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Sun, Feb 2, 3:56 AM


Index: trunk/kernel/startup.php
--- trunk/kernel/startup.php (revision 657)
+++ trunk/kernel/startup.php (revision 658)
@@ -1,185 +1,185 @@
-// function stripSlashesA($a)
-// {
-// foreach($a as $k=>$v)
-// $a[$k]=is_array($v)?stripSlashesA($v):stripslashes($v);
-// return $a;
-// }
-// foreach(Array(
-// '_POST','_GET','_COOKIE','_SESSION','_SERVER','_FILES','_REQUEST') as $_)
-// if(isset($GLOBALS[$_]))
-// $GLOBALS[$_]=stripSlashesA($GLOBALS[$_]);
- function addSlashesA($a)
- {
- foreach($a as $k=>$v)
- $a[$k]=is_array($v)?addSlashesA($v):addslashes($v);
- return $a;
- }
- foreach(Array(
- if(isset($GLOBALS[$_]))
- $GLOBALS[$_]=addSlashesA($GLOBALS[$_]);
-function inp_htmlize($var,$strip=0)
- if(is_array($var))
- foreach($var as $k=>$v)
- $var[$k]=inp_htmlize($v,$strip);
- else
- $var=htmlspecialchars($strip?stripslashes($var):$var);
- return $var;
- startup.php: this is the primary startup sequence for in-portal services
-if( file_exists($pathtoroot.'debug.php') && !defined('DEBUG_MODE') ) include_once($pathtoroot.'debug.php');
-if( !defined('DEBUG_MODE') ) error_reporting(0);
-ini_set('memory_limit', '16M');
-ini_set('include_path', '.');
-$kernel_version = "1.0.0";
-$FormError = array();
-$FormValues = array();
-/* include PHP version compatibility functions */
-/* set global variables and module lists */
-LogEntry("Initalizing System..\n");
-/* for 64 bit timestamps */
-/* create the global error object */
-$Errors = new clsErrorManager();
-/* create the global configuration object */
-LogEntry("Creating Config Object..\n");
-$objConfig = new clsConfig();
-$objConfig->Load(); /* Populate our configuration data */
-LogEntry("Done Loading Configuration\n");
-if( defined('ADODB_EXTENSION') && constant('ADODB_EXTENSION') > 0 )
- LogEntry("ADO Extension: ".ADODB_EXTENSION."\n");
-$objModules = new clsModList();
-$objSystemCache = new clsSysCacheList();
-$objBanList = new clsBanRuleList();
-$objItemTypes = new clsItemTypeList();
-$objThemes = new clsThemeList();
-$objLanguages = new clsLanguageList();
-$objImageList = new clsImageList();
-/* Load session and user class definitions */
-/* create the user management class */
-$objFavorites = new clsFavoriteList();
-$objUsers = new clsUserManager();
-$objGroups = new clsGroupList();
-/* category base class, used by all the modules at some point */
-$objPermissions = new clsPermList();
-$objPermCache = new clsPermCacheList();
-$objCatList = new clsCatList();
-$objCustomFieldList = new clsCustomFieldList();
-$objCustomDataList = new clsCustomDataList();
-$objCountCache = new clsCacheCountList();
-LogEntry("Creating Mail Queue..\n");
-$objMessageList = new clsEmailMessageList();
-$objEmailQueue = new clsEmailQueue();
-LogEntry("Done creating Mail Queue Objects\n");
-/* responsible for including module code as required
- This script also creates an instance of the user session onject and
- handles all session management. The global session object is created
- and populated, then the global user object is created and populated
- each module's parser functions and action code is included here
-LogEntry("Startup complete\n");
-if( defined('DEBUG_MODE') && constant('DEBUG_MODE') == 1 && function_exists('DebugByFile') ) DebugByFile();
-/* startup is complete, so now check the mail queue to see if there's anything that needs to be sent*/
- $ado=&GetADODBConnection();
- $rs = $ado->Execute("SELECT * FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."Modules WHERE LoadOrder = 0");
- $kernel_version = $rs->fields['Version'];
-$adminDir = $objConfig->Get("AdminDirectory");
-if ($adminDir == '') {
- $adminDir = 'admin';
-if (strstr(__FILE__, $adminDir) && !GetVar('logout') && !strstr(__FILE__, "install") && !strstr(__FILE__, "index")) {
- //echo "testz [".admin_login()."]<br>";
- if (!admin_login())
- {
- if( !headers_sent() ) setcookie("sid"," ",time()-3600);
- $objSession->Logout();
- $url_add = isset($_GET['expired']) && $_GET['expired'] ? '?expired=1' : '';
- header("Location: ".$adminURL.'/login.php'.$url_add);
- die();
- //require_once($pathtoroot."admin/login.php");
