-This tab allows the administrator to assign the user to one or more groups. It also lists all groups to which the user is currently assigned, along with the user count in each group.
- To assign a new group, click on the Add User to Group' button (user icon with a green arrow to the right). This button will pop-up a group selector.
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+This tab allows the administrator to assign the user to one or more groups. It also lists all groups to which the user is currently assigned, along with the group membership expiration date (if any) and the user count in each group. Double clicking on the group brings the edit form where the administrator can edit the membership expiration date. If expiration date is left blank, the membership will never expire.<br>
+To assign a new group, click on the Add User to Group button (user icon with a green arrow to the right). This button will pop-up a group selector.
Property changes on: trunk/kernel/admin/include/help/edituser_groups.txt
+Added "Everyone" usergroup - the new usergroup may be used for managing permission where something need to be set for any user of in-portal including both guests and registered members
+Group membership expiration - allows to setup time-based group membership. If In-commerce is installed this also allows selling group membership for given duration.
+Bug fixes:
+Fixed editing empty groups (with no users assigned) - Users tab
+Fixed suggest site to a friend functionality
+Fixed incorrect parser behavior when processing actions such as logout or search from in-commerce section of default theme