$object, &$event)
$types = $event->getEventParam('types');
if(method_exists($object, 'AddGroupByField'))
if( ($types == 'myvisitors' || !$types) && $object->Special == 'incommerce')
$object->addCalculatedField('OrderTotalAmountSum', 'SUM(IF(ord.Status = 4, ord.SubTotal+ord.ShippingCost+ord.VAT, 0))');
$object->addCalculatedField('OrderAffiliateCommissionSum', 'SUM( IF(ord.Status = 4,ord.AffiliateCommission,0))');
$object->addCalculatedField('OrderCountByVisit', 'SUM( IF(ord.Status = 4, 1, 0) )');
if (!$types){
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.17.2/kernel/units/visits/visits_event_handler.php
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
\ No newline at end of property
Index: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.17.2/core/units/visits/visits_event_handler.php
--- branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.17.2/core/units/visits/visits_event_handler.php (revision 6841)
+++ branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.17.2/core/units/visits/visits_event_handler.php (revision 6842)
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
class VisitsEventHandler extends kDBEventHandler {
* Registers user visit to site
* @param kEvent $event
function OnRegisterVisit(&$event)
if ($this->Application->IsAdmin()) {
// admin logins are not registred in visits list
return true;
if ($this->Application->RecallVar('visit_id')) {
return true;
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload'=>true) );
$object->SetDBField('VisitDate_date', adodb_mktime() );
$object->SetDBField('VisitDate_time', adodb_mktime() );
$object->SetDBField('Referer', getArrayValue($_SERVER, 'HTTP_REFERER') );
$object->SetDBField('IPAddress', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] );
if( $object->Create() )
$this->Application->StoreVar('visit_id', $object->GetID() );
$this->Application->SetVar('visits_id', $object->GetID() );
* Apply any custom changes to list's sql query
* @param kEvent $event
* @access protected
* @see OnListBuild
function SetCustomQuery(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject();
$types = $event->getEventParam('types');
if($types == 'myvisitors')
- $user_id = $this->Application->GetVar('u_id');
+ $user_id = $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id');
$object->addFilter('myitems_user1','au.PortalUserId = '.$user_id);
$object->addFilter('myitems_user2','au.PortalUserId >0');
if($types == 'myvisitororders' && $event->Special == 'incommerce')
- $user_id = $this->Application->GetVar('u_id');
+ $user_id = $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id');
$object->addFilter('myitems_orders','ord.OrderId IS NOT NULL');
$object->addFilter('myitems_user1','au.PortalUserId = '.$user_id);
$object->addFilter('myitems_user2','au.PortalUserId >0');
$object->addFilter('myitems_orders_processed','ord.Status = 4');
* Apply some special processing to
* object beeing recalled before using
* it in other events that call prepareObject
* @param kBase $object
* @param kEvent $event
* @access protected
function prepareObject(&$object, &$event)
$types = $event->getEventParam('types');
if(method_exists($object, 'AddGroupByField'))
if( ($types == 'myvisitors' || !$types) && $object->Special == 'incommerce')
$object->addCalculatedField('OrderTotalAmountSum', 'SUM(IF(ord.Status = 4, ord.SubTotal+ord.ShippingCost+ord.VAT, 0))');
$object->addCalculatedField('OrderAffiliateCommissionSum', 'SUM( IF(ord.Status = 4,ord.AffiliateCommission,0))');
$object->addCalculatedField('OrderCountByVisit', 'SUM( IF(ord.Status = 4, 1, 0) )');
if (!$types){
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.17.2/core/units/visits/visits_event_handler.php
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
\ No newline at end of property
Index: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.68.2/core/units/users/users_event_handler.php
--- branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.68.2/core/units/users/users_event_handler.php (revision 6841)
+++ branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.68.2/core/units/users/users_event_handler.php (revision 6842)
@@ -1,1041 +1,1035 @@
class UsersEventHandler extends kDBEventHandler
* Allows to override standart permission mapping
function mapPermissions()
$permissions = Array(
// admin
'OnSetPersistantVariable' => Array('self' => 'view'), // because setting to logged in user only
// front
'OnRefreshForm' => Array('self' => true),
'OnForgotPassword' => Array('self' => true),
'OnResetPassword' => Array('self' => true),
'OnResetPasswordConfirmed' => Array('self' => true),
'OnSubscribeQuery' => Array('self' => true),
'OnSubscribeUser' => Array('self' => true),
'OnRecommend' => Array('self' => true),
$this->permMapping = array_merge($this->permMapping, $permissions);
* Checks permissions of user
* @param kEvent $event
function CheckPermission(&$event)
if ($event->Name == 'OnLogin' || $event->Name == 'OnLogout') {
// permission is checked in OnLogin event directly
return true;
if (!$this->Application->IsAdmin()) {
- $user_id = $this->Application->GetVar('u_id');
+ $user_id = $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id');
$items_info = $this->Application->GetVar($event->getPrefixSpecial(true));
if ($event->Name == 'OnCreate' && $user_id == -2) {
// "Guest" can create new users
return true;
if ($event->Name == 'OnUpdate' && $user_id > 0) {
$user_dummy =& $this->Application->recallObject($event->Prefix.'.-item', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
foreach ($items_info as $id => $field_values) {
if ($id != $user_id) {
// registered users can update their record only
return false;
$status_field = array_shift($this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'StatusField'));
if ($user_dummy->GetDBField($status_field) != STATUS_ACTIVE) {
// not active user is not allowed to update his record (he could not activate himself manually)
return false;
if (isset($field_values[$status_field]) && $user_dummy->GetDBField($status_field) != $field_values[$status_field]) {
// user can't change status by himself
return false;
return true;
if ($event->Name == 'OnUpdate' && $user_id <= 0) {
// guests are not allowed to update their record, because they don't have it :)
return false;
return parent::CheckPermission($event);
function OnSessionExpire()
if( $this->Application->IsAdmin() ) {
$this->Application->Redirect('index', Array('expired' => 1), '', 'index.php');
else {
$http_query =& $this->Application->recallObject('HTTPQuery');
$get = $http_query->getRedirectParams();
$t = $this->Application->GetVar('t');
$get['js_redirect'] = $this->Application->ConfigValue('UseJSRedirect');
$this->Application->Redirect($t ? $t : 'index', $get);
* Checks user data and logs it in if allowed
* @param kEvent $event
function OnLogin(&$event)
- $object =& $this->Application->recallObject('u', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
+ $prefix_special = $this->Application->IsAdmin() ? 'u.current' : 'u'; // "u" used on front not to change theme
+ $object =& $this->Application->recallObject($prefix_special, null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
$password = $this->Application->GetVar('password');
$object->SetError('ValidateLogin', 'blank_password', 'lu_blank_password');
$event->status = erFAIL;
return false;
$email_as_login = $this->Application->ConfigValue('Email_As_Login');
list($login_field, $submit_field) = $email_as_login && !$this->Application->IsAdmin() ? Array('Email', 'email') : Array('Login', 'login');
$login_value = $this->Application->GetVar($submit_field);
if ($this->Application->IsAdmin() && ($login_value == 'root')) {
// logging in "root" (admin only)
$root_password = $this->Application->ConfigValue('RootPass');
$password_formatter =& $this->Application->recallObject('kPasswordFormatter');
$test = $password_formatter->EncryptPassword($password, 'b38');
if ($root_password != $test) {
$object->SetError('ValidateLogin', 'invalid_password', 'lu_invalid_password');
$event->status = erFAIL;
return false;
elseif ($this->checkLoginPermission($login_value)) {
$user_id = -1;
$object->SetDBField('Login', $login_value);
$session =& $this->Application->recallObject('Session');
$session->SetField('PortalUserId', $user_id);
// $session->SetField('GroupList', implode(',', $groups) );
- $this->Application->SetVar('u_id', $user_id);
+ $this->Application->SetVar('u.current_id', $user_id);
$this->Application->StoreVar('user_id', $user_id);
$this->processLoginRedirect($event, $password);
return true;
else {
$object->SetError('ValidateLogin', 'invalid_license', 'la_invalid_license');
$event->status = erFAIL;
return false;
/*$sql = 'SELECT PortalUserId FROM '.$object->TableName.' WHERE (%s = %s) AND (Password = MD5(%s))';
$user_id = $this->Conn->GetOne( sprintf($sql, $login_field, $this->Conn->qstr($login_value), $this->Conn->qstr($password) ) );*/
$sql = 'SELECT PortalUserId FROM '.$object->TableName.' WHERE (Email = %1$s OR Login = %1$s) AND (Password = MD5(%2$s))';
$user_id = $this->Conn->GetOne( sprintf($sql, $this->Conn->qstr($login_value), $this->Conn->qstr($password) ) );
if ($user_id) {
if ($object->GetDBField('Status') == STATUS_ACTIVE) {
$groups = $object->getMembershipGroups(true);
if(!$groups) $groups = Array();
array_push($groups, $this->Application->ConfigValue('User_LoggedInGroup') );
$this->Application->StoreVar( 'UserGroups', implode(',', $groups) );
if ($this->checkLoginPermission($login_value)) {
$session =& $this->Application->recallObject('Session');
$session->SetField('PortalUserId', $user_id);
$session->SetField('GroupList', implode(',', $groups) );
- $this->Application->SetVar('u_id', $user_id);
+ $this->Application->SetVar('u.current_id', $user_id);
$this->Application->StoreVar('user_id', $user_id);
$this->Application->setVisitField('PortalUserId', $user_id);
$this_login = (int)$object->getPersistantVar('ThisLogin');
$object->setPersistantVar('LastLogin', $this_login);
$object->setPersistantVar('ThisLogin', adodb_mktime());
else {
$object->SetError('ValidateLogin', 'no_permission', 'lu_no_permissions');
$event->status = erFAIL;
$this->processLoginRedirect($event, $password);
else {
$event->redirect = $this->Application->GetVar('pending_disabled_template');
$object->SetError('ValidateLogin', 'invalid_password', 'lu_invalid_password');
$event->status = erFAIL;
* Enter description here...
* @param string $user_name
* @return bool
function checkLoginPermission($user_name)
$ret = true;
if ($this->Application->IsAdmin()) {
$modules_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('ModulesHelper');
if ($user_name != 'root') {
// root is virtual user, so allow him to login to admin in any case
$ret = $this->Application->CheckPermission('ADMIN', 1);
$ret = $ret && $modules_helper->checkLogin();
else {
$ret = $this->Application->CheckPermission('LOGIN', 1);
return $ret;
* Process all required data and redirect logged-in user
* @param kEvent $event
function processLoginRedirect(&$event, $password)
$object =& $event->getObject();
$next_template = $this->Application->GetVar('next_template');
if ($next_template == '_ses_redirect') {
$location = $this->Application->BaseURL().$this->Application->RecallVar($next_template);
if( $this->Application->isDebugMode() && constOn('DBG_REDIRECT') )
echo "<b>Debug output above!!!</b> Proceed to redirect: <a href=\"$location\">$location</a><br>";
else {
header('Location: '.$location);
$session =& $this->Application->recallObject('Session');
if ($next_template) {
$event->redirect = $next_template;
if ($this->Application->ConfigValue('UseJSRedirect')) {
$event->SetRedirectParam('js_redirect', 1);
$sync_manager =& $this->Application->recallObjectP('UsersSyncronizeManager', null, Array(), 'InPortalSyncronize');
$sync_manager->performAction('LoginUser', $object->GetDBField('Login'), $password);
* Called when user logs in using old in-portal
* @param kEvent $event
function OnInpLogin(&$event)
$sync_manager =& $this->Application->recallObjectP('UsersSyncronizeManager', null, Array(), 'InPortalSyncronize');
$sync_manager->performAction('LoginUser', $event->getEventParam('user'), $event->getEventParam('pass') );
if ($event->redirect && is_string($event->redirect)) {
// some real template specified instead of true
$this->Application->Redirect($event->redirect, $event->redirect_params);
* Called when user logs in using old in-portal
* @param kEvent $event
function OnInpLogout(&$event)
$sync_manager =& $this->Application->recallObjectP('UsersSyncronizeManager', null, Array(), 'InPortalSyncronize');
function OnLogout(&$event)
$sync_manager =& $this->Application->recallObjectP('UsersSyncronizeManager', null, Array(), 'InPortalSyncronize');
$session =& $this->Application->recallObject('Session');
$session->SetField('PortalUserId', -2);
- $this->Application->SetVar('u_id', -2);
+ $this->Application->SetVar('u.current_id', -2);
$this->Application->StoreVar('user_id', -2);
- $object =& $this->Application->recallObject('u');
+ $object =& $this->Application->recallObject('u.current', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
$group_list = $this->Application->ConfigValue('User_GuestGroup').','.$this->Application->ConfigValue('User_LoggedInGroup');
$session->SetField('GroupList', $group_list);
$this->Application->StoreVar('UserGroups', $group_list);
if ($this->Application->ConfigValue('UseJSRedirect')) {
$event->SetRedirectParam('js_redirect', 1);
* Prefill states dropdown with correct values
* @param kEvent $event
* @access public
function OnPrepareStates(&$event)
$cs_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CountryStatesHelper');
$cs_helper->PopulateStates($event, 'State', 'Country');
$object =& $event->getObject();
if( $object->isRequired('Country') && $cs_helper->CountryHasStates( $object->GetDBField('Country') ) ) $object->setRequired('State', true);
* Redirects user after succesfull registration to confirmation template (on Front only)
* @param kEvent $event
function OnAfterItemCreate(&$event)
$is_subscriber = $this->Application->GetVar('IsSubscriber');
$object =& $event->getObject();
$sql = 'UPDATE '.TABLE_PREFIX.'UserGroup
SET PrimaryGroup = 0
WHERE PortalUserId = '.$object->GetDBField('PortalUserId');
$group_id = $this->Application->ConfigValue('User_NewGroup');
$sql = 'REPLACE INTO '.TABLE_PREFIX.'UserGroup(PortalUserId,GroupId,PrimaryGroup) VALUES (%s,%s,1)';
$this->Conn->Query( sprintf($sql, $object->GetID(), $group_id) );
* Login user if possible, if not then redirect to corresponding template
* @param kEvent $event
function autoLoginUser(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject();
- $this->Application->SetVar('u_id', $object->GetID() );
+ $this->Application->SetVar('u.current_id', $object->GetID() );
if($object->GetDBField('Status') == STATUS_ACTIVE && !$this->Application->ConfigValue('User_Password_Auto'))
$email_as_login = $this->Application->ConfigValue('Email_As_Login');
list($login_field, $submit_field) = $email_as_login ? Array('Email', 'email') : Array('Login', 'login');
$this->Application->SetVar($submit_field, $object->GetDBField($login_field) );
$this->Application->SetVar('password', $object->GetDBField('Password_plain') );
* When creating user & user with such email exists then force to use OnUpdate insted of ?
* @param kEvent $event
function OnSubstituteSubscriber(&$event)
$ret = false;
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
$items_info = $this->Application->GetVar( $event->getPrefixSpecial(true) );
list($id, $field_values) = each($items_info);
$user_email = $field_values['Email'];
// check if is subscriber
$verify_user =& $this->Application->recallObject('u.verify', null, Array('skup_autoload' => true) );
$verify_user->Load($user_email, 'Email');
if( $verify_user->isLoaded() && $verify_user->isSubscriberOnly() )
$items_info = Array( $verify_user->GetDBField('PortalUserId') => $field_values );
$this->Application->SetVar($event->getPrefixSpecial(true), $items_info);
$ret = true;
if( isset($event->MasterEvent) )
$event->MasterEvent->setEventParam('is_subscriber_only', $ret);
$event->setEventParam('is_subscriber_only', $ret);
* Enter description here...
* @param kEvent $event
* @return bool
function isSubscriberOnly(&$event)
$is_subscriber = false;
if( $event->getEventParam('is_subscriber_only') )
$is_subscriber = true;
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
if($event->status == erSUCCESS)
if( !$this->Application->IsAdmin() && ($event->status == erSUCCESS) && $event->redirect) $this->autoLoginUser($event);
return $is_subscriber;
* Creates new user
* @param kEvent $event
function OnCreate(&$event)
if( !$this->Application->IsAdmin() ) $this->setUserStatus($event);
if( !$this->isSubscriberOnly($event) )
$cs_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CountryStatesHelper');
$cs_helper->CheckStateField($event, 'State', 'Country');
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
if ($this->Application->ConfigValue('User_Password_Auto')) {
$pass = makepassword4(rand(5,8));
$object->SetField('Password', $pass);
$object->SetField('VerifyPassword', $pass);
- $this->Application->SetVar('u_id', $object->getID() );
+ $this->Application->SetVar('u.current_id', $object->getID() ); // for affil:OnRegisterAffiliate after hook
if( !$this->Application->IsAdmin() && ($event->status == erSUCCESS) && $event->redirect)
* Set's new user status based on config options
* @param kEvent $event
function setUserStatus(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
$new_users_allowed = $this->Application->ConfigValue('User_Allow_New');
// 1 - Instant, 2 - Not Allowed, 3 - Pending
switch ($new_users_allowed)
case 1: // Instant
$object->SetDBField('Status', 1);
$next_template = $this->Application->GetVar('registration_confirm_template');
if($next_template) $event->redirect = $next_template;
case 3: // Pending
$next_template = $this->Application->GetVar('registration_confirm_pending_template');
if($next_template) $event->redirect = $next_template;
$object->SetDBField('Status', 2);
case 2: // Not Allowed
$object->SetDBField('Status', 0);
/*if ($object->GetDBField('PaidMember') == 1) {
$this->Application->HandleEvent($add_to_cart, 'ord:OnAddToCart');
$event->redirect = 'in-commerce/checkout/shop_cart';
} */
* Set's new unique resource id to user
* @param kEvent $event
function OnBeforeItemCreate(&$event)
$email_as_login = $this->Application->ConfigValue('Email_As_Login');
$object =& $event->getObject();
if ($email_as_login) {
$object->Fields['Email']['error_msgs']['unique'] = $this->Application->Phrase('lu_user_and_email_already_exist');
* Set's new unique resource id to user
* @param kEvent $event
function OnAfterItemValidate(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject();
$resource_id = $object->GetDBField('ResourceId');
if (!$resource_id)
$object->SetDBField('ResourceId', $this->Application->NextResourceId() );
* Enter description here...
* @param kEvent $event
function OnRecommend(&$event){
$friend_email = $this->Application->GetVar('friend_email');
$friend_name = $this->Application->GetVar('friend_email');
+ // used for error reporting only -> rewrite code + theme (by Alex)
+ $object =& $this->Application->recallObject('u', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true)); // TODO: change theme too
if (preg_match("/^[_a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+\.[a-z]{2,4}$/", $friend_email))
$send_params = array();
- $user_id = $this->Application->GetVar('u_id');
+ $user_id = $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id');
$email_event = &$this->Application->EmailEventUser('SITE.SUGGEST', $user_id, $send_params);
if ($email_event->status == erSUCCESS){
$event->redirect_params = array('opener' => 's', 'pass' => 'all');
$event->redirect = $this->Application->GetVar('template_success');
else {
// $event->redirect_params = array('opener' => 's', 'pass' => 'all');
// $event->redirect = $this->Application->GetVar('template_fail');
- $object =& $this->Application->recallObject('u');
$object->ErrorMsgs['send_error'] = $this->Application->Phrase('lu_email_send_error');
$object->FieldErrors['Email']['pseudo'] = 'send_error';
$event->status = erFAIL;
else {
- $object =& $this->Application->recallObject('u');
$object->ErrorMsgs['invalid_email'] = $this->Application->Phrase('lu_InvalidEmail');
$object->FieldErrors['Email']['pseudo'] = 'invalid_email';
$event->status = erFAIL;
* Saves address changes and mades no redirect
* @param kEvent $event
function OnUpdateAddress(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
$items_info = $this->Application->GetVar( $event->getPrefixSpecial(true) );
list($id,$field_values) = each($items_info);
if($id > 0) $object->Load($id);
$event->redirect = false;
- function OnSubscribeQuery(&$event){
+ function OnSubscribeQuery(&$event)
+ {
$user_email = $this->Application->GetVar('subscriber_email');
if ( preg_match("/^[_a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+\.[a-z]{2,4}$/", $user_email) ){
$object = &$this->Application->recallObject($this->Prefix.'.subscriber', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
$this->Application->StoreVar('SubscriberEmail', $user_email);
if( $object->Load(array('Email'=>$user_email)) ){
$group_info = $this->GetGroupInfo($object->GetID());
- if($group_info){
- $event->redirect = $this->Application->GetVar('unsubscribe_template');
- }
- else {
- $event->redirect = $this->Application->GetVar('subscribe_template');
- }
+ $event->redirect = $this->Application->GetVar($group_info ? 'unsubscribe_template' : 'subscribe_template');
else {
$event->redirect = $this->Application->GetVar('subscribe_template');
$this->Application->StoreVar('SubscriberEmail', $user_email);
else {
- $object =& $this->Application->recallObject('u');
+ // used for error reporting only -> rewrite code + theme (by Alex)
+ $object =& $this->Application->recallObject('u', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true)); // TODO: change theme too
$object->ErrorMsgs['invalid_email'] = $this->Application->Phrase('lu_InvalidEmail');
$object->FieldErrors['SubscribeEmail']['pseudo'] = 'invalid_email';
$event->status = erFAIL;
function OnSubscribeUser(&$event){
$object = &$this->Application->recallObject($this->Prefix.'.subscriber', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
$user_email = $this->Application->RecallVar('SubscriberEmail');
if (preg_match("/^[_a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+\.[a-z]{2,4}$/", $user_email)){
$group_info = $this->GetGroupInfo($object->GetID());
if ($group_info){
if ($event->getEventParam('no_unsubscribe')) return;
if ($group_info['PrimaryGroup']){
// delete user
else {
$event->redirect = $this->Application->GetVar('unsubscribe_ok_template');
else {
$this->AddSubscriberGroup($object->GetID(), 0);
$event->redirect = $this->Application->GetVar('subscribe_ok_template');
else {
$object->SetField('Email', $user_email);
$object->SetField('Login', $user_email);
$object->SetDBField('dob', 1);
$object->SetDBField('dob_date', 1);
$object->SetDBField('dob_time', 1);
$ip = getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')?getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'):getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
$object->SetDBField('ip', $ip);
$this->Application->SetVar('IsSubscriber', 1);
if ($object->Create()) {
$this->AddSubscriberGroup($object->GetID(), 1);
$event->redirect = $this->Application->GetVar('subscribe_ok_template');
$this->Application->SetVar('IsSubscriber', 0);
else {
// error handling here
$event->redirect = $this->Application->GetVar('subscribe_fail_template');
function AddSubscriberGroup($user_id, $is_primary){
$group_id = $this->Application->ConfigValue('User_SubscriberGroup');
$sql = 'INSERT INTO '.TABLE_PREFIX.'UserGroup(PortalUserId,GroupId,PrimaryGroup) VALUES (%s,%s,'.$is_primary.')';
$this->Conn->Query( sprintf($sql, $user_id, $group_id) );
$this->Application->EmailEventAdmin('USER.SUBSCRIBE', $user_id);
$this->Application->EmailEventUser('USER.SUBSCRIBE', $user_id);
function RemoveSubscriberGroup($user_id){
$group_id = $this->Application->ConfigValue('User_SubscriberGroup');
$sql = 'DELETE FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'UserGroup WHERE PortalUserId='.$user_id.' AND GroupId='.$this->Application->ConfigValue('User_SubscriberGroup');
$this->Application->EmailEventAdmin('USER.UNSUBSCRIBE', $user_id);
$this->Application->EmailEventUser('USER.UNSUBSCRIBE', $user_id);
function GetGroupInfo($user_id){
$group_info = $this->Conn->GetRow('SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'UserGroup
WHERE PortalUserId='.$user_id.'
AND GroupId='.$this->Application->ConfigValue('User_SubscriberGroup'));
return $group_info;
- function OnForgotPassword(&$event){
+ function OnForgotPassword(&$event)
+ {
$user_object = &$this->Application->recallObject('u.forgot', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
- $user_current_object = &$this->Application->recallObject('u');
+ // used for error reporting only -> rewrite code + theme (by Alex)
+ $user_current_object =& $this->Application->recallObject('u', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true)); // TODO: change theme too
$username = $this->Application->GetVar('username');
$email = $this->Application->GetVar('email');
$found = false;
$allow_reset = true;
if( strlen($username) )
if( $user_object->Load(array('Login'=>$username)) )
$found = ($user_object->GetDBField("Login")==$username && $user_object->GetDBField("Status")==1) && strlen($user_object->GetDBField("Password"));
else if( strlen($email) )
if( $user_object->Load(array('Email'=>$email)) )
$found = ($user_object->GetDBField("Email")==$email && $user_object->GetDBField("Status")==1) && strlen($user_object->GetDBField("Password"));
if( $user_object->isLoaded() )
$PwResetConfirm = $user_object->GetDBField('PwResetConfirm');
$PwRequestTime = $user_object->GetDBField('PwRequestTime');
$PassResetTime = $user_object->GetDBField('PassResetTime');
//$MinPwResetDelay = $user_object->GetDBField('MinPwResetDelay');
$MinPwResetDelay = $this->Application->ConfigValue('Users_AllowReset');
$allow_reset = (strlen($PwResetConfirm) ?
adodb_mktime() > $PwRequestTime + $MinPwResetDelay :
adodb_mktime() > $PassResetTime + $MinPwResetDelay);
if($found && $allow_reset)
$this->Application->StoreVar('tmp_user_id', $user_object->GetDBField("PortalUserId"));
$this->Application->StoreVar('tmp_email', $user_object->GetDBField("Email"));
$this->Application->EmailEventUser('INCOMMERCEUSER.PSWDC', $user_object->GetDBField("PortalUserId"));
$event->redirect = $this->Application->GetVar('template_success');
if(!strlen($username) && !strlen($email))
$user_current_object->ErrorMsgs['forgotpw_nodata'] = $this->Application->Phrase('lu_ferror_forgotpw_nodata');
$user_current_object->FieldErrors['Login']['pseudo'] = 'forgotpw_nodata';
$user_current_object->FieldErrors['Email']['pseudo'] = 'forgotpw_nodata';
if( strlen($username) ){
$user_current_object->ErrorMsgs['unknown_username'] = $this->Application->Phrase('lu_ferror_unknown_username');
if( strlen($email) ){
$user_current_object->ErrorMsgs['unknown_email'] = $this->Application->Phrase('lu_ferror_unknown_email');
$user_current_object->ErrorMsgs['reset_denied'] = $this->Application->Phrase('lu_ferror_reset_denied');
if( strlen($username) ){
if( strlen($email) ){
$event->redirect = false;
* Enter description here...
* @param kEvent $event
function OnResetPassword(&$event){
$user_object = &$this->Application->recallObject('u.forgot');
$this->Application->EmailEventUser('INCOMMERCEUSER.PSWDC', $user_object->GetDBField("PortalUserId"));
$event->redirect = $this->Application->GetVar('template_success');
$mod_object =& $this->Application->recallObject('mod.'.'In-Commerce');
$m_cat_id = $mod_object->GetDBField('RootCat');
$event->SetRedirectParam('pass', 'm');
//$event->SetRedirectParam('m_cat_id', $m_cat_id);
$this->Application->SetVar('m_cat_id', $m_cat_id);
- function OnResetPasswordConfirmed(&$event){
+ function OnResetPasswordConfirmed(&$event)
+ {
$passed_key = $this->Application->GetVar('user_key');
$user_object = &$this->Application->recallObject('u.forgot');
- $user_current_object = &$this->Application->recallObject('u');
+ // used for error reporting only -> rewrite code + theme (by Alex)
+ $user_current_object =& $this->Application->recallObject('u', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));// TODO: change theme too
if (strlen(trim($passed_key)) == 0) {
$event->redirect_params = array('opener' => 's', 'pass' => 'all');
$event->redirect = false;
$user_current_object->ErrorMsgs['code_is_not_valid'] = $this->Application->Phrase('lu_code_is_not_valid');
$user_current_object->FieldErrors['PwResetConfirm']['pseudo'] = 'code_is_not_valid';
$exp_time = $user_object->GetDBField('PwRequestTime') + 3600;
$user_object->SetDBField("PwResetConfirm", '');
$user_object->SetDBField("PwRequestTime", 0);
if ( $exp_time > adodb_mktime() )
//$m_var_list_update['codevalidationresult'] = 'lu_resetpw_confirm_text';
$newpw = makepassword4();
$this->Application->StoreVar('password', $newpw);
$user_object->SetDBField("PassResetTime", adodb_mktime());
$user_object->SetDBField("PwResetConfirm", '');
$user_object->SetDBField("PwRequestTime", 0);
$this->Application->SetVar('ForgottenPassword', $newpw);
$email_event_user = &$this->Application->EmailEventUser('INCOMMERCEUSER.PSWD', $user_object->GetDBField('PortalUserId'));
$email_event_admin = &$this->Application->EmailEventAdmin('INCOMMERCEUSER.PSWD');
if ($email_event_user->status == erSUCCESS){
$event->redirect_params = array('opener' => 's', 'pass' => 'all');
$event->redirect = $this->Application->GetVar('template_success');
} else {
$user_current_object->ErrorMsgs['code_expired'] = $this->Application->Phrase('lu_code_expired');
$user_current_object->FieldErrors['PwResetConfirm']['pseudo'] = 'code_expired';
$event->redirect = false;
} else {
$user_current_object->ErrorMsgs['code_is_not_valid'] = $this->Application->Phrase('lu_code_is_not_valid');
$user_current_object->FieldErrors['PwResetConfirm']['pseudo'] = 'code_is_not_valid';
$event->redirect = false;
function OnUpdate(&$event)
$cs_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CountryStatesHelper');
$cs_helper->CheckStateField($event, 'State', 'Country');
* Enter description here...
* @param kEvent $event
function setNextTemplate(&$event)
if( !$this->Application->IsAdmin() )
$event->redirect_params['opener'] = 's';
$object =& $event->getObject();
if($object->GetDBField('Status') == STATUS_ACTIVE)
$next_template = $this->Application->GetVar('next_template');
if($next_template) $event->redirect = $next_template;
* Delete users from groups if their membership is expired
* @param kEvent $event
function OnCheckExpiredMembership(&$event)
// send pre-expiration reminders: begin
$pre_expiration = adodb_mktime() + $this->Application->ConfigValue('User_MembershipExpirationReminder') * 3600 * 24;
$sql = 'SELECT PortalUserId, GroupId
WHERE (MembershipExpires IS NOT NULL) AND (ExpirationReminderSent = 0) AND (MembershipExpires < '.$pre_expiration.')';
$skip_clause = $event->getEventParam('skip_clause');
if ($skip_clause) {
$sql .= ' AND !('.implode(') AND !(', $skip_clause).')';
$records = $this->Conn->Query($sql);
if ($records) {
$conditions = Array();
foreach ($records as $record) {
$email_event_user =& $this->Application->EmailEventUser('USER.MEMBERSHIP.EXPIRATION.NOTICE', $record['PortalUserId']);
$email_event_admin =& $this->Application->EmailEventAdmin('USER.MEMBERSHIP.EXPIRATION.NOTICE');
$conditions[] = '(PortalUserId = '.$record['PortalUserId'].' AND GroupId = '.$record['GroupId'].')';
$sql = 'UPDATE '.TABLE_PREFIX.'UserGroup
SET ExpirationReminderSent = 1
WHERE '.implode(' OR ', $conditions);
// send pre-expiration reminders: end
// remove users from groups with expired membership: begin
$sql = 'SELECT PortalUserId
WHERE (MembershipExpires IS NOT NULL) AND (MembershipExpires < '.adodb_mktime().')';
$user_ids = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql);
if ($user_ids) {
foreach ($user_ids as $id) {
$email_event_user =& $this->Application->EmailEventUser('USER.MEMBERSHIP.EXPIRED', $id);
$email_event_admin =& $this->Application->EmailEventAdmin('USER.MEMBERSHIP.EXPIRED');
WHERE (MembershipExpires IS NOT NULL) AND (MembershipExpires < '.adodb_mktime().')';
// remove users from groups with expired membership: end
* Enter description here...
* @param kEvent $event
function OnRefreshForm(&$event)
$event->redirect = false;
$item_info = $this->Application->GetVar($event->Prefix_Special);
list($id, $fields) = each($item_info);
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
$object->IgnoreValidation = true;
* Sets persistant variable
* @param kEvent $event
function OnSetPersistantVariable(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject();
$field = $this->Application->GetVar('field');
$value = $this->Application->GetVar('value');
$object->setPersistantVar($field, $value);
$force_tab = $this->Application->GetVar('SetTab');
if ($force_tab) {
$this->Application->StoreVar('force_tab', $force_tab);
* Overwritten to return user from order by special .ord
* @param kEvent $event
function getPassedId(&$event)
if ($event->Special == 'ord') {
$order =& $this->Application->recallObject('ord');
return $order->GetDBField('PortalUserId');
return parent::getPassedID($event);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.68.2/core/units/users/users_event_handler.php
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
\ No newline at end of property
Index: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.68.2/core/units/general/cat_event_handler.php
--- branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.68.2/core/units/general/cat_event_handler.php (revision 6841)
+++ branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.68.2/core/units/general/cat_event_handler.php (revision 6842)
@@ -1,1703 +1,1701 @@
$application =& kApplication::Instance();
class kCatDBEventHandler extends kDBEventHandler {
* Allows to override standart permission mapping
function mapPermissions()
$permissions = Array(
'OnExport' => Array('self' => 'view|advanced:export'),
'OnExportBegin' => Array('self' => 'view|advanced:export'),
'OnSaveSettings' => Array('self' => 'add|edit|advanced:import'),
'OnBeforeDeleteOriginal' => Array('self' => 'edit|advanced:approve'),
'OnCancelAction' => Array( 'self' => true),
$this->permMapping = array_merge($this->permMapping, $permissions);
* Checks permissions of user
* @param kEvent $event
function CheckPermission(&$event)
if (!$this->Application->IsAdmin()) {
if ($event->Name == 'OnSetSortingDirect') {
// allow sorting on front event without view permission
return true;
if ($event->Name == 'OnExport') {
// save category_id before doing export
if ($event->Name == 'OnNew' && preg_match('/(.*)\/import$/', $this->Application->GetVar('t'), $rets)) {
// redirect to item import template, where permission (import) category will be chosen)
$root_category = $this->Application->findModule('Path', $rets[1].'/', 'RootCat');
$this->Application->StoreVar('m_cat_id', $root_category);
if ($event->Name == 'OnEdit' || $event->Name == 'OnSave') {
// check each id from selected individually and only if all are allowed proceed next
if ($event->Name == 'OnEdit') {
$selected_ids = implode(',', $this->StoreSelectedIDs($event));
else {
$selected_ids = $this->Application->RecallVar($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_selected_ids');
$id_field = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'IDField');
$table_name = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'TableName');
$sql = 'SELECT '.$id_field.', CreatedById, ci.CategoryId
FROM '.$table_name.' item_table
LEFT JOIN '.$this->Application->getUnitOption('ci', 'TableName').' ci ON ci.ItemResourceId = item_table.ResourceId
WHERE '.$id_field.' IN ('.$selected_ids.') AND (ci.PrimaryCat = 1)';
$items = $this->Conn->Query($sql, $id_field);
$perm_value = true;
$perm_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('PermissionsHelper');
foreach ($items as $item_id => $item_data) {
if ($perm_helper->ModifyCheckPermission($item_data['CreatedById'], $item_data['CategoryId'], $event->Prefix) == 0) {
// one of items selected has no permission
$perm_value = false;
if (!$perm_value) {
$event->status = erPERM_FAIL;
return $perm_value;
return parent::CheckPermission($event);
* Add selected items to clipboard with mode = COPY (CLONE)
* @param kEvent $event
function OnCopy(&$event)
$clipboard_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('ClipboardHelper');
$clipboard_helper->setClipboard($event, 'copy', $this->StoreSelectedIDs($event));
* Add selected items to clipboard with mode = CUT
* @param kEvent $event
function OnCut(&$event)
$clipboard_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('ClipboardHelper');
$clipboard_helper->setClipboard($event, 'cut', $this->StoreSelectedIDs($event));
* Performs category item paste
* @param kEvent $event
function OnPaste(&$event)
if ($this->Application->CheckPermission('SYSTEM_ACCESS.READONLY', 1)) {
$clipboard_data = $event->getEventParam('clipboard_data');
if (!$clipboard_data['cut'] && !$clipboard_data['copy']) {
return false;
if ($clipboard_data['copy']) {
$temp =& $this->Application->recallObject($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_TempHandler', 'kTempTablesHandler');
$this->Application->SetVar('ResetCatBeforeClone', 1);
$temp->CloneItems($event->Prefix, $event->Special, $clipboard_data['copy']);
if ($clipboard_data['cut']) {
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject($event->getPrefixSpecial().'.item', $event->Prefix, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
foreach ($clipboard_data['cut'] as $id) {
* Return type clauses for list bulding on front
* @param kEvent $event
* @return Array
function getTypeClauses(&$event)
$types = $event->getEventParam('types');
$except_types = $event->getEventParam('except');
$type_clauses = Array();
$type_clauses['pick']['include'] = '%1$s.EditorsPick = 1 AND '.TABLE_PREFIX.'CategoryItems.PrimaryCat = 1';
$type_clauses['pick']['except'] = '%1$s.EditorsPick! = 1 AND '.TABLE_PREFIX.'CategoryItems.PrimaryCat = 1';
$type_clauses['pick']['having_filter'] = false;
$type_clauses['hot']['include'] = '`IsHot` = 1 AND PrimaryCat = 1';
$type_clauses['hot']['except'] = '`IsHot`! = 1 AND PrimaryCat = 1';
$type_clauses['hot']['having_filter'] = true;
$type_clauses['pop']['include'] = '`IsPop` = 1 AND PrimaryCat = 1';
$type_clauses['pop']['except'] = '`IsPop`! = 1 AND PrimaryCat = 1';
$type_clauses['pop']['having_filter'] = true;
$type_clauses['new']['include'] = '`IsNew` = 1 AND PrimaryCat = 1';
$type_clauses['new']['except'] = '`IsNew`! = 1 AND PrimaryCat = 1';
$type_clauses['new']['having_filter'] = true;
$type_clauses['displayed']['include'] = '';
$displayed = $this->Application->GetVar($event->Prefix.'_displayed_ids');
if ($displayed) {
$id_field = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'IDField');
$type_clauses['displayed']['except'] = '%1$s.'.$id_field.' NOT IN ('.$displayed.')';
else {
$type_clauses['displayed']['except'] = '';
$type_clauses['displayed']['having_filter'] = false;
if (strpos($types, 'search') !== false || strpos($except_types, 'search') !== false) {
$event_mapping = Array(
'simple' => 'OnSimpleSearch',
'subsearch' => 'OnSubSearch',
'advanced' => 'OnAdvancedSearch');
if($this->Application->GetVar('INPORTAL_ON') && $this->Application->GetVar('Action') == 'm_simple_subsearch')
$type = 'subsearch';
$type = $this->Application->GetVar('search_type') ? $this->Application->GetVar('search_type') : 'simple';
if($keywords = $event->getEventParam('keyword_string')) // processing keyword_string param of ListProducts tag
$this->Application->SetVar('keywords', $keywords);
$type = 'simple';
$search_event = $event_mapping[$type];
$search_table = TABLE_PREFIX.'ses_'.$this->Application->GetSID().'_'.TABLE_PREFIX.'Search';
$sql = 'SHOW TABLES LIKE "'.$search_table.'"';
if ( $this->Conn->Query($sql) ) {
$search_res_ids = $this->Conn->GetCol('SELECT ResourceId FROM '.$search_table);
if ($search_res_ids) {
$type_clauses['search']['include'] = '%1$s.ResourceId IN ('.implode(',', $search_res_ids).') AND PrimaryCat = 1';
$type_clauses['search']['except'] = '%1$s.ResourceId NOT IN ('.implode(',', $search_res_ids).') AND PrimaryCat = 1';
else {
$type_clauses['search']['include'] = '0';
$type_clauses['search']['except'] = '1';
$type_clauses['search']['having_filter'] = false;
if (strpos($types, 'related') !== false || strpos($except_types, 'related') !== false) {
$related_to = $event->getEventParam('related_to');
if (!$related_to) {
$related_prefix = $event->Prefix;
else {
$sql = 'SELECT Prefix
WHERE ItemName = '.$this->Conn->qstr($related_to);
$related_prefix = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
$rel_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption('rel', 'TableName');
$item_type = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'ItemType');
$p_item =& $this->Application->recallObject($related_prefix.'.current', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
$p_item->Load( $this->Application->GetVar($related_prefix.'_id') );
$p_resource_id = $p_item->GetDBField('ResourceId');
$sql = 'SELECT SourceId, TargetId FROM '.$rel_table.'
