trigger_error('<span class="debug_error">no filters defined</span> for prefix <b>'.$this->Prefix.'</b>, but <b>DrawFilterMenu</b> tag used', E_USER_NOTICE);
trigger_error('<span class="debug_error">no refresh intervals defined</span> for prefix <strong>'.$this->Prefix.'</strong>, but <strong>DrawAutoRefreshMenu</strong> tag used', E_USER_NOTICE);
$records_left = array_splice($list->Records, $list->GetSelectedCount()); // because we have 1 more record for "More..." link detection (don't need to sort it)
if (method_exists($object, 'EOL') && count($object->Records) == 0) {
// for drawing grid column filter
$block_params['field_name'] = '';
else {
$block_params['field_name'] = $this->InputName($params); // depricated (produces warning when used as grid filter), but used in Front-End (submission create), admin (submission view)
if (!array_key_exists($preset_name, $title_presets)) {
trigger_error('Title preset not specified or missing (in tag "<strong>' . $this->getPrefixSpecial() . ':' . __METHOD__ . '</strong>")', E_USER_NOTICE);
return false;
$preset_info = $title_presets[$preset_name];
if (!array_key_exists('toolbar_buttons', $preset_info) || !is_array($preset_info['toolbar_buttons'])) {
if ( $this->Application->hasObject( $this->getPrefixSpecial() ) ) {
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
/* @var $object kDBItem */
if ( $object->getFormName() != $form_name ) {
trigger_error('Setting form to "<strong>' . $form_name . '</strong>" failed, since object "<strong>' . $this->getPrefixSpecial() . '</strong>" is created before FormName tag (e.g. in event or another tag).', E_USER_WARNING);
* @copyright Copyright (C) 1997 - 2009 Intechnic. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU/GPL
* In-Portal is Open Source software.
* This means that this software may have been modified pursuant
* the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes
* or is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License
* or other free or open source software licenses.
* See for copyright notices and details.
defined('FULL_PATH') or die('restricted access!');
class CategoryItemRewrite extends kHelper {
* Builds/parses category item part of url
* @param int $rewrite_mode Mode in what rewrite listener was called. Possbile two modes: REWRITE_MODE_BUILD, REWRITE_MODE_PARSE.
* @param string $prefix Prefix, that listener uses for system integration
* @param Array $params Params, that are used for url building or created during url parsing.
* @param Array $url_parts Url parts to parse (only for parsing).
* @param bool $keep_events Keep event names in resulting url (only for building).
* @return bool Return true to continue to next listener; return false (when building) not to rewrite given prefix; return false (when parsing) to stop processing at this listener.
* @access public
public function RewriteListener($rewrite_mode = REWRITE_MODE_BUILD, $prefix, &$params, &$url_parts, $keep_events = false)
+ * @param int $rewrite_mode Mode in what rewrite listener was called. Possbile two modes: REWRITE_MODE_BUILD, REWRITE_MODE_PARSE.
+ * @param string $prefix_special Prefix, that listener uses for system integration
+ * @param Array $params Params, that are used for url building or created during url parsing.
+ * @param Array $url_parts Url parts to parse (only for parsing).
+ * @param bool $keep_events Keep event names in resulting url (only for building).
+ * @return bool Return true to continue to next listener; return false (when building) not to rewrite given prefix; return false (when parsing) to stop processing at this listener.
+ * @access public
+ */
+ public function ReviewRewriteListener($rewrite_mode = REWRITE_MODE_BUILD, $prefix_special, &$params, &$url_parts, $keep_events = false)
* Returns item's filename that corresponds id passed. If possible, then get it from cache
* @param string $prefix
* @param int $id
* @param int $category_id
* @return string
* @access protected
protected function getFilename($prefix, $id, $category_id = null)
if ($prefix == 'c') {
throw new Exception('Method "<strong>' . __FUNCTION__ . '</strong>" no longer work with "<strong>c</strong>" prefix. Please use "<strong>getCategoryCache</strong>" method instead');