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Index: branches/RC/core/kernel/db/dbitem.php
--- branches/RC/core/kernel/db/dbitem.php (revision 9234)
+++ branches/RC/core/kernel/db/dbitem.php (revision 9235)
@@ -1,1037 +1,1037 @@
* DBItem
* Desciption
* @package kernel4
class kDBItem extends kDBBase {
* Description
* @var array Associative array of current item' field values
* @access public
var $FieldValues;
* Unformatted field values, before parse
* @var Array
* @access private
var $DirtyFieldValues = Array();
* Holds item values after loading (not affected by submit)
* @var Array
* @access private
var $OriginalFieldValues = Array ();
var $FieldErrors;
var $ErrorMsgs = Array();
* If set to true, Update will skip Validation before running
* @var array Associative array of current item' field values
* @access public
var $IgnoreValidation = false;
var $Loaded = false;
* Holds item' primary key value
* @var int Value of primary key field for current item
* @access public
var $ID;
function kDBItem()
$this->ErrorMsgs['required'] = '!la_err_required!'; //'Field is required';
$this->ErrorMsgs['unique'] = '!la_err_unique!'; //'Field value must be unique';
$this->ErrorMsgs['value_out_of_range'] = '!la_err_value_out_of_range!'; //'Field is out of range, possible values from %s to %s';
$this->ErrorMsgs['length_out_of_range'] = '!la_err_length_out_of_range!'; //'Field is out of range';
$this->ErrorMsgs['bad_type'] = '!la_err_bad_type!'; //'Incorrect data format, please use %s';
$this->ErrorMsgs['invalid_format'] = '!la_err_invalid_format!'; //'Incorrect data format, please use %s';
$this->ErrorMsgs['bad_date_format'] = '!la_err_bad_date_format!'; //'Incorrect date format, please use (%s) ex. (%s)';
$this->ErrorMsgs['primary_lang_required'] = '!la_err_primary_lang_required!';
function SetDirtyField($field_name, $field_value)
$this->DirtyFieldValues[$field_name] = $field_value;
function GetDirtyField($field_name)
return $this->DirtyFieldValues[$field_name];
function GetOriginalField($field_name)
return $this->OriginalFieldValues[$field_name];
* Sets original field value (useful for custom virtual fields)
* @param string $field_name
function SetOriginalField($field_name, $field_value)
$this->OriginalFieldValues[$field_name] = $field_value;
* Set's default values for all fields
* @param bool $populate_ml_fields create all ml fields from db in config or not
* @access public
function SetDefaultValues($populate_ml_fields = false)
if ($populate_ml_fields) {
foreach ($this->Fields as $field => $params) {
if ( isset($params['default']) ) {
$this->SetDBField($field, $params['default']);
else {
$this->SetDBField($field, NULL);
* Sets current item field value
* (applies formatting)
* @access public
* @param string $name Name of the field
* @param mixed $value Value to set the field to
* @return void
function SetField($name,$value)
$options = $this->GetFieldOptions($name);
$parsed = $value;
if ($value == '') {
$parsed = NULL;
if (isset($options['formatter'])) {
$formatter =& $this->Application->recallObject($options['formatter']);
// $parsed = $formatter->Parse($value, $options, $err);
$parsed = $formatter->Parse($value, $name, $this);
// this will make sure numeric value is converted to normal representation
// according to regional format, even when formatter is not set (try seting format to 1.234,56 to understand why)
elseif (preg_match('#int|integer|double|float|real|numeric#', $options['type'])) {
$formatter =& $this->Application->recallObject('kFormatter');
$parsed = $formatter->TypeCast($value, $options);
* Sets current item field value
* (doesn't apply formatting)
* @access public
* @param string $name Name of the field
* @param mixed $value Value to set the field to
* @return void
function SetDBField($name,$value)
$this->FieldValues[$name] = $value;
/*if (isset($this->Fields[$name]['formatter'])) {
$formatter =& $this->Application->recallObject($this->Fields[$name]['formatter']);
$formatter->UpdateSubFields($name, $value, $this->Fields[$name], $this);
* Set's field error, if pseudo passed not found then create it with message text supplied.
* Don't owerrite existing pseudo translation.