(Enabled = 1)
(Type = 0 AND SourceId = '.$p_resource_id.' AND TargetType = '.$item_type.')
(Type = 1
(SourceId = '.$p_resource_id.' AND TargetType = '.$item_type.')
(TargetId = '.$p_resource_id.' AND SourceType = '.$item_type.')
$related_ids_array = $this->Conn->Query($sql);
$related_ids = Array();
foreach ($related_ids_array as $key => $record) {
$related_ids[] = $record[ $record['SourceId'] == $p_resource_id ? 'TargetId' : 'SourceId' ];
if (count($related_ids) > 0) {
$type_clauses['related']['include'] = '%1$s.ResourceId IN ('.implode(',', $related_ids).') AND PrimaryCat = 1';
$type_clauses['related']['except'] = '%1$s.ResourceId NOT IN ('.implode(',', $related_ids).') AND PrimaryCat = 1';
else {
$type_clauses['related']['include'] = '0';
$type_clauses['related']['except'] = '1';
$type_clauses['related']['having_filter'] = false;
return $type_clauses;
* Apply filters to list
* @param kEvent $event
function SetCustomQuery(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject();
// add category filter if needed
if ($event->Special != 'showall') {
if ( $event->getEventParam('parent_cat_id') ) {
$parent_cat_id = $event->getEventParam('parent_cat_id');
else {
$parent_cat_id = $this->Application->GetVar('c_id');
if (!$parent_cat_id) {
$parent_cat_id = $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id');
if (!$parent_cat_id) {
$parent_cat_id = 0;
if ((string) $parent_cat_id != 'any') {
if ($event->getEventParam('recursive')) {
$current_path = $this->Conn->GetOne('SELECT ParentPath FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Category WHERE CategoryId='.$parent_cat_id);
$subcats = $this->Conn->GetCol('SELECT CategoryId FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Category WHERE ParentPath LIKE "'.$current_path.'%" ');
$object->addFilter('category_filter', TABLE_PREFIX.'CategoryItems.CategoryId IN ('.implode(', ', $subcats).')');
else {
$object->addFilter('category_filter', TABLE_PREFIX.'CategoryItems.CategoryId = '.$parent_cat_id );
else {
$object->addFilter('primary_filter', 'PrimaryCat = 1');
// add permission filter
- if ($this->Application->GetVar('u_id') == -1) {
+ if ($this->Application->RecallVar('user_id') == -1) {
// for "root" CATEGORY.VIEW permission is checked for items lists too
$view_perm = 1;
else {
// for any real user itemlist view permission is checked instead of CATEGORY.VIEW
$sql = 'SELECT PermissionConfigId
FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'PermissionConfig
WHERE PermissionName = "'.$this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'PermItemPrefix').'.VIEW"';
$view_perm = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
$groups = explode( ',', $this->Application->RecallVar('UserGroups') );
foreach($groups as $group)
$view_filters[] = 'FIND_IN_SET('.$group.', perm.acl)';
$view_filter = implode(' OR ', $view_filters);
$object->addFilter('perm_filter2', $view_filter);
$object->addFilter('perm_filter', 'perm.PermId = '.$view_perm);
if ( !$this->Application->IsAdmin() )
$object->addFilter('status_filter', $object->TableName.'.Status = 1');
if ($this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'UsePendingEditing')) {
// if category item uses pending editing abilities, then in no cases show pending copies on front
$object->addFilter('original_filter', '%1$s.OrgId = 0 OR %1$s.OrgId IS NULL');
else {
if ($this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'UsePendingEditing')) {
$pending_ids = $this->Conn->GetCol(
'SELECT OrgId FROM '.$object->TableName.'
WHERE Status = -2 AND OrgId IS NOT NULL');
if ($pending_ids) {
$object->addFilter('no_original_filter', '%1$s.'.$object->IDField.' NOT IN ('.implode(',', $pending_ids).')');
$types = $event->getEventParam('types');
$except_types = $event->getEventParam('except');
$type_clauses = $this->getTypeClauses($event);
// convert prepared type clauses into list filters
$includes_or_filter =& $this->Application->makeClass('kMultipleFilter');
$excepts_and_filter =& $this->Application->makeClass('kMultipleFilter');
$includes_or_filter_h =& $this->Application->makeClass('kMultipleFilter');
$excepts_and_filter_h =& $this->Application->makeClass('kMultipleFilter');
if ($types) {
$types_array = explode(',', $types);
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($types_array); $i++) {
$type = trim($types_array[$i]);
if (isset($type_clauses[$type])) {
if ($type_clauses[$type]['having_filter']) {
$includes_or_filter_h->addFilter('filter_'.$type, $type_clauses[$type]['include']);
}else {
$includes_or_filter->addFilter('filter_'.$type, $type_clauses[$type]['include']);
if ($except_types) {
$except_types_array = explode(',', $except_types);
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($except_types_array); $i++) {
$type = trim($except_types_array[$i]);
if (isset($type_clauses[$type])) {
if ($type_clauses[$type]['having_filter']) {
$excepts_and_filter_h->addFilter('filter_'.$type, $type_clauses[$type]['except']);
}else {
$excepts_and_filter->addFilter('filter_'.$type, $type_clauses[$type]['except']);
/*if ( !$this->Application->IsAdmin() ) {
$object->addFilter('expire_filter', '%1$s.Expire IS NULL OR %1$s.Expire > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()');
/*$list_type = $event->getEventParam('ListType');
case 'favorites':
$fav_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption('fav','TableName');
- $user_id =& $this->Application->GetVar('u_id');
+ $user_id =& $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id');
$sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT f.ResourceId
FROM '.$fav_table.' f
LEFT JOIN '.$object->TableName.' p ON p.ResourceId = f.ResourceId
WHERE f.PortalUserId = '.$user_id;
$ids = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql);
if(!$ids) $ids = Array(-1);
$object->addFilter('category_filter', TABLE_PREFIX.'CategoryItems.PrimaryCat = 1');
$object->addFilter('favorites_filter', '%1$s.`ResourceId` IN ('.implode(',',$ids).')');
case 'search':
$search_results_table = TABLE_PREFIX.'ses_'.$this->Application->GetSID().'_'.TABLE_PREFIX.'Search';
$sql = ' SELECT DISTINCT ResourceId
FROM '.$search_results_table.'
WHERE ItemType=11';
$ids = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql);
if(!$ids) $ids = Array(-1);
$object->addFilter('search_filter', '%1$s.`ResourceId` IN ('.implode(',',$ids).')');
} */
$object->addFilter('includes_filter', $includes_or_filter);
$object->addFilter('excepts_filter', $excepts_and_filter);
$object->addFilter('includes_filter_h', $includes_or_filter_h, HAVING_FILTER);
$object->addFilter('excepts_filter_h', $excepts_and_filter_h, HAVING_FILTER);
* Adds calculates fields for item statuses
* @param kCatDBItem $object
* @param kEvent $event
function prepareObject(&$object, &$event)
$object->addCalculatedField('CachedNavbar', 'l'.$this->Application->GetVar('m_lang').'_CachedNavbar');
if ($event->Special == 'export' || $event->Special == 'import')
$export_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CatItemExportHelper');
* Creates calculated fields for all item statuses based on config settings
* @param kEvent $event
function prepareItemStatuses(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
$property_map = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'ItemPropertyMappings');
if (!$property_map) {
return ;
// new items
$object->addCalculatedField('IsNew', ' IF(%1$s.NewItem = 2,
IF(%1$s.CreatedOn >= (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - '.
'*3600*24), 1, 0),
// hot items (cache updated every hour)
$sql = 'SELECT Data
WHERE (VarName = "'.$property_map['HotLimit'].'") AND (Cached >'.(adodb_mktime() - 3600).')';
$hot_limit = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
if ($hot_limit === false) {
$hot_limit = $this->CalculateHotLimit($event);
$object->addCalculatedField('IsHot', ' IF(%1$s.HotItem = 2,
IF(%1$s.'.$property_map['ClickField'].' >= '.$hot_limit.', 1, 0),
// popular items
$object->addCalculatedField('IsPop', ' IF(%1$s.PopItem = 2,
IF(%1$s.CachedVotesQty >= '.
' AND %1$s.CachedRating >= '.
', 1, 0),
function CalculateHotLimit(&$event)
$property_map = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'ItemPropertyMappings');
if (!$property_map) {
$click_field = $property_map['ClickField'];
$last_hot = $this->Application->ConfigValue($property_map['MaxHotNumber']) - 1;
$sql = 'SELECT '.$click_field.' FROM '.$this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'TableName').'
ORDER BY '.$click_field.' DESC
LIMIT '.$last_hot.', 1';
$res = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql);
$hot_limit = (double)array_shift($res);
$this->Conn->Query('REPLACE INTO '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Cache (VarName, Data, Cached) VALUES ("'.$property_map['HotLimit'].'", "'.$hot_limit.'", '.adodb_mktime().')');
return $hot_limit;
return 0;
* Enter description here...
* @param kEvent $event
function OnBeforeItemUpdate(&$event)
$property_map = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'ItemPropertyMappings');
if (!$property_map) {
$click_field = $property_map['ClickField'];
$object =& $event->getObject();
if( $this->Application->IsAdmin() && ($this->Application->GetVar($click_field.'_original') !== false) &&
floor($this->Application->GetVar($click_field.'_original')) != $object->GetDBField($click_field) )
$sql = 'SELECT MAX('.$click_field.') FROM '.$this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'TableName').'
WHERE FLOOR('.$click_field.') = '.$object->GetDBField($click_field);
$hits = ( $res = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql) ) ? $res + 0.000001 : $object->GetDBField($click_field);
$object->SetDBField($click_field, $hits);
* Load price from temp table if product mode is temp table
* @param kEvent $event
function OnAfterItemLoad(&$event)
$special = substr($event->Special, -6);
$object =& $event->getObject();
if ($special == 'import' || $special == 'export') {
$image_data = $object->getPrimaryImageData();
if ($image_data) {
$thumbnail_image = $image_data[$image_data['LocalThumb'] ? 'ThumbPath' : 'ThumbUrl'];
if ($image_data['SameImages']) {
$full_image = '';
else {
$full_image = $image_data[$image_data['LocalImage'] ? 'LocalPath' : 'Url'];
$object->SetDBField('ThumbnailImage', $thumbnail_image);
$object->SetDBField('FullImage', $full_image);
$object->SetDBField('ImageAlt', $image_data['AltName']);
//substituiting pending status value for pending editing
if ($object->HasField('OrgId') && $object->GetDBField('OrgId') > 0 && $object->GetDBField('Status') == -2) {
$options = $object->Fields['Status']['options'];
foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
if ($key == 2) $key = -2;
$new_options[$key] = $val;
$object->Fields['Status']['options'] = $new_options;
function OnAfterItemUpdate(&$event)
if ( substr($event->Special, -6) == 'import') {
* sets values for import process
* @param kEvent $event
function OnAfterItemCreate(&$event)
if ( substr($event->Special, -6) == 'import') {
* Make record to search log
* @param string $keywords
* @param int $search_type 0 - simple search, 1 - advanced search
function saveToSearchLog($keywords, $search_type = 0)
$sql = 'UPDATE '.TABLE_PREFIX.'SearchLog
SET Indices = Indices + 1
WHERE Keyword = '.$this->Conn->qstr($keywords).' AND SearchType = '.$search_type; // 0 - simple search, 1 - advanced search
if ($this->Conn->getAffectedRows() == 0) {
$fields_hash = Array('Keyword' => $keywords, 'Indices' => 1, 'SearchType' => $search_type);
$this->Conn->doInsert($fields_hash, TABLE_PREFIX.'SearchLog');
* Makes simple search for products
* based on keywords string
* @param kEvent $event
* @todo Change all hardcoded Products table & In-Commerce module usage to dynamic usage from item config !!!
function OnSimpleSearch(&$event)
if($this->Application->GetVar('INPORTAL_ON') && !($this->Application->GetVar('Action') == 'm_simple_search'))
$event->redirect = false;
$search_table = TABLE_PREFIX.'ses_'.$this->Application->GetSID().'_'.TABLE_PREFIX.'Search';
$keywords = unhtmlentities( trim($this->Application->GetVar('keywords')) );
$query_object =& $this->Application->recallObject('HTTPQuery');
$sql = 'SHOW TABLES LIKE "'.$search_table.'"';
if(!isset($query_object->Get['keywords']) &&
!isset($query_object->Post['keywords']) &&
return; // used when navigating by pages or changing sorting in search results
if(!$keywords || strlen($keywords) < $this->Application->ConfigValue('Search_MinKeyword_Length'))
$this->Conn->Query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '.$search_table);
$this->Application->SetVar('keywords_too_short', 1);
return; // if no or too short keyword entered, doing nothing
$this->Application->StoreVar('keywords', $keywords);
if (!$this->Application->GetVar('INPORTAL_ON')) {
// don't save search log, because in-portal already saved it
$this->saveToSearchLog($keywords, 0); // 0 - simple search, 1 - advanced search
$keywords = strtr($keywords, Array('%' => '\\%', '_' => '\\_'));
$object =& $event->getObject();
$this->Application->SetVar($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_Page', 1);
$lang = $this->Application->GetVar('m_lang');
$items_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'TableName');
$module_name = $this->Application->findModule('Var', $event->Prefix, 'Name');
$sql = ' SELECT * FROM '.$this->Application->getUnitOption('confs', 'TableName').'
WHERE ModuleName="'.$module_name.'"
AND SimpleSearch=1';
$search_config = $this->Conn->Query($sql, 'FieldName');
$field_list = array_keys($search_config);
$join_clauses = Array();
// field processing
$weight_sum = 0;
$alias_counter = 0;
$custom_fields = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'CustomFields');
if ($custom_fields) {
$custom_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix.'-cdata', 'TableName');
$join_clauses[] = ' LEFT JOIN '.$custom_table.' custom_data ON '.$items_table.'.ResourceId = custom_data.ResourceId';
// what field in search config becomes what field in sql (key - new field, value - old field (from searchconfig table))
$search_config_map = Array();
foreach ($field_list as $key => $field) {
$options = $object->getFieldOptions($field);
$local_table = TABLE_PREFIX.$search_config[$field]['TableName'];
$weight_sum += $search_config[$field]['Priority']; // counting weight sum; used when making relevance clause
// processing multilingual fields
if (getArrayValue($options, 'formatter') == 'kMultiLanguage') {
$field_list[$key.'_primary'] = 'l'.$this->Application->GetDefaultLanguageId().'_'.$field;
$field_list[$key] = 'l'.$lang.'_'.$field;
$field_list[$key.'_primary'] = $local_table.'.'.$field_list[$key.'_primary'];
$search_config_map[ $field_list[$key.'_primary'] ] = $field;
// processing fields from other tables
if($foreign_field = $search_config[$field]['ForeignField'])
$exploded = explode(':', $foreign_field, 2);
if($exploded[0] == 'CALC')
continue; // ignoring having type clauses in simple search
- /*$user_object =& $this->Application->recallObject('u');
- $user_groups = $this->Application->RecallVar('UserGroups');
+ /*$user_groups = $this->Application->RecallVar('UserGroups');
$having_list[$key] = str_replace('{PREFIX}', TABLE_PREFIX, $exploded[1]);
$join_clause = str_replace('{PREFIX}', TABLE_PREFIX, $search_config[$field]['JoinClause']);
$join_clause = str_replace('{USER_GROUPS}', $user_groups, $join_clause);
$join_clause = ' LEFT JOIN '.$join_clause;
$join_clauses[] = $join_clause;*/
$multi_lingual = false;
if ($exploded[0] == 'MULTI')
$multi_lingual = true;
$foreign_field = $exploded[1];
$exploded = explode('.', $foreign_field); // format: table.field_name
$foreign_table = TABLE_PREFIX.$exploded[0];
$alias = 't'.$alias_counter;
if ($multi_lingual) {
$field_list[$key] = $alias.'.'.'l'.$lang.'_'.$exploded[1];
$field_list[$key.'_primary'] = 'l'.$this->Application->GetDefaultLanguageId().'_'.$field;
$search_config_map[ $field_list[$key] ] = $field;
$search_config_map[ $field_list[$key.'_primary'] ] = $field;
else {
$field_list[$key] = $alias.'.'.$exploded[1];
$search_config_map[ $field_list[$key] ] = $field;
$join_clause = str_replace('{ForeignTable}', $alias, $search_config[$field]['JoinClause']);
$join_clause = str_replace('{LocalTable}', $items_table, $join_clause);
$join_clauses[] = ' LEFT JOIN '.$foreign_table.' '.$alias.'
ON '.$join_clause;
else {
// processing fields from local table
if ($search_config[$field]['CustomFieldId']) {
$local_table = 'custom_data';
$field_list[$key] = 'l'.$lang.'_cust_'.array_search($field_list[$key], $custom_fields);
$field_list[$key] = $local_table.'.'.$field_list[$key];
$search_config_map[ $field_list[$key] ] = $field;
// keyword string processing
$search_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('SearchHelper');
$where_clause = $search_helper->buildWhereClause($keywords, $field_list);
$where_clause = $where_clause.' AND '.$items_table.'.Status=1';
if($this->Application->GetVar('Action') == 'm_simple_subsearch') // subsearch, In-portal
if( $event->getEventParam('ResultIds') )
$where_clause .= ' AND '.$items_table.'.ResourceId IN ('.implode(',', $event->specificParams['ResultIds']).')';
if( $event->MasterEvent && $event->MasterEvent->Name == 'OnListBuild' ) // subsearch, k4
if( $event->MasterEvent->getEventParam('ResultIds') )
$where_clause .= ' AND '.$items_table.'.ResourceId IN ('.implode(',', $event->MasterEvent->getEventParam('ResultIds')).')';
// making relevance clause
$positive_words = $search_helper->getPositiveKeywords($keywords);
$this->Application->StoreVar('highlight_keywords', serialize($positive_words));
$revelance_parts = Array();
foreach ($field_list as $field) {
$config_elem = $search_config[ $search_config_map[$field] ];
$weight = $config_elem['Priority'];
$revelance_parts[] = 'IF('.$field.' LIKE "%'.implode(' ', $positive_words).'%", '.$weight_sum.', 0)';
foreach ($positive_words as $keyword) {
$revelance_parts[] = 'IF('.$field.' LIKE "%'.$keyword.'%", '.$weight.', 0)';
$conf_postfix = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'SearchConfigPostfix');
$rel_keywords = $this->Application->ConfigValue('SearchRel_Keyword_'.$conf_postfix) / 100;
$rel_pop = $this->Application->ConfigValue('SearchRel_Pop_'.$conf_postfix) / 100;
$rel_rating = $this->Application->ConfigValue('SearchRel_Rating_'.$conf_postfix) / 100;
$relevance_clause = '('.implode(' + ', $revelance_parts).') / '.$weight_sum.' * '.$rel_keywords;
if ($rel_pop && isset($object->Fields['Hits'])) {
$relevance_clause .= ' + (Hits + 1) / (MAX(Hits) + 1) * '.$rel_pop;
if ($rel_rating && isset($object->Fields['CachedRating'])) {
$relevance_clause .= ' + (CachedRating + 1) / (MAX(CachedRating) + 1) * '.$rel_rating;
// building final search query
if (!$this->Application->GetVar('do_not_drop_search_table') && !$this->Application->GetVar('INPORTAL_ON')) {
$this->Conn->Query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '.$search_table); // erase old search table if clean k4 event
$this->Application->SetVar('do_not_drop_search_table', true);
$search_table_exists = $this->Conn->Query('SHOW TABLES LIKE "'.$search_table.'"');
if ($search_table_exists) {
$select_intro = 'INSERT INTO '.$search_table.' (Relevance, ItemId, ResourceId, ItemType, EdPick) ';
else {
$select_intro = 'CREATE TABLE '.$search_table.' AS ';
$edpick_clause = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix.'.EditorsPick', 'Fields') ? $items_table.'.EditorsPick' : '0';
$sql = $select_intro.' SELECT '.$relevance_clause.' AS Relevance,
'.$items_table.'.'.$this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'IDField').' AS ItemId,
'.$this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'ItemType').' AS ItemType,
'.$edpick_clause.' AS EdPick
FROM '.$object->TableName.'
'.implode(' ', $join_clauses).'
WHERE '.$where_clause.'
GROUP BY '.$items_table.'.'.$this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'IDField');
$res = $this->Conn->Query($sql);
* Enter description here...
* @param kEvent $event
function OnSubSearch(&$event)
$search_table = TABLE_PREFIX.'ses_'.$this->Application->GetSID().'_'.TABLE_PREFIX.'Search';
$sql = 'SHOW TABLES LIKE "'.$search_table.'"';
$sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT ResourceId FROM '.$search_table;
$ids = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql);
$event->setEventParam('ResultIds', $ids);
* Enter description here...
* @param kEvent $event
* @todo Change all hardcoded Products table & In-Commerce module usage to dynamic usage from item config !!!
function OnAdvancedSearch(&$event)
$query_object =& $this->Application->recallObject('HTTPQuery');
return; // used when navigating by pages or changing sorting in search results
$sql = ' SELECT * FROM '.$this->Application->getUnitOption('confs', 'TableName').'
WHERE ModuleName="In-Commerce"
AND AdvancedSearch=1';
$search_config = $this->Conn->Query($sql);
$lang = $this->Application->GetVar('m_lang');
$object =& $event->getObject();
- $user_object =& $this->Application->recallObject('u');
$product_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption('p', 'TableName');
$search_keywords = $this->Application->GetVar('value'); // will not be changed
$keywords = $this->Application->GetVar('value'); // will be changed down there
$verbs = $this->Application->GetVar('verb');
$glues = $this->Application->GetVar('andor');
$and_conditions = Array();
$or_conditions = Array();
$and_having_conditions = Array();
$or_having_conditions = Array();
$join_clauses = Array();
$highlight_keywords = Array();
$relevance_parts = Array();
$condition_patterns = Array( 'any' => '%s LIKE %s',
'contains' => '%s LIKE %s',
'notcontains' => '(NOT (%1$s LIKE %2$s) OR %1$s IS NULL)',
'is' => '%s = %s',
'isnot' => '(%1$s != %2$s OR %1$s IS NULL)');
$alias_counter = 0;
$custom_fields = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'CustomFields');
if ($custom_fields) {
$custom_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix.'-cdata', 'TableName');
$join_clauses[] = ' LEFT JOIN '.$custom_table.' custom_data ON '.$product_table.'.ResourceId = custom_data.ResourceId';
$search_log = '';
$weight_sum = 0;
// processing fields and preparing conditions
foreach($search_config as $record)
$field = $record['FieldName'];
$join_clause = '';
$condition_mode = 'WHERE';
// field processing
$options = $object->getFieldOptions($field);
$local_table = TABLE_PREFIX.$record['TableName'];
$weight_sum += $record['Priority']; // counting weight sum; used when making relevance clause
// processing multilingual fields
if (getArrayValue($options, 'formatter') == 'kMultiLanguage') {
$field_name = 'l'.$lang.'_'.$field;
else {
$field_name = $field;
// processing fields from other tables
if ($foreign_field = $record['ForeignField']) {
$exploded = explode(':', $foreign_field, 2);
if($exploded[0] == 'CALC')
$user_groups = $this->Application->RecallVar('UserGroups');
$field_name = str_replace('{PREFIX}', TABLE_PREFIX, $exploded[1]);
$join_clause = str_replace('{PREFIX}', TABLE_PREFIX, $record['JoinClause']);
$join_clause = str_replace('{USER_GROUPS}', $user_groups, $join_clause);
$join_clause = ' LEFT JOIN '.$join_clause;
$condition_mode = 'HAVING';
else {
$exploded = explode('.', $foreign_field);
$foreign_table = TABLE_PREFIX.$exploded[0];
if($record['CustomFieldId']) {
$exploded[1] = 'l'.$lang.'_'.$exploded[1];
$alias = 't'.$alias_counter;
$field_name = $alias.'.'.$exploded[1];
$join_clause = str_replace('{ForeignTable}', $alias, $record['JoinClause']);
$join_clause = str_replace('{LocalTable}', $product_table, $join_clause);
$join_clause .= ' AND '.$alias.'.CustomFieldId='.$record['CustomFieldId'];
$join_clause = ' LEFT JOIN '.$foreign_table.' '.$alias.'
ON '.$join_clause;
// processing fields from local table
if ($record['CustomFieldId']) {
$local_table = 'custom_data';
$field_name = 'l'.$lang.'_cust_'.array_search($field_name, $custom_fields);
$field_name = $local_table.'.'.$field_name;
$condition = '';
case 'text':
$keywords[$field] = unhtmlentities( $keywords[$field] );
if(strlen($keywords[$field]) >= $this->Application->ConfigValue('Search_MinKeyword_Length'))
$highlight_keywords[] = $keywords[$field];
if( in_array($verbs[$field], Array('any', 'contains', 'notcontains')) )
$keywords[$field] = '%'.strtr($keywords[$field], Array('%' => '\\%', '_' => '\\_')).'%';
$condition = sprintf( $condition_patterns[$verbs[$field]],
$this->Conn->qstr( $keywords[$field] ));
case 'boolean':
if($keywords[$field] != -1)
$property_mappings = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'ItemPropertyMappings');
case 'HotItem':
$hot_limit_var = getArrayValue($property_mappings, 'HotLimit');
$sql = 'SELECT Data FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Cache WHERE VarName="'.$hot_limit_var.'"';
$hot_limit = (int)$this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
$condition = 'IF('.$product_table.'.HotItem = 2,
IF('.$product_table.'.Hits >= '.
', 1, 0), '.$product_table.'.HotItem) = '.$keywords[$field];
case 'PopItem':
$votes2pop_var = getArrayValue($property_mappings, 'VotesToPop');
$rating2pop_var = getArrayValue($property_mappings, 'RatingToPop');
if($votes2pop_var && $rating2pop_var)
$condition = 'IF('.$product_table.'.PopItem = 2, IF('.$product_table.'.CachedVotesQty >= '.
' AND '.$product_table.'.CachedRating >= '.
', 1, 0), '.$product_table.'.PopItem) = '.$keywords[$field];
case 'NewItem':
$new_days_var = getArrayValue($property_mappings, 'NewDays');
$condition = 'IF('.$product_table.'.NewItem = 2,
IF('.$product_table.'.CreatedOn >= (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - '.
'*3600*24), 1, 0), '.$product_table.'.NewItem) = '.$keywords[$field];
case 'EditorsPick':
$condition = $product_table.'.EditorsPick = '.$keywords[$field];
case 'range':
$range_conditions = Array();
if($keywords[$field.'_from'] && !preg_match("/[^0-9]/i", $keywords[$field.'_from']))
$range_conditions[] = $field_name.' >= '.$keywords[$field.'_from'];
if($keywords[$field.'_to'] && !preg_match("/[^0-9]/i", $keywords[$field.'_to']))
$range_conditions[] = $field_name.' <= '.$keywords[$field.'_to'];
$condition = implode(' AND ', $range_conditions);
case 'date':
if( in_array($keywords[$field], Array('today', 'yesterday')) )
$current_time = getdate();
$day_begin = adodb_mktime(0, 0, 0, $current_time['mon'], $current_time['mday'], $current_time['year']);
$time_mapping = Array('today' => $day_begin, 'yesterday' => ($day_begin - 86400));
$min_time = $time_mapping[$keywords[$field]];
$time_mapping = Array( 'last_week' => 604800, 'last_month' => 2628000,
'last_3_months' => 7884000, 'last_6_months' => 15768000,
'last_year' => 31536000
$min_time = adodb_mktime() - $time_mapping[$keywords[$field]];
$condition = $field_name.' > '.$min_time;
$join_clauses[] = $join_clause;
$relevance_parts[] = 'IF('.$condition.', '.$record['Priority'].', 0)';
if($glues[$field] == 1) // and
if($condition_mode == 'WHERE')
$and_conditions[] = $condition;
$and_having_conditions[] = $condition;
else // or
if($condition_mode == 'WHERE')
$or_conditions[] = $condition;
$or_having_conditions[] = $condition;
// create search log record
$search_log_data = Array('search_config' => $record, 'verb' => getArrayValue($verbs, $field), 'value' => ($record['FieldType'] == 'range') ? $search_keywords[$field.'_from'].'|'.$search_keywords[$field.'_to'] : $search_keywords[$field]);
$search_log[] = $this->Application->Phrase('la_Field').' "'.$this->getHuman('Field', $search_log_data).'" '.$this->getHuman('Verb', $search_log_data).' '.$this->Application->Phrase('la_Value').' '.$this->getHuman('Value', $search_log_data).' '.$this->Application->Phrase($glues[$field] == 1 ? 'lu_And' : 'lu_Or');
$search_log = implode('<br />', $search_log);
$search_log = preg_replace('/(.*) '.preg_quote($this->Application->Phrase('lu_and'), '/').'|'.preg_quote($this->Application->Phrase('lu_or'), '/').'$/is', '\\1', $search_log);
$this->saveToSearchLog($search_log, 1); // advanced search
$this->Application->StoreVar('highlight_keywords', serialize($highlight_keywords));
// making relevance clause
$rel_keywords = $this->Application->ConfigValue('SearchRel_Keyword_products') / 100;
$rel_pop = $this->Application->ConfigValue('SearchRel_Pop_products') / 100;
$rel_rating = $this->Application->ConfigValue('SearchRel_Rating_products') / 100;
$relevance_clause = '('.implode(' + ', $relevance_parts).') / '.$weight_sum.' * '.$rel_keywords;
$relevance_clause .= ' + (Hits + 1) / (MAX(Hits) + 1) * '.$rel_pop;
$relevance_clause .= ' + (CachedRating + 1) / (MAX(CachedRating) + 1) * '.$rel_rating;
$relevance_clause = '0';
// building having clause
$and_having_conditions[] = '('.implode(' OR ', $or_having_conditions).')';
$having_clause = implode(' AND ', $and_having_conditions);
$having_clause = $having_clause ? ' HAVING '.$having_clause : '';
// building where clause
$and_conditions[] = '('.implode(' OR ', $or_conditions).')';
// $and_conditions[] = $product_table.'.Status = 1';
$where_clause = implode(' AND ', $and_conditions);
$where_clause = '1';
$where_clause = '0';
$this->Application->SetVar('adv_search_error', 1);
$where_clause .= ' AND '.$product_table.'.Status = 1';
// building final search query
$search_table = TABLE_PREFIX.'ses_'.$this->Application->GetSID().'_'.TABLE_PREFIX.'Search';
$this->Conn->Query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '.$search_table);
$sql = ' CREATE TABLE '.$search_table.'
SELECT '.$relevance_clause.' AS Relevance,
'.$product_table.'.ProductId AS ItemId,
'.$product_table.'.ResourceId AS ResourceId,
11 AS ItemType,
'.$product_table.'.EditorsPick AS EdPick
FROM '.$product_table.'
'.implode(' ', $join_clauses).'
WHERE '.$where_clause.'
GROUP BY '.$product_table.'.ProductId'.
