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Sat, Feb 1, 6:37 AM


<tr class="table-color2">
<td class="text" colspan="2" valign="middle">
Automatic upgrade of Administrative Console Skin failed. You can verify patching log errors below.
<textarea cols="70" rows="10" readonly><?php
$output = unserialize( $this->Application->RecallVar('SkinUpgradeLog') );
foreach ($output as $version => $version_output) {
$sub_header = 'Patching to ' . $version . ' version:';
echo $sub_header . "\n" . str_repeat('=', strlen($sub_header)) . "\n";
echo $version_output . "\n";
<tr class="table-color2">
<td colspan="2">
<p class="error">
You must manually merge skin, created during upgrade with your current
primary skin to ensure, that Administrative Console interface isn't broken.

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