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Index: branches/5.1.x/core/admin_templates/js/catalog.js
--- branches/5.1.x/core/admin_templates/js/catalog.js (revision 14512)
+++ branches/5.1.x/core/admin_templates/js/catalog.js (revision 14513)
@@ -1,458 +1,457 @@
function Catalog($url_mask, $cookie_prefix, $type) {
this.type = $type;
this.CookiePrefix = $cookie_prefix ? $cookie_prefix : '';
this.BusyRequest = new Array();
this.URLMask = $url_mask;
this.Separator = '#separator#';
this.ParentCategoryID = 0;
this.OnResponceMethod = null;
this.TabRegistry = new Array();
if (window.location.hash && window.location.hash.match(/^#tab-(.*)/)) {
// get active tab from anchor
this.ActivePrefix = RegExp.$1;
else {
// get active tab from cookie
this.ActivePrefix = getCookie(this.CookiePrefix + 'active_prefix');
this.PreviousPrefix = this.ActivePrefix;
this.TabByCategory = false; // preselect tab by category (used in catalog only)
$ViewMenus = new Array('c');
this.searchInfo = {}; // information about search (for each tab)
Catalog.prototype.Init = function ($auto_hide_tabs) {
var $prefix = this.queryTabRegistry('prefix', this.ActivePrefix, 'prefix');
if ($prefix !== this.ActivePrefix && this.TabRegistry.length > 0) {
// ActivePrefix not set or has non-existing prefix value
this.ActivePrefix = this.TabRegistry[0]['prefix'];
if ($auto_hide_tabs === undefined) {
$auto_hide_tabs = true;
if ((this.TabRegistry.length == 1) && $auto_hide_tabs) {
// only one tab -> hide all tab bar
Catalog.prototype.AfterInit = function () {
Catalog.prototype.SetAlternativeTabs = function () {
// set alternative grids between all items (catalog is set when tab is loaded via AJAX first time)
var $i = 0;
while ($i < this.TabRegistry.length) {
// run through all prefixes
var $j = 0;
while ($j < this.TabRegistry.length) {
if (this.TabRegistry[$i]['prefix'] == this.TabRegistry[$j]['prefix']) {
// and set alternative to all other prefixes
$GridManager.AddAlternativeGrid(this.TabRegistry[$i]['prefix'], this.TabRegistry[$j]['prefix']);
Catalog.prototype.submit_kernel_form = function($tab_id) {
var $prefix = 'dummy';
var $result_div = '';
if (isset($tab_id)) {
// responce result + progress are required
$prefix = this.queryTabRegistry('tab_id', $tab_id, 'prefix');
$result_div = $tab_id + '_div';
var $kf = document.getElementById($form_name);
Request.params = Request.serializeForm($kf);
Request.method = $kf.method.toUpperCase();
this.BusyRequest[$prefix] = false;
Request.makeRequest($kf.action, this.BusyRequest[$prefix], $result_div, this.successCallback, this.errorCallback, $result_div, this);
$form_name = 'kernel_form'; // restore back to main form with current category id of catalog
Catalog.prototype.successCallback = function($request, $params, $object) {
if (Request.processRedirect($request)) {
return ;
var $js_part = '';
var $html_part = '';
var $parts = $request.responseText.split($object.Separator); // (0 - JavaScript, 1 - html) OR (0 - html)
if ($parts.length == 2) {
$html_part = $parts[1];
$js_part = $parts[0];
else {
$html_part = $parts[0];
$params = $params.split(','); // 0 - target div
$.globalEval('$request_visible = ' + ($params[0].length ? 'true' : 'false'));
if ($params[0].length) {
$('#' + jq($params[0])).html($html_part);
// pass catalog object and loaded tab name to event handler
$('body').trigger('CatalogTabLoad', [$object, $params[0].replace(/_div$/, '')]);
if (typeof($object.OnResponceMethod) == 'function') {
$object.OnResponceMethod = null;
if (typeof($Debugger) != 'undefined') {
// var $tab_id = $params[0].replace(/_div$/, '');
// var $prefix = $object.queryTabRegistry('tab_id', $tab_id, 'prefix');
Catalog.prototype.resizeGrid = function ($prefix) {
if ($prefix != this.ActivePrefix) {
// no need to resize, because grid is already visible
return true;
var $grid = GridScrollers[$prefix];
if ($grid) {
$grid.Resize( $grid.GetAutoSize('auto') );
return true;
return false;
Catalog.prototype.trim = function ($string) {
return $string.replace(/\s*((\S+\s*)*)/, "$1").replace(/((\s*\S+)*)\s*/, "$1");
Catalog.prototype.errorCallback = function($request, $params, $object) {
-// $Debugger.ShowProps($request, 'req');
- alert('AJAX Error; class: Catalog; ' + Request.getErrorHtml($request));
+// this usually happens, when catalog isn't finished loading, but user goes to another non-catalog section