$res = $this->Conn->Query($sql);
function getHuman($type, $search_data)
$type = ucfirst(strtolower($type));
switch ($type) {
case 'Field':
return $this->Application->Phrase($search_config['DisplayName']);
case 'Verb':
return $verb ? $this->Application->Phrase('lu_advsearch_'.$verb) : '';
case 'Value':
switch ($search_config['FieldType']) {
case 'date':
$values = Array(0 => 'lu_comm_Any', 'today' => 'lu_comm_Today',
'yesterday' => 'lu_comm_Yesterday', 'last_week' => 'lu_comm_LastWeek',
'last_month' => 'lu_comm_LastMonth', 'last_3_months' => 'lu_comm_Last3Months',
'last_6_months' => 'lu_comm_Last6Months', 'last_year' => 'lu_comm_LastYear');
$ret = $this->Application->Phrase($values[$value]);
case 'range':
$value = explode('|', $value);
return $this->Application->Phrase('lu_comm_From').' "'.$value[0].'" '.$this->Application->Phrase('lu_comm_To').' "'.$value[1].'"';
case 'boolean':
$values = Array(1 => 'lu_comm_Yes', 0 => 'lu_comm_No', -1 => 'lu_comm_Both');
$ret = $this->Application->Phrase($values[$value]);
case 'text':
$ret = $value;
return '"'.$ret.'"';
* Set's correct page for list
* based on data provided with event
* @param kEvent $event
* @access private
* @see OnListBuild
function SetPagination(&$event)
// get PerPage (forced -> session -> config -> 10)
$per_page = $this->getPerPage($event);
$object =& $event->getObject();
$this->Application->StoreVarDefault($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_Page', 1);
$page = $this->Application->GetVar($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_Page');
if (!$page)
$page = $this->Application->GetVar($event->getPrefixSpecial(true).'_Page');
if (!$page)
if( $this->Application->RewriteURLs() )
$page = $this->Application->GetVar($event->Prefix.'_Page');
if (!$page)
$page = $this->Application->RecallVar($event->Prefix.'_Page');
if($page) $this->Application->StoreVar($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_Page', $page);
$page = $this->Application->RecallVar($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_Page');
else {
$this->Application->StoreVar($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_Page', $page);
if( !$event->getEventParam('skip_counting') )
$pages = $object->GetTotalPages();
if($page > $pages)
$this->Application->StoreVar($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_Page', 1);
$page = 1;
/*$cur_per_page = $per_page;
$per_page = $event->getEventParam('per_page');
if ($per_page == 'list_next') {
$cur_page = $page;
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject($event->Prefix);
$cur_item_index = $object->CurrentIndex;
$page = ($cur_page-1) * $cur_per_page + $cur_item_index + 1;
* Shows export dialog
* @param kEvent $event
function OnExport(&$event)
// use old fasion (in-portal) grid
$selector_name = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'CatalogSelectorName');
if ($selector_name) {
$selected_ids = $this->Application->GetVar($selector_name);
else {
$selected_ids = $this->getSelectedIDs($event);
if (implode(',', $selected_ids) == '') {
// K4 fix when no ids found bad selected ids array is formed
$selected_ids = false;
$selected_cats_ids = $this->Application->GetVar('export_categories');
$this->Application->StoreVar($event->Prefix.'_export_ids', $selected_ids ? implode(',', $selected_ids) : '' );
$this->Application->StoreVar($event->Prefix.'_export_cats_ids', $selected_cats_ids);
$export_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CatItemExportHelper');
$event->redirect = $export_helper->getModuleFolder($event).'/export';
$redirect_params = Array( 'm_opener' => 'd',
$this->Prefix.'.export_event' => 'OnNew',
'pass' => 'all,'.$this->Prefix.'.export');
* Returns specific to each item type columns only
* @param kEvent $event
* @return Array
function getCustomExportColumns(&$event)
return Array( '__VIRTUAL__ThumbnailImage' => 'ThumbnailImage',
'__VIRTUAL__FullImage' => 'FullImage',
'__VIRTUAL__ImageAlt' => 'ImageAlt');
* Sets non standart virtual fields (e.g. to other tables)
* @param kEvent $event
function setCustomExportColumns(&$event)
* Create/Update primary image record in info found in imported data
* @param kEvent $event
function restorePrimaryImage(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject();
$has_image_info = $object->GetDBField('ImageAlt') && ($object->GetDBField('ThumbnailImage') || $object->GetDBField('FullImage'));
if (!$has_image_info) {
return false;
$image_data = $object->getPrimaryImageData();
$image =& $this->Application->recallObject('img', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
if ($image_data) {
else {
$image->SetDBField('Name', 'main');
$image->SetDBField('DefaultImg', 1);
$image->SetDBField('ResourceId', $object->GetDBField('ResourceId'));
$image->SetDBField('AltName', $object->GetDBField('ImageAlt'));
if ($object->GetDBField('ThumbnailImage')) {
$thumbnail_field = $this->isURL( $object->GetDBField('ThumbnailImage') ) ? 'ThumbUrl' : 'ThumbPath';
$image->SetDBField($thumbnail_field, $object->GetDBField('ThumbnailImage') );
$image->SetDBField('LocalThumb', $thumbnail_field == 'ThumbPath' ? 1 : 0);
if (!$object->GetDBField('FullImage')) {
$image->SetDBField('SameImages', 1);
else {
$image->SetDBField('SameImages', 0);
$full_field = $this->isURL( $object->GetDBField('FullImage') ) ? 'Url' : 'LocalPath';
$image->SetDBField($full_field, $object->GetDBField('FullImage') );
$image->SetDBField('LocalImage', $full_field == 'LocalPath' ? 1 : 0);
if ($image->isLoaded()) {
else {
function isURL($path)
return preg_match('#(http|https)://(.*)#', $path);
* Prepares item for import/export operations
* @param kEvent $event
function OnNew(&$event)
if ($event->Special != 'import' && $event->Special != 'export') return ;
$export_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CatItemExportHelper');
$this->Application->StoreVar('ImportCategory', 0);
* Process items selected in item_selector
* @param kEvent $event
function OnProcessSelected(&$event)
$selected_ids = $this->Application->GetVar('selected_ids');
$dst_field = $this->Application->RecallVar('dst_field');
if ($dst_field == 'ItemCategory') {
// Item Edit -> Categories Tab -> New Categories
$object =& $event->getObject();
$category_ids = explode(',', $selected_ids['c']);
foreach ($category_ids as $category_id) {
if ($dst_field == 'ImportCategory') {
// Tools -> Import -> Item Import -> Select Import Category
$this->Application->StoreVar('ImportCategory', $selected_ids['c']);
$this->Application->StoreVar($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_ForceNotValid', 1); // not to loose import/export values on form refresh
$this->Application->SetVar($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_id', 0);
$this->Application->SetVar($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_event', 'OnExportBegin');
$passed = $this->Application->GetVar('passed');
$this->Application->SetVar('passed', $passed.','.$event->getPrefixSpecial());
$event->setEventParam('pass_events', true);
* Saves Import/Export settings to session
* @param kEvent $event
function OnSaveSettings(&$event)
$event->redirect = false;
$items_info = $this->Application->GetVar( $event->getPrefixSpecial(true) );
if ($items_info) {
list($id, $field_values) = each($items_info);
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
$field_values['ImportFilename'] = $object->GetDBField('ImportFilename'); //if upload formatter has renamed the file during moving !!!
$field_values['ImportSource'] = 2;
$field_values['ImportLocalFilename'] = $object->GetDBField('ImportFilename');
$items_info[$id] = $field_values;
$this->Application->StoreVar($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_ItemsInfo', serialize($items_info));
function OnCancelAction(&$event)
$event->redirect_params = Array('pass' => 'all,'.$event->GetPrefixSpecial());
$event->redirect = $this->Application->GetVar('cancel_template');
* Stores item's owner login into separate field together with id
* @param kEvent $event
* @param string $id_field
* @param string $cached_field
function cacheItemOwner(&$event, $id_field, $cached_field)
$object =& $event->getObject();
$user_id = $object->GetDBField($id_field);
$options = $object->GetFieldOptions($id_field);
if (isset($options['options'][$user_id])) {
$object->SetDBField($cached_field, $options['options'][$user_id]);
else {
$id_field = $this->Application->getUnitOption('u', 'IDField');
$table_name = $this->Application->getUnitOption('u', 'TableName');
$sql = 'SELECT Login
FROM '.$table_name.'
WHERE '.$id_field.' = '.$user_id;
$object->SetDBField($cached_field, $this->Conn->GetOne($sql));
* Saves item beeing edited into temp table
* @param kEvent $event
function OnPreSave(&$event)
$use_pending_editing = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'UsePendingEditing');
if ($event->status == erSUCCESS && $use_pending_editing) {
// decision: clone or not clone
$object =& $event->getObject();
if ($object->GetID() == 0 || $object->GetDBField('OrgId') > 0) {
// new items or cloned items shouldn't be cloned again
return true;
$perm_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('PermissionsHelper');
if ($perm_helper->ModifyCheckPermission($object->GetDBField('CreatedById'), $object->GetDBField('CategoryId'), $event->Prefix) == 2) {
// 1. clone original item
$temp_handler =& $this->Application->recallObject($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_TempHandler', 'kTempTablesHandler');
$cloned_ids = $temp_handler->CloneItems($event->Prefix, $event->Special, Array($object->GetID()), null, null, null, true);
$ci_table = $this->Application->GetTempName(TABLE_PREFIX.'CategoryItems');
// 2. delete record from CategoryItems (about cloned item) that was automatically created during call of Create method of kCatDBItem
$sql = 'SELECT ResourceId
FROM '.$object->TableName.'
WHERE '.$object->IDField.' = '.$cloned_ids[0];
$clone_resource_id = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
$sql = 'DELETE FROM '.$ci_table.'
WHERE ItemResourceId = '.$clone_resource_id.' AND PrimaryCat = 1';
// 3. copy main item categoryitems to cloned item
$sql = ' INSERT INTO '.$ci_table.' (CategoryId, ItemResourceId, PrimaryCat, ItemPrefix, Filename)
SELECT CategoryId, '.$clone_resource_id.' AS ItemResourceId, PrimaryCat, ItemPrefix, Filename
FROM '.$ci_table.'
WHERE ItemResourceId = '.$object->GetDBField('ResourceId');
// 4. put cloned id to OrgId field of item being cloned
$sql = 'UPDATE '.$object->TableName.'
SET OrgId = '.$object->GetID().'
WHERE '.$object->IDField.' = '.$cloned_ids[0];
// 5. substitute id of item being cloned with clone id
$this->Application->SetVar($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_id', $cloned_ids[0]);
$selected_ids = explode(',', $this->Application->RecallVar($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_selected_ids'));
$selected_ids[ array_search($object->GetID(), $selected_ids) ] = $cloned_ids[0];
$this->Application->StoreVar($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_selected_ids', implode(',', $selected_ids));
// 6. delete original item from temp table
$temp_handler->DeleteItems($event->Prefix, $event->Special, Array($object->GetID()));
* Sets default expiration based on module setting
* @param kEvent $event
function OnPreCreate(&$event)
if ($event->status == erSUCCESS) {
$object =& $event->getObject();
- $object->SetDBField('CreatedById', $this->Application->GetVar('u_id'));
+ $object->SetDBField('CreatedById', $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id'));
* Occures before original item of item in pending editing got deleted (for hooking only)
* @param kEvent $event
function OnBeforeDeleteOriginal(&$event)
* Occures before an item is cloneded
* Id of ORIGINAL item is passed as event' 'id' param
* Do not call object' Update method in this event, just set needed fields!
* @param kEvent $event
function OnBeforeClone(&$event)
if ($this->Application->GetVar('ResetCatBeforeClone')) {
$object =& $event->getObject();
$object->SetDBField('CategoryId', null);
* Apply same processing to each item beeing selected in grid
* @param kEvent $event
* @access private
function iterateItems(&$event)
if ($event->Name != 'OnMassApprove' && $event->Name != 'OnMassDecline') {
return parent::iterateItems($event);
if ($this->Application->CheckPermission('SYSTEM_ACCESS.READONLY', 1)) {
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
$ids = $this->StoreSelectedIDs($event);
if ($ids) {
foreach ($ids as $id) {
switch ($event->Name) {
case 'OnMassApprove':
$ret = $object->ApproveChanges();
case 'OnMassDecline':
$ret = $object->DeclineChanges();
if (!$ret) {
$event->status = erFAIL;
$event->redirect = false;
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class CategoriesItem extends kDBItem
function Create($force_id=false, $system_create=false)
if (!$this->Validate()) return false;
$this->SetDBField('ResourceId', $this->Application->NextResourceId());
- $this->SetDBField('CreatedById', $this->Application->GetVar('u_id') );
+ $this->SetDBField('CreatedById', $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id') );
$this->SetDBField('CreatedOn_date', adodb_mktime() );
$this->SetDBField('CreatedOn_time', adodb_mktime() );
$this->SetDBField('ParentId', $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id') );
$ret = parent::Create($force_id, $system_create);
if ($ret) {
$sql = 'UPDATE %s SET ParentPath = %s WHERE CategoryId = %s';
$parent_path = $this->buildParentPath();
$this->Conn->Query( sprintf($sql, $this->TableName, $this->Conn->qstr($parent_path), $this->GetID() ) );
$this->SetDBField('ParentPath', $parent_path);
return $ret;
function Update($id=null, $system_update=false)
$ret = parent::Update($id, $system_update);
return $ret;
function buildParentPath()
$parent_id = $this->GetDBField('ParentId');
if ($parent_id == 0) {
$parent_path = '|';
else {
$cat_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption($this->Prefix, 'TableName');
$sql = 'SELECT ParentPath FROM '.$cat_table.' WHERE CategoryId = %s';
$parent_path = $this->Conn->GetOne( sprintf($sql, $parent_id) );
return $parent_path.$this->GetID().'|';
* replace not allowed symbols with "_" chars + remove duplicate "_" chars in result
* @param string $string
* @return string
function stripDisallowed($string)
$not_allowed = Array( ' ', '\\', '/', ':', '*', '?', '"', '<', '>', '|', '`',
'~', '!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '(', ')', '~',
'+', '=', '-', '{', '}', ']', '[', "'", ';', '.', ',');
$string = str_replace($not_allowed, '_', $string);
$string = preg_replace('/(_+)/', '_', $string);
$string = $this->checkAutoFilename($string);
return $string;
function checkFilename()
if( !$this->GetDBField('AutomaticFilename') )
$filename = $this->GetDBField('Filename');
$this->SetDBField('Filename', $this->stripDisallowed($filename) );
function checkAutoFilename($filename)
if(!$filename) return $filename;
$item_id = !$this->GetID() ? 0 : $this->GetID();
// check temp table
$sql_temp = 'SELECT '.$this->IDField.' FROM '.$this->TableName.' WHERE Filename = '.$this->Conn->qstr($filename);
$found_temp_ids = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql_temp);
// check live table
$sql_live = 'SELECT '.$this->IDField.' FROM '.$this->Application->GetLiveName($this->TableName).' WHERE Filename = '.$this->Conn->qstr($filename);
$found_live_ids = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql_live);
$found_item_ids = array_unique( array_merge($found_temp_ids, $found_live_ids) );
$has_page = preg_match('/(.*)_([\d]+)([a-z]*)$/', $filename, $rets);
$duplicates_found = (count($found_item_ids) > 1) || ($found_item_ids && $found_item_ids[0] != $item_id);
if ($duplicates_found || $has_page) // other category has same filename as ours OR we have filename, that ends with _number
$append = $duplicates_found ? '_a' : '';
$filename = $rets[1].'_'.$rets[2];
$append = $rets[3] ? $rets[3] : '_a';
// check live & temp table
$sql_temp = 'SELECT '.$this->IDField.' FROM '.$this->TableName.' WHERE (Filename = %s) AND ('.$this->IDField.' != '.$item_id.')';
$sql_live = 'SELECT '.$this->IDField.' FROM '.$this->Application->GetLiveName($this->TableName).' WHERE (Filename = %s) AND ('.$this->IDField.' != '.$item_id.')';
while ( $this->Conn->GetOne( sprintf($sql_temp, $this->Conn->qstr($filename.$append)) ) > 0 ||
$this->Conn->GetOne( sprintf($sql_live, $this->Conn->qstr($filename.$append)) ) > 0 )
if (substr($append, -1) == 'z') $append .= 'a';
$append = substr($append, 0, strlen($append) - 1) . chr( ord( substr($append, -1) ) + 1 );
return $filename.$append;
return $filename;
* Generate item's filename based on it's title field value
* @return string
function generateFilename()
if ( !$this->GetDBField('AutomaticFilename') && $this->GetDBField('Filename') ) return false;
$ml_formatter =& $this->Application->recallObject('kMultiLanguage');
$name = $this->stripDisallowed( $this->GetDBField( $ml_formatter->LangFieldName('Name', true) ) );
if ( $name != $this->GetDBField('Filename') ) $this->SetDBField('Filename', $name);
* Allows to detect if root category being edited
* @param Array $params
function IsRoot()
$category_id = $this->Application->GetVar($this->getPrefixSpecial().'_id');
if (is_numeric($category_id) && $category_id == 0) {
$sql = 'SELECT '.$this->IDField.'
FROM '.$this->TableName.'
WHERE '.$this->IDField.' = '.$category_id;
if ($this->Conn->GetOne($sql) === false) {
return true;
return false;
* Sets correct name to Home category while editing it
* @return bool
function IsNewItem()
if ($this->IsRoot()) {
$title_field = $this->Application->getUnitOption($this->Prefix, 'TitleField');
$category_name = $this->Application->Phrase( $this->Application->ConfigValue('Root_Name') );
$this->SetDBField($title_field, $category_name);
return false;
return parent::IsNewItem();
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## -1 +1 ##
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\ No newline at end of property
Index: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.14.2/core/units/users/users_tag_processor.php
--- branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.14.2/core/units/users/users_tag_processor.php (revision 6841)
+++ branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.14.2/core/units/users/users_tag_processor.php (revision 6842)
@@ -1,182 +1,184 @@
class UsersTagProcessor extends kDBTagProcessor
function LogoutLink($params)
$pass = Array('pass' => 'all,m,u', 'u_event' => 'OnLogout', 'm_cat_id'=>0);
$logout_template = $this->SelectParam($params, 'template,t');
return $this->Application->HREF($logout_template, '', $pass);
function UseUsernames($params)
return $this->Application->ConfigValue('Email_As_Login') != 1;
function RegistrationEnabled($params)
return $this->Application->ConfigValue('User_Allow_New') != 2;
function SuggestRegister($params)
return !$this->Application->LoggedIn() && !$this->Application->ConfigValue('Comm_RequireLoginBeforeCheckout') && $this->RegistrationEnabled($params);
function ConfirmPasswordLink($params)
//global $m_var_list_update, $var_list_update, $objSession, $objConfig;
$template = "forgotpw_reset_result";
$tmp_user_id = $this->Application->RecallVar("tmp_user_id");
$saved_denerated_code = $this->Application->GetVar('saved_denerated_code');
if ($saved_denerated_code){
$code = $saved_denerated_code;
else {
$code = md5($this->GenerateCode());
$this->Application->SetVar('saved_denerated_code', $code);
$sql = 'UPDATE '.TABLE_PREFIX.'PortalUser SET PwResetConfirm="'.$code.'", PwRequestTime='.adodb_mktime().' WHERE PortalUserId='.$tmp_user_id;
$params = array_merge($params, array('pass'=>'m', 'user_key'=>$code));
$main_processor =& $this->Application->recallObject('m_TagProcessor');
return $main_processor->T($params);
function GenerateCode()
list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",microtime());
$id_part_1 = substr($usec, 4, 4);
$id_part_2 = mt_rand(1,9);
$id_part_3 = substr($sec, 6, 4);
$digit_one = substr($id_part_1, 0, 1);
if ($digit_one == 0) {
$digit_one = mt_rand(1,9);
$id_part_1 = ereg_replace("^0","",$id_part_1);
return $id_part_1.$id_part_2.$id_part_3;
- function ForgottenPassword($params){
+ function ForgottenPassword($params)
+ {
return $this->Application->GetVar('ForgottenPassword');
- function TestCodeIsValid($param){
+ function TestCodeIsValid($params)
+ {
$passed_key = $this->Application->GetVar('user_key');
$user_object = &$this->Application->recallObject('u.forgot');
- $user_current_object = &$this->Application->recallObject('u');
+ // used for error reporting only -> rewrite code + theme (by Alex)
+ $user_current_object = &$this->Application->recallObject('u', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true)); // TODO: change theme too
if (strlen(trim($passed_key)) == 0) {
$user_current_object->ErrorMsgs['code_is_not_valid'] = $this->Application->Phrase('lu_code_is_not_valid');
$user_current_object->FieldErrors['PwResetConfirm']['pseudo'] = 'code_is_not_valid';
return false;
- if($user_object->Load(array('PwResetConfirm'=>$passed_key)))
- {
+ if ($user_object->Load(array('PwResetConfirm'=>$passed_key))) {
$exp_time = $user_object->GetDBField('PwRequestTime') + 3600;
if ($exp_time > adodb_mktime())
} else {
$user_current_object->ErrorMsgs['code_expired'] = $this->Application->Phrase('lu_code_expired');
$user_current_object->FieldErrors['PwResetConfirm']['pseudo'] = 'code_expired';
return false;
- } else {
+ }
+ else {
$user_current_object->ErrorMsgs['code_is_not_valid'] = $this->Application->Phrase('lu_code_is_not_valid');
$user_current_object->FieldErrors['PwResetConfirm']['pseudo'] = 'code_is_not_valid';
return false;
return true;
* Returns sitem administrator email
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function SiteAdminEmail($params)
return $this->Application->ConfigValue('Smtp_AdminMailFrom');
function AffiliatePaymentTypeChecked($params)
static $checked = false;
if( $this->Application->GetVar('PaymentTypeId') )
$apt_object =& $this->Application->recallObject('');
if( $this->Application->GetVar('PaymentTypeId') == $apt_object->GetDBField('PaymentTypeId') )
return 1;
return 0;
$checked = true;
return 1;
return 0;
function HasError($params)
$res = parent::HasError($params);
if($this->SelectParam($params,'field,fields') == 'any')
$res = $res || $this->Application->GetVar('MustAgreeToTerms'); // need to do it not put module fields into kernel ! (noticed by Alex)
$res = $res || $this->Application->GetVar('SSNRequiredError');
return $res;
* Returns login name of user
* @param Array $params
function LoginName($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
return $object->GetID() != -1 ? $object->GetDBField('Login') : 'root';
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Index: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.39.8/core/kernel/event_manager.php
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@@ -1,506 +1,506 @@
define('hBEFORE', 1);
define('hAFTER', 2);
define('reBEFORE', 1);
define('reAFTER', 2);
class kEventManager extends kBase {
* Connection to database
* @var kDBConnection
* @access public
var $Conn;
* Cache of QueryString parameters
* from config, that are represented
* in enviroment variable
* @var Array
var $queryMaps = Array();
* Build events registred for
* pseudo classes. key - pseudo class
* value - event name
* @var Array
* @access private
var $buildEvents=Array();
* Events, that should be run before parser initialization
* @var Array
var $beforeRegularEvents = Array();
* Events, that should be run after parser initialization
* @var Array
var $afterRegularEvents = Array();
* Holds before hooks
* key - prefix.event (to link to)
* value - hooked event info
* @var Array
* @access private
var $beforeHooks=Array();
* Holds after hooks
* key - prefix.event (to link to)
* value - hooked event info
* @var Array
* @access private
var $afterHooks = Array();
var $recursionStack = Array();
function kEventManager()
$this->Conn =& $this->Application->GetADODBConnection();
* Set's new enviroment parameter mappings
* between their names as application vars
* @param Array $new_query_maps
* @access public
/*function setQueryMaps($new_query_maps)
$this->queryMaps = $new_query_maps;
* Adds new query map to already parsed query maps
* @param string $prefix
function setQueryMap($prefix_special)
list($prefix) = explode('.', $prefix_special);
$query_map = $this->Application->getUnitOption($prefix, 'QueryString');
if ($query_map) {
$this->queryMaps[$prefix_special] = $query_map;
else {
// 'passed' is set later in ProcessRequest - do we really need it here? (it breakes HTTPQuery initialization...)
// $this->Application->SetVar('passed', implode(',', array_keys($this->queryMaps)) );
return $query_map;
* Registers new regular event
* @param string $short_name name to be used to store last maintenace run info
* @param string $event_name
* @param int $run_interval run interval in seconds
* @param int $type before or after regular event
function registerRegularEvent($short_name, $event_name, $run_interval, $type = reBEFORE)
if($type == reBEFORE)
$this->beforeRegularEvents[$short_name] = Array('EventName' => $event_name, 'RunInterval' => $run_interval);
$this->afterRegularEvents[$short_name] = Array('EventName' => $event_name, 'RunInterval' => $run_interval);
function registerBuildEvent($pseudo_class,$build_event_name)
* Returns build event by pseudo class
* name if any defined in config
* @param string $pseudo_class
* @return kEvent
* @access public
function &getBuildEvent($pseudo_class)
$false = false;
if( !isset($this->buildEvents[$pseudo_class]) ) return $false;
$event = new kEvent();
return $event;
* Check if event is called twice, that causes recursion
* @param kEvent $event
function isRecursion(&$event)
$event_key = $event->getPrefixSpecial().':'.$event->Name;
return in_array($event_key, $this->recursionStack) ? true : false;
function pushEvent(&$event)
$event_key = $event->getPrefixSpecial().':'.$event->Name;
array_push($this->recursionStack, $event_key);
function popEvent()
* Allows to process any type of event
* @param kEvent $event
* @access public
function HandleEvent(&$event)
if ($this->isRecursion($event)) {
return true;
if( !$this->Application->prefixRegistred($event->Prefix) )
$unit_config_reader =& $this->Application->recallObject('kUnitConfigReader');
if( !$this->Application->prefixRegistred($event->Prefix) )
trigger_error('Prefix <b>'.$event->Prefix.'</b> not registred (requested event <b>'.$event->Name.'</b>)', E_USER_NOTICE);
return false;
if (!$event->SkipBeforeHooks) {
$this->processHooks($event, hBEFORE);
if ($event->status == erFATAL) return true;
$event_handler =& $this->Application->recallObject($event->Prefix.'_EventHandler');
if ($event->status == erFATAL) return true;
if (!$event->SkipAfterHooks) {
$this->processHooks($event, hAFTER);
return true;
function ProcessRequest()
// 1. get events from $_POST
$events = $this->Application->GetVar('events');
if ($events === false) $events = Array();
// 2. if nothing there, then try to find them in $_GET
if ($this->queryMaps && !$events) {
// if we got $_GET type submit (links, not javascript)
foreach ($this->queryMaps as $prefix_special => $query_map) {
$query_map = array_flip($query_map);
if (isset($query_map['event'])) {
$event_name = $this->Application->GetVar($prefix_special.'_event');
if ($event_name) {
$events[$prefix_special] = $event_name;
$actions = $this->Application->GetVar('do');
if ($actions) {
list($prefix, $event_name) = explode('_', $actions);
$events[$prefix] = $event_name;
$passed = explode(',', $this->Application->GetVar('passed'));
foreach ($events as $prefix_special => $event_name) {
if (!$event_name) continue;
if (is_array($event_name)) {
$event_name = key($event_name);
$events[$prefix_special] = $event_name;
$this->Application->SetVar($prefix_special.'_event', $event_name);
$event = new kEvent();
$event->Name = $event_name;
$event->Prefix_Special = $prefix_special;
$prefix_special = explode('.',$prefix_special);
$event->Prefix = $prefix_special[0];
array_push($passed, $prefix_special[0]);
$event->Special = isset($prefix_special[1]) ? $prefix_special[1] : '';
$event->redirect_params = Array('opener' => 's', 'pass' => 'all');
$event->redirect = true;
$event_handler =& $this->Application->recallObject($event->Prefix.'_EventHandler');
$event->setEventParam('top_prefix', $this->Application->GetTopmostPrefix($event->Prefix));
- if (($this->Application->GetVar('u_id') == -1) || $event_handler->CheckPermission($event)) {
+ if (($this->Application->RecallVar('user_id') == -1) || $event_handler->CheckPermission($event)) {
if ($event->status == erPERM_FAIL) {
$event->redirect = $this->Application->IsAdmin() ? 'no_permission' : $this->Application->ConfigValue('NoPermissionTemplate');
$event->redirect_params['pass'] = 'm';
$event->redirect_params['m_cat_id'] = 0;
// restore stuff, that processOpener() changed
// don't save last_template, because no_permission template does js history.back and could cause invalid opener_stack content
$this->Application->SetVar('skip_last_template', 1);
// should do redirect but to no_permissions template
if ( ($event->status == erSUCCESS || $event->status == erPERM_FAIL) && ($event->redirect === true || strlen($event->redirect) > 0)) {
// we need to pass category if the action was submitted to self-template, with the category passed
// and it has not explicly set redirect template or pass_cateogry param
if ($event->redirect === true && !isset($event->redirect_params['pass_category']) && $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id')) {
$event->redirect_params['pass_category'] = 1;
$this->Application->Redirect($event->redirect, $event->redirect_params, null, $event->redirect_script);
$this->Application->SetVar('events', $events);
$this->Application->SetVar('passed', implode(',', $passed));
function processOpener()
$opener_action = $this->Application->GetVar('m_opener');
$opener_stack = $this->Application->RecallVar('opener_stack');
$opener_stack = $opener_stack ? unserialize($opener_stack) : Array();
switch ($opener_action) {
case 'r': // "reset" opener stack
$opener_stack = Array();
case 'd': // "down/push" new template to opener stack, deeplevel++
if ($this->Application->GetVar('front')) {
$front_session =& $this->Application->recallObject('Session.front');
array_push($opener_stack, '../'.$front_session->RecallVar('last_template') );
else {
array_push($opener_stack, $this->Application->RecallVar('last_template') );
case 'u': // "up/pop" last template from opener stack, deeplevel--
case 'p': //pop-up - do not store last template
$this->Application->SetVar('skip_last_template', 1);
default: // "s/0," stay on same deep level
if (!$this->Application->GetVar('skip_last_template')) {
$this->Application->SetVar('m_opener', 's');
$this->Application->StoreVar('opener_stack', serialize($opener_stack));
function openerStackPush($t, $params, $pass = 'all')
$opener_stack = $this->Application->RecallVar('opener_stack');
$opener_stack = $opener_stack ? unserialize($opener_stack) : Array();
$redirect_params = array_merge_recursive2(Array('m_opener' => 'u', '__URLENCODE__' => 1), $params);
$new_level = $this->Application->BuildEnv($t, $redirect_params, $pass, true);
array_push($opener_stack, 'index.php|'.ltrim($new_level, ENV_VAR_NAME.'=') );
$this->Application->StoreVar('opener_stack', serialize($opener_stack));
function registerHook($hookto_prefix, $hookto_special, $hookto_event, $mode, $do_prefix, $do_special, $do_event, $conditional)
if( !$this->Application->prefixRegistred($hookto_prefix) )
if ($this->Application->isDebugMode()) {
trigger_error('Prefix <b>'.$hookto_prefix.'</b> doesn\'t exist when trying to hook from <b>'.$do_prefix.':'.$do_event.'</b>', E_USER_WARNING);
$hookto_prefix_special = rtrim($hookto_prefix.'.'.$hookto_special, '.');
if ($mode == hBEFORE) {
$this->beforeHooks[strtolower($hookto_prefix_special.'.'.$hookto_event)][] = Array(
'DoPrefix' => $do_prefix,
'DoSpecial' => $do_special,
'DoEvent' => $do_event,
'Conditional' => $conditional,
elseif ($mode == hAFTER) {
$this->afterHooks[strtolower($hookto_prefix_special.'.'.$hookto_event)][] = Array(
'DoPrefix' => $do_prefix,
'DoSpecial' => $do_special,
'DoEvent' => $do_event,
'Conditional' => $conditional,
* Enter description here...
* @param kEvent $event
* @param int $mode hBEFORE or hAFTER
* @return Array
function &getHooks(&$event, $mode, $special = null)
$event_key = !isset($special) ? $event->Prefix_Special : $event->Prefix.'.'.$special;
if ($mode == hBEFORE) {
$mode_hooks =& $this->beforeHooks;
else {
$mode_hooks =& $this->afterHooks;
if (!isset($mode_hooks[strtolower($event_key.'.'.$event->Name)])) {
$hooks = array();
return $hooks;
return $mode_hooks[strtolower($event_key.'.'.$event->Name)];
* Enter description here...
* @param kEvent $event
* @param int $mode hBEFORE or hAFTER
function processHooks(&$event, $mode)
// * - get hooks that are valid with any special of given prefix
$hooks = array_merge($this->getHooks($event, $mode, '*'), $this->getHooks($event, $mode));
if ($hooks) {
foreach ($hooks as $hook) {
if ($hook['DoSpecial'] == '*') {
// use same special as master event
$hook['DoSpecial'] = $event->Special;
$prefix_special = rtrim($hook['DoPrefix'].'_'.$hook['DoSpecial'], '_');
if ( $hook['Conditional'] && !$this->Application->GetVar($prefix_special) ) {
$hook_event = new kEvent( Array('name'=>$hook['DoEvent'],'prefix'=>$hook['DoPrefix'],'special'=>$hook['DoSpecial']) );
$hook_event->MasterEvent =& $event;
* Set's new event for $prefix_special
* passed
* @param string $prefix_special
* @param string $event_name
* @access public
function setEvent($prefix_special,$event_name)
$actions =& $this->Application->recallObject('kActions');
* Run registred regular events with specified event type
* @param int $event_type
function RunRegularEvents($event_type = reBEFORE, $from_cron=false)
if (defined('IS_INSTALL')) return ;
// if RegularEvents are set to run from cron
if (!$from_cron && $this->Application->ConfigValue('UseCronForRegularEvent')) return ;
$events_source = ($event_type == reBEFORE) ? $this->beforeRegularEvents : $this->afterRegularEvents;
/*if(rand(0, 100) < 90)
$sql = 'SELECT Data FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Cache WHERE VarName = %s';
$event_last_runs = $this->Conn->GetOne( sprintf($sql, $this->Conn->qstr('RegularEventRuns') ) );
$event_last_runs = $event_last_runs ? unserialize($event_last_runs) : Array();
foreach($events_source as $short_name => $event_data)
$event_last_run = getArrayValue($event_last_runs, $short_name);
if($event_last_run && $event_last_run > adodb_mktime() - $event_data['RunInterval'])
$event = new kEvent($event_data['EventName']);
$event->redirect = false;
$event_last_runs[$short_name] = adodb_mktime();
$sql = 'REPLACE INTO '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Cache (VarName,Data,Cached) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)';
$this->Conn->Query( sprintf($sql, $this->Conn->qstr('RegularEventRuns'), $this->Conn->qstr(serialize($event_last_runs)), adodb_mktime() ) );
* Allows to determine, that required event is beeing processed right now
* @param string $event_key Event name in format prefix[.special]:event_name
* @return bool
function eventRunning($event_key)
return array_search($event_key, $this->recursionStack) !== false;
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.39.8/core/kernel/event_manager.php
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## -1 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
\ No newline at end of property
Index: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.166.4/core/kernel/application.php
--- branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.166.4/core/kernel/application.php (revision 6841)
+++ branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.166.4/core/kernel/application.php (revision 6842)
@@ -1,2252 +1,2257 @@
* Basic class for Kernel3-based Application
* This class is a Facade for any other class which needs to deal with Kernel3 framework.<br>
* The class incapsulates the main run-cycle of the script, provide access to all other objects in the framework.<br>
* <br>
* The class is a singleton, which means that there could be only one instance of KernelApplication in the script.<br>
* This could be guranteed by NOT calling the class constuctor directly, but rather calling KernelApplication::Instance() method,
* which returns an instance of the application. The method gurantees that it will return exactly the same instance for any call.<br>
* See singleton pattern by GOF.
* @package kernel4
class kApplication {
* Is true, when Init method was called already, prevents double initialization
* @var bool
var $InitDone = false;
* Holds internal TemplateParser object
* @access private
* @var TemplateParser
var $Parser;
* Holds parser output buffer
* @access private
* @var string
var $HTML;
* Prevents request from beeing proceeded twice in case if application init is called mere then one time
* @var bool
* @todo This is not good anyway (by Alex)
var $RequestProcessed = false;
* The main Factory used to create
* almost any class of kernel and
* modules
* @access private
* @var kFactory
var $Factory;
* All ConfigurationValues table content (hash) here
* @var Array
* @access private
var $ConfigHash = Array();
* Ids of config variables used in current run (for caching)
* @var Array
* @access private
var $ConfigCacheIds = array();
* Template names, that will be used instead of regular templates
* @var Array
var $ReplacementTemplates = Array ();
* Reference to debugger
* @var Debugger
var $Debugger = null;
* Holds all phrases used
* in code and template
* @var PhrasesCache
var $Phrases;
* Modules table content, key - module name
* @var Array
var $ModuleInfo = Array();
* Holds DBConnection
* @var kDBConnection
var $Conn = null;
* Maintains list of user-defined error handlers
* @var Array
var $errorHandlers = Array();
// performance needs:
* Holds a refererence to httpquery
* @var kHttpQuery
var $HttpQuery = null;
* Holds a reference to UnitConfigReader
* @var kUnitConfigReader
var $UnitConfigReader = null;
* Holds a reference to Session
* @var Session
var $Session = null;
* Holds a ref to kEventManager
* @var kEventManager
var $EventManager = null;
* Ref to itself, needed because everybody used to write $this->Application, even inside kApplication
* @var kApplication
var $Application = null;
* Ref for TemplatesChache
* @var TemplatesCache
var $TemplatesCache = null;
var $CompilationCache = array(); //used when compiling templates
var $CachedProcessors = array(); //used when running compiled templates
* Returns kApplication instance anywhere in the script.
* This method should be used to get single kApplication object instance anywhere in the
* Kernel-based application. The method is guranteed to return the SAME instance of kApplication.
* Anywhere in the script you could write:
* <code>
* $application =& kApplication::Instance();
* </code>
* or in an object:
* <code>
* $this->Application =& kApplication::Instance();
* </code>
* to get the instance of kApplication. Note that we call the Instance method as STATIC - directly from the class.
* To use descendand of standard kApplication class in your project you would need to define APPLICATION_CLASS constant
* BEFORE calling kApplication::Instance() for the first time. If APPLICATION_CLASS is not defined the method would
* create and return default KernelApplication instance.
