@description: result of subscribe to mailing list action
function m_subscribe_result()
global $SubscribeResult;
return language($SubscribeResult);
return "";
@description: email address of user subscribing to mailing list
function m_subscribe_address()
global $SubscribeAddress;
return $SubscribeAddress;
return "";
@description: Error message of subscribe to mailing list action
function m_subscribe_error()
global $SubscribeError;
return language($SubscribeError);
return "";
@description: Displays a prompt for a form field
@attrib: _Form:: Form name for the field
@attrib: _Field:: Field Name
@attrib: _LangText:lang: Language var to use for field label
@attrib: _plaintext:: Plain text to use for field label (langtext is used by default if both are set)
@attrib: _Template:tpl: template used to display the field label (if not set "<inp:form_prompt />" is used
@attrib: _ErrorTemplate:tpl: If the field is in an error state (ie missing input) this template is used. Will default to the normal template if not set
@description: Generates the ACTTION property for a FORM tag used by In-Portal
@attrib: _Template:tpl: If set, this is the template the form submits to (default is the current template)
@attrib: _Form:: The form name<br>Possible Values:
<LI>login: user login
<LI>logout: user logout
<LI>forgotpw: Form to prompt the user for forgotten password information
<LI>forgotpw_confirm: confirmation form for forgotpw
<LI>suggest: form to suggest the site to a friend
<LI>suggest_confirm: form to confirm suggestion of the site to a friend
<LI>m_subscribe: form to subscribe to the mailing list
<LI>subscribe_confirm: form to confirm subscription to the mailing list
<LI>m_unsubscribe: form to unsubscribe from the mailing list
<LI>unsubscribe_confirm: form to confirm un-subscription from the mailing list
<LI>m_acctinfo: user account information
<LI>m_profile: system-level profile information
<LI>m_register: New User registration form
<LI>m_addcat: Suggest Category form
<LI>m_addcat_confirm: Confirmation for add category
<LI>m_simplesearch: Perform a simple search
<LI>m_simple_subsearch: Search within results
<LI>m_adv_searchtype: Form to select type of advanced search
<LI>m_adv_subsearch: Advanced Search
<LI>error_access: form displayed on the access denied template
<LI>error_template: Form displayed on the template error page
<LI>m_set_theme: Form displayed for theme selection
@attrib: _SubscribeTemplate:tpl: The destination template with "m_subscribe", "subscribe_confirm", "unsubscribe_confirm" _Form actions. Can be reused in other scenarios as programmed.
@attrib: _UnSubscribeTemplate:tpl: The destination template for "m_subscribe" _Form action. Can be reused in other scenarios as programmed.
@attrib: _ConfirmTemplate:tpl: The destination template for "m_unsubscribe", "suggest" _Form actions. Can be reused in other scenarios as programmed.
@attrib: _DestTemplate:tpl: The destination template for "suggest_confirm", "suggest" _Form actions. Can be reused in other scenarios as programmed.
@attrib: _ErrorTemplate:tpl: The destination template extensively used in most of _Form actions in case of error.
@attrib: _Referer:bool: The destination template will be taken from referer page we can from.
@description: returns a text based on user permissions. Text from inside of the tag will be returned if text attributes are not specified and user has permissions to category, or if _NoPerm attribute set to 1 and user doesn't have permissions. Otherwise entire section will be excluded.
@attrib: _Text:lang: Template to link to if the user has access
@attrib: _PlainText:: This template is used if the user does not have a permission listed in the _perm attribute. If this attirbute is not included and the user does not have access, the "login" template is used.
@attrib: _DenyText:lang: Template to link to if the user has access
@attrib: _PlainDenyText:: This exact text is used if the user does not have a permission listed in the _perm attribute and _DenyText attribute is not set.
@attrib: _perm:: A list of permissions to check. If the user has any of the the permissions in the list, the link will be generated.
@attrib: _System:bool: Set this attribute if one of the permissions in the list is a system permission (ie: LOGIN)
@attrib: _Category:int: Set the current category to this ID. If not set, the current category is unchanged
@attrib: _MatchAllPerms:int: Checks for all listed Permissions to be TRUE. Note: this attribute is rarely used.