Catalog.prototype.submit_event = function($prefix_special, $event, $t, $OnResponceMethod) {
if (typeof($OnResponceMethod) == 'function') {
this.OnResponceMethod = $OnResponceMethod;
var $prev_template = get_hidden_field('t');
if (!isset($prefix_special)) $prefix_special = this.getCurrentPrefix();
var $tab_id = this.queryTabRegistry('prefix', $prefix_special, 'tab_id');
$form_name = $tab_id + '_form'; // set firstly, because set_hidden_field uses it
if (isset($event)) set_hidden_field('events[' + $prefix_special + ']', $event);
if (isset($t)) set_hidden_field('t', $t);
set_hidden_field('t', $prev_template);
Catalog.prototype.go_to_cat = function($cat_id, $module_prefix) {
if (!isset($cat_id)) {
// gets current category
$cat_id = get_hidden_field('m_cat_id');
else {
// sets new category to kernel_form in case if item tab
// loads faster and will check if it's category is same
// as parent category of categories list
if (get_hidden_field('m_cat_id') == $cat_id) {
// it's the same category, then don't reload category list
return ;
set_hidden_field('m_cat_id', $cat_id);
// 1. make all tabs unselected
// 2. update grid for current tab
this.switchTab(this.TabByCategory ? $module_prefix : null); // refresh current item tab
// 3. update counters for all tabs
var $prefix = this.TabRegistry[0]['prefix'];
var $url = this.URLMask.replace('#TEMPLATE_NAME#', 'catalog/catalog_counters').replace('#CATEGORY_ID#', $cat_id);
var $last_templates = {
'ItemSelectorCatalog': 'catalog/item_selector/item_selector_catalog',
'ItemSelectorAdvancedView': 'catalog/item_selector/item_selector_advanced_view'
if ($last_templates[this.type] !== undefined) {
$url += '&last_template=' + $last_templates[this.type];
this.BusyRequest[$prefix] = false;
Request.makeRequest($url, this.BusyRequest[$prefix], '', this.updateCounters, this.errorCallback, '', this);
Catalog.prototype.updateCounters = function($request, $params, $object) {
if (Request.processRedirect($request)) {
return ;
// set all item tabs counters to "?" before quering catagories
Catalog.prototype.resetTabs = function($reset_content) {
var $i = 0;
while ($i < this.TabRegistry.length) {
this.setItemCount(this.TabRegistry[$i]['prefix'], '?');
if ($reset_content) {
// set category for all tabs to -1 (forces reload next time)
$i = 0;
while ($i < this.TabRegistry.length) {
document.getElementById(this.TabRegistry[$i]['tab_id'] + '_div').setAttribute('category_id', -1);
Catalog.prototype.switchTab = function($prefix, $force) {
if (this.queryTabRegistry('prefix', this.ActivePrefix, 'prefix') != this.ActivePrefix) {
// active prefix is not registred -> cookie left, but not modules installed/enabled at the moment
return false;
if (!isset($prefix) || $prefix == '' || this.queryTabRegistry('prefix', $prefix, 'prefix') === false) {
// prefix not given OR empty prefix OR non-existing tab
$prefix = this.ActivePrefix;
if (this.BusyRequest[$prefix]) {
alert('prefix: ['+$prefix+']; request busy: ['+this.BusyRequest[$prefix]+']');
if (this.ActivePrefix != $prefix) {
// hide source tab
this.PreviousPrefix = this.ActivePrefix;
$( jq('#' + this.PreviousPrefix + '_tab') ).removeClass('tab-active');
var $prev_div_id = this.queryTabRegistry('prefix', this.PreviousPrefix, 'tab_id') + '_div';
document.getElementById($prev_div_id).style.display = 'none';
var $prev_div_container = $( jq('#' + $prev_div_id + '_container') );
if ($prev_div_container.length) {
// show destination tab
this.ActivePrefix = $prefix;
$( jq('#' + this.ActivePrefix + '_tab') ).addClass('tab-active');
var $div_id = this.queryTabRegistry('prefix', this.ActivePrefix, 'tab_id') + '_div'; // destination tab
document.getElementById($div_id).style.display = 'block';
var $div_container = $( jq('#' + $div_id + '_container') );
if ($div_container.length) {
setCookie(this.CookiePrefix + 'active_prefix', this.ActivePrefix);
window.location.hash = '#tab-' + this.ActivePrefix;
this.refreshTab($prefix, $div_id, $force);
Catalog.prototype.refreshTab = function($prefix, $div_id, $force) {
var $cat_id = get_hidden_field('m_cat_id');
var $tab_cat_id = document.getElementById($div_id).getAttribute('category_id');
if ($cat_id != $tab_cat_id || $force) {
// query tab content only in case if not queried or category don't match
var $url = this.URLMask.replace('#TEMPLATE_NAME#', this.queryTabRegistry('prefix', $prefix, 'view_template'));