* @static
* @access public
* @return kApplication
function &Instance()
static $instance = false;
safeDefine('APPLICATION_CLASS', 'kApplication');
$instance = new $class();
$instance->Application =& $instance;
return $instance;
* Initializes the Application
* @access public
* @see kHTTPQuery
* @see Session
* @see TemplatesCache
* @return bool Was Init actually made now or before
function Init()
if($this->InitDone) return false;
if (!constOn('SKIP_OUT_COMPRESSION')) {
ob_start(); // collect any output from method (other then tags) into buffer
if(defined('DEBUG_MODE') && $this->isDebugMode() && constOn('DBG_PROFILE_MEMORY')) {
$this->Debugger->appendMemoryUsage('Application before Init:');
if (!$this->isDebugMode() && !constOn('DBG_ZEND_PRESENT')) {
ini_set('display_errors', 0);
if (!constOn('DBG_ZEND_PRESENT')) {
$error_handler = set_error_handler( Array(&$this,'handleError') );
if ($error_handler) $this->errorHandlers[] = $error_handler;
$this->Conn = new kDBConnection(SQL_TYPE, Array(&$this, 'handleSQLError') );
$this->Conn->Connect(SQL_SERVER, SQL_USER, SQL_PASS, SQL_DB);
$this->Conn->debugMode = $this->isDebugMode();
$this->Factory = new kFactory();
$this->Phrases = new PhrasesCache();
$this->EventManager =& $this->Factory->makeClass('EventManager');
$this->Factory->Storage['EventManager'] =& $this->EventManager;
$this->UnitConfigReader =& $this->recallObject('kUnitConfigReader');
$rewrite_on = $this->ConfigValue('UseModRewrite');
// admin=1 - when front is browsed using admin session
$admin_on = getArrayValue($_REQUEST, 'admin') || $this->IsAdmin();
define('MOD_REWRITE', $rewrite_on && !$admin_on ? 1 : 0);
$this->HttpQuery =& $this->recallObject('HTTPQuery');
$this->Session =& $this->recallObject('Session');
/*// Module items are recalled during url parsing & PhrasesCache is needed already there,
// because it's used in their build events. That's why phrases cache initialization is
// called from kHTTPQuery in case when mod_rewrite is used
if (!$this->RewriteURLs()) {
$this->Phrases = new PhrasesCache();
if(!$this->RecallVar('UserGroups')) {
$session =& $this->recallObject('Session');
$user_groups = trim($session->GetField('GroupList'), ',');
if (!$user_groups) $user_groups = $this->ConfigValue('User_GuestGroup');
$this->StoreVar('UserGroups', $user_groups);
if ($this->GetVar('m_cat_id') === false) $this->SetVar('m_cat_id', 0);
if( !$this->RecallVar('curr_iso') ) $this->StoreVar('curr_iso', $this->GetPrimaryCurrency() );
$this->SetVar('visits_id', $this->RecallVar('visit_id') );
$language =& $this->recallObject( 'lang.current', null, Array('live_table' => true) );
if($this->isDebugMode()) {
$this->InitDone = true;
$this->HandleEvent( new kEvent('adm:OnStartup') );
return true;
* Returns module information. Searches module by requested field
* @param string $field
* @param mixed $value
* @param string field value to returns, if not specified, then return all fields
* @param string field to return
* @return Array
function findModule($field, $value, $return_field = null)
$found = false;
foreach ($this->ModuleInfo as $module_name => $module_info) {
if (strtolower($module_info[$field]) == strtolower($value)) {
$found = true;
if ($found) {
return isset($return_field) ? $module_info[$return_field] : $module_info;
return false;
function refreshModuleInfo()
$modules_helper =& $this->recallObject('ModulesHelper');
$sql = 'SELECT *
WHERE '.$modules_helper->getWhereClause().'
ORDER BY LoadOrder';
$this->ModuleInfo = $this->Conn->Query($sql, 'Name');
* Checks if passed language id if valid and sets it to primary otherwise
function VerifyLanguageId()
$language_id = $this->GetVar('m_lang');
if (!$language_id) {
$language_id = 'default';
$this->SetVar('lang.current_id', $language_id );
$this->SetVar('m_lang', $language_id );
$lang_mode = $this->GetVar('lang_mode');
$this->SetVar('lang_mode', '');
$lang =& $this->recallObject('lang.current');
if ( !$lang->IsLoaded() || (!$this->Application->IsAdmin() && !$lang->GetDBField('Enabled')) ) {
if (!defined('IS_INSTALL')) $this->ApplicationDie('Unknown or disabled language');
* Checks if passed theme id if valid and sets it to primary otherwise
function VerifyThemeId()
if ($this->Application->IsAdmin()) {
safeDefine('THEMES_PATH', '/core/admin_templates');
$theme_id = $this->GetVar('m_theme');
if (!$theme_id) {
$theme_id = $this->GetDefaultThemeId();
if (!$theme_id) {
if (!defined('IS_INSTALL')) $this->ApplicationDie('No Primary Theme Selected');
$this->SetVar('m_theme', $theme_id);
$this->SetVar('theme.current_id', $theme_id ); // KOSTJA: this is to fool theme' getPassedId
$theme =& $this->recallObject('theme.current');
if (!$theme->IsLoaded() || !$theme->GetDBField('Enabled')) {
if (!defined('IS_INSTALL')) $this->ApplicationDie('Unknown or disabled theme');
safeDefine('THEMES_PATH', '/themes/'.$theme->GetDBField('Name'));
function GetDefaultLanguageId()
static $language_id = 0;
if ($language_id > 0) return $language_id;
$table = $this->getUnitOption('lang','TableName');
$id_field = $this->getUnitOption('lang','IDField');
$sql = 'SELECT '.$id_field.'
FROM '.$table.'
WHERE (PrimaryLang = 1) AND (Enabled = 1)';
$language_id = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
if (!$language_id && defined('IS_INSTALL') && IS_INSTALL) {
$language_id = 1;
return $language_id;
function GetDefaultThemeId()
static $theme_id = 0;
if($theme_id > 0) return $theme_id;
if (constOn('DBG_FORCE_THEME')) {
$theme_id = DBG_FORCE_THEME;
elseif ($this->IsAdmin()) {
$theme_id = 999;
else {
$table = $this->getUnitOption('theme','TableName');
$id_field = $this->getUnitOption('theme','IDField');
$sql = 'SELECT '.$id_field.'
FROM '.$table.'
WHERE (PrimaryTheme = 1) AND (Enabled = 1)';
$theme_id = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
return $theme_id;
function GetPrimaryCurrency()
if ($this->isModuleEnabled('In-Commerce')) {
$table = $this->getUnitOption('curr', 'TableName');
return $this->Conn->GetOne('SELECT ISO FROM '.$table.' WHERE IsPrimary = 1');
else {
return 'USD';
* Registers default classes such as ItemController, GridController and LoginController
* Called automatically while initializing Application
* @access private
* @return void
function RegisterDefaultClasses()
$this->registerClass('kTempTablesHandler', KERNEL_PATH.'/utility/temp_handler.php');
$this->registerClass('kEventManager', KERNEL_PATH.'/event_manager.php', 'EventManager');
$this->registerClass('kUnitConfigReader', KERNEL_PATH.'/utility/unit_config_reader.php');
$this->registerClass('kArray', KERNEL_PATH.'/utility/params.php');
$this->registerClass('Params', KERNEL_PATH.'/utility/params.php');
$this->registerClass('kHelper', KERNEL_PATH.'/kbase.php');
$this->registerClass('kCache', KERNEL_PATH.'/utility/cache.php', 'Cache', Array('Params'));
$this->registerClass('kHTTPQuery', KERNEL_PATH.'/utility/http_query.php', 'HTTPQuery', Array('Params') );
$this->registerClass('Session', KERNEL_PATH.'/session/session.php');
$this->registerClass('SessionStorage', KERNEL_PATH.'/session/session.php');
$this->registerClass('Params', KERNEL_PATH.'/utility/params.php', 'kActions');
$this->registerClass('kMultipleFilter', KERNEL_PATH.'/utility/filters.php');
$this->registerClass('kDBList', KERNEL_PATH.'/db/dblist.php');
$this->registerClass('kDBItem', KERNEL_PATH.'/db/dbitem.php');
$this->registerClass('kDBEventHandler', KERNEL_PATH.'/db/db_event_handler.php');
$this->registerClass('kTagProcessor', KERNEL_PATH.'/processors/tag_processor.php');
$this->registerClass('kMainTagProcessor', KERNEL_PATH.'/processors/main_processor.php','m_TagProcessor', 'kTagProcessor');
$this->registerClass('kDBTagProcessor', KERNEL_PATH.'/db/db_tag_processor.php', null, 'kTagProcessor');
$this->registerClass('TemplatesCache', KERNEL_PATH.'/parser/template.php');
$this->registerClass('Template', KERNEL_PATH.'/parser/template.php');
$this->registerClass('TemplateParser', KERNEL_PATH.'/parser/template_parser.php',null, 'kDBTagProcessor');
$this->registerClass('kEmailMessage', KERNEL_PATH.'/utility/email.php');
$this->registerClass('kSmtpClient', KERNEL_PATH.'/utility/smtp_client.php');
if (file_exists(MODULES_PATH.'/in-commerce/units/currencies/currency_rates.php')) {
$this->registerClass('kCurrencyRates', MODULES_PATH.'/in-commerce/units/currencies/currency_rates.php');
$this->registerClass('FCKeditor', FULL_PATH.'/admin/editor/cmseditor/fckeditor.php'); // need this?
/* Moved from MyApplication */
$this->registerClass('kCatDBItemExportHelper',KERNEL_PATH.'/../units/general/cat_dbitem_export.php', 'CatItemExportHelper');
// Do not move to config - this helper is used before configs are read
$this->registerClass('kModulesHelper', KERNEL_PATH.'/../units/general/helpers/modules.php', 'ModulesHelper');
/* End moved */
function RegisterDefaultBuildEvents()
$event_manager =& $this->recallObject('EventManager');
$event_manager->registerBuildEvent('kTempTablesHandler', 'OnTempHandlerBuild');
* Returns item's filename that corresponds id passed. If possible, then get it from cache
* @param string $prefix
* @param int $id
* @return string
function getFilename($prefix, $id, $category_id=null)
$filename = $this->getCache('filenames', $prefix.'_'.$id);
if ($filename === false) {
$table = $this->getUnitOption($prefix, 'TableName');
$id_field = $this->getUnitOption($prefix, 'IDField');
if ($prefix == 'c') {
if(!$id) {
$this->setCache('filenames', $prefix.'_'.$id, '');
return '';
// this allows to save 2 sql queries for each category
$sql = 'SELECT NamedParentPath, CachedCategoryTemplate
FROM '.$table.'
WHERE '.$id_field.' = '.$this->Conn->qstr($id);
$category_data = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
$filename = $category_data['NamedParentPath'];
$this->setCache('category_templates', $id, $category_data['CachedCategoryTemplate']);
// $this->setCache('item_templates', $id, $category_data['CachedItemTemplate']);
else {
$resource_id = $this->Conn->GetOne('SELECT ResourceId FROM '.$table.' WHERE '.$id_field.' = '.$this->Conn->qstr($id));
if (is_null($category_id)) $category_id = $this->GetVar('m_cat_id');
$sql = 'SELECT Filename FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'CategoryItems WHERE ItemResourceId = '.$resource_id.' AND CategoryId = '.$category_id;
$filename = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
/*if (!$filename) {
$sql = 'SELECT Filename FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'CategoryItems WHERE ItemResourceId = '.$resource_id.' AND PrimaryCat = 1';
$filename = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
/*$sql = 'SELECT Filename
FROM '.$table.'
WHERE '.$id_field.' = '.$this->Conn->qstr($id);
$filename = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);*/
$this->setCache('filenames', $prefix.'_'.$id, $filename);
return $filename;
* Adds new value to cache $cache_name and identified by key $key
* @param string $cache_name cache name
* @param int $key key name to add to cache
* @param mixed $value value of chached record
function setCache($cache_name, $key, $value)
$cache =& $this->recallObject('Cache');
$cache->setCache($cache_name, $key, $value);
* Returns cached $key value from cache named $cache_name
* @param string $cache_name cache name
* @param int $key key name from cache
* @return mixed
function getCache($cache_name, $key)
$cache =& $this->recallObject('Cache');
return $cache->getCache($cache_name, $key);
* Defines default constants if it's not defined before - in config.php
* @access private
function SetDefaultConstants()
* Registers each module specific constants if any found
function registerModuleConstants()
if (file_exists(KERNEL_PATH.'/constants.php')) {
if (!$this->ModuleInfo) return false;
foreach($this->ModuleInfo as $module_name => $module_info)
$module_path = '/'.$module_info['Path'];
$contants_file = FULL_PATH.$module_path.'constants.php';
if( file_exists($contants_file) ) k4_include_once($contants_file);
return true;
function ProcessRequest()
$event_manager =& $this->recallObject('EventManager');
if($this->isDebugMode() && constOn('DBG_SHOW_HTTPQUERY')) {
$this->RequestProcessed = true;
* Actually runs the parser against current template and stores parsing result
* This method gets t variable passed to the script, loads the template given in t variable and
* parses it. The result is store in {@link $this->HTML} property.
* @access public
* @return void
function Run()
if($this->isDebugMode() && constOn('DBG_PROFILE_MEMORY')) {
$this->Debugger->appendMemoryUsage('Application before Run:');
if ($this->IsAdmin()) {
// for permission checking in events & templates
$this->LinkVar('module'); // for common configuration templates
$this->LinkVar('section'); // for common configuration templates
if ($this->GetVar('m_opener') == 'p') {
$this->LinkVar('main_prefix'); // window prefix, that opened selector
$this->LinkVar('dst_field'); // field to set value choosed in selector
$this->LinkVar('return_template'); // template to go, when something was coosen from popup (from finalizePopup)
$this->LinkVar('return_m'); // main env part to restore after popup will be closed (from finalizePopup)
if ($this->GetVar('ajax') == 'yes') {
// hide debug output from ajax requests automatically
define('DBG_SKIP_REPORTING', 1);
if (!$this->RequestProcessed) $this->ProcessRequest();
$t = $this->GetVar('t');
if ($this->isModuleEnabled('In-Edit')) {
$cms_handler =& $this->recallObject('cms_EventHandler');
if (!$this->TemplatesCache->TemplateExists($t) && !$this->IsAdmin()) {
$t = $cms_handler->GetDesignTemplate();
/*else {
if($this->isDebugMode() && constOn('DBG_PROFILE_MEMORY')) {
$this->Debugger->appendMemoryUsage('Application before Parsing:');
$this->HTML = $this->Parser->ParseTemplate( $t );
if ($this->isDebugMode() && constOn('DBG_PROFILE_MEMORY')) {
$this->Debugger->appendMemoryUsage('Application after Parsing:');
function InitParser()
if( !is_object($this->Parser) ) {
$this->Parser =& $this->recallObject('TemplateParser');
$this->TemplatesCache =& $this->recallObject('TemplatesCache');
* Send the parser results to browser
* Actually send everything stored in {@link $this->HTML}, to the browser by echoing it.
* @access public
* @return void
function Done()
if ($this->isDebugMode() && constOn('DBG_PROFILE_MEMORY')) {
$this->Debugger->appendMemoryUsage('Application before Done:');
if ($this->GetVar('admin')) {
$reg = '/('.preg_quote(BASE_PATH, '/').'.*\.html)(#.*){0,1}(")/sU';
$this->HTML = preg_replace($reg, "$1?admin=1$2$3", $this->HTML);
if ($this->isDebugMode()) {
$this->HTML = ob_get_clean() . $this->HTML . $this->Debugger->printReport(true);
else {
$this->HTML = ob_get_clean().$this->HTML;
if ($this->UseOutputCompression()) {
header('Content-Encoding: gzip');
$compression_level = $this->ConfigValue('OutputCompressionLevel');
if ($compression_level < 0 || $compression_level > 9) $compression_level = 7;
echo gzencode($this->HTML, $compression_level);
else {
echo $this->HTML;
if ($this->isDebugMode() && constOn('DBG_CACHE')) {
$cache =& $this->recallObject('Cache');
* Checks if output compression options is available
* @return string
function UseOutputCompression()
if (constOn('IS_INSTALL') || constOn('DBG_ZEND_PRESENT') || constOn('SKIP_OUT_COMPRESSION')) return false;
return $this->ConfigValue('UseOutputCompression') && function_exists('gzencode') && strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], 'gzip');
// Facade
* Returns current session id (SID)
* @access public
* @return longint
function GetSID()
$session =& $this->recallObject('Session');
return $session->GetID();
function DestroySession()
$session =& $this->recallObject('Session');
* Returns variable passed to the script as GET/POST/COOKIE
* @access public
* @param string $name Name of variable to retrieve
* @param int $default default value returned in case if varible not present
* @return mixed
function GetVar($name, $default = false)
// $http_query =& $this->recallObject('HTTPQuery');
return isset($this->HttpQuery->_Params[$name]) ? $this->HttpQuery->_Params[$name] : $default;
* Returns ALL variables passed to the script as GET/POST/COOKIE
* @access public
* @return array
function GetVars()
return $this->HttpQuery->GetParams();
* Set the variable 'as it was passed to the script through GET/POST/COOKIE'
* This could be useful to set the variable when you know that
* other objects would relay on variable passed from GET/POST/COOKIE
* or you could use SetVar() / GetVar() pairs to pass the values between different objects.<br>
* This method is formerly known as $this->Session->SetProperty.
* @param string $var Variable name to set
* @param mixed $val Variable value
* @access public
* @return void
function SetVar($var,$val)
// $http_query =& $this->recallObject('HTTPQuery');
return $this->HttpQuery->Set($var,$val);
* Deletes kHTTPQuery variable
* @param string $var
* @todo think about method name
function DeleteVar($var)
return $this->HttpQuery->Remove($var);
* Deletes Session variable
* @param string $var
function RemoveVar($var)
return $this->Session->RemoveVar($var);
* Restores Session variable to it's db version
* @param string $var
function RestoreVar($var)
return $this->Session->RestoreVar($var);
* Returns session variable value
* Return value of $var variable stored in Session. An optional default value could be passed as second parameter.
* @see SimpleSession
* @access public
* @param string $var Variable name
* @param mixed $default Default value to return if no $var variable found in session
* @return mixed
function RecallVar($var,$default=false)
return $this->Session->RecallVar($var,$default);
* Stores variable $val in session under name $var
* Use this method to store variable in session. Later this variable could be recalled.
* @see RecallVar
* @access public
* @param string $var Variable name
* @param mixed $val Variable value
function StoreVar($var, $val)
$session =& $this->recallObject('Session');
$this->Session->StoreVar($var, $val);
function StoreVarDefault($var, $val)
$session =& $this->recallObject('Session');
$this->Session->StoreVarDefault($var, $val);
* Links HTTP Query variable with session variable
* If variable $var is passed in HTTP Query it is stored in session for later use. If it's not passed it's recalled from session.
* This method could be used for making sure that GetVar will return query or session value for given
* variable, when query variable should overwrite session (and be stored there for later use).<br>
* This could be used for passing item's ID into popup with multiple tab -
* in popup script you just need to call LinkVar('id', 'current_id') before first use of GetVar('id').
* After that you can be sure that GetVar('id') will return passed id or id passed earlier and stored in session
* @access public
* @param string $var HTTP Query (GPC) variable name
* @param mixed $ses_var Session variable name
* @param mixed $default Default variable value
function LinkVar($var, $ses_var = null, $default = '')
if (!isset($ses_var)) $ses_var = $var;
if ($this->GetVar($var) !== false) {
$this->StoreVar($ses_var, $this->GetVar($var));
else {
$this->SetVar($var, $this->RecallVar($ses_var, $default));
* Returns variable from HTTP Query, or from session if not passed in HTTP Query
* The same as LinkVar, but also returns the variable value taken from HTTP Query if passed, or from session if not passed.
* Returns the default value if variable does not exist in session and was not passed in HTTP Query
* @see LinkVar
* @access public
* @param string $var HTTP Query (GPC) variable name
* @param mixed $ses_var Session variable name
* @param mixed $default Default variable value
* @return mixed
function GetLinkedVar($var, $ses_var = null, $default = '')
$this->LinkVar($var, $ses_var, $default);
return $this->GetVar($var);
function AddBlock($name, $tpl)
$this->cache[$name] = $tpl;
/* Seems to be not used anywhere... /Kostja
function SetTemplateBody($title,$body)
$templates_cache =& $this->recallObject('TemplatesCache');
function ProcessTag($tag_data)
$a_tag = new Tag($tag_data,$this->Parser);
return $a_tag->DoProcessTag();
function ProcessParsedTag($prefix, $tag, $params)
$a_tag = new Tag('',$this->Parser);
$a_tag->Tag = $tag;
$a_tag->Processor = $tmp['prefix'];
$a_tag->Special = $tmp['special'];
$a_tag->NamedParams = $params;
return $a_tag->DoProcessTag();
* Return ADODB Connection object
* Returns ADODB Connection object already connected to the project database, configurable in config.php
* @access public
* @return kDBConnection
function &GetADODBConnection()
return $this->Conn;
function ParseBlock($params,$pass_params=0,$as_template=false)
if (substr($params['name'], 0, 5) == 'html:') return substr($params['name'], 6);
return $this->Parser->ParseBlock($params, $pass_params, $as_template);
* Returns index file, that could be passed as parameter to method, as parameter to tag and as constant or not passed at all
* @param string $prefix
* @param string $index_file
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function getIndexFile($prefix, $index_file, &$params)
if (isset($params['index_file'])) {
$index_file = $params['index_file'];
return $index_file;
if (isset($index_file)) {
return $index_file;
if (defined('INDEX_FILE')) {
return INDEX_FILE;
$cut_prefix = trim(BASE_PATH, '/').'/'.trim($prefix, '/');
return trim(preg_replace('/'.preg_quote($cut_prefix, '/').'(.*)/', '\\1', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), '/');
* Return href for template
* @access public
* @param string $t Template path
* @var string $prefix index.php prefix - could be blank, 'admin'
function HREF($t, $prefix='', $params=null, $index_file=null)
if(!$t) $t = $this->GetVar('t'); // moved from kMainTagProcessor->T()
if ($this->GetVar('skip_last_template')) {
$params['opener'] = 'p';
$this->SetVar('m_opener', 'p');
if ($t == 'incs/close_popup') {
// because this template closes the popup and we don't need popup mark here anymore
$params['m_opener'] = 's';
if( substr($t, -4) == '.tpl' ) $t = substr($t, 0, strlen($t) - 4 );
if ( $this->IsAdmin() && $prefix == '') $prefix = '/admin';
if ( $this->IsAdmin() && $prefix == '_FRONT_END_') $prefix = '';
$index_file = $this->getIndexFile($prefix, $index_file, $params);
if (isset($params['_auto_prefix_'])) {
unset($params['_auto_prefix_']); // this is parser-related param, do not need to pass it here
$ssl = isset($params['__SSL__']) ? $params['__SSL__'] : null;
if ($ssl !== null) {
$session =& $this->recallObject('Session');
$cookie_url = trim($session->CookieDomain.$session->CookiePath, '/.');
if ($ssl) {
$target_url = $this->ConfigValue('SSL_URL');
else {
$target_url = 'http://'.DOMAIN.$this->ConfigValue('Site_Path');
if (!preg_match('#'.preg_quote($cookie_url).'#', $target_url)) {
if (getArrayValue($params, 'opener') == 'u') {
if($opener_stack) {
if (count($opener_stack) > 0) {
list($index_file, $env) = explode('|', $opener_stack[count($opener_stack)-1]);
$ret = $this->BaseURL($prefix, $ssl).$index_file.'?'.ENV_VAR_NAME.'='.$env;
if( getArrayValue($params,'escape') ) $ret = addslashes($ret);
return $ret;
else {
//define('DBG_REDIRECT', 1);
$t = $this->GetVar('t');
else {
//define('DBG_REDIRECT', 1);
$t = $this->GetVar('t');
$pass = isset($params['pass']) ? $params['pass'] : '';
$pass_events = isset($params['pass_events']) ? $params['pass_events'] : false; // pass events with url
$map_link = '';
if( isset($params['anchor']) )
$map_link = '#'.$params['anchor'];
if ( isset($params['no_amp']) )
$params['__URLENCODE__'] = $params['no_amp'];
$no_rewrite = false;
if( isset($params['__NO_REWRITE__']) )
$no_rewrite = true;
$force_rewrite = false;
if( isset($params['__MOD_REWRITE__']) )
$force_rewrite = true;
$force_no_sid = false;
if( isset($params['__NO_SID__']) )
$force_no_sid = true;
// append pass through variables to each link to be build
$params = array_merge_recursive2($this->getPassThroughVariables($params), $params);
if ($force_rewrite || ($this->RewriteURLs($ssl) && !$no_rewrite))
$session =& $this->recallObject('Session');
if( $session->NeedQueryString() && !$force_no_sid ) $params['sid'] = $this->GetSID();
$url = $this->BuildEnv_NEW($t, $params, $pass, $pass_events);
$ret = $this->BaseURL($prefix, $ssl).$url.$map_link;
unset($params['pass_category']); // we don't need to pass it when mod_rewrite is off
$env = $this->BuildEnv($t, $params, $pass, $pass_events);
$ret = $this->BaseURL($prefix, $ssl).$index_file.'?'.$env.$map_link;
return $ret;
* Returns variables with values that should be passed throught with this link + variable list
* @param Array $params
* @return Array
function getPassThroughVariables(&$params)
static $cached_pass_through = null;
if (isset($params['no_pass_through']) && $params['no_pass_through']) {
return Array();
// because pass through is not changed during script run, then we can cache it
if (is_null($cached_pass_through)) {
$cached_pass_through = Array();
$pass_through = $this->Application->GetVar('pass_through');
if ($pass_through) {
// names of variables to pass to each link
$cached_pass_through['pass_through'] = $pass_through;
$pass_through = explode(',', $pass_through);
foreach ($pass_through as $pass_through_var) {
$cached_pass_through[$pass_through_var] = $this->Application->GetVar($pass_through_var);
return $cached_pass_through;
* Returns sorted array of passed prefixes (to build url from)
* @param string $pass
* @return Array
function getPassInfo($pass = 'all')
$pass = trim(preg_replace('/(?<=,|\\A)all(?=,|\\z)/', trim($this->GetVar('passed'), ','), trim($pass, ',')), ',');
if (!$pass) {
return Array();
$pass_info = array_unique( explode(',', $pass) ); // array( prefix[.special], prefix[.special] ...
sort($pass_info, SORT_STRING); // to be prefix1,prefix1.special1,prefix1.special2,prefix3.specialX
// ensure that "m" prefix is at the beginning
$main_index = array_search('m', $pass_info);
if ($main_index !== false) {
array_unshift($pass_info, 'm');
return $pass_info;
function BuildEnv_NEW($t, $params, $pass = 'all', $pass_events = false)
// $session =& $this->recallObject('Session');
$force_admin = getArrayValue($params,'admin') || $this->GetVar('admin');
// if($force_admin) $sid = $this->GetSID();
$ret = '';
$env = '';
$encode = false;
if (isset($params['__URLENCODE__']))
$encode = $params['__URLENCODE__'];
if (isset($params['__SSL__'])) {
$m_only = true;
$pass_info = $this->getPassInfo($pass);
if ($pass_info) {
if ($pass_info[0] == 'm') array_shift($pass_info);
$params['t'] = $t;
foreach($pass_info as $pass_index => $pass_element)
list($prefix) = explode('.', $pass_element);
$require_rewrite = $this->findModule('Var', $prefix) && $this->getUnitOption($prefix, 'CatalogItem');
if ($require_rewrite) {
// if next prefix is same as current, but with special => exclude current prefix from url
$next_prefix = getArrayValue($pass_info, $pass_index + 1);
if ($next_prefix) {
$next_prefix = substr($next_prefix, 0, strlen($prefix) + 1);
if ($prefix.'.' == $next_prefix) continue;
$a = $this->BuildModuleEnv_NEW($pass_element, $params, $pass_events);
if ($a) {
$ret .= '/'.$a;
$m_only = false;
$env .= ':'.$this->BuildModuleEnv($pass_element, $params, $pass_events);
if (!$m_only) $params['pass_category'] = 1;
$ret = $this->BuildModuleEnv_NEW('m', $params, $pass_events).$ret;
$cat_processed = isset($params['category_processed']) && $params['category_processed'];
if ($cat_processed) {
if (!$m_only || !$cat_processed || !defined('EXP_DIR_URLS')) {
$ret = trim($ret, '/').'.html';
else {
$ret .= '/';
// $ret = trim($ret, '/').'/';
if($env) $params[ENV_VAR_NAME] = ltrim($env, ':');
unset($params['pass'], $params['opener'], $params['m_event']);
if ($force_admin) $params['admin'] = 1;
if( getArrayValue($params,'escape') )
$ret = addslashes($ret);
$ret = str_replace('%2F', '/', urlencode($ret));
$params_str = '';
$join_string = $encode ? '&' : '&amp;';
foreach ($params as $param => $value)
$params_str .= $join_string.$param.'='.$value;
$ret .= preg_replace('/^'.$join_string.'(.*)/', '?\\1', $params_str);
if ($encode) {
$ret = str_replace('\\', '%5C', $ret);
return $ret;
function BuildModuleEnv_NEW($prefix_special, &$params, $pass_events = false)
$event_params = Array('pass_events' => $pass_events, 'url_params' => $params);
$event = new kEvent($prefix_special.':BuildEnv', $event_params);
$params = $event->getEventParam('url_params'); // save back unprocessed parameters
$ret = '';
if ($event->getEventParam('env_string')) {
$ret = trim( $event->getEventParam('env_string'), '/');
return $ret;
* Builds env part that corresponds prefix passed
* @param string $prefix_special item's prefix & [special]
* @param Array $params url params
* @param bool $pass_events
function BuildModuleEnv($prefix_special, &$params, $pass_events = false)
list($prefix) = explode('.', $prefix_special);
$query_vars = $this->getUnitOption($prefix, 'QueryString');
//if pass events is off and event is not implicity passed
if( !$pass_events && !isset($params[$prefix_special.'_event']) ) {
$params[$prefix_special.'_event'] = ''; // remove event from url if requested
//otherwise it will use value from get_var
if(!$query_vars) return '';
$tmp_string = Array(0 => $prefix_special);
foreach($query_vars as $index => $var_name)
//if value passed in params use it, otherwise use current from application
$var_name = $prefix_special.'_'.$var_name;
$tmp_string[$index] = isset( $params[$var_name] ) ? $params[$var_name] : $this->GetVar($var_name);
if ( isset($params[$var_name]) ) unset( $params[$var_name] );
$escaped = array();
foreach ($tmp_string as $tmp_val) {
$escaped[] = str_replace(Array('-',':'), Array('\-','\:'), $tmp_val);
$ret = implode('-', $escaped);
if ($this->getUnitOption($prefix, 'PortalStyleEnv') == true)
$ret = preg_replace('/^([a-zA-Z]+)-([0-9]+)-(.*)/','\\1\\2-\\3', $ret);
return $ret;
function BuildEnv($t, $params, $pass='all', $pass_events = false, $env_var = true)
$session =& $this->recallObject('Session');
$ssl = isset($params['__SSL__']) ? $params['__SSL__'] : 0;
$sid = $session->NeedQueryString() && !$this->RewriteURLs($ssl) ? $this->GetSID() : '';
// if (getArrayValue($params,'admin') == 1) $sid = $this->GetSID();
$ret = '';
if ($env_var) {
$ret = ENV_VAR_NAME.'=';
$ret .= $sid.(constOn('INPORTAL_ENV') ? '-' : ':');
$encode = false;
if (isset($params['__URLENCODE__'])) {
$encode = $params['__URLENCODE__'];
if (isset($params['__SSL__'])) {
$env_string = '';
$category_id = isset($params['m_cat_id']) ? $params['m_cat_id'] : $this->GetVar('m_cat_id');
$item_id = 0;
$pass_info = $this->getPassInfo($pass);
if ($pass_info) {
if ($pass_info[0] == 'm') array_shift($pass_info);
foreach ($pass_info as $pass_element) {
list($prefix) = explode('.', $pass_element);
$require_rewrite = $this->findModule('Var', $prefix);
if ($require_rewrite) {
$item_id = isset($params[$pass_element.'_id']) ? $params[$pass_element.'_id'] : $this->GetVar($pass_element.'_id');
$env_string .= ':'.$this->BuildModuleEnv($pass_element, $params, $pass_events);
if (strtolower($t) == '__default__') {
// to put category & item templates into cache
$filename = $this->getFilename('c', $category_id);
if ($item_id) {
$mod_rw_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('ModRewriteHelper');
$t = $mod_rw_helper->GetItemTemplate($category_id, $pass_element); // $pass_element should be the last processed element
// $t = $this->getCache('item_templates', $category_id);
elseif ($category_id) {
$t = $this->getCache('category_templates', $category_id);
else {
$t = 'index';
$ret .= $t.':'.$this->BuildModuleEnv('m', $params, $pass_events).$env_string;
if ($this->GetVar('admin') && !isset($params['admin'])) {
$params['admin'] = 1;
if( getArrayValue($params,'escape') )
$ret = addslashes($ret);
$join_string = $encode ? '&' : '&amp;';
$params_str = '';
foreach ($params as $param => $value)
$params_str .= $join_string.$param.'='.$value;
$ret .= $params_str;
if ($encode) {
$ret = str_replace('\\', '%5C', $ret);
return $ret;
function BaseURL($prefix='', $ssl=null)
if ($ssl === null) {
return PROTOCOL.SERVER_NAME.(defined('PORT')?':'.PORT : '').rtrim(BASE_PATH, '/').$prefix.'/';
else {
if ($ssl) {
return rtrim( $this->ConfigValue('SSL_URL'), '/').$prefix.'/';
else {
return 'http://'.DOMAIN.(defined('PORT')?':'.PORT : '').rtrim( $this->ConfigValue('Site_Path'), '/').$prefix.'/';
function Redirect($t='', $params=null, $prefix='', $index_file=null)
$js_redirect = getArrayValue($params, 'js_redirect');
if (preg_match("/external:(.*)/", $t, $rets)) {
$location = $rets[1];
else {
if ($t == '' || $t === true) $t = $this->GetVar('t');
// pass prefixes and special from previous url
if( isset($params['js_redirect']) ) unset($params['js_redirect']);
if (!isset($params['pass'])) $params['pass'] = 'all';
if ($this->GetVar('ajax') == 'yes' && $t == $this->GetVar('t')) {
// redirects to the same template as current
$params['ajax'] = 'yes';
$params['__URLENCODE__'] = 1;
$location = $this->HREF($t, $prefix, $params, $index_file);
//echo " location : $location <br>";
$a_location = $location;
$location = "Location: $location";
if ($this->isDebugMode() && constOn('DBG_REDIRECT')) {
echo "<b>Debug output above!!!</b> Proceed to redirect: <a href=\"$a_location\">$a_location</a><br>";
else {
if ($js_redirect) {
$this->SetVar('t', 'redirect');
$this->SetVar('redirect_to_js', addslashes($a_location) );
$this->SetVar('redirect_to', $a_location);
return true;
else {
if ($this->GetVar('ajax') == 'yes' && $t != $this->GetVar('t')) {
// redirection to other then current template during ajax request
echo '#redirect#'.$a_location;
elseif (headers_sent() != '') {
// some output occured -> redirect using javascript
echo '<script type="text/javascript">window.location.href = \''.$a_location.'\';</script>';
else {
// no output before -> redirect using HTTP header
// header('HTTP/1.1 302 Found');
// session expiration is called from session initialization,
// that's why $this->Session may be not defined here
if (is_object($this->Session)) {
function Phrase($label)
return $this->Phrases->GetPhrase($label);
* Replace language tags in exclamation marks found in text
* @param string $text
* @param bool $force_escape force escaping, not escaping of resulting string
* @return string
* @access public
function ReplaceLanguageTags($text, $force_escape=null)
// !!!!!!!!
// if( !is_object($this->Phrases) ) $this->Debugger->appendTrace();
return $this->Phrases->ReplaceLanguageTags($text,$force_escape);
* Checks if user is logged in, and creates
* user object if so. User object can be recalled
- * later using "u" prefix. Also you may
- * get user id by getting "u_id" variable.
+ * later using "u.current" prefix_special. Also you may
+ * get user id by getting "u.current_id" variable.
* @access private
function ValidateLogin()
$session =& $this->recallObject('Session');
$user_id = $session->GetField('PortalUserId');
if (!$user_id && $user_id != -1) $user_id = -2;
+ $this->SetVar('u.current_id', $user_id);
+ if (!$this->IsAdmin()) {
+ // needed for "profile edit", "registration" forms ON FRONT ONLY
$this->SetVar('u_id', $user_id);
+ }
$this->StoreVar('user_id', $user_id);
if ($this->GetVar('expired') == 1) {
- $user =& $this->recallObject('u');
+ // this parameter is set only from admin
+ $user =& $this->recallObject('u.current');
$user->SetError('ValidateLogin', 'session_expired', 'la_text_sess_expired');
if (($user_id != -2) && constOn('DBG_REQUREST_LOG') ) {
$http_query =& $this->recallObject('HTTPQuery');
function LoadCache() {
$cache_key = $this->GetVar('t').$this->GetVar('m_theme').$this->GetVar('m_lang').$this->IsAdmin();
$query = sprintf("SELECT PhraseList, ConfigVariables FROM %s WHERE Template = %s",
$res = $this->Conn->GetRow($query);
if ($res) {
$this->Caches['PhraseList'] = $res['PhraseList'] ? explode(',', $res['PhraseList']) : array();
$config_ids = $res['ConfigVariables'] ? explode(',', $res['ConfigVariables']) : array();
$config_ids = array_diff($config_ids, $this->Caches['ConfigVariables']);
else {
$config_ids = array();
$this->Caches['ConfigVariables'] = $config_ids;
$this->ConfigCacheIds = $config_ids;
function UpdateCache()
$update = false;
//something changed
$update = $update || $this->Phrases->NeedsCacheUpdate();
$update = $update || (count($this->ConfigCacheIds) && $this->ConfigCacheIds != $this->Caches['ConfigVariables']);
if ($update) {
$cache_key = $this->GetVar('t').$this->GetVar('m_theme').$this->GetVar('m_lang').$this->IsAdmin();
$query = sprintf("REPLACE %s (PhraseList, CacheDate, Template, ConfigVariables)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)",
$this->Conn->Qstr(join(',', $this->Phrases->Ids)),
$this->Conn->qstr(implode(',', array_unique($this->ConfigCacheIds))));
function InitConfig()
if (isset($this->Caches['ConfigVariables']) && count($this->Caches['ConfigVariables']) > 0) {
$this->ConfigHash = array_merge($this->ConfigHash, $this->Conn->GetCol(
'SELECT VariableValue, VariableName FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ConfigurationValues
WHERE VariableId IN ('.implode(',', $this->Caches['ConfigVariables']).')', 'VariableName'));
* Returns configuration option value by name
* @param string $name
* @return string
function ConfigValue($name)
$res = isset($this->ConfigHash[$name]) ? $this->ConfigHash[$name] : false;
if ($res !== false) return $res;
$res = $this->Conn->GetRow('SELECT VariableId, VariableValue FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ConfigurationValues WHERE VariableName = '.$this->Conn->qstr($name));
if ($res) {
$this->ConfigHash[$name] = $res['VariableValue'];
$this->ConfigCacheIds[] = $res['VariableId'];
return $res['VariableValue'];
return false;
function UpdateConfigCache()
if ($this->ConfigCacheIds) {
* Allows to process any type of event
* @param kEvent $event
* @access public
* @author Alex
function HandleEvent(&$event, $params=null, $specificParams=null)
if ( isset($params) ) {
$event = new kEvent( $params, $specificParams );
if (!isset($this->EventManager)) {
$this->EventManager =& $this->recallObject('EventManager');
* Registers new class in the factory
* @param string $real_class Real name of class as in class declaration
* @param string $file Filename in what $real_class is declared
* @param string $pseudo_class Name under this class object will be accessed using getObject method
* @param Array $dependecies List of classes required for this class functioning
* @access public
* @author Alex
function registerClass($real_class, $file, $pseudo_class = null, $dependecies = Array() )
$this->Factory->registerClass($real_class, $file, $pseudo_class, $dependecies);
* Add $class_name to required classes list for $depended_class class.
