-lang["PasteWordConfirm"] = "The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?" ;
-lang["NotCompatiblePaste"] = "This command is available for Internet Explorer version 5.5 or more. Do you want to paste without cleaning?" ;
-// Dialogs
-lang["DlgBtnOK"] = "OK" ;
-lang["DlgBtnCancel"] = "Cancel" ;
-lang["DlgBtnClose"] = "Close" ;
-// Image Dialog
-lang["DlgImgTitleInsert"] = "Insert Image" ;
-lang["DlgImgTitleEdit"] = "Edit Image" ;
-lang["DlgImgBtnUpload"] = "Send it to the Server" ;
-lang["DlgImgURL"] = "URL" ;
-lang["DlgImgUpload"] = "Upload" ;
-lang["DlgImgBtnBrowse"] = "Browse Server" ;
-lang["DlgImgAlt"] = "Alternative Text" ;
-lang["DlgImgWidth"] = "Width" ;
-lang["DlgImgHeight"] = "Height" ;
-lang["DlgImgLockRatio"] = "Lock Ratio" ;
-lang["DlgBtnResetSize"] = "Reset Size" ;
-lang["DlgImgBorder"] = "Border" ;
-lang["DlgImgHSpace"] = "HSpace" ;
-lang["DlgImgVSpace"] = "VSpace" ;
-lang["DlgImgAlign"] = "Align" ;
-lang["DlgImgAlignLeft"] = "Left" ;
-lang["DlgImgAlignAbsBottom"] = "Abs Bottom" ;
-lang["DlgImgAlignAbsMiddle"] = "Abs Middle" ;
-lang["DlgImgAlignBaseline"] = "Baseline" ;
-lang["DlgImgAlignBottom"] = "Bottom" ;
-lang["DlgImgAlignMiddle"] = "Middle" ;
-lang["DlgImgAlignRight"] = "Right" ;
-lang["DlgImgAlignTextTop"] = "Text Top" ;
-lang["DlgImgAlignTop"] = "Top" ;
-lang["DlgImgPreview"] = "Preview" ;
-lang["DlgImgMsgWrongExt"] = "Sorry, only the following file types uploads are allowed:\n\n" + config.ImageUploadAllowedExtensions + "\n\nOperation canceled." ;
-lang["DlgImgAlertSelect"] = "Please select an image to upload." ; // NEW
-// Link Dialog
-lang["DlgLnkWindowTitle"] = "Link" ; // NEW
-lang["DlgLnkURL"] = "URL" ;
-lang["DlgLnkUpload"] = "Upload" ;
-lang["DlgLnkTarget"] = "Target" ;
-lang["DlgLnkTargetNotSet"] = "<Not set>" ;
-lang["DlgLnkTargetBlank"] = "New Window (_blank)" ;
-lang["DlgLnkBtnUpload"] = "Send it to the Server" ;
-lang["DlgLnkBtnBrowse"] = "Browse Server" ;
-lang["DlgLnkMsgWrongExtA"] = "Sorry, only the following file types uploads are allowed:\n\n" + config.LinkUploadAllowedExtensions + "\n\nOperation canceled." ;
-lang["DlgLnkMsgWrongExtD"] = "Sorry, the following file types uploads are not allowed:\n\n" + config.LinkUploadDeniedExtensions + "\n\nOperation canceled." ;
-// Color Dialog
-lang["DlgColorTitle"] = "Select Color" ;
-lang["DlgColorBtnClear"] = "Clear" ;
-lang["DlgColorHighlight"] = "Highlight" ;
-lang["DlgColorSelected"] = "Selected" ;
-// Smiley Dialog
-lang["DlgSmileyTitle"] = "Insert a Smiley" ;
-// Special Character Dialog
-lang["DlgSpecialCharTitle"] = "Insert Special Character" ;
- <span fckLang="DlgAboutLicense">Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License</span> (<A href="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php" target="_blank">http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php</A>).<BR>
- <BR>
- <span fckLang="DlgAboutInfo">For further information go to</span> <A href="http://www.fredck.com/FCKeditor/" target="_blank">