$url = $url.replace('#CATEGORY_ID#', $cat_id);
$url = $url.replace('#PREFIX#', $prefix);
this.BusyRequest[$prefix] = false;
Request.makeRequest($url, this.BusyRequest[$prefix], $div_id, this.successCallback, this.errorCallback, $div_id, this);
else {
// alert('refresh disabled = {tab: '+this.ActivePrefix+'; cat_id: '+$cat_id+'; form_name: '+$form_name+'}');
// adds information about tab to tab_registry
Catalog.prototype.registerTab = function($tab_id) {
var $tab = document.getElementById($tab_id + '_div');
var $index = this.TabRegistry.length;
this.TabRegistry[$index] = new Array();
this.TabRegistry[$index]['tab_id'] = $tab_id;
this.TabRegistry[$index]['prefix'] = $tab.getAttribute('prefix');
if ($tab_id == 'categories') {
this.TabRegistry[$index]['module_path'] = 'in-portal/';
else {
this.TabRegistry[$index]['module_path'] = $tab.getAttribute('edit_template').substring(0, $tab.getAttribute('edit_template').indexOf('/'));
this.TabRegistry[$index]['view_template'] = $tab.getAttribute('view_template');
this.TabRegistry[$index]['edit_template'] = $tab.getAttribute('edit_template');
this.TabRegistry[$index]['dep_buttons'] = $tab.getAttribute('dep_buttons').length > 0 ? $tab.getAttribute('dep_buttons').split(',') : new Array();
this.TabRegistry[$index]['index'] = $index;
// allows to get any information about tab
Catalog.prototype.queryTabRegistry = function($search_key, $search_value, $return_key) {
var $i = 0;
// alert('looking in '+$search_key+' for '+$search_value+' will return '+$return_key)
while ($i < this.TabRegistry.length) {
if (this.TabRegistry[$i][$search_key] == $search_value) {
// alert('got '+this.TabRegistry[$i][$return_key])
return this.TabRegistry[$i][$return_key];
return false;
Catalog.prototype.ShowDependentButtons = function($prefix) {
/*var $tab_id = this.queryTabRegistry('prefix', $prefix, 'tab_id')
if (!document.getElementById($tab_id + '_form')) {
// tab form not found => no permission to view -> no permission to do any actions
alert('no form: ['+$tab_id + '_form'+']');
return ;
else {
alert('has form: ['+$tab_id + '_form'+']');
var $dep_buttons = this.queryTabRegistry('prefix', $prefix, 'dep_buttons');
var $i = 0;
while ($i < $dep_buttons.length) {
Catalog.prototype.HideDependentButtons = function($prefix) {
var $dep_buttons = this.queryTabRegistry('prefix', $prefix, 'dep_buttons');
var $i = 0;
while ($i < $dep_buttons.length) {
Catalog.prototype.setItemCount = function($prefix, $count) {
setInnerHTML($prefix + '_item_count', $count);
Catalog.prototype.saveSearch = function ($prefix, $keyword, $grid_name) {
this.searchInfo[$prefix] = {
'keyword': $keyword,
'grid': $grid_name
Catalog.prototype.displaySearch = function ($prefix) {
var $search_input = $('#search_keyword');
$search_input.attr('PrefixSpecial', $prefix);
if (this.searchInfo[$prefix]) {
.attr('Grid', this.searchInfo[$prefix].grid);
if (this.searchInfo[$prefix].keyword) {
// catalog tab found and keyword present
else {
// catalog tab found and keyword missing
else {
// catalog tab not found
Catalog.prototype.setCurrentCategory = function($prefix, $category_id) {
var $tab_id = this.queryTabRegistry('prefix', $prefix, 'tab_id');
// alert('setting current category for prefix: ['+$prefix+']; tab_id ['+$tab_id+'] = ['+$category_id+']');
document.getElementById($tab_id + '_div').setAttribute('category_id', $category_id);
Catalog.prototype.getCurrentPrefix = function() {
return this.ActivePrefix;
Catalog.prototype.setViewMenu = function($item_prefix) {
$ViewMenus = isset($item_prefix) ? new Array($item_prefix) : new Array();
Catalog.prototype.reflectPasteButton = function($status) {
a_toolbar.SetEnabled('paste', $status);
a_toolbar.SetEnabled('clear_clipboard', $status);
Catalog.prototype.storeIDs = function ($category_variable) {
if ($category_variable) {
var $category_ids = '';
if (Grids['c'] != undefined) {
$category_ids = Grids['c'].GetSelected().join(',');
if (!$category_ids) {
$category_ids = get_hidden_field('m_cat_id'); // current category
set_hidden_field($category_variable, $category_ids);
// get selectes category items
for (var $i in Grids[this.ActivePrefix].Items) {
if (Grids[this.ActivePrefix].Items[$i].selected) {
set_hidden_field(Grids[this.ActivePrefix].Items[$i], 'on', false);
\ No newline at end of file

Event Timeline