* All required class files are included before $depended_class file is included
* @param string $depended_class
* @param string $class_name
* @author Alex
function registerDependency($depended_class, $class_name)
$this->Factory->registerDependency($depended_class, $class_name);
* Registers Hook from subprefix event to master prefix event
* @param string $hookto_prefix
* @param string $hookto_special
* @param string $hookto_event
* @param string $mode
* @param string $do_prefix
* @param string $do_special
* @param string $do_event
* @param string $conditional
* @access public
* @todo take care of a lot parameters passed
* @author Kostja
function registerHook($hookto_prefix, $hookto_special, $hookto_event, $mode, $do_prefix, $do_special, $do_event, $conditional)
$event_manager =& $this->recallObject('EventManager');
$event_manager->registerHook($hookto_prefix, $hookto_special, $hookto_event, $mode, $do_prefix, $do_special, $do_event, $conditional);
* Allows one TagProcessor tag act as other TagProcessor tag
* @param Array $tag_info
* @author Kostja
function registerAggregateTag($tag_info)
$aggregator =& $this->recallObject('TagsAggregator', 'kArray');
$aggregator->SetArrayValue($tag_info['AggregateTo'], $tag_info['AggregatedTagName'], Array($tag_info['LocalPrefix'], $tag_info['LocalTagName'], getArrayValue($tag_info, 'LocalSpecial')));
* Returns object using params specified,
* creates it if is required
* @param string $name
* @param string $pseudo_class
* @param Array $event_params
* @return Object
* @author Alex
function &recallObject($name,$pseudo_class=null,$event_params=Array())
$result =& $this->Factory->getObject($name, $pseudo_class, $event_params);
return $result;
* Returns object using Variable number of params,
* all params starting with 4th are passed to object consturctor
* @param string $name
* @param string $pseudo_class
* @param Array $event_params
* @return Object
* @author Alex
function &recallObjectP($name,$pseudo_class=null,$event_params=Array())
$func_args = func_get_args();
$result =& ref_call_user_func_array( Array(&$this->Factory, 'getObjectP'), $func_args );
return $result;
* Returns tag processor for prefix specified
* @param string $prefix
* @return kDBTagProcessor
function &recallTagProcessor($prefix)
$result =& $this->recallObject($prefix.'_TagProcessor');
return $result;
* Checks if object with prefix passes was already created in factory
* @param string $name object presudo_class, prefix
* @return bool
* @author Kostja
function hasObject($name)
return isset($this->Factory->Storage[$name]);
* Removes object from storage by given name
* @param string $name Object's name in the Storage
* @author Kostja
function removeObject($name)
* Get's real class name for pseudo class,
* includes class file and creates class
* instance
* @param string $pseudo_class
* @return Object
* @access public
* @author Alex
function &makeClass($pseudo_class)
$func_args = func_get_args();
$result =& ref_call_user_func_array( Array(&$this->Factory, 'makeClass'), $func_args);
return $result;
* Checks if application is in debug mode
* @param bool $check_debugger check if kApplication debugger is initialized too, not only for defined DEBUG_MODE constant
* @return bool
* @author Alex
* @access public
function isDebugMode($check_debugger = true)
$debug_mode = defined('DEBUG_MODE') && DEBUG_MODE;
$debug_mode = $debug_mode && is_object($this->Debugger);
return $debug_mode;
* Checks if it is admin
* @return bool
* @author Alex
function IsAdmin()
return constOn('ADMIN');
* Apply url rewriting used by mod_rewrite or not
* @param bool $ssl Force ssl link to be build
* @return bool
function RewriteURLs($ssl = false)
// case #1,#4:
// we want to create https link from http mode
// we want to create https link from https mode
// conditions: ($ssl || PROTOCOL == 'https://') && $this->ConfigValue('UseModRewriteWithSSL')
// case #2,#3:
// we want to create http link from https mode
// we want to create http link from http mode
// conditions: !$ssl && (PROTOCOL == 'https://' || PROTOCOL == 'http://')
$allow_rewriting =
(!$ssl && (PROTOCOL == 'https://' || PROTOCOL == 'http://')) // always allow mod_rewrite for http
|| // or allow rewriting for redirect TO httpS or when already in httpS
(($ssl || PROTOCOL == 'https://') && $this->ConfigValue('UseModRewriteWithSSL')); // but only if it's allowed in config!
return constOn('MOD_REWRITE') && $allow_rewriting;
* Reads unit (specified by $prefix)
* option specified by $option
* @param string $prefix
* @param string $option
* @param mixed $default
* @return string
* @access public
* @author Alex
function getUnitOption($prefix, $option, $default = false)
/*if (!isset($this->UnitConfigReader)) {
$this->UnitConfigReader =& $this->recallObject('kUnitConfigReader');
return $this->UnitConfigReader->getUnitOption($prefix, $option, $default);
* Set's new unit option value
* @param string $prefix
* @param string $name
* @param string $value
* @author Alex
* @access public
function setUnitOption($prefix, $option, $value)
// $unit_config_reader =& $this->recallObject('kUnitConfigReader');
return $this->UnitConfigReader->setUnitOption($prefix,$option,$value);
* Read all unit with $prefix options
* @param string $prefix
* @return Array
* @access public
* @author Alex
function getUnitOptions($prefix)
// $unit_config_reader =& $this->recallObject('kUnitConfigReader');
return $this->UnitConfigReader->getUnitOptions($prefix);
* Returns true if config exists and is allowed for reading
* @param string $prefix
* @return bool
function prefixRegistred($prefix)
/*if (!isset($this->UnitConfigReader)) {
$this->UnitConfigReader =& $this->recallObject('kUnitConfigReader');
return $this->UnitConfigReader->prefixRegistred($prefix);
* Splits any mixing of prefix and
* special into correct ones
* @param string $prefix_special
* @return Array
* @access public
* @author Alex
function processPrefix($prefix_special)
return $this->Factory->processPrefix($prefix_special);
* Set's new event for $prefix_special
* passed
* @param string $prefix_special
* @param string $event_name
* @access public
function setEvent($prefix_special,$event_name)
$event_manager =& $this->recallObject('EventManager');
* SQL Error Handler
* @param int $code
* @param string $msg
* @param string $sql
* @return bool
* @access private
* @author Alex
function handleSQLError($code, $msg, $sql)
if ( isset($this->Debugger) )
$errorLevel = constOn('DBG_SQL_FAILURE') && !defined('IS_INSTALL') ? E_USER_ERROR : E_USER_WARNING;
$error_msg = '<span class="debug_error">'.$msg.' ('.$code.')</span><br><a href="javascript:$Debugger.SetClipboard(\''.htmlspecialchars($sql).'\');"><b>SQL</b></a>: '.$this->Debugger->formatSQL($sql);
$long_id = $this->Debugger->mapLongError($error_msg);
trigger_error( substr($msg.' ('.$code.') ['.$sql.']',0,1000).' #'.$long_id, $errorLevel);
return true;
//$errorLevel = constOn('IS_INSTALL') ? E_USER_WARNING : E_USER_ERROR;
$errorLevel = E_USER_WARNING;
trigger_error('<b>SQL Error</b> in sql: '.$sql.', code <b>'.$code.'</b> ('.$msg.')', $errorLevel);
/*echo '<b>xProcessing SQL</b>: '.$sql.'<br>';
echo '<b>Error ('.$code.'):</b> '.$msg.'<br>';*/
return $errorLevel == E_USER_ERROR ? false : true;
* Default error handler
* @param int $errno
* @param string $errstr
* @param string $errfile
* @param int $errline
* @param Array $errcontext
function handleError($errno, $errstr, $errfile = '', $errline = '', $errcontext = '')
if( constOn('SILENT_LOG') )
$fp = fopen(FULL_PATH.'/silent_log.txt','a');
$time = adodb_date('d/m/Y H:i:s');
fwrite($fp, '['.$time.'] #'.$errno.': '.strip_tags($errstr).' in ['.$errfile.'] on line '.$errline."\n");
if( !$this->errorHandlers ) return true;
$i = 0; // while (not foreach) because it is array of references in some cases
$eh_count = count($this->errorHandlers);
while($i < $eh_count)
if( is_array($this->errorHandlers[$i]) )
$object =& $this->errorHandlers[$i][0];
$method = $this->errorHandlers[$i][1];
$object->$method($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext);
$function = $this->errorHandlers[$i];
$function($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext);
* Returns & blocks next ResourceId available in system
* @return int
* @access public
* @author Alex
function NextResourceId()
$table_name = TABLE_PREFIX.'IdGenerator';
$this->Conn->Query('LOCK TABLES '.$table_name.' WRITE');
$this->Conn->Query('UPDATE '.$table_name.' SET lastid = lastid + 1');
$id = $this->Conn->GetOne('SELECT lastid FROM '.$table_name);
if($id === false)
$this->Conn->Query('INSERT INTO '.$table_name.' (lastid) VALUES (2)');
$id = 2;
$this->Conn->Query('UNLOCK TABLES');
return $id - 1;
* Returns main prefix for subtable prefix passes
* @param string $current_prefix
* @return string
* @access public
* @author Kostja
function GetTopmostPrefix($current_prefix)
while ( $parent_prefix = $this->getUnitOption($current_prefix, 'ParentPrefix') )
$current_prefix = $parent_prefix;
return $current_prefix;
function &EmailEventAdmin($email_event_name, $to_user_id = -1, $send_params = false)
return $this->EmailEvent($email_event_name, 1, $to_user_id, $send_params);
function &EmailEventUser($email_event_name, $to_user_id = -1, $send_params = false)
return $this->EmailEvent($email_event_name, 0, $to_user_id, $send_params);
function &EmailEvent($email_event_name, $email_event_type, $to_user_id = -1, $send_params = false)
$event = new kEvent('emailevents:OnEmailEvent');
$event->setEventParam('EmailEventName', $email_event_name);
$event->setEventParam('EmailEventToUserId', $to_user_id);
$event->setEventParam('EmailEventType', $email_event_type);
if ($send_params){
$event->setEventParam('DirectSendParams', $send_params);
return $event;
function LoggedIn()
$user_id = $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id');
-// $user =& $this->recallObject('u');
-// $user_id = $user->GetID();
$ret = $user_id > 0;
if ($this->IsAdmin() && ($user_id == -1)) {
$ret = true;
return $ret;
* Check current user permissions based on it's group permissions in specified category
* @param string $name permission name
* @param int $cat_id category id, current used if not specified
* @param int $type permission type {1 - system, 0 - per category}
* @return int
function CheckPermission($name, $type = 1, $cat_id = null)
$perm_helper =& $this->recallObject('PermissionsHelper');
return $perm_helper->CheckPermission($name, $type, $cat_id);
* Set's any field of current visit
* @param string $field
* @param mixed $value
function setVisitField($field, $value)
$visit =& $this->recallObject('visits');
$visit->SetDBField($field, $value);
* Allows to check if in-portal is installed
* @return bool
function isInstalled()
return $this->InitDone && (count($this->ModuleInfo) > 0);
* Allows to determine if module is installed & enabled
* @param string $module_name
* @return bool
function isModuleEnabled($module_name)
return $this->findModule('Name', $module_name) !== false;
function reportError($class, $method)
trigger_error('depricated method <b>'.$class.'->'.$method.'(...)</b>', E_USER_ERROR);
* Get temp table name
* @param string $table
* @return string
function GetTempName($table)
return TABLE_PREFIX.'ses_'.$this->GetSID().'_edit_'.$table;
function GetTempTablePrefix()
return TABLE_PREFIX.'ses_'.$this->GetSID().'_edit_';
function IsTempTable($table)
return strpos($table, TABLE_PREFIX.'ses_'.$this->GetSID().'_edit_') !== false;
* Return live table name based on temp table name
* @param string $temp_table
* @return string
function GetLiveName($temp_table)
if( preg_match('/'.TABLE_PREFIX.'ses_'.$this->GetSID().'_edit_(.*)/',$temp_table,$rets) )
return $rets[1];
return $temp_table;
function CheckProcessors($processors)
foreach ($processors as $a_processor)
if (!isset($this->CachedProcessors[$a_processor])) {
$this->CachedProcessors[$a_processor] =& $this->recallObject($a_processor.'_TagProcessor');
function TimeZoneAdjustment($time_zone=null)
$target_zone = isset($time_zone) ? $time_zone : $this->ConfigValue('Config_Site_Time');
return 3600 * ($target_zone - $this->ConfigValue('Config_Server_Time'));
function ApplicationDie($message = '')
$message = ob_get_clean().$message;
if ($this->isDebugMode()) {
$message .= $this->Debugger->printReport(true);
echo $this->UseOutputCompression() ? gzencode($message, DBG_COMPRESSION_LEVEL) : $message;
/* moved from MyApplication */
function getUserGroups($user_id)
case -1:
$user_groups = $this->ConfigValue('User_LoggedInGroup');
case -2:
$user_groups = $this->ConfigValue('User_LoggedInGroup');
$user_groups .= ','.$this->ConfigValue('User_GuestGroup');
$sql = 'SELECT GroupId FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'UserGroup WHERE PortalUserId = '.$user_id;
$res = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql);
$user_groups = Array( $this->ConfigValue('User_LoggedInGroup') );
$user_groups = array_merge($user_groups, $res);
$user_groups = implode(',', $user_groups);
return $user_groups;
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.166.4/core/kernel/application.php
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
\ No newline at end of property
Index: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.13.10/kernel/units/visits/visits_tag_processor.php
--- branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.13.10/kernel/units/visits/visits_tag_processor.php (revision 6841)
+++ branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.13.10/kernel/units/visits/visits_tag_processor.php (revision 6842)
@@ -1,172 +1,172 @@
class VisitsTagProcessor extends kDBTagProcessor {
function UserFound($params)
$virtual_users = Array(-1,-2, 0);
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject( $this->getPrefixSpecial(), $this->Prefix, $params );
return !in_array( $object->GetDBField( $params['user_field'] ) , $virtual_users );
function UserLink($params)
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject( $this->getPrefixSpecial(), $this->Prefix, $params );
$user_id = $object->GetDBField( $params['user_field'] );
//return $this->Application->HREF('in-commerce/users/users_edit_general','', Array('u_id' => $user_id) );
$resource_id = $this->Conn->GetOne('SELECT ResourceId FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'PortalUser WHERE PortalUserId = '.$user_id);
return 'javascript:OpenUserEdit('.$resource_id.');';
function getDateLimitClause($field)
$search_filter = $this->Application->RecallVar( $this->getPrefixSpecial().'_search_filter');
$search_filter = unserialize($search_filter);
return $search_filter[$field]['value'];
return '';
function AffiliateOrderInfo($params)
$list =& $this->GetList($params);
$date_limit = str_replace($list->TableName, 'vis', $this->getDateLimitClause('VisitDate') );
$affil_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption('affil', 'TableName');
$affil_idfield = $this->Application->getUnitOption('affil', 'IDField');
- $sql = 'SELECT '.$affil_idfield.' FROM '.$affil_table.' WHERE PortalUserId = '.$this->Application->GetVar('u_id');
+ $sql = 'SELECT '.$affil_idfield.' FROM '.$affil_table.' WHERE PortalUserId = '.$this->Application->RecallVar('user_id');
$affiliate_id = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(ord.OrderId) AS OrderCount
FROM '.$list->TableName.' vis
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Orders ord ON ord.VisitId = vis.VisitId
WHERE (vis.AffiliateId = '.$affiliate_id.') AND (ord.Status = '.ORDER_STATUS_PROCESSED.')'.($date_limit ? ' AND '.$date_limit : '');
$result = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '.$list->TableName.' vis
WHERE AffiliateId = '.$affiliate_id.($date_limit ? ' AND '.$date_limit : '');
$result['TotalVisitors'] = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
$result['OrderTotalAmount'] = $list->getTotal('OrderTotalAmount', 'SUM');
$result['OrderAffiliateCommission'] = $list->getTotal('OrderAffiliateCommission', 'SUM');
$block_params = $this->prepareTagParams($params);
$block_params['name'] = $params['render_as'];
$format_fields = Array('OrderTotalAmount', 'OrderAffiliateCommission');
if( $this->HasParam($params, 'currency') )
$iso = $this->GetISO($params['currency']);
foreach($format_fields as $format_field)
$value = sprintf($list->Fields[$format_field]['format'], $result[$format_field]);
$value = $this->ConvertCurrency($value, $iso);
$value = $this->AddCurrencySymbol($value, $iso);
$result[$format_field] = $value;
$block_params = array_merge_recursive2($block_params, $result);
return $this->Application->ParseBlock($block_params);
/*function ShowTotals($params)
$list =& $this->GetList($params);
$block_params = $this->prepareTagParams($params);
$block_params = array_merge_recursive2($block_params, $list->Totals);
$block_params['name'] = $this->SelectParam($params, 'render_as,block');
return $this->Application->ParseBlock($block_params);
function ListVisitors($params)
$o = '';
$params['render_as'] = $params['item_render_as'];
$o_visitors = $this->PrintList2($params);
$header = '';
$footer = '';
$block_params = $this->prepareTagParams($params);
$header_block = getArrayValue($params, 'header_render_as');
$block_params['name'] = $header_block;
$header = $this->Application->ParseBlock($block_params);
$footer_block = getArrayValue($params, 'footer_render_as');
$block_params['name'] = $footer_block;
$footer = $this->Application->ParseBlock($block_params);
$o = $header.$o_visitors.$footer;
$visitors_params = array('name' => $params['empty_myvisitors_render_as']);
$o = $this->Application->ParseBlock($visitors_params);
return $o;
function OrderLink($params){
$object = &$this->Application->recallObject($this->getPrefixSpecial());
$params['ord_id'] = $object->GetDBField('OrderId');
$main_processor =& $this->Application->recallObject('m_TagProcessor');
return $main_processor->T($params);
* Enter description here...
* @param unknown_type $params
* @return kDBList
function &GetList($params)
$list_name = $this->SelectParam($params, 'list_name,name');
if (!$list_name) {
$list_name = $this->Application->Parser->GetParam('list_name');
$types = $this->SelectParam($params, 'types');
if ($types=='myvisitororders' || $types=='myvisitors'){
$special = 'incommerce';
$names_mapping = $this->Application->GetVar('NamesToSpecialMapping');
$names_mapping[$this->Prefix][$list_name] = $special;
$this->Application->SetVar('NamesToSpecialMapping', $names_mapping);
return parent::GetList($params);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.13.10/kernel/units/visits/visits_tag_processor.php
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
\ No newline at end of property
Index: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.13.10/core/units/visits/visits_tag_processor.php
--- branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.13.10/core/units/visits/visits_tag_processor.php (revision 6841)
+++ branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.13.10/core/units/visits/visits_tag_processor.php (revision 6842)
@@ -1,172 +1,172 @@
class VisitsTagProcessor extends kDBTagProcessor {
function UserFound($params)
$virtual_users = Array(-1,-2, 0);
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject( $this->getPrefixSpecial(), $this->Prefix, $params );
return !in_array( $object->GetDBField( $params['user_field'] ) , $virtual_users );
function UserLink($params)
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject( $this->getPrefixSpecial(), $this->Prefix, $params );
$user_id = $object->GetDBField( $params['user_field'] );
//return $this->Application->HREF('in-commerce/users/users_edit_general','', Array('u_id' => $user_id) );
$resource_id = $this->Conn->GetOne('SELECT ResourceId FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'PortalUser WHERE PortalUserId = '.$user_id);
return 'javascript:OpenUserEdit('.$resource_id.');';
function getDateLimitClause($field)
$search_filter = $this->Application->RecallVar( $this->getPrefixSpecial().'_search_filter');
$search_filter = unserialize($search_filter);
return $search_filter[$field]['value'];
return '';
function AffiliateOrderInfo($params)
$list =& $this->GetList($params);
$date_limit = str_replace($list->TableName, 'vis', $this->getDateLimitClause('VisitDate') );
$affil_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption('affil', 'TableName');
$affil_idfield = $this->Application->getUnitOption('affil', 'IDField');
- $sql = 'SELECT '.$affil_idfield.' FROM '.$affil_table.' WHERE PortalUserId = '.$this->Application->GetVar('u_id');
+ $sql = 'SELECT '.$affil_idfield.' FROM '.$affil_table.' WHERE PortalUserId = '.$this->Application->RecallVar('user_id');
$affiliate_id = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(ord.OrderId) AS OrderCount
FROM '.$list->TableName.' vis
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Orders ord ON ord.VisitId = vis.VisitId
WHERE (vis.AffiliateId = '.$affiliate_id.') AND (ord.Status = '.ORDER_STATUS_PROCESSED.')'.($date_limit ? ' AND '.$date_limit : '');
$result = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '.$list->TableName.' vis
WHERE AffiliateId = '.$affiliate_id.($date_limit ? ' AND '.$date_limit : '');
$result['TotalVisitors'] = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
$result['OrderTotalAmount'] = $list->getTotal('OrderTotalAmount', 'SUM');
$result['OrderAffiliateCommission'] = $list->getTotal('OrderAffiliateCommission', 'SUM');
$block_params = $this->prepareTagParams($params);
$block_params['name'] = $params['render_as'];
$format_fields = Array('OrderTotalAmount', 'OrderAffiliateCommission');
if( $this->HasParam($params, 'currency') )
$iso = $this->GetISO($params['currency']);
foreach($format_fields as $format_field)
$value = sprintf($list->Fields[$format_field]['format'], $result[$format_field]);
$value = $this->ConvertCurrency($value, $iso);
$value = $this->AddCurrencySymbol($value, $iso);
$result[$format_field] = $value;
$block_params = array_merge_recursive2($block_params, $result);
return $this->Application->ParseBlock($block_params);
/*function ShowTotals($params)
$list =& $this->GetList($params);
$block_params = $this->prepareTagParams($params);
$block_params = array_merge_recursive2($block_params, $list->Totals);
$block_params['name'] = $this->SelectParam($params, 'render_as,block');
return $this->Application->ParseBlock($block_params);
function ListVisitors($params)
$o = '';
$params['render_as'] = $params['item_render_as'];
$o_visitors = $this->PrintList2($params);
$header = '';
$footer = '';
$block_params = $this->prepareTagParams($params);
$header_block = getArrayValue($params, 'header_render_as');
$block_params['name'] = $header_block;
$header = $this->Application->ParseBlock($block_params);
$footer_block = getArrayValue($params, 'footer_render_as');
$block_params['name'] = $footer_block;
$footer = $this->Application->ParseBlock($block_params);
$o = $header.$o_visitors.$footer;
$visitors_params = array('name' => $params['empty_myvisitors_render_as']);
$o = $this->Application->ParseBlock($visitors_params);
return $o;
function OrderLink($params){
$object = &$this->Application->recallObject($this->getPrefixSpecial());
$params['ord_id'] = $object->GetDBField('OrderId');
$main_processor =& $this->Application->recallObject('m_TagProcessor');
return $main_processor->T($params);
* Enter description here...
* @param unknown_type $params
* @return kDBList
function &GetList($params)
$list_name = $this->SelectParam($params, 'list_name,name');
if (!$list_name) {
$list_name = $this->Application->Parser->GetParam('list_name');
$types = $this->SelectParam($params, 'types');
if ($types=='myvisitororders' || $types=='myvisitors'){
$special = 'incommerce';
$names_mapping = $this->Application->GetVar('NamesToSpecialMapping');
$names_mapping[$this->Prefix][$list_name] = $special;
$this->Application->SetVar('NamesToSpecialMapping', $names_mapping);
return parent::GetList($params);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.13.10/core/units/visits/visits_tag_processor.php
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
\ No newline at end of property
Index: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.20.2/core/units/general/helpers/permissions_helper.php
--- branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.20.2/core/units/general/helpers/permissions_helper.php (revision 6841)
+++ branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.20.2/core/units/general/helpers/permissions_helper.php (revision 6842)
@@ -1,468 +1,468 @@
class kPermissionsHelper extends kHelper {
* Current set of permissions for group being edited
* @var Array
var $Permissions = Array();
function LoadPermissions($group_id, $cat_id, $type = 1)
$perm_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption('perm', 'TableName');
$perm_table = $this->Application->GetTempName($perm_table);
$sql = 'SELECT *
FROM '.$perm_table.'
WHERE (GroupId = '.$group_id.') AND (CatId = '.$cat_id.') AND (Type = '.$type.')';
$permissions = $this->Conn->Query($sql, 'Permission');
$this->Permissions = Array();
foreach ($permissions as $perm_name => $perm_options) {
$perm_record['value'] = $perm_options['PermissionValue'];
$perm_record['id'] = $perm_options['PermissionId'];
$this->Permissions[$perm_name] = $perm_record;
function getPermissionValue($perm_name)
return isset($this->Permissions[$perm_name]) ? $this->Permissions[$perm_name]['value'] : 0;
function getPermissionID($perm_name)
return isset($this->Permissions[$perm_name]) ? $this->Permissions[$perm_name]['id'] : 0;
* This is old permission like ADMIN or LOGIN
* @param string $section_name
* @param string $perm_name
* @return bool
function isOldPermission($section_name, $perm_name)
return $section_name == 'in-portal:root' && $perm_name != 'view';
* Returns permission names to check based on event name and item prefix (main item or subitem)
* @param kEvent $event
* @return Array
function getPermissionByEvent(&$event, $perm_mapping)
$top_prefix = $event->getEventParam('top_prefix');
$pefix_type = ($top_prefix == $event->Prefix) ? 'self' : 'subitem';
$perm_mapping = getArrayValue($perm_mapping, $event->Name);
if (!$perm_mapping[$pefix_type]) {
trigger_error('Permission mappings not defined for event <b>'.$top_prefix.' <- '.$event->Prefix.':'.$event->Name.'</b>', E_USER_ERROR);
if ($perm_mapping[$pefix_type] === true) {
// event is defined in mapping but is not checked by permissions
return true;
return explode('|', $perm_mapping[$pefix_type]);
* Common event permission checking method
* @param kEvent $event
function CheckEventPermission(&$event, $perm_mapping)
$section = $event->getSection();
if (preg_match('/^CATEGORY:(.*)/', $section)) {
return $this->CheckEventCategoryPermission($event, $perm_mapping);
$top_prefix = $event->getEventParam('top_prefix');
$check_perms = $this->getPermissionByEvent($event, $perm_mapping);
if ($check_perms === true) {
// event is defined in mapping but is not checked by permissions
return true;
$perm_status = false;
foreach ($check_perms as $perm_name) {
// check if at least one of required permissions is set
$perm_name = $section.'.'.$perm_name;
$perm_status = $this->CheckPermission($perm_name, 1);
if (($perm_name == $section.'.add') && $perm_status && ($top_prefix == $event->Prefix)) {
// main item, add permission allowed, but ID is > 0, then deny permission
// how to get id here
if ($perm_status) {
return $perm_status;
if (!$perm_status) {
if ($this->Application->isDebugMode()) {
// for debugging purposes
$event->SetRedirectParam('section', $section);
$event->SetRedirectParam('main_prefix', $top_prefix);
$event->SetRedirectParam('event_name', $event->Name);
$event->SetRedirectParam('next_template', $this->Application->GetVar('t'));
$event->status = erPERM_FAIL;
return $perm_status;
* Checks non-system permission on event per category basis
* @param kEvent $event
function CheckEventCategoryPermission(&$event, $event_perm_mapping)
// mapping between specific permissions and common permissions
$perm_mapping = Array('add' => 'ADD', 'add.pending' => 'ADD.PENDING', 'edit' => 'MODIFY', 'edit.pending' => 'MODIFY.PENDING', 'delete' => 'DELETE', 'view' => 'VIEW');
$top_prefix = $event->getEventParam('top_prefix');
$event_handler =& $this->Application->recallObject($event->Prefix.'_EventHandler');
if ($event->Prefix != $top_prefix) {
$top_event = new kEvent($top_prefix.':'.$event->Name);
$id = $event_handler->getPassedID($top_event);
else {
$id = $event_handler->getPassedID($event);
// 1. get primary category of category item
$id_field = $this->Application->getUnitOption($top_prefix, 'IDField');
$table_name = $this->Application->getUnitOption($top_prefix, 'TableName');
$ci_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption('ci', 'TableName');
if (!$id) {
// item being created -> check by current (before editing started, saved in OnPreCreate event) category permissions
$category_id = $this->Application->RecallVar('m_cat_id');
elseif ($top_prefix == 'c') {
$category_id = $id;
else {
// item being edited -> check by it's primary category permissions
$sql = 'SELECT ci.CategoryId, main_table.CreatedById
FROM '.$table_name.' main_table
LEFT JOIN '.$ci_table.' ci ON ci.ItemResourceId = main_table.ResourceId
WHERE (main_table.'.$id_field.' = '.$id.') AND (ci.PrimaryCat = 1)';
$item_info = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
$category_id = $item_info['CategoryId'];
$owner_id = $item_info['CreatedById'];
$item_prefix = $this->Application->getUnitOption($top_prefix, 'PermItemPrefix');
if (substr($event->Name, 0, 9) == 'OnPreSave') {
if ($event_handler->isNewItemCreate($event)) {
return $this->CheckPermission($item_prefix.'.ADD', 0, $category_id) ||
$this->CheckPermission($item_prefix.'.ADD.PENDING', 0, $category_id);
else {
return $this->CheckPermission($item_prefix.'.ADD', 0, $category_id) ||
$this->CheckPermission($item_prefix.'.ADD.PENDING', 0, $category_id) ||
$this->ModifyCheckPermission($owner_id, $category_id, $top_prefix);
$perm_status = false;
$check_perms = $this->getPermissionByEvent($event, $event_perm_mapping);
if ($check_perms === true) {
// event is defined in mapping but is not checked by permissions
return true;
foreach ($check_perms as $perm_name) {
// check if at least one of required permissions is set
if (!isset($perm_mapping[$perm_name])) {
// not mapped permission (e.g. advanced:approve) -> skip
$perm_name = $item_prefix.'.'.$perm_mapping[$perm_name];
$this->showDebug('Event <b>'.$event->Name.'</b> permission(-s): <b>'.$perm_name.'</b>', Array());
$perm_status = $this->CheckPermission($perm_name, 0, $category_id);
if ($perm_status) {
return $perm_status;
if (!$perm_status) {
$event->SetRedirectParam('index_file', 'index.php'); // because called from browse.php
if ($this->Application->isDebugMode()) {
// for debugging purposes
$event->SetRedirectParam('section', $event->getSection());
$event->SetRedirectParam('main_prefix', $top_prefix);
$event->SetRedirectParam('event_name', $event->Name);
$event->SetRedirectParam('next_template', $this->Application->GetVar('t'));
$event->status = erPERM_FAIL;
return $perm_status;
function showDebug($text, $params)
return ;
$is_ajax = $this->Application->GetVar('ajax') == 'yes' || isset($params['ajax']) || isset($params['tab_init']);
if (!$this->Application->isDebugMode() || $is_ajax) return true;
echo $text.'<br />';
function TagPermissionCheck($params, $tag_name)
$perm_prefix = getArrayValue($params, 'perm_prefix');
$perm_event = getArrayValue($params, 'perm_event');
$permission_groups = getArrayValue($params, 'permissions');
if ($permission_groups) {
// check permissions by permission names in current category
$this->showDebug('Tag <b>'.$tag_name.'</b> permission(-s): <b>'.$permission_groups.'</b>', $params);
$permission_groups = explode('|', $permission_groups);
$group_has_permission = false;
$perm_category = $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id');
if ($perm_prefix) {
// use primary category of item with id from {perm_prefix}_id as base for permission checking
$perm_category = $this->getPrimaryCategory($perm_prefix);
foreach ($permission_groups as $permission_group) {
$permissions = explode(',', $permission_group);
$has_permission = true;
foreach ($permissions as $permission) {
$has_permission = $has_permission && $this->CheckPermission($permission, isset($params['system']) && $params['system'] ? 1 : 0, $perm_category);
$group_has_permission = $group_has_permission || $has_permission;
if ($group_has_permission) {
return true;
return false;
elseif ($perm_event) {
// check permission by event name
$this->showDebug('Tag <b>'.$tag_name.'</b> permission_event: <b>'.$perm_event.'</b>', $params);
list($prefix, $event) = explode(':', $perm_event);
$event_handler =& $this->Application->recallObject($prefix.'_EventHandler');
return $event_handler->CheckPermission( new kEvent($perm_event) );
return true;
* Returns item's primary category (get item_id from request)
* @param string $prefix
* @return int
function getPrimaryCategory($prefix)
$id_field = $this->Application->getUnitOption($prefix, 'IDField');
$table_name = $this->Application->getUnitOption($prefix, 'TableName');
$id = $this->Application->GetVar($prefix.'_id');
if (!$id) return $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id');
$sql = 'SELECT ResourceId
FROM '.$table_name.'
WHERE '.$id_field.' = '.$id;
$resource_id = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
$sql = 'SELECT CategoryId
FROM '.$this->Application->getUnitOption('ci', 'TableName').'
WHERE ItemResourceId = '.$resource_id.' AND PrimaryCat = 1';
return $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
* Returns no permission template to redirect to
* @param Array $params
* @return Array
function getPermissionTemplate($params)
$t = $this->Application->GetVar('t');
if ($next_t = getArrayValue($params, 'next_template')) {
$t = $next_t;
if (!$this->Application->LoggedIn()) {
$redirect_template = $params['login_template'];
if (!$redirect_template && $this->Application->IsAdmin()) $redirect_template = 'login';
$redirect_params = Array('next_template' => $t);
else {
if (isset($params['no_permissions_template'])) {
$redirect_template = $params['no_permissions_template'];
else {
$redirect_template = $this->Application->IsAdmin() ? 'no_permission' : $this->Application->ConfigValue('NoPermissionTemplate');
$redirect_params = $this->Application->isDebugMode() ? Array('from_template' => 1, 'perms' => $params[ isset($params['permissions']) ? 'permissions' : 'perm_event'], 'next_template' => $t) : Array();
if (isset($params['index_file']) && $params['index_file']) {
$redirect_params['index_file'] = $params['index_file'];
return Array($redirect_template, $redirect_params);
* Check current user permissions based on it's group permissions in specified category (for non-system permissions) or just checks if system permission is set
* @param string $name permission name
* @param int $cat_id category id, current used if not specified
* @param int $type permission type {1 - system, 0 - per category}
* @return int
function CheckPermission($name, $type = 1, $cat_id = null)
- $user_id = $this->Application->GetVar('u_id');
+ $user_id = $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id');
return $this->CheckUserPermission($user_id, $name, $type, $cat_id);
function CheckUserPermission($user_id, $name, $type = 1, $cat_id = null)
if ($user_id == -1) {
// "root" is allowed anywhere
return $name == 'SYSTEM_ACCESS.READONLY' ? 0 : 1;
if ($type == 1) {
// "system" permission are always checked per "Home" category (ID = 0)
$cat_id = 0;
if (!isset($cat_id)) {
$cat_id = $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id');
$cache_key = $name.'|'.$type.'|'.$cat_id;
$perm_value = $this->Application->getCache('permissions', $cache_key);
if ($perm_value !== false) {
return $perm_value;
// perm cache is build only based on records in db, that's why if permission is not explicitly denied, then
// that (perm cache creator) code thinks that it is allowed & adds corresponding record and code below will
// return incorrect results
if (preg_match('/(.*)\.VIEW$/', $name) && ($type == 0)) {
// cached view permission of category: begin
$sql = 'SELECT PermissionConfigId
FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'PermissionConfig
WHERE PermissionName = '.$this->Conn->qstr($name);
$perm_id = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
$sql = 'SELECT PermId
WHERE (PermId = '.$perm_id.') AND (CategoryId = '.$cat_id.')';
$view_filters = Array();
- if ($user_id == $this->Application->GetVar('u_id')) {
+ if ($user_id == $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id')) {
$groups = explode(',', $this->Application->RecallVar('UserGroups'));
else { // checking not current user
$sql = 'SELECT GroupId FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'UserGroup
WHERE (PortalUserId = '.$user_id.') AND
( (MembershipExpires IS NULL) OR ( MembershipExpires >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP() ) )';
$groups = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql);
array_push($groups, $this->Application->ConfigValue('User_LoggedInGroup') );
foreach ($groups as $group) {
$view_filters[] = 'FIND_IN_SET('.$group.', ACL)';
$sql .= ' AND ('.implode(' OR ', $view_filters).')';
$perm_value = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql) ? 1 : 0;
$this->Application->setCache('permissions', $cache_key, $perm_value);
return $perm_value;
// cached view permission of category: end
if ($cat_id == 0) {
$cat_hierarchy = Array(0);
else {
$sql = 'SELECT ParentPath
FROM '.$this->Application->getUnitOption('c', 'TableName').'