- }
+// function stripSlashesA($a)
+// {
+// foreach($a as $k=>$v)
+// $a[$k]=is_array($v)?stripSlashesA($v):stripslashes($v);
+// return $a;
+// }
+// foreach(Array(
+// '_POST','_GET','_COOKIE','_SESSION','_SERVER','_FILES','_REQUEST') as $_)
+// if(isset($GLOBALS[$_]))
+// $GLOBALS[$_]=stripSlashesA($GLOBALS[$_]);
+ function addSlashesA($a)
+ {
+ foreach($a as $k=>$v)
+ $a[$k]=is_array($v)?addSlashesA($v):addslashes($v);
+ return $a;
+ }
+ foreach(Array(
+ if(isset($GLOBALS[$_]))
+ $GLOBALS[$_]=addSlashesA($GLOBALS[$_]);
+function inp_htmlize($var,$strip=0)
+ if(is_array($var))
+ foreach($var as $k=>$v)
+ $var[$k]=inp_htmlize($v,$strip);
+ else
+ $var=htmlspecialchars($strip?stripslashes($var):$var);
+ return $var;
+ startup.php: this is the primary startup sequence for in-portal services
+if( file_exists($pathtoroot.'debug.php') && !defined('DEBUG_MODE') ) include_once($pathtoroot.'debug.php');
+if( !defined('DEBUG_MODE') ) error_reporting(0);
+ini_set('memory_limit', '16M');
+ini_set('include_path', '.');
+$kernel_version = "1.0.0";
+$FormError = array();
+$FormValues = array();
+/* include PHP version compatibility functions */
+/* set global variables and module lists */
+LogEntry("Initalizing System..\n");
+/* for 64 bit timestamps */
+/* create the global error object */
+$Errors = new clsErrorManager();
+/* create the global configuration object */
+LogEntry("Creating Config Object..\n");
+$objConfig = new clsConfig();
+$objConfig->Load(); /* Populate our configuration data */
+LogEntry("Done Loading Configuration\n");
+if( defined('ADODB_EXTENSION') && constant('ADODB_EXTENSION') > 0 )
+ LogEntry("ADO Extension: ".ADODB_EXTENSION."\n");
+$objModules = new clsModList();
+$objSystemCache = new clsSysCacheList();
+$objBanList = new clsBanRuleList();
+$objItemTypes = new clsItemTypeList();
+$objThemes = new clsThemeList();
+$objLanguages = new clsLanguageList();
+$objImageList = new clsImageList();
+/* Load session and user class definitions */
+/* create the user management class */
+$objFavorites = new clsFavoriteList();
+$objUsers = new clsUserManager();
+$objGroups = new clsGroupList();
+/* category base class, used by all the modules at some point */
+$objPermissions = new clsPermList();
+$objPermCache = new clsPermCacheList();
+$objCatList = new clsCatList();
+$objCustomFieldList = new clsCustomFieldList();
+$objCustomDataList = new clsCustomDataList();
+$objCountCache = new clsCacheCountList();
+LogEntry("Creating Mail Queue..\n");
+$objMessageList = new clsEmailMessageList();
+$objEmailQueue = new clsEmailQueue();
+LogEntry("Done creating Mail Queue Objects\n");
+/* responsible for including module code as required
+ This script also creates an instance of the user session onject and
+ handles all session management. The global session object is created
+ and populated, then the global user object is created and populated
+ each module's parser functions and action code is included here
+LogEntry("Startup complete\n");
+if( defined('DEBUG_MODE') && constant('DEBUG_MODE') == 1 && function_exists('DebugByFile') ) DebugByFile();
+/* startup is complete, so now check the mail queue to see if there's anything that needs to be sent*/
+ $ado=&GetADODBConnection();
+ $rs = $ado->Execute("SELECT * FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."Modules WHERE LoadOrder = 0");
+ $kernel_version = $rs->fields['Version'];
+$adminDir = $objConfig->Get("AdminDirectory");
+if ($adminDir == '') {
+ $adminDir = 'admin';
+if (strstr(__FILE__, $adminDir) && !GetVar('logout') && !strstr(__FILE__, "install") && !strstr(__FILE__, "index")) {
+ //echo "testz [".admin_login()."]<br>";
+ if (!admin_login())
+ {
+ if( !headers_sent() ) setcookie("sid"," ",time()-3600);
+ $objSession->Logout();
+ $url_add = isset($_GET['expired']) && $_GET['expired'] ? '?expired=1' : '';
+ header("Location: ".$adminURL.'/login.php'.$url_add);
+ die();
+ //require_once($pathtoroot."admin/login.php");
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/kernel/startup.php
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
\ No newline at end of property

Event Timeline