@attrib: _NoPerm:int: The whole tag will return inner text if user has no permissions and attribute set to 1. Default value is 0.
@example: <inp:m_perm_text _Text="!lu_allow_language_tag!" _PlainText="Just a text" _DenyText="!lu_deny_language_tag!" _PlainDenyText="Just a plain text" _Perm="login" _MatchAllPerms="1" _NoPerm="0">Some HTML here!</inp>
function m_perm_text($attribs = array())
global $var_list, $var_list_update, $m_var_list_update, $objCatList, $objSession;
@attrib:CatId:int: Category ID of category, or current category if not set
@attrib:_ListItem: Comma-separated list of item types (ie: Link, Topic, Category, News) The items are listed in the order this list provides, then by priority.
Each item should have its own template passed in as an attribute (_{ItemType}Template)
$sessql = "SELECT DISTINCT(PortalUserId) FROM $stable";
$sql = "SELECT $ftable.ResourceId,$ftable.ItemTypeId, $ptable.PortalUserId FROM $ftable ";
$sql .="INNER JOIN $ptable ON ($ftable.ResourceId=$ptable.ResourceId) WHERE ItemTypeId=6 AND ";
$sql .= " $ptable.PortalUserId NOT IN (".implode(",",$online_friends).") AND $ftable.PortalUserId = ".$logedin_user; //$u->Data['ResourceId'];
$sql = "SELECT $ftable.ResourceId,$ftable.ItemTypeId, $ptable.PortalUserId FROM $ftable ";
$sql .="INNER JOIN $ptable ON ($ftable.ResourceId=$ptable.ResourceId) WHERE ItemTypeId=6 AND $ftable.PortalUserId = ".$logedin_user; //$u->Data['ResourceId'];
$sessql = "SELECT DISTINCT(PortalUserId) FROM $stable";
$sql = "SELECT count($ftable.ResourceId) as ItemCount FROM $ftable ";
$sql .="INNER JOIN $ptable ON ($ftable.ResourceId=$ptable.ResourceId) WHERE ItemTypeId=6 AND ";
$sql .= " $ptable.PortalUserId NOT IN (".implode(",",$online_friends).") AND $ftable.PortalUserId = ".$logedin_user; //$u->Data['ResourceId'];
$sql = "SELECT count($ftable.ResourceId) as ItemCount FROM $ftable ";
$sql .="INNER JOIN $ptable ON ($ftable.ResourceId=$ptable.ResourceId) WHERE ItemTypeId=6 AND $ftable.PortalUserId = ".$logedin_user; //$u->Data['ResourceId'];
$rs = $ado->Execute($sql);
return $rs->fields["ItemCount"];
@description: Returns the number of users the current user has marked as 'friend' today
$sql = "SELECT count(*) as c FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."Favorites WHERE ItemTypeId=6 and PortalUserId=".$objSession->Get("PortalUserId")." AND Modified>$today";
$rs = $ado->Execute($sql);
if($rs && !$rs->EOF)
$ret = $rs->fields["c"];
return $ret;
@description: Returns the number of items in a search result
$where = "CategoryId =".$catid." AND ((".$TableName.".CreatedOn >=".$cutoff." AND ".$TableName.".NewItem != 0) OR ".$TableName.".NewItem=1 ) AND ".$TableName.".Status=1 ";
$where = "((".$TableName.".CreatedOn >=".$this->GetNewValue()." AND ".$TableName.".NewItem != 0) OR ".$TableName.".NewItem=1 ) AND ".$TableName.".Status=1 ";
$CategoryTable = GetTablePrefix()."Category";
$sql = "SELECT $TableName.*,$CategoryTable.CategoryId,$CategoryTable.CachedNavBar FROM $TableName ";
$where = "CategoryId =".$catid." AND ((".$TableName.".Hits >=".$this->GetLinkPopValue()." AND ".$TableName.".PopItem !=0) OR ".$TableName.".PopItem=1) AND ".$TableName.".Status=1";
$where = "((".$TableName.".CachedRating >=".$this->GetPopValue()." AND ".$TableName.".PopItem !=0 ) OR ".$TableName.".PopItem=1) AND ".$TableName.".Status=1 ";
$where = "((".$TableName.".Hits >=".$this->GetPopValue()." AND ".$TableName.".PopItem !=0) OR ".$TableName.".PopItem=1) AND ".$TableName.".Status=1 ";
$where = "CategoryId =".$catid." AND ((".$TableName.".CachedRating >=".$this->GetHotValue()." AND ".$TableName.".PopItem !=0) OR ".$TableName.".PopItem=1) AND ".$TableName.".Status=1";