WHERE CategoryId = '.$cat_id;
$cat_hierarchy = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
$cat_hierarchy = explode('|', substr($cat_hierarchy, 1, -1));
$cat_hierarchy = array_reverse($cat_hierarchy);
array_push($cat_hierarchy, 0);
$perm_value = 0;
$groups = $this->Application->RecallVar('UserGroups');
foreach ($cat_hierarchy as $category_id) {
$sql = 'SELECT SUM(PermissionValue)
FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Permissions
WHERE Permission = "'.$name.'" AND CatId = '.$category_id.' AND GroupId IN ('.$groups.') AND Type = '.$type;
$res = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
if ($res !== false && !is_null($res)) {
$perm_value = $res ? 1 : 0;
$this->Application->setCache('permissions', $cache_key, $perm_value);
return $perm_value;
* Allows to check MODIFY & OWNER.MODFY +/- PENDING permission combinations on item
* @param int $owner_id user_id, that is owner of the item
* @param int $category_id primary category of item
* @param string $prefix prefix of item
* @return int {0 - no MODIFY permission, 1 - has MODIFY permission, 2 - has MODIFY.PENDING permission}
function ModifyCheckPermission($owner_id, $category_id, $prefix)
$perm_prefix = $this->Application->getUnitOption($prefix, 'PermItemPrefix');
$live_modify = $this->CheckPermission($perm_prefix.'.MODIFY', ptCATEGORY, $category_id);
if ($live_modify) {
return 1;
else if ($this->CheckPermission($perm_prefix.'.MODIFY.PENDING', ptCATEGORY, $category_id)) {
return 2;
- if ($owner_id == $this->Application->GetVar('u_id')) {
+ if ($owner_id == $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id')) {
// user is item's OWNER -> check this permissions first
$live_modify = $this->CheckPermission($perm_prefix.'.OWNER.MODIFY', ptCATEGORY, $category_id);
if ($live_modify) {
return 1;
else if ($this->CheckPermission($perm_prefix.'.OWNER.MODIFY.PENDING', ptCATEGORY, $category_id)) {
return 2;
return 0;
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.20.2/core/units/general/helpers/permissions_helper.php
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
\ No newline at end of property
Index: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.8.2/kernel/units/reviews/reviews_event_handler.php
--- branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.8.2/kernel/units/reviews/reviews_event_handler.php (revision 6841)
+++ branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.8.2/kernel/units/reviews/reviews_event_handler.php (revision 6842)
@@ -1,188 +1,204 @@
class ReviewsEventHandler extends kDBEventHandler
* Checks permissions of user
* @param kEvent $event
function CheckPermission(&$event)
if ($event->Name == 'OnAddReview') {
$item_prefix = $this->getPermPrefix($event);
$res = $this->Application->CheckPermission($item_prefix.'.REVIEW.PENDING', 0) || $this->Application->CheckPermission($item_prefix.'.REVIEW', 0);
if (!$res) {
$event->status = erPERM_FAIL;
return $res;
return parent::CheckPermission($event);
* Returns prefix for permissions
* @param kEvent $event
function getPermPrefix(&$event)
$main_prefix = $this->Application->GetTopmostPrefix($event->Prefix);
// this will return LINK for l, ARTICLE for n, TOPIC for bb, PRODUCT for p
$item_prefix = $this->Application->getUnitOption($main_prefix, 'PermItemPrefix');
return $item_prefix;
* Apply any custom changes to list's sql query
* @param kEvent $event
* @access protected
* @see OnListBuild
function SetCustomQuery(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject();
switch ($event->Special)
case 'showall':
case 'products':
$object->removeFilter('parent_filter'); // this is important
$object->addFilter('product_reviews', '%1$s.ItemId = pr.ResourceId');
// $object->addFilter('active', '%1$s.Status = 1');
/*$this->Application->setUnitOption('p', 'AutoLoad', true);
$product =& $this->Application->recallObject('p');
$object->addFilter('current_product', 'pr.ResourceId = '.$product->GetDBField('ResourceId'));*/
case 'item':
$info = $object->getLinkedInfo();
$this->Application->setUnitOption($info['ParentPrefix'], 'AutoLoad', true);
$parent =& $this->Application->recallObject($info['ParentPrefix']);
$object->addFilter('item_reviews', '%1$s.ItemId = '.$parent->GetDBField('ResourceId'));
$object->addFilter('active', '%1$s.Status = 1');
case 'product':
$object->addFilter('product_reviews', '%1$s.ItemId = pr.ResourceId');
$object->addFilter('active', '%1$s.Status = 1');
$this->Application->setUnitOption('p', 'AutoLoad', true);
$product =& $this->Application->recallObject('p');
$object->addFilter('current_product', 'pr.ResourceId = '.$product->GetDBField('ResourceId'));
if($event->getEventParam('type') == 'current_user')
- $user_id = $this->Application->GetVar('u_id') ? $this->Application->GetVar('u_id') : -2;
+ $user_id = $this->getUserID();
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
$product_info = $object->getLinkedInfo();
$object->addFilter('current_item', '%1$s.ItemId = '.$product_info['ParentId']);
$object->addFilter('current_user', '%1$s.CreatedById = '.$user_id);
$object->addFilter('current_ip', '%1$s.IPAddress = "'.$ip.'"');
* Adds review from front in case if user is logged in
* @param kEvent $event
function OnAddReview(&$event)
- $user_id = ($this->Application->GetVar('u_id') == 0) ? -2 : $this->Application->GetVar('u_id');
+ $user_id = $this->getUserID();
$event->redirect_params = Array('pass' => 'all,p');
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
$parent_info = $object->getLinkedInfo();
$review_fields = $this->Application->GetVar($event->getPrefixSpecial(true));
$sql = ' SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'SpamControl
WHERE ItemResourceId='.$parent_info['ParentId'].'
AND IPaddress="'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'"
AND PortalUserId='.$user_id.'
AND DataType="Review"';
$res = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
if( $res && $res['Expire'] < adodb_mktime() )
$sql = ' DELETE FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'SpamControl
WHERE ItemResourceId='.$parent_info['ParentId'].'
AND IPaddress="'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'"
AND PortalUserId='.$user_id.'
AND DataType="Review"';
$object->SetFieldsFromHash( array_shift($review_fields) );
$object->SetDBField('CreatedById', $user_id);
$object->SetDBField('IPAddress', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
$object->SetDBField('CreatedOn', adodb_mktime());
$module_info = $this->Application->findModule('Var',$parent_info['ParentPrefix']);
$object->SetDBField('Module', $module_info['Name']);
if( $this->Application->CheckPermission( $this->getPermPrefix($event).'.REVIEW.PENDING', 0) )
$object->SetDBField('Status', 2);
$template_var = 'success_pending_template';
if( $this->Application->CheckPermission($this->getPermPrefix($event).'.REVIEW', 0) )
$object->SetDBField('Status', 1);
$template_var = 'success_template';
$object->SetDBField('ItemId', $parent_info['ParentId']);
if($event->status == erSUCCESS)
$parent =& $this->Application->recallObject($parent_info['ParentPrefix']);
$sql = ' SELECT COUNT(ReviewId)
FROM '.$object->TableName.'
WHERE ItemId='.$parent_info['ParentId'];
$review_qty = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
$parent->SetDBField('CachedReviewsQty', $review_qty);
$expire = adodb_mktime() + $this->Application->ConfigValue('product_ReviewDelay_Value') * $this->Application->ConfigValue('product_ReviewDelay_Interval');
$sql = ' INSERT INTO '.TABLE_PREFIX.'SpamControl
(ItemResourceId, IPaddress, PortalUserId, DataType, Expire)
VALUES ('.$parent_info['ParentId'].',
$event->redirect_params = Array('pass' => 'all,'.$parent_info['ParentPrefix']);
$event->redirect = $this->Application->GetVar($template_var);
// $this->Application->removeObject($event->getPrefixSpecial());
$event->status == erFAIL;
$object->FieldErrors['ReviewText']['pseudo'] = 'too_frequent';
$object->ErrorMsgs['too_frequent'] = $this->Application->Phrase('lu_ferror_review_duplicate');
+ /**
+ * Returns current user id for reviews, for logic ask Kostja T.
+ *
+ * @return int
+ */
+ function getUserID()
+ {
+ $user_id = $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id');
+ if ($user_id == 0) {
+ $user_id = -2;
+ }
+ return $user_id;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.8.2/kernel/units/reviews/reviews_event_handler.php
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
\ No newline at end of property
Index: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.8.2/core/units/reviews/reviews_event_handler.php
--- branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.8.2/core/units/reviews/reviews_event_handler.php (revision 6841)
+++ branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.8.2/core/units/reviews/reviews_event_handler.php (revision 6842)
@@ -1,188 +1,204 @@
class ReviewsEventHandler extends kDBEventHandler
* Checks permissions of user
* @param kEvent $event
function CheckPermission(&$event)
if ($event->Name == 'OnAddReview') {
$item_prefix = $this->getPermPrefix($event);
$res = $this->Application->CheckPermission($item_prefix.'.REVIEW.PENDING', 0) || $this->Application->CheckPermission($item_prefix.'.REVIEW', 0);
if (!$res) {
$event->status = erPERM_FAIL;
return $res;
return parent::CheckPermission($event);
* Returns prefix for permissions
* @param kEvent $event
function getPermPrefix(&$event)
$main_prefix = $this->Application->GetTopmostPrefix($event->Prefix);
// this will return LINK for l, ARTICLE for n, TOPIC for bb, PRODUCT for p
$item_prefix = $this->Application->getUnitOption($main_prefix, 'PermItemPrefix');
return $item_prefix;
* Apply any custom changes to list's sql query
* @param kEvent $event
* @access protected
* @see OnListBuild
function SetCustomQuery(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject();
switch ($event->Special)
case 'showall':
case 'products':
$object->removeFilter('parent_filter'); // this is important
$object->addFilter('product_reviews', '%1$s.ItemId = pr.ResourceId');
// $object->addFilter('active', '%1$s.Status = 1');
/*$this->Application->setUnitOption('p', 'AutoLoad', true);
$product =& $this->Application->recallObject('p');
$object->addFilter('current_product', 'pr.ResourceId = '.$product->GetDBField('ResourceId'));*/
case 'item':
$info = $object->getLinkedInfo();
$this->Application->setUnitOption($info['ParentPrefix'], 'AutoLoad', true);
$parent =& $this->Application->recallObject($info['ParentPrefix']);
$object->addFilter('item_reviews', '%1$s.ItemId = '.$parent->GetDBField('ResourceId'));
$object->addFilter('active', '%1$s.Status = 1');
case 'product':
$object->addFilter('product_reviews', '%1$s.ItemId = pr.ResourceId');
$object->addFilter('active', '%1$s.Status = 1');
$this->Application->setUnitOption('p', 'AutoLoad', true);
$product =& $this->Application->recallObject('p');
$object->addFilter('current_product', 'pr.ResourceId = '.$product->GetDBField('ResourceId'));
if($event->getEventParam('type') == 'current_user')
- $user_id = $this->Application->GetVar('u_id') ? $this->Application->GetVar('u_id') : -2;
+ $user_id = $this->getUserID();
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
$product_info = $object->getLinkedInfo();
$object->addFilter('current_item', '%1$s.ItemId = '.$product_info['ParentId']);
$object->addFilter('current_user', '%1$s.CreatedById = '.$user_id);
$object->addFilter('current_ip', '%1$s.IPAddress = "'.$ip.'"');
* Adds review from front in case if user is logged in
* @param kEvent $event
function OnAddReview(&$event)
- $user_id = ($this->Application->GetVar('u_id') == 0) ? -2 : $this->Application->GetVar('u_id');
+ $user_id = $this->getUserID();
$event->redirect_params = Array('pass' => 'all,p');
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
$parent_info = $object->getLinkedInfo();
$review_fields = $this->Application->GetVar($event->getPrefixSpecial(true));
$sql = ' SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'SpamControl
WHERE ItemResourceId='.$parent_info['ParentId'].'
AND IPaddress="'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'"
AND PortalUserId='.$user_id.'
AND DataType="Review"';
$res = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
if( $res && $res['Expire'] < adodb_mktime() )
$sql = ' DELETE FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'SpamControl
WHERE ItemResourceId='.$parent_info['ParentId'].'
AND IPaddress="'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'"
AND PortalUserId='.$user_id.'
AND DataType="Review"';
$object->SetFieldsFromHash( array_shift($review_fields) );
$object->SetDBField('CreatedById', $user_id);
$object->SetDBField('IPAddress', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
$object->SetDBField('CreatedOn', adodb_mktime());
$module_info = $this->Application->findModule('Var',$parent_info['ParentPrefix']);
$object->SetDBField('Module', $module_info['Name']);
if( $this->Application->CheckPermission( $this->getPermPrefix($event).'.REVIEW.PENDING', 0) )
$object->SetDBField('Status', 2);
$template_var = 'success_pending_template';
if( $this->Application->CheckPermission($this->getPermPrefix($event).'.REVIEW', 0) )
$object->SetDBField('Status', 1);
$template_var = 'success_template';
$object->SetDBField('ItemId', $parent_info['ParentId']);
if($event->status == erSUCCESS)
$parent =& $this->Application->recallObject($parent_info['ParentPrefix']);
$sql = ' SELECT COUNT(ReviewId)
FROM '.$object->TableName.'
WHERE ItemId='.$parent_info['ParentId'];
$review_qty = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
$parent->SetDBField('CachedReviewsQty', $review_qty);
$expire = adodb_mktime() + $this->Application->ConfigValue('product_ReviewDelay_Value') * $this->Application->ConfigValue('product_ReviewDelay_Interval');
$sql = ' INSERT INTO '.TABLE_PREFIX.'SpamControl
(ItemResourceId, IPaddress, PortalUserId, DataType, Expire)
VALUES ('.$parent_info['ParentId'].',
$event->redirect_params = Array('pass' => 'all,'.$parent_info['ParentPrefix']);
$event->redirect = $this->Application->GetVar($template_var);
// $this->Application->removeObject($event->getPrefixSpecial());
$event->status == erFAIL;
$object->FieldErrors['ReviewText']['pseudo'] = 'too_frequent';
$object->ErrorMsgs['too_frequent'] = $this->Application->Phrase('lu_ferror_review_duplicate');
+ /**
+ * Returns current user id for reviews, for logic ask Kostja T.
+ *
+ * @return int
+ */
+ function getUserID()
+ {
+ $user_id = $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id');
+ if ($user_id == 0) {
+ $user_id = -2;
+ }
+ return $user_id;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.8.2/core/units/reviews/reviews_event_handler.php
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
\ No newline at end of property
Index: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.54.2/kernel/include/usersession.php
--- branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.54.2/kernel/include/usersession.php (revision 6841)
+++ branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.54.2/kernel/include/usersession.php (revision 6842)
@@ -1,1264 +1,1264 @@
class clsUserSession
//Common DB operation class variables
var $m_dirtyFieldsMap = array();
var $m_SessionKey;
var $m_CurrentTempKey;
var $m_PrevTempKey;
//Required attributes
var $m_LastAccessed;
var $m_PortalUserId;
var $m_Language;
var $m_Theme;
var $m_GroupId;
var $adodbConnection;
var $m_Errors;
var $m_GroupList;
var $PermCache;
var $SysPermCache;
var $PermCacheGroups;
var $CurrentUser;
var $UseTempKeys;
var $AdminSearchFields;
function clsUserSession($id=NULL, $TempKeys=FALSE)
global $objConfig, $objLanguages, $objThemes, $m_var_list, $FrontEnd;
$this->m_Errors = new clsErrorManager();
$this->adodbConnection = &GetADODBConnection();
$this->PermCache = array();
$this->PermCacheGroups = '';
$this->UseTempKeys = $TempKeys;
$this->AdminSearchFields = array("UserName", "GroupName", "us.IpAddress");
if( GetVar('help_usage') == 'install' ) return;
if(!$this->UseTempKeys || strlen($id)==0)
//echo "with cookies";
if( !isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ) $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] = '';
if(!isset($_GET['destform'])) $_GET['destform'] = null;
if(!isset($_GET['continue_sess'])) $_GET['continue_sess'] = null;
// strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$objConfig->Get("Site_Path")) || defined(IS_PO...)
// && ( (defined('IS_POPUP') && IS_POPUP) || $_GET['destform'] == 'popup' || $_GET['continue_sess'] == 1)
if( strlen($id) )
return $this->LoadFromDatabase($id);
$this->Set("PortalUserId", 0);
$this->Set("Language", $objLanguages->GetPrimary());
$ThemeId = $m_var_list["theme"];
//$this->Set("Theme", $objConfig->Get("Default_Theme"));
if ($FrontEnd) {
$this->Set("GroupList",$objConfig->Get("User_GuestGroup").','.$objConfig->Get('User_LoggedInGroup') );
//echo "without cookies";
return $this->LoadFromTempKey($id);
function AdminSearchWhereClause($SearchList)
$sql = "";
if( !is_array($SearchList) ) $SearchList = explode(",",$SearchList);
// remove empty elements
for($f = 0; $f < count($SearchList); $f++)
if( !count($SearchList) || !count($this->AdminSearchFields) ) return '';
for($f = 0; $f < count($SearchList); $f++)
$value = $SearchList[$f];
if( strlen($value) )
$inner_sql = "";
for($i = 0; $i < count($this->AdminSearchFields); $i++)
$field = $this->AdminSearchFields[$i];
if( strlen( trim($value) ) )
if( strlen($inner_sql) ) $inner_sql .= " OR ";
//if (!stristr($value, "Guest")) {
$inner_sql .= $field." LIKE '%".$value."%'";
//else {
// $inner_sql .= $field." IS NULL";
if( strlen($inner_sql) )
$sql .= '('.$inner_sql.') ';
if($f < count($SearchList) - 1) $sql .= " AND ";
return $sql;
function CopyToNewSession()
$OldKey = $this->GetSessionKey();
if($OldKey != $this->GetSessionKey())
function Get($name)
$var = "m_" . $name;
return isset($this->$var) ? $this->$var : '';
function Set($name, $value)
if (is_array($name))
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($name); $i++)
{ $var = "m_" . $name[$i];
$this->$var = $value[$i];
$this->m_dirtyFieldsMap[$name[$i]] = $value[$i];
$var = "m_" . $name;
$this->$var = $value;
$this->m_dirtyFieldsMap[$name] = $value;
//echo "Set: $var = $value <br>\n";
function Validate()
$dataValid = true;
$dataValid = false;
$dataValid = false;
$dataValid = false;
$dataValid = false;
return $dataValid;
function Delete()
$this->m_Errors->AddError("error.AppError",NULL,'Internal error: Delete requires set id',"",get_class($this),"Delete");
return false;
//Delete associated adata first
$sql = sprintf("DELETE FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."SessionData WHERE SessionKey = '%s'", $this->Get("SessionKey"));
$sql = sprintf("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s%s_search",GetTablePrefix(), $this->Get("SessionKey"));
$sql = sprintf("DELETE FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."UserSession WHERE SessionKey = '%s'", $this->Get("SessionKey"));
if ($this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql) === false)
return false;
return true;
function Update()
global $objConfig;
$this->m_Errors->AddError("error.AppError",NULL,'Internal error: Update requires set id',"",get_class($this),"Update");
return false;
if(count($this->m_dirtyFieldsMap) == 0)
return true;
$sql = "UPDATE ".GetTablePrefix()."UserSession SET ";
$first = 1;
foreach ($this->m_dirtyFieldsMap as $key => $value)
$sql = sprintf("%s %s=%s",$sql,$key,$this->adodbConnection->qstr($value));
$first = 0;
$sql = sprintf("%s, %s=%s",$sql,$key,$this->adodbConnection->qstr($value));
$sql = sprintf("%s WHERE SessionKey = '%s'",$sql, $this->Get("SessionKey"));
//echo $sql;
if ($this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql) === false)
return false;
return true;
function Create()
global $objConfig;
$this->Set("LastAccessed", adodb_mktime());
$sql = "INSERT INTO ".GetTablePrefix()."UserSession (";
$first = 1;
foreach ($this->m_dirtyFieldsMap as $key => $value)
$sql = sprintf("%s %s",$sql,$key);
$first = 0;
$sql = sprintf("%s, %s",$sql,$key);
$sql = sprintf('%s ) VALUES (',$sql);
$first = 1;
foreach ($this->m_dirtyFieldsMap as $key => $value)
$sql = sprintf("%s %s",$sql,$this->adodbConnection->qstr($value));
$first = 0;
$sql = sprintf("%s, %s",$sql,$this->adodbConnection->qstr($value));
$sql = sprintf('%s)',$sql);
//echo $sql."<br>\n";
if ($this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql) === false)
return false;
return true;
function LoadFromTempKey($id=NULL)
global $objLanguages, $objConfig,$m_var_list;
$referer = $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"];
//echo "Referer: $referer <br>\n";
if(strlen($referer) && strpos($referer,"env="))
$keystart = strpos($referer,"env=")+4;
$referer = substr($referer,$keystart);
$keyend = strpos($referer,"-");
$LastKey = substr($referer,0,$keyend);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."UserSession WHERE (CurrentTempKey = '$id' OR PrevTempKey='$id' OR CurrentTempKey='$LastKey' OR PrevTempKey='$LastKey') ";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."UserSession WHERE CurrentTempKey = '$id' AND PrevTempKey IS NULL";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."UserSession WHERE CurrentTempKey = '$id' AND PrevTempKey IS NULL";
$result = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql);
if ($result === false)
return false;
$data = $result->fields;
if (is_array($data))
foreach($data as $field => $value)
$mname = "m_" . $field;
$this->$mname = $data[$field];
if($this->Get("CurrentTempKey")) {
if (!$this->Get("CurrentTempKey") || !strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$objConfig->Get("Site_Path"))) {
$this->Set("PortalUserId", 0);
$this->Set("Language", $objLanguages->GetPrimary());
$ThemeId = $m_var_list["theme"];
//$this->Set("Theme", $objConfig->Get("Default_Theme"));
return true;
$this->Set("PortalUserId", 0);
$this->Set("Language", $objLanguages->GetPrimary());
$ThemeId = $m_var_list["theme"];
//$this->Set("Theme", $objConfig->Get("Default_Theme"));
return false;
function LoadFromDatabase($id)
$this->m_Errors->AddError("error.AppError",NULL,'Internal error: LoadFromDatabase id',"",get_class($this),"LoadFromDatabase");
return false;
$sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."UserSession WHERE SessionKey = '%s'",$id);
$result = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql);
if ($result === false)
return false;
$data = $result->fields;
if (is_array($data))
foreach($data as $field => $value)
$mname = "m_" . $field;
$this->$mname = $data[$field];
return true;
return false;
function Login($userLogin, $userPassword)
global $expired, $objConfig, $FrontEnd;
if($userLogin == "root")
// logging in "root" (admin only)
$rootpass = $objConfig->Get("RootPass");
return false;
/*$db =& $this->adodbConnection;
$sql = 'UPDATE '.GetTablePrefix().'Visits SET PortalUserId = %s WHERE VisitId = %s';
$db->Execute( sprintf($sql, $this->Get('PortalUserId'), $this->GetVariable('visit_id') ) );*/
return true;
// logging in any user (admin & front)
$db =& $this->adodbConnection;
$prefix = GetTablePrefix();
//$key_clause = $objConfig->Get('Email_As_Login') ? 'pu.Email = %1$s' : 'pu.Login = %1$s';
$key_clause = 'pu.Email = %1$s OR pu.Login = %1$s';
$sql = 'SELECT *, MD5(pu.Password) AS md5pw
FROM '.$prefix.'PortalUser pu
LEFT JOIN '.$prefix.'UserGroup ug USING (PortalUserId)
LEFT JOIN '.$prefix.'PortalGroup pg ON ug.GroupId = pg.GroupId
WHERE ('.$key_clause.') AND (pu.Status = 1) AND (pu.Password = %2$s OR MD5(pu.Password) = %2$s OR pu.Password = MD5(%2$s) ) AND
( (ug.MembershipExpires IS NULL) OR ( ug.MembershipExpires >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP() ) )
ORDER BY ug.PrimaryGroup DESC, pg.Personal DESC';
$result = $db->Execute( sprintf($sql, $db->qstr($userLogin), $db->qstr($userPassword) ) );
if($result === false)
return false;
if($result->EOF) return -1; // no any user with username & pass specified
if( !strlen($this->GetSessionKey()) ) $this->GetNewSession();
$this->Set("PortalUserId", $result->fields["PortalUserId"]);
$application =& kApplication::Instance();
$application->setVisitField('PortalUserId', $this->Get('PortalUserId') );
- $application->SetVar('u_id', $this->Get('PortalUserId'));
+ $application->SetVar('u.current_id', $this->Get('PortalUserId'));
// unset($this->CurrentUser);
$this->CurrentUser = null;
if( strlen($result->fields['tz']) > 0 ) $this->Set('tz',$result->fields['tz']);
$PrimaryGroup = 0;
$PersonalGroup = 0;
$GroupList = Array();
while($result && !$result->EOF)
$g = $result->fields["GroupId"];
$PrimaryGroup = $g;
$GroupList[] = $g;
if($PrimaryGroup) array_unshift($GroupList, $PrimaryGroup);
if ($FrontEnd) array_push($GroupList, $objConfig->Get('User_LoggedInGroup') );
$extra_groups = implode(',', $GroupList);
$this->SetVariable('UserGroups', $extra_groups);
$this->SetVariable('user_id', $this->Get('PortalUserId'));
$this->Set('GroupId', $PersonalGroup ? $PersonalGroup : $PrimaryGroup);
$this->Set('GroupList', $extra_groups);
$this->SetVariable('UserGroups', $this->Get('GroupList') );
$app = kApplication::Instance();
$kSession = $app->recallObject('Session');
$kSession->SetField('GroupList', $extra_groups);
$app->StoreVar('UserGroups', $this->Get('GroupList') );
$app->setVisitField('PortalUserId', $this->Get('PortalUserId') );
$this->Set('LastAccessed', adodb_date('U') );
$this_login = $this->GetPersistantVariable("ThisLogin");
$this->SetPersistantVariable("LastLogin", $this_login);
$this->SetPersistantVariable("ThisLogin", adodb_mktime());
$this->PermCache = array();
if($userLogin != 'root' && $FrontEnd)
if( ! $this->HasSystemPermission('LOGIN') )
return -2; // no perm login
return true; // login ok
function Logout()
global $objConfig, $FrontEnd;
$this->Set("PortalUserId", 0); // not logged-in
$this->Set('LastAccessed',0); // session become expired
$this->Set("GroupId", $objConfig->Get("User_GuestGroup"));
#$this->SetPersistantVariable("LastLogin", adodb_mktime());
$group_list = $FrontEnd ? $objConfig->Get('User_GuestGroup').','.$objConfig->Get('User_LoggedInGroup') : '';
$this->Set("GroupList", $group_list);
$this->SetVariable('UserGroups', $group_list );
$this->SetVariable('user_id', -2);
if( class_exists('kApplication') )
$app = kApplication::Instance();
$kSession = $app->recallObject('Session');
$kSession->SetField('GroupList', $group_list);
$app->StoreVar('UserGroups', $group_list );
$this->PermCache = array();
if($FrontEnd && class_exists('kApplication') )
$app =& kApplication::Instance();
function SetVariable($variableName, $variableValue)
global $objConfig, $FrontEnd;
$variableValue = addslashes($variableValue);
$db =& $this->adodbConnection;
$sessionkey = $this->GetSessionKey();
$sql = 'REPLACE INTO '.GetTablePrefix().'SessionData (SessionKey,VariableName,VariableValue) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)';
$db->Execute( sprintf($sql, $db->qstr($sessionkey), $db->qstr($variableName), $db->qstr($variableValue) ) );
if( class_exists('kApplication') )
// echo 'var stored ['.$variableName.'] = ['.$variableValue.']<br>';
$application =& kApplication::Instance();
$application->StoreVar($variableName, $variableValue);
// echo "<BR>UPDATE: $sql<BR>";
function SetPersistantVariable($variableName, $variableValue)
global $objConfig, $objUsers;
$userid = (int)$this->Get("PortalUserId");
if($userid > 0)
$this->CurrentUser = $objUsers->GetItem($userid);
//echo "setting current user' $variableName, $variableValue<br>";
$this->CurrentUser->SetPersistantVariable($variableName, $variableValue);
function GetPersistantVariable($variableName)
global $objConfig, $objUsers;
$UserID = $this->Get("PortalUserId");
$this->CurrentUser = $objUsers->GetItem($UserID);
$val = $this->CurrentUser->GetPersistantVariable($variableName);
//echo "Persistant Val for $variableName: $val<br>";
$val = $objConfig->Get($variableName);
return $val;
function GetVariable($variableName)
global $objConfig;
return $objConfig->Get($variableName);
function LoadSessionData()
global $objConfig, $objUsers;
$sql = "SELECT VariableName, VariableValue FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."SessionData where SessionKey='" . $this->Get("SessionKey") . "'";
//echo $sql."<br>\n";
$result = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql);
if( basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) != 'edit_config.php' )
while ($result && !$result->EOF)
$data = $result->fields;
//echo "<PRE>"; print_r($data); echo "</PRE>";
$this->CurrentUser = $objUsers->GetItem($this->Get("PortalUserId"));
return true;
function DeleteSessionData($key)
$sql = "DELETE FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."SessionData WHERE SessionKey='$key'";
function SaveSessionData()
global $objConfig;
//echo "Saving Session Data..<br>\n";
$data = $objConfig->GetDirtySessionValues(2); //session data
//echo "<PRE>"; print_r($data); echo "</PRE>";
$sessionkey = $this->GetSessionKey();
foreach($data as $field=>$value)
$sql = "UPDATE ".GetTablePrefix()."SessionData SET VariableValue='$value' WHERE VariableName='$field' AND SessionKey='$sessionkey'";
//echo $sql."<br>\n";
$sql = "INSERT INTO ".GetTablePrefix()."SessionData (VariableName,VariableValue,SessionKey) VALUES ('$field','$value','$sessionkey')";
// echo $sql."<br>\n";
function DeleteEditTables()
$tables = $this->adodbConnection->MetaTables();
$mask = '/'.GetTablePrefix().'ses_(.*)_edit_(.*)/';
$sql='SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '.GetTablePrefix().'UserSession WHERE SessionKey = \'%s\'';
foreach($tables as $table)
if( preg_match($mask,$table,$rets) )
$is_alive = $this->adodbConnection->GetOne( sprintf($sql,$sid) );
if(!$is_alive) @$this->adodbConnection->Execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '.$table);
function DeleteExpiredSessions()
global $objConfig;
$cutoff = adodb_mktime()-$objConfig->Get("SessionTimeout");
$thiskey = $this->GetSessionKey();
$sql = "SELECT SessionKey from ".GetTablePrefix()."UserSession WHERE LastAccessed<$cutoff AND SessionKey != '$thiskey'";
$result = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql);
$keys = array();
while ($result && !$result->EOF)
$keys[] = "SessionKey='" . $result->fields["SessionKey"] . "'";
$keywhere = implode(" OR ", $keys);
$sql = "DELETE FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."SessionData WHERE $keywhere";
//echo $sql;
$this->adodbConnection->Execute("DELETE FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."UserSession WHERE LastAccessed<$cutoff");
function SetSysPermCache()
$GroupList = $this->Get('GroupList');
if ($GroupList && $GroupList != '0') {
$this->SysPermCache = Array();
$sql = 'SELECT *
FROM '.GetTablePrefix().'Permissions
WHERE Type = 1 AND GroupId IN ('.$GroupList.')'; // AND PermissionValue = 1';
$rs = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql);
$PermList = Array();
while (!$rs->EOF) {
$this->SysPermCache[ $rs->fields['Permission'] ] = $rs->fields['PermissionValue'];
$PermList[] = $rs->fields['Permission'];
if ($PermList) {
$this->SetVariable('SysPerm', implode(',', $PermList));
* Fills system permission cache in session (memory only, not db)
function GetSysPermCache()
$perms = trim($this->GetVariable('SysPerm'));
if (!$perms) {
else {
$p = explode(',', $perms);
$this->SysPermCache = Array();
for($i = 0; $i < count($p); $i++)
$n = $p[$i];
$this->SysPermCache[$n] = 1;
* Allows to detect if system permissions are loaded
* @return bool
function SysPermCacheLoaded()
return isset($this->SysPermCache);
* Resets system permission cache
function ResetSysPermCache()
$this->SetVariable('SysPerm', '');
function HasSystemPermission($PermissionName)
global $objGroups;
// "root" is always allowed to login to admin
if ($this->Get('PortalUserId') == -1 && ($PermissionName == 'ADMIN' || $PermissionName == 'LOGIN') ) {
return true;
// cut last comma (just in case in-portal made a mistake before)
$GroupList = $this->Get('GroupList');
if (substr($GroupList, -1) == ',') {
$GroupList = substr($GroupList, 0, -1);
$this->Set('GroupList', $GroupList);
// if loaded permissions are from other group list, then current (e.g. user is become logged-in during script run)
if ($this->Get('GroupList') != $this->PermCacheGroups) {
// load system permission cache if not already loaded
if (!$this->SysPermCacheLoaded()) {
$this->PermCacheGroups = $this->Get('GroupList');
//echo "SysPerm $PermissionName: [". $this->SysPermCache[$PermissionName]."]<br>\n";
return isset($this->SysPermCache[$PermissionName]) ? $this->SysPermCache[$PermissionName] == 1 : false;
function HasCatPermission($PermissionName,$CatId=NULL)
global $objCatList, $objUsers;
$PermSet =FALSE;
$Value = 0;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
$GroupList = $this->Get("GroupList");
$GroupList = substr($GroupList,0,-1);
$GroupList = $this->Get("GroupId").",".$GroupList;
$GroupList = $this->Get("GroupId");
if($CatId == NULL)
$CatId = $objCatList->CurrentCategoryID();
$Cat = &$objCatList->GetCategory($CatId);
$pItem = $this->PermCache[$p];
if($pItem["perm"]==$PermissionName && $pItem["cat"]==$CatId)
if(is_object($Cat) && !is_numeric($Value))
$Value = 0;
$CatList = $Cat->Get("ParentPath");
$CatList = substr($CatList,1,-1);
$CatList = str_replace("|",",",$CatList);
$CatList ="0,".$CatList;
$CatList = "0";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."Permissions WHERE Permission LIKE '$PermissionName' AND CatId IN ($CatList) AND GroupId IN ($GroupList)";
// echo $sql."<br>\n";
$rs = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql);
$PermValue = array();
while($rs && !$rs->EOF)
$index = $rs->fields["CatId"];
if(!is_numeric($PermValue[$index]) || $rs->fields["PermissionValue"]) {
// remember permission value of not set or allowed
$PermValue[$index] = $rs->fields["PermissionValue"];
$cats = array_reverse(explode(",",$CatList));
$index = $cats[$c];
if( isset($PermValue[$index]) && is_numeric($PermValue[$index]) )
$Value = $PermValue[$index];
$perm = array();
$perm["perm"] = $PermissionName;
$perm["cat"] = $CatId;
$perm["value"] = $Value;
array_push($this->PermCache, $perm);
//echo $GroupList." Has Permission $PermissionName = $Value<br>\n";
return $Value;
function HasCatPermInList($PermList,$CatId=NULL, $System=FALSE)
$value = 0;
$plist = explode(",",$PermList);
$value = 1;
$value = 1;
return $value;
function GetACLClause()
$GroupList = $this->Get("GroupList");
$Groups = explode(",",$GroupList);
$acl_where = "";
if(@count($Groups)>0 && is_array($Groups))
$acl_where = array();
$g = $Groups[$i];
$acl_where[] = "FIND_IN_SET($g,acl) ";
$acl_where = "(".implode(" OR ",$acl_where).")";
else {
$acl_where = "FIND_IN_SET(0,acl)";
else {
$acl_where = "FIND_IN_SET(0,acl)";
return $acl_where;
function GetEditTable($base_table)
$prefix = GetTablePrefix();
$base_table = $prefix.$base_table;
$table = $prefix."ses_".$this->GetSessionKey()."_edit_".$base_table;
//echo "Table: $table <br>\n";
return $table;
function GetSessionTable($base_table,$name)
$prefix = GetTablePrefix();
$base_table = $prefix.$base_table;
$table = $prefix."ses_".$this->GetSessionKey()."_".$name.$base_table;
//echo "Table: $table <br>\n";
return $table;
function GetSearchTable($base_table="")
$prefix = GetTablePrefix();
$base_table = $prefix.$base_table;
$table = $prefix."ses_".$this->GetSessionKey()."_search_".$base_table;
$table = $this->GetSessionTable('Search',''); //$prefix."ses_".$this->GetSessionKey()."_search";
return $table;
function GetTotalSessions()
# $time = adodb_mktime() - 900;
$sql = "SELECT count(*) as SesCount FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."UserSession";
$result = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql);
if ($result === false)
return false;
return $result->fields["SesCount"];
function Query_UserSession($whereClause,$orderByClause)
$resultSet = array();
$sql = "SELECT ".GetTablePrefix()."* FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."UserSession ";
$sql = sprintf('%s WHERE %s',$sql,$whereClause);
$sql = sprintf('%s ORDER BY %s',$sql,$orderByClause);
$result = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql);
if ($result === false)
return false;
while (!$result->EOF)
$item = new clsUserSession(NULL);
$item->Set("LastAccessed", $result->fields["LastAccessed"]);
$item->Set("PortalUserId", $result->fields["PortalUserId"]);
$item->Set("Language", $result->fields["Language"]);
$item->Set("Theme" , $result->fields["Theme"]);
return $resultSet;
function GetUniqueKey()
/* create the new session key here */
$sessionId=strtoupper(sprintf("AD%xFD",mt_rand(100000000,999999999))); //9 digit hex session id
$query = "select SessionKey from ".GetTablePrefix()."UserSession ";
$query .= "where SessionKey='$sessionId' OR CurrentTempKey='$sessionId' OR PrevTempKey='$sessionId'";
$rs = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($query);
return "";
//echo "Getting Unique Key: $sessionId<br>";
return $sessionId;
function GetNewSession()
global $sessionId, $objConfig, $objLanguages, $m_var_list, $FrontEnd;
if($this->Get("PortalUserId")>0 || $objConfig->Get("GuestSessions")==1)
//echo "Creating Session<br>\n";
$sessionId = $this->GetUniqueKey();
$this->Set("SessionKey", $sessionId);
$this->Set("Language", $objLanguages->GetPrimary());
//$this->Set("Theme", $objConfig->Get("Default_Theme"));
$this->Set("IpAddress", $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] );
$application =& kApplication::Instance();
$application->HandleEvent( new kEvent('visits:OnRegisterVisit') );
function SessionEnabled()
$res = FALSE;
$key = $this->GetSessionKey();
$res = TRUE;
return $res;
function GetSessionKey()
return $this->Get("SessionKey");
function SetThemeName($id=0)
global $objThemes;
$id = $objThemes->GetPrimaryTheme();
$Theme = $objThemes->GetItem($id);
$name = $Theme->Get("Name");
function ValidSession($SessionKey=NULL)
global $objConfig;
$a = $this->Get("LastAccessed");
$cutoff = adodb_mktime()-$objConfig->Get("SessionTimeout");
//echo $a." ".$cutoff."<br>";
//$ip = ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == $this->Get("IpAddress"));
//echo $this->Get("IpAddress");
//$ip = TRUE;
if ($a < $cutoff) {
return ($a >= $cutoff);
function UpdateAccessTime()
$this->Set("LastAccessed", adodb_mktime() );
function InSpamControl($ResourceId,$DataType=NULL)
static $ClearStat;
$sql = "SELECT count(*) as SpamCount FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."SpamControl WHERE ItemResourceId=$ResourceId AND DataType=$DataType";
$sql .= " AND PortalUserId=-2 AND IPaddress='".$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]."'";
$sql .= " AND PortalUserId=".$this->Get("PortalUserId");
$rs = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql);
$value = (int)$rs->fields["SpamCount"];
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
function AddToSpamControl($ResourceId,$secstoexpire,$DataType=NULL)
$expire = adodb_date("U") + $secstoexpire;
$DataType = "'".$DataType."'";
$sql = "INSERT INTO ".GetTablePrefix()."SpamControl (ItemResourceId,IPaddress,Expire,PortalUserId,DataType) VALUES (";
$sql .= $ResourceId.",'".$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]."',$expire,".$this->Get("PortalUserId").",$DataType)";
//echo $sql;
function PurgeSpamControl()
$sql = "DELETE FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."SpamControl WHERE Expire<".adodb_date("U");
}/* clsUserSession */
Property changes on: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.54.2/kernel/include/usersession.php
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
\ No newline at end of property
Index: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.79.4/core/kernel/db/db_event_handler.php
--- branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.79.4/core/kernel/db/db_event_handler.php (revision 6841)
+++ branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.79.4/core/kernel/db/db_event_handler.php (revision 6842)
@@ -1,1929 +1,1934 @@
* Note:
* 1. When adressing variables from submit containing
* Prefix_Special as part of their name use
* $event->getPrefixSpecial(true) instead of
* $event->Prefix_Special as usual. This is due PHP
* is converting "." symbols in variable names during
* submit info "_". $event->getPrefixSpecial optional
* 1st parameter returns correct corrent Prefix_Special
* for variables beeing submitted such way (e.g. variable
* name that will be converted by PHP: "users.read_only_id"
* will be submitted as "users_read_only_id".
* 2. When using $this->Application-LinkVar on variables submitted
* from form which contain $Prefix_Special then note 1st item. Example:
* LinkVar($event->getPrefixSpecial(true).'_varname',$event->Prefix_Special.'_varname')
* EventHandler that is used to process
* any database related events
class kDBEventHandler extends kEventHandler {
* Description
* @var kDBConnection
* @access public
var $Conn;
* Adds ability to address db connection
* @return kDBEventHandler
* @access public
function kDBEventHandler()
$this->Conn =& $this->Application->GetADODBConnection();
* Checks permissions of user
* @param kEvent $event
function CheckPermission(&$event)
if (!$this->Application->IsAdmin()) {
$allow_events = Array('OnSearch', 'OnSearchReset', 'OnNew');
if (in_array($event->Name, $allow_events)) {
// allow search on front
return true;
$section = $event->getSection();
if (!preg_match('/^CATEGORY:(.*)/', $section)) {
// only if not category item events
if ((substr($event->Name, 0, 9) == 'OnPreSave') || ($event->Name == 'OnSave')) {
if ($this->isNewItemCreate($event)) {
return $this->Application->CheckPermission($section.'.add', 1);
else {
return $this->Application->CheckPermission($section.'.add', 1) || $this->Application->CheckPermission($section.'.edit', 1);
if ($event->Name == 'OnPreCreate') {
// save category_id before item create (for item category selector not to destroy permission checking category)
return parent::CheckPermission($event);
* Allows to override standart permission mapping
function mapPermissions()
$permissions = Array(
'OnLoad' => Array('self' => 'view', 'subitem' => 'view'),
'OnNew' => Array('self' => 'add', 'subitem' => 'add|edit'),
'OnCreate' => Array('self' => 'add', 'subitem' => 'add|edit'),
'OnUpdate' => Array('self' => 'edit', 'subitem' => 'add|edit'),
'OnSetPrimary' => Array('self' => 'add|edit', 'subitem' => 'add|edit'),
'OnDelete' => Array('self' => 'delete', 'subitem' => 'add|edit'),
'OnMassDelete' => Array('self' => 'delete', 'subitem' => 'add|edit'),
'OnMassClone' => Array('self' => 'add', 'subitem' => 'add|edit'),
'OnSelectItems' => Array('self' => 'add|edit', 'subitem' => 'add|edit'),
'OnProcessSelected' => Array('self' => 'add|edit', 'subitem' => 'add|edit'),
'OnSelectUser' => Array('self' => 'add|edit', 'subitem' => 'add|edit'),
'OnMassApprove' => Array('self' => 'advanced:approve|edit', 'subitem' => 'advanced:approve|add|edit'),
'OnMassDecline' => Array('self' => 'advanced:decline|edit', 'subitem' => 'advanced:decline|add|edit'),
'OnMassMoveUp' => Array('self' => 'advanced:move_up|edit', 'subitem' => 'advanced:move_up|add|edit'),
'OnMassMoveDown' => Array('self' => 'advanced:move_down|edit', 'subitem' => 'advanced:move_down|add|edit'),
'OnPreCreate' => Array('self' => 'add|add.pending'),
'OnEdit' => Array('self' => 'edit|edit.pending'),
'OnExport' => Array('self' => 'view|advanced:export'),
'OnExportBegin' => Array('self' => 'view|advanced:export'),
// theese event do not harm, but just in case check them too :)
'OnCancelEdit' => Array('self' => true, 'subitem' => true),
'OnCancel' => Array('self' => true, 'subitem' => true),
'OnSetSorting' => Array('self' => true, 'subitem' => true),
'OnSetSortingDirect' => Array('self' => true, 'subitem' => true),
'OnSetFilter' => Array('self' => true, 'subitem' => true),
'OnApplyFilters' => Array('self' => true, 'subitem' => true),
'OnRemoveFilters' => Array('self' => true, 'subitem' => true),
'OnSetPerPage' => Array('self' => true, 'subitem' => true),
'OnSearch' => Array('self' => true, 'subitem' => true),
'OnSearchReset' => Array('self' => true, 'subitem' => true),
'OnGoBack' => Array('self' => true, 'subitem' => true),
$this->permMapping = array_merge($this->permMapping, $permissions);
function mapEvents()
$events_map = Array(
'OnRemoveFilters' => 'FilterAction',
'OnApplyFilters' => 'FilterAction',
$this->eventMethods = array_merge($this->eventMethods, $events_map);
* Returns ID of current item to be edited
* by checking ID passed in get/post as prefix_id
* or by looking at first from selected ids, stored.
* Returned id is also stored in Session in case
* it was explicitly passed as get/post
* @param kEvent $event
* @return int
function getPassedID(&$event)
if ($event->getEventParam('raise_warnings') === false) {
$event->setEventParam('raise_warnings', 1);
// 1. get id from post (used in admin)
$ret = $this->Application->GetVar($event->getPrefixSpecial(true).'_id');
if($ret) return $ret;
// 2. get id from env (used in front)
$ret = $this->Application->GetVar($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_id');
if($ret) return $ret;
// recall selected ids array and use the first one
if ($ids != '') {
if($ids) $ret=array_shift($ids);
else { // if selected ids are not yet stored
return $this->Application->GetVar($event->getPrefixSpecial(true).'_id'); // StoreSelectedIDs sets this variable
return $ret;
* Prepares and stores selected_ids string
* in Session and Application Variables
* by getting all checked ids from grid plus
* id passed in get/post as prefix_id
* @param kEvent $event
* @return Array ids stored
function StoreSelectedIDs(&$event)
$ret = Array();
// May be we don't need this part: ?
$passed = $this->Application->GetVar($event->getPrefixSpecial(true).'_id');
if($passed !== false && $passed != '')
array_push($ret, $passed);
$ids = Array();
// get selected ids from post & save them to session
$items_info = $this->Application->GetVar( $event->getPrefixSpecial(true) );
$id_field = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix,'IDField');
foreach($items_info as $id => $field_values)
if( getArrayValue($field_values,$id_field) ) array_push($ids,$id);
$ret = array_unique(array_merge($ret, $ids));
// This is critical - otherwise getPassedID will return last ID stored in session! (not exactly true)
// this smells... needs to be refactored
$first_id = getArrayValue($ret,0);
if (($first_id === false) && ($event->getEventParam('raise_warnings') == 1)) {
if ($this->Application->isDebugMode()) {
trigger_error('Requested ID for prefix <b>'.$event->getPrefixSpecial().'</b> <span class="debug_error">not passed</span>',E_USER_NOTICE);
$this->Application->SetVar($event->getPrefixSpecial(true).'_id', $first_id);
return $ret;
* Returns stored selected ids as an array
* @param kEvent $event
* @return array
function getSelectedIDs(&$event)
return explode(',', $this->Application->GetVar($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_selected_ids'));
* Returs associative array of submitted fields for current item
* Could be used while creating/editing single item -
* meaning on any edit form, except grid edit
* @param kEvent $event
function getSubmittedFields(&$event)
$items_info = $this->Application->GetVar( $event->getPrefixSpecial(true) );
$field_values = $items_info ? array_shift($items_info) : Array();
return $field_values;
* Removes any information about current/selected ids
* from Application variables and Session
* @param kEvent $event
function clearSelectedIDs(&$event)
$prefix_special = $event->getPrefixSpecial();
$ids = $this->Application->RecallVar($prefix_special.'_selected_ids');
$event->setEventParam('ids', $ids);
$this->Application->SetVar($prefix_special.'_selected_ids', '');
$this->Application->SetVar($prefix_special.'_id', ''); // $event->getPrefixSpecial(true).'_id' too may be
/*function SetSaveEvent(&$event)
* Common builder part for Item & List
* @param kDBBase $object
* @param kEvent $event
* @access private
function dbBuild(&$object, &$event)
$this->PrepareObject($object, $event);
// force live table if specified or is original item
$live_table = $event->getEventParam('live_table') || $event->Special == 'original';
if( $this->UseTempTables($event) && !$live_table )
// This strange constuction creates hidden field for storing event name in form submit
// It pass SaveEvent to next screen, otherwise after unsuccsefull create it will try to update rather than create
$current_event = $this->Application->GetVar($event->Prefix_Special.'_event');
// $this->Application->setEvent($event->Prefix_Special, $current_event);
$this->Application->setEvent($event->Prefix_Special, '');
$save_event = $this->UseTempTables($event) && $this->Application->GetTopmostPrefix($event->Prefix) == $event->Prefix ? 'OnSave' : 'OnUpdate';
* Builds item (loads if needed)
* @param kEvent $event
* @access protected
function OnItemBuild(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject();
$sql = $this->ItemPrepareQuery($event);
$sql = $this->Application->ReplaceLanguageTags($sql);
// 2. loads if allowed
$auto_load = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix,'AutoLoad');
$skip_autload = $event->getEventParam('skip_autoload');
if($auto_load && !$skip_autload) $this->LoadItem($event);
$actions =& $this->Application->recallObject('kActions');
$actions->Set($event->Prefix_Special.'_GoTab', '');
$actions->Set($event->Prefix_Special.'_GoId', '');
* Build subtables array from configs
* @param kEvent $event
function OnTempHandlerBuild(&$event)
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_TempHandler', 'kTempTablesHandler');
$object->BuildTables( $event->Prefix, $this->getSelectedIDs($event) );
* Enter description here...
* @param kEvent $event
* @return unknown
function UseTempTables(&$event)
$object = &$event->getObject();
$top_prefix = $this->Application->GetTopmostPrefix($event->Prefix);
return (
$this->Application->GetVar(rtrim($top_prefix.'_'.$event->Special, '_')) == 't'
$this->Application->GetVar(rtrim($top_prefix.'.'.$event->Special, '.')) == 't'
$this->Application->GetVar($top_prefix.'_mode') == 't'
* Returns table prefix from event (temp or live)
* @param kEvent $event
* @return string
* @todo Needed? Should be refactored (by Alex)
function TablePrefix(&$event)
return $this->UseTempTables($event) ? $this->Application->GetTempTablePrefix().TABLE_PREFIX : TABLE_PREFIX;
* Load item if id is available
* @param kEvent $event
function LoadItem(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject();
$id = $this->getPassedID($event);
if ($object->Load($id) )
$actions =& $this->Application->recallObject('kActions');
$actions->Set($event->Prefix_Special.'_id', $object->GetID() );
$use_pending_editing = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'UsePendingEditing');
if ($use_pending_editing && $event->Special != 'original') {
$this->Application->SetVar($event->Prefix.'.original_id', $object->GetDBField('OrgId'));
* Builds list
* @param kEvent $event
* @access protected
function OnListBuild(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject();
$sql = $this->ListPrepareQuery($event);
$sql = $this->Application->ReplaceLanguageTags($sql);
$object->linkToParent( $this->getMainSpecial($event) );
$this->SetCustomQuery($event); // new!, use this for dynamic queries based on specials for ex.
// $object->CalculateTotals(); // Now called in getTotals to avoid extra query
$actions =& $this->Application->recallObject('kActions');
$actions->Set('remove_specials['.$event->Prefix_Special.']', '0');
$actions->Set($event->Prefix_Special.'_GoTab', '');
* Get's special of main item for linking with subitem
* @param kEvent $event
* @return string
function getMainSpecial(&$event)
$special = $event->getEventParam('main_special');
if($special === false || $special == '$main_special')
$special = $event->Special;
return $special;
* Apply any custom changes to list's sql query
* @param kEvent $event
* @access protected
* @see OnListBuild
function SetCustomQuery(&$event)
* Set's new perpage for grid
* @param kEvent $event
function OnSetPerPage(&$event)
$per_page = $this->Application->GetVar($event->getPrefixSpecial(true).'_PerPage');
$this->Application->StoreVar( $event->getPrefixSpecial().'_PerPage', $per_page );
* Set's correct page for list
* based on data provided with event
* @param kEvent $event
* @access private
* @see OnListBuild
function SetPagination(&$event)
// get PerPage (forced -> session -> config -> 10)
$per_page = $this->getPerPage($event);
$object =& $event->getObject();
$this->Application->StoreVarDefault($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_Page', 1);
$page = $this->Application->GetVar($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_Page');
if (!$page) {
$page = $this->Application->GetVar($event->getPrefixSpecial(true).'_Page');
if (!$page) {
$page = $this->Application->RecallVar($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_Page');
else {
$this->Application->StoreVar($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_Page', $page);
if( !$event->getEventParam('skip_counting') )
$pages = $object->GetTotalPages();
if($page > $pages)
$this->Application->StoreVar($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_Page', 1);
$page = 1;
/*$per_page = $event->getEventParam('per_page');
if ($per_page == 'list_next') {
$cur_page = $page;
$cur_per_page = $per_page;
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject($event->Prefix);
$cur_item_index = $object->CurrentIndex;
$page = ($cur_page-1) * $cur_per_page + $cur_item_index + 1;
function getPerPage(&$event)
$per_page = $event->getEventParam('per_page');
/* if ($per_page == 'list_next') {
$per_page = '';
$config_mapping = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'ConfigMapping');
if ( $config_mapping ) {
switch ( $per_page ){
case 'short_list' :
$per_page = $this->Application->ConfigValue($config_mapping['ShortListPerPage']);
case 'default' :
$per_page = $this->Application->ConfigValue($config_mapping['PerPage']);
$per_page_var = $event->getPrefixSpecial().'_PerPage';
$per_page = $this->Application->RecallVar($per_page_var);
if ($config_mapping) {
if (!isset($config_mapping['PerPage'])) {
trigger_error('Incorrect mapping of <span class="debug_error">PerPage</span> key in config for prefix <b>'.$event->Prefix.'</b>', E_USER_WARNING);
$per_page = $this->Application->ConfigValue($config_mapping['PerPage']);
if(!$per_page) $per_page = 10;
return $per_page;
* Set's correct sorting for list
* based on data provided with event
* @param kEvent $event
* @access private
* @see OnListBuild
function SetSorting(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject();
$cur_sort1 = $this->Application->RecallVar($event->Prefix_Special.'_Sort1');
$cur_sort1_dir = $this->Application->RecallVar($event->Prefix_Special.'_Sort1_Dir');
$cur_sort2 = $this->Application->RecallVar($event->Prefix_Special.'_Sort2');
$cur_sort2_dir = $this->Application->RecallVar($event->Prefix_Special.'_Sort2_Dir');
$sorting_configs = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'ConfigMapping');
$list_sortings = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'ListSortings');
$sorting_prefix = getArrayValue($list_sortings, $event->Special) ? $event->Special : '';
$tag_sort_by = $event->getEventParam('sort_by');
if ($tag_sort_by) {
+ if ($tag_sort_by == 'random') {
+ $by = 'RAND()';
+ $dir = '';
+ }
+ else {
list($by, $dir) = explode(',', $tag_sort_by);
- if ($by == 'random') $by = 'RAND()';
+ }
$object->AddOrderField($by, $dir);
if ($sorting_configs && isset ($sorting_configs['DefaultSorting1Field'])){
$list_sortings[$sorting_prefix]['Sorting'] = Array(
$this->Application->ConfigValue($sorting_configs['DefaultSorting1Field']) => $this->Application->ConfigValue($sorting_configs['DefaultSorting1Dir']),
$this->Application->ConfigValue($sorting_configs['DefaultSorting2Field']) => $this->Application->ConfigValue($sorting_configs['DefaultSorting2Dir']),
// Use default if not specified
if ( !$cur_sort1 || !$cur_sort1_dir)
if ( $sorting = getArrayValue($list_sortings, $sorting_prefix, 'Sorting') ) {
$cur_sort1 = key($sorting);
$cur_sort1_dir = current($sorting);
if (next($sorting)) {
$cur_sort2 = key($sorting);
$cur_sort2_dir = current($sorting);
if ( $forced_sorting = getArrayValue($list_sortings, $sorting_prefix, 'ForcedSorting') ) {
foreach ($forced_sorting as $field => $dir) {
$object->AddOrderField($field, $dir);
if($cur_sort1 != '' && $cur_sort1_dir != '')
$object->AddOrderField($cur_sort1, $cur_sort1_dir);
if($cur_sort2 != '' && $cur_sort2_dir != '')
$object->AddOrderField($cur_sort2, $cur_sort2_dir);
* Adds filters found in session to object
* @param kEvent $event
* @param string $session_var variable name in session, where filter is stored
* @param string $filter_class filter class, e.g. FLT_SYSTEM, FLT_NORMAL, etc.
function addStoredFilter(&$event, $session_var, $filter_class)
$filter_data = $this->Application->RecallVar($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_'.$session_var);
if ($filter_data) {
$object =& $event->getObject();
$filter_data = unserialize($filter_data);
foreach ($filter_data as $filter_field => $filter_params) {
$filter_type = ($filter_params['type'] == 'having') ? HAVING_FILTER : WHERE_FILTER;
$object->addFilter($filter_field, $filter_params['value'], $filter_type, $filter_sub_type);
* Add filters found in session
* @param kEvent $event
function AddFilters(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject();
// add search filter
$filter_data = $this->Application->RecallVar($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_search_filter');
if ($filter_data) {
$filter_data = unserialize($filter_data);
foreach ($filter_data as $filter_field => $filter_params) {
$filter_type = ($filter_params['type'] == 'having') ? HAVING_FILTER : WHERE_FILTER;
$object->addFilter($filter_field, $filter_params['value'], $filter_type, FLT_SEARCH);
// add custom filter
$custom_filters = $this->Application->RecallVar($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_custom_filter');
if ($custom_filters) {
$grid_name = $event->getEventParam('grid');
$custom_filters = unserialize($custom_filters);
if (isset($custom_filters[$grid_name])) {
foreach ($custom_filters[$grid_name] as $field_name => $field_options) {
list ($filter_type, $field_options) = each($field_options);
if ($field_options['value']) {
$filter_type = ($field_options['sql_filter_type'] == 'having') ? HAVING_FILTER : WHERE_FILTER;
$object->addFilter($field_name, $field_options['value'], $filter_type, FLT_CUSTOM);
$view_filter = $this->Application->RecallVar($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_view_filter');
$view_filter = unserialize($view_filter);
$temp_filter =& $this->Application->makeClass('kMultipleFilter');
$filter_menu = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix,'FilterMenu');
$group_key = 0; $group_count = count($filter_menu['Groups']);
while($group_key < $group_count)
$group_info = $filter_menu['Groups'][$group_key];
$temp_filter->setType( constant('FLT_TYPE_'.$group_info['mode']) );
foreach ($group_info['filters'] as $flt_id)
$sql_key = getArrayValue($view_filter,$flt_id) ? 'on_sql' : 'off_sql';
if ($filter_menu['Filters'][$flt_id][$sql_key] != '')
$temp_filter->addFilter('view_filter_'.$flt_id, $filter_menu['Filters'][$flt_id][$sql_key]);
$object->addFilter('view_group_'.$group_key, $temp_filter, $group_info['type'] , FLT_VIEW);
* Set's new sorting for list
* @param kEvent $event
* @access protected
function OnSetSorting(&$event)
$cur_sort1 = $this->Application->RecallVar($event->Prefix_Special.'_Sort1');
$cur_sort1_dir = $this->Application->RecallVar($event->Prefix_Special.'_Sort1_Dir');
$cur_sort2 = $this->Application->RecallVar($event->Prefix_Special.'_Sort2');
$cur_sort2_dir = $this->Application->RecallVar($event->Prefix_Special.'_Sort2_Dir');
$passed_sort1 = $this->Application->GetVar($event->getPrefixSpecial(true).'_Sort1');
if ($cur_sort1 == $passed_sort1) {
$cur_sort1_dir = $cur_sort1_dir == 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc';
else {
$cur_sort2 = $cur_sort1;
$cur_sort2_dir = $cur_sort1_dir;
$cur_sort1 = $passed_sort1;
$cur_sort1_dir = 'asc';
$this->Application->StoreVar($event->Prefix_Special.'_Sort1', $cur_sort1);
$this->Application->StoreVar($event->Prefix_Special.'_Sort1_Dir', $cur_sort1_dir);
$this->Application->StoreVar($event->Prefix_Special.'_Sort2', $cur_sort2);
$this->Application->StoreVar($event->Prefix_Special.'_Sort2_Dir', $cur_sort2_dir);
* Set sorting directly to session
* @param kEvent $event
function OnSetSortingDirect(&$event)
$combined = $this->Application->GetVar($event->getPrefixSpecial(true).'_CombinedSorting');
if ($combined) {
list($field,$dir) = explode('|',$combined);
$this->Application->StoreVar($event->Prefix_Special.'_Sort1', $field);
$this->Application->StoreVar($event->Prefix_Special.'_Sort1_Dir', $dir);
$field_pos = $this->Application->GetVar($event->getPrefixSpecial(true).'_SortPos');
$this->Application->LinkVar( $event->getPrefixSpecial(true).'_Sort'.$field_pos, $event->Prefix_Special.'_Sort'.$field_pos);
$this->Application->LinkVar( $event->getPrefixSpecial(true).'_Sort'.$field_pos.'_Dir', $event->Prefix_Special.'_Sort'.$field_pos.'_Dir');
* Reset grid sorting to default (from config)
* @param kEvent $event
function OnResetSorting(&$event)
* Creates needed sql query to load item,
* if no query is defined in config for
* special requested, then use default
* query
* @param kEvent $event
* @access protected
function ItemPrepareQuery(&$event)
$sqls = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix,'ItemSQLs');
return isset($sqls[$event->Special]) ? $sqls[$event->Special] : $sqls[''];
* Creates needed sql query to load list,
* if no query is defined in config for
* special requested, then use default
* query
* @param kEvent $event
* @access protected
function ListPrepareQuery(&$event)
$sqls = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix,'ListSQLs');
return isset( $sqls[$event->Special] ) ? $sqls[$event->Special] : $sqls[''];
* Apply custom processing to item
* @param kEvent $event
function customProcessing(&$event, $type)
/* Edit Events mostly used in Admin */
* Creates new kDBItem
* @param kEvent $event
* @access protected
function OnCreate(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
$items_info = $this->Application->GetVar( $event->getPrefixSpecial(true) );
list($id,$field_values) = each($items_info);
//look at kDBItem' Create for ForceCreateId description, it's rarely used and is NOT set by default
if( $object->Create($event->getEventParam('ForceCreateId')) )
if( $object->IsTempTable() ) $object->setTempID();
$event->redirect_params = Array('opener'=>'u');
$event->status = erFAIL;
$event->redirect = false;
* Updates kDBItem
* @param kEvent $event
* @access protected
function OnUpdate(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
$items_info = $this->Application->GetVar( $event->getPrefixSpecial(true) );
foreach($items_info as $id => $field_values)
$this->customProcessing($event, 'before');
if( $object->Update($id) )
$this->customProcessing($event, 'after');
$event->redirect_params = Array('opener'=>'u');
* Delete's kDBItem object
* @param kEvent $event
* @access protected
function OnDelete(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
$object->ID = $this->getPassedID($event);
if( $object->Delete() )
$event->status = erSUCCESS;
$event->status = erFAIL;
$event->redirect = false;
* Prepares new kDBItem object
* @param kEvent $event
* @access protected
function OnNew(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
$table_info = $object->getLinkedInfo();
$object->SetDBField($table_info['ForeignKey'], $table_info['ParentId']);
$event->redirect = false;
* Cancel's kDBItem Editing/Creation
* @param kEvent $event
* @access protected
function OnCancel(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject(Array('skip_autoload' => true));
$items_info = $this->Application->GetVar($event->getPrefixSpecial(true));
if ($items_info) {
$delete_ids = Array();
$temp =& $this->Application->recallObject($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_TempHandler', 'kTempTablesHandler');
foreach ($items_info as $id => $field_values) {
// record created for using with selector (e.g. Reviews->Select User), and not validated => Delete it
if ($object->isLoaded() && !$object->Validate() && ($id <= 0) ) {
$delete_ids[] = $id;
if ($delete_ids) {
$temp->DeleteItems($event->Prefix, $event->Special, $delete_ids);
$event->redirect_params = Array('opener'=>'u');
* Deletes all selected items.
* Automatically recurse into sub-items using temp handler, and deletes sub-items
* by calling its Delete method if sub-item has AutoDelete set to true in its config file
* @param kEvent $event
function OnMassDelete(&$event)
if ($this->Application->CheckPermission('SYSTEM_ACCESS.READONLY', 1)) {
$temp =& $this->Application->recallObject($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_TempHandler', 'kTempTablesHandler');
$event->setEventParam('ids', $this->getSelectedIDs($event) );
$this->customProcessing($event, 'before');
$ids = $event->getEventParam('ids');
$temp->DeleteItems($event->Prefix, $event->Special, $ids);
* Prepare temp tables and populate it
* with items selected in the grid
* @param kEvent $event
function OnEdit(&$event)
$temp =& $this->Application->recallObject($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_TempHandler', 'kTempTablesHandler');
* Saves content of temp table into live and
* redirects to event' default redirect (normally grid template)
* @param kEvent $event
function OnSave(&$event)
if ($event->status == erSUCCESS) {
$skip_master = false;
$temp =& $this->Application->recallObject($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_TempHandler', 'kTempTablesHandler');
if (!$this->Application->CheckPermission('SYSTEM_ACCESS.READONLY', 1)) {
$live_ids = $temp->SaveEdit($event->getEventParam('master_ids') ? $event->getEventParam('master_ids') : Array());
if ($live_ids) {
// ensure, that newly created item ids are avalable as if they were selected from grid
// NOTE: only works if main item has subitems !!!
$this->Application->StoreVar($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_selected_ids', implode(',', $live_ids));
$event->redirect_params = Array('opener' => 'u');
// all temp tables are deleted here => all after hooks should think, that it's live mode now
$this->Application->SetVar($event->Prefix.'_mode', '');
* Cancels edit
* Removes all temp tables and clears selected ids
* @param kEvent $event
function OnCancelEdit(&$event)
$temp =& $this->Application->recallObject($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_TempHandler', 'kTempTablesHandler');
$event->redirect_params = Array('opener'=>'u');
* Allows to determine if we are creating new item or editing already created item
* @param kEvent $event
* @return bool
function isNewItemCreate(&$event)
$event->setEventParam('raise_warnings', 0);
$item_id = $this->getPassedID($event);
return ($item_id == '') ? true : false;
* Saves edited item into temp table
* If there is no id, new item is created in temp table
* @param kEvent $event
function OnPreSave(&$event)
//$event->redirect = false;
// if there is no id - it means we need to create an item
if (is_object($event->MasterEvent)) {
if ($this->isNewItemCreate($event)) {
if (is_object($event->MasterEvent)) {
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
$items_info = $this->Application->GetVar( $event->getPrefixSpecial(true) );
if ($items_info) {
foreach ($items_info as $id => $field_values) {
$this->customProcessing($event, 'before');
if( $object->Update($id) )
$this->customProcessing($event, 'after');
else {
$event->status = erFAIL;
$event->redirect = false;
* Saves edited item in temp table and loads
* item with passed id in current template
* Used in Prev/Next buttons
* @param kEvent $event
function OnPreSaveAndGo(&$event)
if ($event->status==erSUCCESS) {
$event->redirect_params[$event->getPrefixSpecial(true).'_id'] = $this->Application->GetVar($event->Prefix_Special.'_GoId');
* Saves edited item in temp table and goes
* to passed tabs, by redirecting to it with OnPreSave event
* @param kEvent $event
function OnPreSaveAndGoToTab(&$event)
if ($event->status==erSUCCESS) {
* Saves editable list and goes to passed tab,
* by redirecting to it with empty event
* @param kEvent $event
function OnUpdateAndGoToTab(&$event)
if ($event->status==erSUCCESS) {
* Prepare temp tables for creating new item
* but does not create it. Actual create is
* done in OnPreSaveCreated
* @param kEvent $event
function OnPreCreate(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
$temp =& $this->Application->recallObject($event->Prefix.'_TempHandler', 'kTempTablesHandler');
* Creates a new item in temp table and
* stores item id in App vars and Session on succsess
* @param kEvent $event
function OnPreSaveCreated(&$event)
$items_info = $this->Application->GetVar( $event->getPrefixSpecial(true) );
if($items_info) $field_values = array_shift($items_info);
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
$this->customProcessing($event, 'before');
if( $object->Create() )
$this->customProcessing($event, 'after');
$event->redirect_params[$event->getPrefixSpecial(true).'_id'] = $object->GetId();
* Apply same processing to each item beeing selected in grid
* @param kEvent $event
* @access private
function iterateItems(&$event)
if ($this->Application->CheckPermission('SYSTEM_ACCESS.READONLY', 1)) {
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
$ids = $this->StoreSelectedIDs($event);
if ($ids) {
$status_field = array_shift( $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix,'StatusField') );
foreach ($ids as $id) {
switch ($event->Name) {
case 'OnMassApprove':
$object->SetDBField($status_field, 1);
case 'OnMassDecline':
$object->SetDBField($status_field, 0);
case 'OnMassMoveUp':
$object->SetDBField('Priority', $object->GetDBField('Priority') + 1);
case 'OnMassMoveDown':
$object->SetDBField('Priority', $object->GetDBField('Priority') - 1);
if ($object->Update()) {
$event->status = erSUCCESS;
else {
$event->status = erFAIL;
$event->redirect = false;
* Enter description here...
* @param kEvent $event
function OnMassClone(&$event)
if ($this->Application->CheckPermission('SYSTEM_ACCESS.READONLY', 1)) {
$event->status = erSUCCESS;
$temp =& $this->Application->recallObject($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_TempHandler', 'kTempTablesHandler');
$ids = $this->StoreSelectedIDs($event);
if ($ids) {
$temp->CloneItems($event->Prefix, $event->Special, $ids);
function check_array($records, $field, $value)
foreach ($records as $record) {
if ($record[$field] == $value) {
return true;
return false;
function OnPreSavePopup(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject();
/* End of Edit events */
// III. Events that allow to put some code before and after Update,Load,Create and Delete methods of item
* Occurse before loading item, 'id' parameter
* allows to get id of item beeing loaded
* @param kEvent $event
* @access public
function OnBeforeItemLoad(&$event)
* Occurse after loading item, 'id' parameter
* allows to get id of item that was loaded
* @param kEvent $event
* @access public
function OnAfterItemLoad(&$event)
* Occurse before creating item
* @param kEvent $event
* @access public
function OnBeforeItemCreate(&$event)
* Occurse after creating item
* @param kEvent $event
* @access public
function OnAfterItemCreate(&$event)
* Occurse before updating item
* @param kEvent $event
* @access public
function OnBeforeItemUpdate(&$event)
* Occurse after updating item
* @param kEvent $event
* @access public
function OnAfterItemUpdate(&$event)
* Occurse before deleting item, id of item beeing
* deleted is stored as 'id' event param
* @param kEvent $event
* @access public
function OnBeforeItemDelete(&$event)
* Occurse after deleting item, id of deleted item
* is stored as 'id' param of event
* @param kEvent $event
* @access public
function OnAfterItemDelete(&$event)
* Occurs after successful item validation
* @param kEvent $event
function OnAfterItemValidate(&$event)
* Occures after an item has been copied to temp
* Id of copied item is passed as event' 'id' param
* @param kEvent $event
function OnAfterCopyToTemp(&$event)
* Occures before an item is deleted from live table when copying from temp
* (temp handler deleted all items from live and then copy over all items from temp)
* Id of item being deleted is passed as event' 'id' param
* @param kEvent $event
function OnBeforeDeleteFromLive(&$event)
* Occures before an item is copied to live table (after all foreign keys have been updated)
* Id of item being copied is passed as event' 'id' param
* @param kEvent $event
function OnBeforeCopyToLive(&$event)
* Occures after an item has been copied to live table
* Id of copied item is passed as event' 'id' param
* @param kEvent $event
function OnAfterCopyToLive(&$event)
* Occures before an item is cloneded
* Id of ORIGINAL item is passed as event' 'id' param
* Do not call object' Update method in this event, just set needed fields!