$where = "((".$TableName.".CachedRating >=".$this->GetPopValue()." AND ".$TableName.".PopItem !=0 ) OR ".$TableName.".PopItem=1) AND ".$TableName.".Status=1 ";
$this->m_IsDirty = ($this->m_IsDirty or $changed or $force);
if($changed || $force)
$this->m_DirtyFields[$property] = $value;
$this->m_VarType[$property] = $type;
function Save()
foreach($this->m_DirtyFields as $field=>$value)
$sql = sprintf("UPDATE ".GetTablePrefix()."ConfigurationValues SET VariableValue=%s WHERE VariableName=%s", $this->adodbConnection->qstr($value), $this->adodbConnection->qstr($field));
// echo $sql."<br>\n";
$rs = $this->adodbConnection->execute($sql);
function TimeFormat()
$format = "g:i:s A";
$format = "H:i:s";
return $format;
/* vartype should be either 1 or 2, 1 = perstant data, 2 = session data */
function GetDirtySessionValues($VarType)
$result = array();
foreach($this->m_DirtyFields as $property=>$values)
$result[$property] = $values;
return $result;
function GetSessionValues($VarType)
$result = array();
foreach($this->config as $property=>$values)
$result[$property] = $values[$VarType];
return $result;
}/* clsConfig */
To create the configuration forms in the admin section, populate the table ConfigurationAdmin and
The tables are fairly straight-forward. The fields of concern in the ConfigurationValues table is
ModuleOwner and Section. ModuleOwner should either be the module name or In-Portal for kernel related stuff.
(Items which should appear under 'System Configuration').
The Section field determines the NavMenu section the value is associated with. For example,
in-portal:configure_general refers to items listed under System Configuration->General.
In the ConfigurationAdmin table, ensure the VariableName field is the same as the one in ConfigurationValues
(this is the field that creates the natural join.) The prompt field is the text displayed to the left of the form element
in the table. This should contain LANGUAGE ELEMENT IDENTIFIERS that are plugged into the Language function.
The element_type field describes the type of form element is associated with this item. Possible values are:
- text : textbox
- checkbox : a simple checkbox
- select : creates a dropdown box. In this case, the ValueList field should be populated with a comma-separated list
in name=value,name=value format (each element is translated to:
<option VALUE="[value]">[name]</option>
To add dynamic data to this list, enclose an SQL statement with <SQL></SQL> tags for example:
<SQL>SELECT FieldLabel as OptionName, FieldName as OptionValue FROM <prefix>CustomField WHERE <prefix>.CustomFieldType=3></SQL>
note the specific field labels OptionName and OptionValue. They are required by the parser.
use the <prefix> tag to insert the system's table prefix into the sql statement as appropriate
class clsConfigAdminItem
var $name;
var $heading;
var $prompt;
var $ElementType;
var $ValueList; /* comma-separated list in name=value pair format*/
var $ValidationRules;
var $default_value;
var $adodbConnection;
var $NextItem=NULL;
var $Section;
function clsConfigAdminItem($config_name=NULL)
$this->adodbConnection = GetADODBConnection();
function LoadSetting($config_name)
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."ConfigurationAdmin INNER JOIN ".GetTablePrefix()."ConfigurationValues Using(VariableName) WHERE ".GetTablePrefix()."ConfigurationAdmin.VariableName='".$config_name."'";
$sql = "UPDATE ".$g_TablePrefix."ConfigurationValues SET VariableValue = '$sitepath' WHERE VariableName='Site_Path'";
$sql = "UPDATE ".$g_TablePrefix."ConfigurationValues SET VariableValue = '$g_Domain' WHERE VariableName='Server_Name'";
$sql = "UPDATE ".$g_TablePrefix."ConfigurationValues SET VariableValue = '".$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$sitepath."admin/backupdata' WHERE VariableName='Backup_Path'";