* @param kEvent $event
function OnBeforeClone(&$event)
* Occures after an item has been cloned
* Id of newly created item is passed as event' 'id' param
* @param kEvent $event
function OnAfterClone(&$event)
* Ensures that popup will be closed automatically
* and parent window will be refreshed with template
* passed
* @param kEvent $event
* @access public
function finalizePopup(&$event)
$event->redirect = 'incs/close_popup';
// 2. substitute opener
$opener_stack = $this->Application->RecallVar('opener_stack');
$opener_stack = $opener_stack ? unserialize($opener_stack) : Array();
$t = $this->Application->RecallVar('return_template');
// restore original "m" prefix all params, that have values before opening selector
$return_m = $this->Application->RecallVar('return_m');
$pass_events = $event->getEventParam('pass_events');
$redirect_params = array_merge_recursive2($event->redirect_params, Array('m_opener' => 'u', '__URLENCODE__' => 1));
$new_level = 'index.php|'.ltrim($this->Application->BuildEnv($t, $redirect_params, 'all', $pass_events), ENV_VAR_NAME.'=');
array_push($opener_stack, $new_level);
$this->Application->StoreVar('opener_stack', serialize($opener_stack));
* Create search filters based on search query
* @param kEvent $event
* @access protected
function OnSearch(&$event)
$search_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('SearchHelper');
* Clear search keywords
* @param kEvent $event
* @access protected
function OnSearchReset(&$event)
$search_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('SearchHelper');
* Set's new filter value (filter_id meaning from config)
* @param kEvent $event
function OnSetFilter(&$event)
$filter_id = $this->Application->GetVar('filter_id');
$filter_value = $this->Application->GetVar('filter_value');
$view_filter = $this->Application->RecallVar($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_view_filter');
$view_filter = $view_filter ? unserialize($view_filter) : Array();
$view_filter[$filter_id] = $filter_value;
$this->Application->StoreVar( $event->getPrefixSpecial().'_view_filter', serialize($view_filter) );
function OnSetFilterPattern(&$event)
$filters = $this->Application->GetVar($event->getPrefixSpecial(true).'_filters');
if (!$filters) return ;
$view_filter = $this->Application->RecallVar($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_view_filter');
$view_filter = $view_filter ? unserialize($view_filter) : Array();
$filters = explode(',', $filters);
foreach ($filters as $a_filter) {
list($id, $value) = explode('=', $a_filter);
$view_filter[$id] = $value;
$this->Application->StoreVar( $event->getPrefixSpecial().'_view_filter', serialize($view_filter) );
$event->redirect = false;
* Add/Remove all filters applied to list from "View" menu
* @param kEvent $event
function FilterAction(&$event)
$view_filter = Array();
$filter_menu = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix,'FilterMenu');
switch ($event->Name)
case 'OnRemoveFilters':
$filter_value = 1;
case 'OnApplyFilters':
$filter_value = 0;
foreach($filter_menu['Filters'] as $filter_key => $filter_params)
if(!$filter_params) continue;
$view_filter[$filter_key] = $filter_value;
$this->Application->StoreVar( $event->getPrefixSpecial().'_view_filter', serialize($view_filter) );
* Enter description here...
* @param kEvent $event
function OnPreSaveAndOpenTranslator(&$event)
$this->Application->SetVar('allow_translation', true);
$object =& $event->getObject();
if ($event->status == erSUCCESS) {
$resource_id = $this->Application->GetVar('translator_resource_id');
if ($resource_id) {
$t_prefixes = explode(',', $this->Application->GetVar('translator_prefixes'));
$cdata =& $this->Application->recallObject($t_prefixes[1], null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
$cdata->Load($resource_id, 'ResourceId');
if (!$cdata->isLoaded()) {
$cdata->SetDBField('ResourceId', $resource_id);
$this->Application->SetVar($cdata->getPrefixSpecial().'_id', $cdata->GetID());
$event->redirect = $this->Application->GetVar('translator_t');
$event->redirect_params = Array('pass'=>'all,trans,'.$this->Application->GetVar('translator_prefixes'),
$event->getPrefixSpecial(true).'_id' => $object->GetID(),
'trans_event' => 'OnLoad',
'trans_prefix' => $this->Application->GetVar('translator_prefixes'),
'trans_field' => $this->Application->GetVar('translator_field'),
'trans_multi_line' => $this->Application->GetVar('translator_multi_line'),
// 1. SAVE LAST TEMPLATE TO SESSION (really needed here, because of tweaky redirect)
$last_template = $this->Application->RecallVar('last_template');
preg_match('/index4\.php\|'.$this->Application->GetSID().'-(.*):/U', $last_template, $rets);
$this->Application->StoreVar('return_template', $this->Application->GetVar('t'));
function RemoveRequiredFields(&$object)
// making all field non-required to achieve successful presave
foreach($object->Fields as $field => $options)
* Dynamically fills customdata config
* @param kEvent $event
function OnCreateCustomFields(&$event)
$main_prefix = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'ParentPrefix');
if (!$main_prefix) return false;
$item_type = $this->Application->getUnitOption($main_prefix, 'ItemType');
if (!$item_type) {
// no main config of such type
return false;
// 1. get custom field information
$sql = 'SELECT *
WHERE Type = '.$item_type.'
ORDER BY CustomFieldId';
$custom_fields = $this->Conn->Query($sql, 'CustomFieldId');
if (!$custom_fields) {
// config doesn't have custom fields
return false;
// 2. create fields (for customdata item)
$fields = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'Fields', Array());
$field_options = Array('type' => 'string', 'formatter' => 'kMultiLanguage', 'not_null' => 1, 'db_type' => 'text', 'default' => '');
foreach ($custom_fields as $custom_id => $custom_params) {
if (isset($fields['cust_'.$custom_id])) continue;
$fields['cust_'.$custom_id] = $field_options;
$this->Application->setUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'Fields', $fields);
// 3. create virtual & calculated fields (for main item)
$calculated_fields = Array();
$virtual_fields = $this->Application->getUnitOption($main_prefix, 'VirtualFields', Array());
$cf_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('InpCustomFieldsHelper');
$field_options = Array('type' => 'string', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => '');
$ml_formatter =& $this->Application->recallObject('kMultiLanguage');
foreach ($custom_fields as $custom_id => $custom_params) {
switch ($custom_params['ElementType']) {
case 'date':
case 'datetime':
$field_options['formatter'] = 'kDateFormatter';
case 'select':
case 'radio':
if ($custom_params['ValueList']) {
$field_options['options'] = $cf_helper->GetValuesHash($custom_params['ValueList']);
$field_options['formatter'] = 'kOptionsFormatter';
unset($field_options['options'], $field_options['formatter']);
$custom_name = $custom_params['FieldName'];
$calculated_fields['cust_'.$custom_name] = 'cust.'.$ml_formatter->LangFieldName('cust_'.$custom_id);
if (!isset($virtual_fields['cust_'.$custom_name])) {
$virtual_fields['cust_'.$custom_name] = Array();
$virtual_fields['cust_'.$custom_name] = array_merge_recursive2($field_options, $virtual_fields['cust_'.$custom_name]);
$custom_fields[$custom_id] = $custom_name;
$config_calculated_fields = $this->Application->getUnitOption($main_prefix, 'CalculatedFields', Array());
foreach ($config_calculated_fields as $special => $special_fields) {
$config_calculated_fields[$special] = array_merge_recursive2($config_calculated_fields[$special], $calculated_fields);
$this->Application->setUnitOption($main_prefix, 'CalculatedFields', $config_calculated_fields);
$this->Application->setUnitOption($main_prefix, 'CustomFields', $custom_fields);
$this->Application->setUnitOption($main_prefix, 'VirtualFields', $virtual_fields);
* Saves selected user in needed field
* @param kEvent $event
function OnSelectUser(&$event)
$items_info = $this->Application->GetVar('u');
if ($items_info) {
$user_id = array_shift( array_keys($items_info) );
$object =& $event->getObject();
$is_new = !$object->isLoaded();
$is_main = $this->Application->GetVar($event->Prefix.'_mode') == 't';
if ($is_new) {
$new_event = $is_main ? 'OnPreCreate' : 'OnNew';
$object->SetDBField($this->Application->RecallVar('dst_field'), $user_id);
if ($is_new) {
if (!$is_main && $object->IsTempTable()) {
else {
$event->SetRedirectParam($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_id', $object->GetID());
* Shows export dialog
* @param kEvent $event
function OnExport(&$event)
$selected_ids = $this->getSelectedIDs($event);
if (implode(',', $selected_ids) == '') {
// K4 fix when no ids found bad selected ids array is formed
$selected_ids = false;
$this->Application->StoreVar($event->Prefix.'_export_ids', $selected_ids ? implode(',', $selected_ids) : '' );
$export_t = $this->Application->GetVar('export_template');
$this->Application->StoreVar('export_oroginal_special', $event->Special);
$export_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CatItemExportHelper');
$event->redirect = $export_t ? $export_t : $export_helper->getModuleFolder($event).'/export';
$redirect_params = Array( 'm_opener' => 'd',
$this->Prefix.'.export_event' => 'OnNew',
'pass' => 'all,'.$this->Prefix.'.export');
* Apply some special processing to
* object beeing recalled before using
* it in other events that call prepareObject
* @param Object $object
* @param kEvent $event
* @access protected
function prepareObject(&$object, &$event)
if ($event->Special == 'export' || $event->Special == 'import')
$export_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CatItemExportHelper');
* Returns specific to each item type columns only
* @param kEvent $event
* @return Array
function getCustomExportColumns(&$event)
return Array();
* Export form validation & processing
* @param kEvent $event
function OnExportBegin(&$event)
$export_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CatItemExportHelper');
* Enter description here...
* @param kEvent $event
function OnExportCancel(&$event)
* Allows configuring export options
* @param kEvent $event
function OnBeforeExportBegin(&$event)
function OnDeleteExportPreset(&$event)
$object =& $event->GetObject();
$items_info = $this->Application->GetVar( $event->getPrefixSpecial(true) );
list($id,$field_values) = each($items_info);
$preset_key = $field_values['ExportPresets'];
$user =& $this->Application->recallObject('u');
$export_settings = $user->getPersistantVar('export_settings');
if (!$export_settings) return ;
$export_settings = unserialize($export_settings);
if (!isset($export_settings[$event->Prefix])) return ;
$to_delete = '';
$export_presets = array(''=>'');
foreach ($export_settings[$event->Prefix] as $key => $val) {
if (implode('|', $val['ExportColumns']) == $preset_key) {
$to_delete = $key;
if ($to_delete) {
$user->setPersistantVar('export_settings', serialize($export_settings));
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.79.4/core/kernel/db/db_event_handler.php
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
\ No newline at end of property
Index: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.21.2/admin/include/mainscript.php
--- branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.21.2/admin/include/mainscript.php (revision 6841)
+++ branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.21.2/admin/include/mainscript.php (revision 6842)
@@ -1,575 +1,575 @@
global $imagesURL,$objConfig,$adminURL,$rootURL, $en;
$group_select = $adminURL."/users/group_select.php";
$item_select = $adminURL."/relation_select.php";
$user_select = $adminURL."/users/user_select.php";
$cat_select = $adminURL."/cat_select.php";
$missing_edit = $adminURL."/config/missing_label_search.php";
$lang_Filter = language("la_Text_Filter");
$lang_View = language("la_Text_View");
$lang_Sort = language("la_Text_Sort");
$lang_Select = language("la_Text_Select");
$lang_Unselect = language("la_Text_Unselect");
$lang_Invert = language("la_Text_Invert");
$lang_PerPage = language("la_prompt_PerPage");
$lang_All = language("la_Text_All");
$lang_Asc = language("la_common_ascending");
$lang_Desc = language("la_common_descending");
$lang_Disabled = language("la_Text_Disabled");
$lang_Enabled = language("la_Text_Enabled");
$lang_Pending = language("la_Text_Pending");
$lang_Default = language("la_Text_Default");
$lang_CreatedOn = language("la_prompt_CreatedOn");
$lang_None = language("la_Text_None");
$lang_PerPage = language("la_prompt_PerPage");
$lang_Views = language("la_Text_Views");
$lang_URL = language("la_ColHeader_Url");
$lang_Status = language("la_prompt_Status");
$lang_Name = language("la_prompt_Name");
$lang_MoveDn = language("la_prompt_MoveDown");
$lang_MoveUp = language("la_prompt_MoveUp");
$lang_Delete = language("la_prompt_Delete");
$lang_Edit = language("la_prompt_Edit");
$errormsg = language("la_validation_AlertMsg");
$env2 = BuildEnv();
$env2 = BuildEnv() . "&en=$en";
$editor_url = $adminURL."/editor/editor_new.php?env=$env2";
$email_url = $adminURL."/email/sendmail.php?env=$env2";
$phrase_edit = $adminURL."/config/edit_label.php?env=".$env2;
$submit_done = isset($_REQUEST['submit_done']) ? 1 : 0; // returns form submit status
$Cal = GetDateFormat(0, true);
if (strpos($Cal, 'y')) {
$Cal = str_replace('y','yy',$Cal);
else {
$Cal = str_replace('Y','y',$Cal);
$Cal = str_replace("m","mm",$Cal);
$Cal = str_replace("n","m",$Cal);
$Cal = str_replace("d","dd",$Cal);
$format = GetStdFormat(GetDateFormat(0, true));
$yearpos = (int)DateFieldOrder($format,"year");
$monthpos = (int)DateFieldOrder($format,"month");
$daypos = (int)DateFieldOrder($format,"day");
$ampm = is12HourMode() ? 'true' : 'false';
$SiteName = addslashes( strip_tags( $GLOBALS['objConfig']->Get('Site_Name') ) );
print <<<END
<script type="text/javascript" src="$adminURL/lv/js/in-portal.js"></script>
<script language="Javascript">
var main_title = '$SiteName';
var CurrentTab= new String();
var \$Menus = new Array();
if(!\$fw_menus) var \$fw_menus = new Array();
var lang_Filter = "$lang_Filter";
var lang_Sort = "$lang_Sort";
var lang_Select = "$lang_Select";
var lang_Unselect = "$lang_Unselect";
var lang_Invert = "$lang_Invert";
var lang_PerPage = "$lang_PerPage";
var lang_All = "$lang_All";
var lang_Asc = "$lang_Asc";
var lang_Desc = "$lang_Desc";
var lang_Disabled = "$lang_Disabled";
var lang_Pending = "$lang_Pending";
var lang_Default = "$lang_Default";
var lang_CreatedOn = "$lang_CreatedOn";
var lang_View = "$lang_View";
var lang_Views = "$lang_Views";
var lang_None = "$lang_None";
var lang_PerPage = "$lang_PerPage";
var lang_Enabled = "$lang_Enabled";
var lang_URL = "$lang_URL";
var lang_Status = "$lang_Status";
var lang_Name = "$lang_Name";
var lang_Edit = "$lang_Edit";
var lang_Delete = "$lang_Delete";
var lang_MoveUp = "$lang_MoveUp";
var lang_MoveDn = "$lang_MoveDn";
var ampm = $ampm;
var listview_clear=1;
var CalDateFormat = "$Cal";
var yearpos = $yearpos;
var monthpos = $monthpos;
var daypos = $daypos;
var ErrorMsg = '$errormsg';
//en = $en
var rootURL = '$rootURL';
var \$edit_mode = false;
function clear_list_checkboxes()
var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName("INPUT");
for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++)
if (inputs[i].type == "checkbox" && inputs[i].getAttribute("isSelector"))
function getRealLeft(el) {
xPos = el.offsetLeft;
tempEl = el.offsetParent;
while (tempEl != null) {
xPos += tempEl.offsetLeft;
tempEl = tempEl.offsetParent;
return xPos;
function getRealTop(el) {
yPos = el.offsetTop;
tempEl = el.offsetParent;
while (tempEl != null) {
yPos += tempEl.offsetTop;
tempEl = tempEl.offsetParent;
return yPos;
function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0
var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new Array();
var i,j=d.MM_p.length,a=MM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i=0; i<a.length; i++)
if (a[i].indexOf("#")!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image; d.MM_p[j++].src=a[i];}}
function SetButtonStateByImage(btn_id, img_src)
// set state depending on image name
var btn = document.getElementById(btn_id);
if( !HasParam(img_src) ) img_src = btn.getAttribute('src');
var img_name = img_src.split('/');
img_name = img_name.length ? img_name[img_name.length - 1] : img_name;
img_name = img_name.split('.');
img_name = img_name[0].split('_');
img_name = img_name.length ? img_name[img_name.length - 1] : img_name;
case 'f2': btn.setAttribute('ButtonState','over'); break;
case 'f3': btn.setAttribute('ButtonState','disabled'); break;
default: btn.setAttribute('ButtonState','enabled'); break;
function swap(imgid, src, module_name){
// swaps toobar icons from kernel
// admin or from module specified
var ob = document.getElementById(imgid);
SetButtonStateByImage(imgid, src);
var s = src;
s = s.slice(0,4);
ob.src = src;
if(module_name == null)
ob.src = '$adminURL' + '/images/' + src;
ob.src = '$rootURL' + module_name + '/$admin/images/' + src;
function flip(val)
if (val == 0)
return 1;
return 0;
function config_val(field, val2,url){
//alert('Setting ' + field + ' to ' + val2);
document.viewmenu.Action.value = "m_SetVariable";
document.viewmenu.fieldname.value = field;
document.viewmenu.varvalue.value = val2;
function session_val(field, val2){
//alert('Setting ' + field + ' to ' + val2);
document.viewmenu.Action.value = "m_SetSessionVariable";
document.viewmenu.fieldname.value = field;
document.viewmenu.varvalue.value = val2;
function Submit_ListSearch(action)
f = document.getElementById('ListSearchForm');
s = document.getElementById('ListSearchWord');
f.Action.value = action;
f.list_search.value = s.value;
function ValidTime(time_str)
var valid = true;
if( trim(time_str) == '' ) return true; // is valid in case if not entered
time_str = time_str.toUpperCase();
parts = time_str.split(/\s*[: ]\s*/);
hour = parseInt(parts[0]);
minute = parseInt(parts[1]);
sec = parseInt(parts[2]);
if(ampm == true)
amstr = parts[3];
var am_valid = (amstr == 'AM' || amstr == 'PM');
if(am_valid && hour > 12) valid = false;
if(amstr == 'PM' && hour <= 12) hour = hour + 12;
if(hour == 24) hour = 0;
if(!am_valid) valid = false;
valid = valid && (hour > -1 && hour < 24);
valid = valid && (minute > -1 && minute < 60);
valid = valid && (sec > -1 && sec < 60);
return valid;
function ValidCustomName(name_str)
if (trim(name_str) == '') return false;
var re = new RegExp('^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,}$');
if (name_str.match(re)) {
return true;
else {
return false;
function ValidThemeName(name_str)
if (trim(name_str) == '') return false;
var re = new RegExp('^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]{1,}$');
if (name_str.match(re)) {
return true;
else {
return false;
function DaysInMonth(month,year)
timeA = new Date(year, month,1);
timeDifference = timeA - 86400000;
timeB = new Date(timeDifference);
return timeB.getDate();
function ValidDate(date_str)
var valid = true;
if( trim(date_str) == '' ) return true; // is valid in case if not entered
parts = date_str.split(/\s*\D\s*/);
year = parts[yearpos-1];
month = parts[monthpos-1];
day = parts[daypos-1];
valid = (year>0);
valid = valid && ((month>0) && (month<13));
valid = valid && (day<DaysInMonth(month,year)+1);
return valid;
function trim(str)
return str.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g,'');
function ValidateNumber(aValue, aNumberType)
var valid = true;
if( trim(aValue) == '' ) return true;
return (parseInt(aValue) == aValue);
function OpenEditor(extra_env,TargetForm,TargetField)
var url = '$editor_url';
url = url+'&TargetForm='+TargetForm+'&TargetField='+TargetField+'&destform=popup';
url = url+extra_env;,"html_edit","width=800,height=575,status=yes,resizable=yes,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no");
function BitStatus(Value,bit)
var val = Math.pow(2,bit);
if((Value & val))
return 1;
return 0;
function FlipBit(ValueName,Value,bit)
var val = Math.pow(2,bit);
//alert('Setting bit ['+bit+'] of var ['+ValueName+'] with current value ['+Value+']');
Value = Value - val;
Value = Value + val;
function PerPageSelected(Value,PageCount)
return 2;
return 0;
function RadioIsSelected(Value1,Value2)
if(Value1 == Value2)
return 2;
return 0;
function OpenItemSelector(envstr)
function OpenUserSelector(CheckIdField,Checks,envstr)
if(Checks) var retval = Checks.getItemList();
f = document.getElementById('userpopup');
f.elements[CheckIdField].value = retval;
SessionPrepare('$user_select', envstr, 'userselect');
function SessionPrepare(url, get_str, window_name)
var params = ExtractParams(get_str);
if(params['destform'] == 'popup')
CreatePopup(window_name, url + '?' + get_str);
return true;
var frm = CreateFakeForm();
var frm = CreateFakeForm();
if(!frm) return false;
frm.destform.value = params['destform'];
params['destform'] = 'popup';
get_str = MergeParams(params);
CreatePopup(window_name); = window_name;
frm.method = 'POST';
frm.action = url + '?' + get_str;
function addField(form, type, name, value)
// create field in form
var field = document.createElement("INPUT");
field.type = type; = name; = name;
field.value = value;
form.insertBefore(field, form.nextSibling);
function CreateFakeForm()
if($submit_done == 0)
var theBody = document.getElementsByTagName("BODY");
if(theBody.length == 1)
var frm = document.createElement("FORM"); = "fake_form"; = "fake_form";
frm.method = "post";
- theBody[0].insertBefore(frm, theBody[0].nextSibling);
+// theBody[0].insertBefore(frm, theBody[0].nextSibling);
+ theBody[0].appendChild(frm);
addField(frm, 'hidden', 'submit_done', 1);
addField(frm, 'hidden', 'destform', '');
return document.getElementById('fake_form');
return false;
function CreatePopup(window_name, url, width, height)
// creates a popup window & returns it
if(url == null && typeof(url) == 'undefined' ) url = '';
if(width == null && typeof(width) == 'undefined' ) width = 750;
if(height == null && typeof(height) == 'undefined' ) height = 400;
function ShowHelp(section)
var frm = document.getElementById('help_form');
frm.section.value = section;
frm.method = 'POST';
CreatePopup('HelpPopup','$rootURL$admin/help/blank.html'); // , null, 600 = 'HelpPopup';
function ExtractParams(get_str)
// extract params into associative array
var params = get_str.split('&');
var result = Array();
var temp_var;
var i = 0;
var params_count = params.length;
while(i < params_count)
temp_var = params[i].split('=');
result[temp_var[0]] = temp_var[1];
return result;
function MergeParams(params)
// join splitted params into GET string
var key;
var result = '';
for(key in params)
result += key + '=' + params[key] + '&';
if(result.length) result = result.substring(0, result.length - 1);
return result;
function show_props(obj, objName)
var result = "";
for (var i in obj) {
result += objName + "." + i + " = " + obj[i] + "\\n";
return result;
function OpenGroupSelector(envstr)
SessionPrepare('$group_select', envstr, 'groupselect');
function OpenCatSelector(envstr)
function openEmailPopup(envar,form,Checks)
var email_url='$email_url';
var url = email_url+envar;
f = document.getElementById(form);
f.idlist.value = Checks.getItemList();
function OpenPhraseEditor(extra_env)
//SessionPrepare('$phrase_edit', extra_env, 'phrase_edit');
var url = '$phrase_edit'+extra_env+'&destform=popup';,"phrase_edit","width=750,height=400,status=yes,resizable=yes,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no");
function set_window_title(\$title)
var \$window = window;
if(\$window.parent) \$window = \$window.parent;
\$window.document.title = (main_title.length ? main_title + ' - ' : '') + \$title;
var env = '$env2';
var SubmitFunc = false;
Property changes on: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.21.2/admin/include/mainscript.php
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
\ No newline at end of property
Index: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.25.2/core/units/categories/categories_event_handler.php
--- branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.25.2/core/units/categories/categories_event_handler.php (revision 6841)
+++ branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.25.2/core/units/categories/categories_event_handler.php (revision 6842)
@@ -1,504 +1,504 @@
class CategoriesEventHandler extends kDBEventHandler {
* Allows to override standart permission mapping
function mapPermissions()
$permissions = Array(
'OnRebuildCache' => Array('self' => 'add|edit'),
// 'OnSave' => Array('self' => 'add|edit')
$this->permMapping = array_merge($this->permMapping, $permissions);
* Checks permissions of user
* @param kEvent $event
function CheckPermission(&$event)
if (!$this->Application->IsAdmin()) {
if ($event->Name == 'OnSetSortingDirect') {
// allow sorting on front event without view permission
return true;
if ($event->Name == 'OnEdit' || $event->Name == 'OnSave') {
// check each id from selected individually and only if all are allowed proceed next
if ($event->Name == 'OnEdit') {
$selected_ids = implode(',', $this->StoreSelectedIDs($event));
else {
$selected_ids = $this->Application->RecallVar($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_selected_ids');
$id_field = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'IDField');
$table_name = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'TableName');
$sql = 'SELECT '.$id_field.', CreatedById
FROM '.$table_name.' item_table
WHERE '.$id_field.' IN ('.$selected_ids.')';
$items = $this->Conn->Query($sql, $id_field);
$perm_value = true;
$perm_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('PermissionsHelper');
foreach ($items as $item_id => $item_data) {
if ($perm_helper->ModifyCheckPermission($item_data['CreatedById'], $item_data[$id_field], $event->Prefix) == 0) {
// one of items selected has no permission
$perm_value = false;
if (!$perm_value) {
$event->status = erPERM_FAIL;
return $perm_value;
return parent::CheckPermission($event);
* Apply system filter to categories list
* @param kEvent $event
function SetCustomQuery(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject();
$type_clauses = Array();
$object =& $event->getObject();
if ( $event->getEventParam('parent_cat_id') ) {
$parent_cat_id = $event->getEventParam('parent_cat_id');
if ($parent_cat_id == 'Root') {
$module_name = $event->getEventParam('module') ? $event->getEventParam('module') : 'In-Commerce';
$module =& $this->Application->recallObject('mod.'.$module_name);
$parent_cat_id = $module->GetDBField('RootCat');
else {
$parent_cat_id = $this->Application->GetVar('c_id');
if (!$parent_cat_id) {
$parent_cat_id = $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id');
if (!$parent_cat_id) {
$parent_cat_id = 0;
if ("$parent_cat_id" != 'any') {
if ($event->getEventParam('recursive')) {
$current_path = $this->Conn->GetOne('SELECT ParentPath FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Category WHERE CategoryId='.$parent_cat_id);
$subcats = $this->Conn->GetCol('SELECT CategoryId FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Category WHERE ParentPath LIKE "'.$current_path.'%" ');
$object->addFilter('parent_filter', 'ParentId IN ('.implode(', ', $subcats).')');
else {
$object->addFilter('parent_filter', 'ParentId = '.$parent_cat_id);
$object->addFilter('perm_filter', 'PermId = 1'); // check for CATEGORY.VIEW permission
- if ($this->Application->GetVar('u_id') != -1) {
+ if ($this->Application->RecallVar('user_id') != -1) {
// apply permission filters to all users except "root"
$groups = explode(',',$this->Application->RecallVar('UserGroups'));
foreach ($groups as $group) {
$view_filters[] = 'FIND_IN_SET('.$group.', acl)';
$view_filter = implode(' OR ', $view_filters);
$object->addFilter('perm_filter2', $view_filter);
if (!$this->Application->IsAdmin()) {
// apply status filter only on front
$object->addFilter('status_filter', $object->TableName.'.Status = 1');
if(strpos($types, 'category_related') !== false)
$resource_id = $this->Conn->GetOne('
SELECT ResourceId FROM '.$this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'TableName').'
WHERE CategoryId = '.$parent_cat_id
$sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT(TargetId) FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Relationship
WHERE SourceId = '.$resource_id.' AND SourceType = 1';
$related_cats = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql);
$related_cats = is_array($related_cats) ? $related_cats : Array();
$sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT(SourceId) FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Relationship
WHERE TargetId = '.$resource_id.' AND TargetType = 1 AND Type = 1';
$related_cats2 = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql);
$related_cats2 = is_array($related_cats2) ? $related_cats2 : Array();
$related_cats = array_unique( array_merge( $related_cats2, $related_cats ) );
$type_clauses['category_related']['include'] = '%1$s.ResourceId IN ('.implode(',', $related_cats).')';
$type_clauses['category_related']['except'] = '%1$s.ResourceId NOT IN ('.implode(',', $related_cats).')';
$type_clauses['category_related']['include'] = '0';
$type_clauses['category_related']['except'] = '1';
$type_clauses['category_related']['having_filter'] = false;
if(strpos($types, 'product_related') !== false)
$product_id = $event->getEventParam('product_id') ? $event->getEventParam('product_id') : $this->Application->GetVar('p_id');
$resource_id = $this->Conn->GetOne('
SELECT ResourceId FROM '.$this->Application->getUnitOption('p', 'TableName').'
WHERE ProductId = '.$product_id
$sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT(TargetId) FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Relationship
WHERE SourceId = '.$resource_id.' AND TargetType = 1';
$related_cats = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql);
$related_cats = is_array($related_cats) ? $related_cats : Array();
$sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT(SourceId) FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Relationship
WHERE TargetId = '.$resource_id.' AND SourceType = 1 AND Type = 1';
$related_cats2 = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql);
$related_cats2 = is_array($related_cats2) ? $related_cats2 : Array();
$related_cats = array_unique( array_merge( $related_cats2, $related_cats ) );
$type_clauses['product_related']['include'] = '%1$s.ResourceId IN ('.implode(',', $related_cats).')';
$type_clauses['product_related']['except'] = '%1$s.ResourceId NOT IN ('.implode(',', $related_cats).')';
$type_clauses['product_related']['include'] = '0';
$type_clauses['product_related']['except'] = '1';
$type_clauses['product_related']['having_filter'] = false;
$includes_or_filter =& $this->Application->makeClass('kMultipleFilter');
$excepts_and_filter =& $this->Application->makeClass('kMultipleFilter');
$includes_or_filter_h =& $this->Application->makeClass('kMultipleFilter');
$excepts_and_filter_h =& $this->Application->makeClass('kMultipleFilter');
$except_types_array=explode(',', $types);
if ($types){
$types_array=explode(',', $types);
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($types_array); $i++){
if (isset($type_clauses[$type])){
if ($type_clauses[$type]['having_filter']){
$includes_or_filter_h->addFilter('filter_'.$type, $type_clauses[$type]['include']);
$includes_or_filter->addFilter('filter_'.$type, $type_clauses[$type]['include']);
if ($except_types){
$except_types_array=explode(',', $except_types);
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($except_types_array); $i++){
if (isset($type_clauses[$type])){
if ($type_clauses[$type]['having_filter']){
$excepts_and_filter_h->addFilter('filter_'.$type, $type_clauses[$type]['except']);
$excepts_and_filter->addFilter('filter_'.$type, $type_clauses[$type]['except']);
$object->addFilter('includes_filter', $includes_or_filter);
$object->addFilter('excepts_filter', $excepts_and_filter);
$object->addFilter('includes_filter_h', $includes_or_filter_h, HAVING_FILTER);
$object->addFilter('excepts_filter_h', $excepts_and_filter_h, HAVING_FILTER);
function GetPassedId(&$event)
if ( $this->Application->IsAdmin() ) {
return parent::getPassedID($event);
return $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id');
* Adds calculates fields for item statuses
* @param kCatDBItem $object
* @param kEvent $event
function prepareObject(&$object, &$event)
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
$object->addCalculatedField('IsNew', ' IF(%1$s.NewItem = 2,
IF(%1$s.CreatedOn >= (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - '.
'*3600*24), 1, 0),
* Set correct parent path for newly created categories
* @param kEvent $event
function OnAfterCopyToLive(&$event)
if ($event->getEventParam('temp_id') == 0) {
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject($event->Prefix.'.-item', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true, 'live_table' => true));
if ($object->isLoaded()) {
// update path only for real categories (not including "Home" root category)
$fields_hash = Array('ParentPath' => $object->buildParentPath());
$this->Conn->doUpdate($fields_hash, $object->TableName, 'CategoryId = '.$object->GetID());
* Set cache modification mark if needed
* @param kEvent $event
function OnBeforeDeleteFromLive(&$event)
$id = $event->getEventParam('id');
// loding anyway, because this object is needed by "c-perm:OnBeforeDeleteFromLive" event
$temp_object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
if ($id == 0) {
if ($temp_object->isLoaded()) {
// new category -> update chache (not loaded when "Home" category)
$this->Application->StoreVar('PermCache_UpdateRequired', 1);
return ;
// existing category was edited, check if in-cache fields are modified
$live_object =& $this->Application->recallObject($event->Prefix.'.-item', null, Array('live_table' => true, 'skip_autoload' => true));
$cached_fields = Array('Name', 'Filename', 'CategoryTemplate');
foreach ($cached_fields as $cached_field) {
if ($live_object->GetDBField($cached_field) != $temp_object->GetDBField($cached_field)) {
// use session instead of REQUEST because of permission editing in category can contain
// multiple submits, that changes data before OnSave event occurs
$this->Application->StoreVar('PermCache_UpdateRequired', 1);
* Checks cache update mark and redirect to cache if needed
* @param kEvent $event
function OnSave(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject();
if ($object->IsRoot()) {
$event->setEventParam('master_ids', Array(0));
if ($event->status == erSUCCESS && $this->Application->RecallVar('PermCache_UpdateRequired')) {
// "catalog" should be in opener stack by now
$opener_stack = unserialize($this->Application->RecallVar('opener_stack'));
$opener_stack[0] = str_replace('catalog', 'categories/cache_updater', $opener_stack[0]);
$this->Application->StoreVar('opener_stack', serialize($opener_stack));
* Deletes all selected items.
* Automatically recurse into sub-items using temp handler, and deletes sub-items
* by calling its Delete method if sub-item has AutoDelete set to true in its config file
* @param kEvent $event
function OnMassDelete(&$event)
if ($this->Application->CheckPermission('SYSTEM_ACCESS.READONLY', 1)) {
// $event->status = erSUCCESS;
$ids = $this->StoreSelectedIDs($event);
if ($ids) {
$recursive_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('RecursiveHelper');
foreach ($ids as $id) {
* Add selected items to clipboard with mode = COPY (CLONE)
* @param kEvent $event
function OnCopy(&$event)
$clipboard_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('ClipboardHelper');
$clipboard_helper->setClipboard($event, 'copy', $this->StoreSelectedIDs($event));
* Add selected items to clipboard with mode = CUT
* @param kEvent $event
function OnCut(&$event)
$clipboard_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('ClipboardHelper');
$clipboard_helper->setClipboard($event, 'cut', $this->StoreSelectedIDs($event));
* Controls all item paste operations. Can occur only with filled clipbord.
* @param kEvent $event
function OnPasteClipboard(&$event)
$clipboard = unserialize( $this->Application->RecallVar('clipboard') );
foreach ($clipboard as $prefix => $clipboard_data) {
$paste_event = new kEvent($prefix.':OnPaste', Array('clipboard_data' => $clipboard_data));
$event->redirect = $paste_event->redirect;
$event->redirect_params = $paste_event->redirect_params;
$event->status = $paste_event->status;
* Paste categories with subitems from clipboard
* @param kEvent $event
function OnPaste(&$event)
if ($this->Application->CheckPermission('SYSTEM_ACCESS.READONLY', 1)) {
$clipboard_data = $event->getEventParam('clipboard_data');
if (!$clipboard_data['cut'] && !$clipboard_data['copy']) {
return false;
$recursive_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('RecursiveHelper');
if ($clipboard_data['cut']) {
$recursive_helper->MoveCategories($clipboard_data['cut'], $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id'));
if ($clipboard_data['copy']) {
foreach ($clipboard_data['copy'] as $id) {
if ($clipboard_data['cut'] || $clipboard_data['copy']) {
$event->redirect = 'categories/cache_updater';
* Occurs when pasting category
* @param kEvent $event
/*function OnCatPaste(&$event)
$inp_clipboard = $this->Application->RecallVar('ClipBoard');
$inp_clipboard = explode('-', $inp_clipboard, 2);
if($inp_clipboard[0] == 'COPY')
$saved_cat_id = $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id');
$cat_ids = $event->getEventParam('cat_ids');
$id_field = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'IDField');
$table = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'TableName');
$ids_sql = 'SELECT '.$id_field.' FROM '.$table.' WHERE ResourceId IN (%s)';
$resource_ids_sql = 'SELECT ItemResourceId FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'CategoryItems WHERE CategoryId = %s AND PrimaryCat = 1';
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject($event->Prefix.'.item', $event->Prefix, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
foreach($cat_ids as $source_cat => $dest_cat)
$item_resource_ids = $this->Conn->GetCol( sprintf($resource_ids_sql, $source_cat) );
if(!$item_resource_ids) continue;
$this->Application->SetVar('m_cat_id', $dest_cat);
$item_ids = $this->Conn->GetCol( sprintf($ids_sql, implode(',', $item_resource_ids) ) );
$temp =& $this->Application->recallObject($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_TempHandler', 'kTempTablesHandler');
if($item_ids) $temp->CloneItems($event->Prefix, $event->Special, $item_ids);
$this->Application->SetVar('m_cat_id', $saved_cat_id);
* Cleares clipboard content
* @param kEvent $event
function OnClearClipboard(&$event)
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: branches/unlabeled/unlabeled-1.25.2/core/units/categories/categories_event_handler.php
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +1 ##
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\ No newline at end of property

Event Timeline