* @param string $field
* @param string $pseudo
* @param string $error_label
function SetError($field, $pseudo, $error_label = null, $error_params = null)
$error_field = isset($this->Fields[$field]['error_field']) ? $this->Fields[$field]['error_field'] : $field;
if (isset($this->FieldErrors[$error_field]['pseudo'])) {
// don't set more then one error on field
return ;
$this->FieldErrors[$error_field]['pseudo'] = $pseudo;
if (isset($error_params)) {
// additional params, that helps to determine error sources
$this->FieldErrors[$error_field]['params'] = $error_params;
if (isset($error_label) && !isset($this->ErrorMsgs[$pseudo])) {
// label for error (only when not already set)
$this->ErrorMsgs[$pseudo] = (substr($error_label, 0, 1) == '+') ? substr($error_label, 1) : '!'.$error_label.'!';
* Return current item' field value by field name
* (doesn't apply formatter)
* @access public
* @param string $name field name to return
* @return mixed
function GetDBField($name)
return $this->FieldValues[$name];
function HasField($name)
return isset($this->FieldValues[$name]);
function GetFieldValues()
return $this->FieldValues;
* Sets item' fields corresponding to elements in passed $hash values.
* The function sets current item fields to values passed in $hash, by matching $hash keys with field names
* of current item. If current item' fields are unknown {@link kDBItem::PrepareFields()} is called before acutally setting the fields
* @access public
* @param Array $hash
* @param Array $set_fields Optional param, field names in target object to set, other fields will be skipped
* @return void
function SetFieldsFromHash($hash, $set_fields=null)
// used in formatter which work with multiple fields together
foreach($hash as $field_name => $field_value)
if( eregi("^[0-9]+$", $field_name) || !array_key_exists($field_name,$this->Fields) ) continue;
if ( is_array($set_fields) && !in_array($field_name, $set_fields) ) continue;
$this->SetDirtyField($field_name, $field_value);
// formats all fields using associated formatters
foreach ($hash as $field_name => $field_value)
if( eregi("^[0-9]+$", $field_name) || !array_key_exists($field_name,$this->Fields) ) continue;
if ( is_array($set_fields) && !in_array($field_name, $set_fields) ) continue;
function SetDBFieldsFromHash($hash, $set_fields=null)
foreach ($hash as $field_name => $field_value)
if( eregi("^[0-9]+$", $field_name) || !array_key_exists($field_name,$this->Fields) ) continue;
if ( is_array($set_fields) && !in_array($field_name, $set_fields) ) continue;
$this->SetDBField($field_name, $field_value);
* Returns part of SQL WHERE clause identifing the record, ex. id = 25
* @access public
* @param string $method Child class may want to know who called GetKeyClause, Load(), Update(), Delete() send its names as method
* @param Array $keys_hash alternative, then item id, keys hash to load item by
* @return void
* @see kDBItem::Load()
* @see kDBItem::Update()
* @see kDBItem::Delete()
function GetKeyClause($method=null, $keys_hash = null)
if( !isset($keys_hash) ) $keys_hash = Array($this->IDField => $this->ID);
$ret = '';
foreach($keys_hash as $field => $value)
if (!preg_match('/\./', $field)) {
$ret .= '(`'.$this->TableName.'`.'.$field.' = '.$this->Conn->qstr($value).') AND ';
else {
$ret .= '('.$field.' = '.$this->Conn->qstr($value).') AND ';
return preg_replace('/(.*) AND $/', '\\1', $ret);
* Loads item from the database by given id
* @access public
* @param mixed $id item id of keys->values hash to load item by
* @param string $id_field_name Optional parameter to load item by given Id field
* @return bool True if item has been loaded, false otherwise
function Load($id, $id_field_name = null)
if ( isset($id_field_name) ) $this->SetIDField( $id_field_name );
$keys_sql = '';
if( is_array($id) )
$keys_sql = $this->GetKeyClause('load', $id);
$keys_sql = $this->GetKeyClause('load');
if ( isset($id_field_name) ) $this->setIDField( $this->Application->getUnitOption($this->Prefix, 'IDField') );
if( ($id === false) || !$keys_sql ) return $this->Clear();
if( !$this->raiseEvent('OnBeforeItemLoad', $id) ) return false;
$q = $this->GetSelectSQL().' WHERE '.$keys_sql;
$field_values = $this->Conn->GetRow($q);
$this->FieldValues = array_merge_recursive2($this->FieldValues, $field_values);
$this->OriginalFieldValues = $this->FieldValues;
else {
return $this->Clear();
if( is_array($id) || isset($id_field_name) ) $this->setID( $this->FieldValues[$this->IDField] );
$this->UpdateFormattersSubFields(); // used for updating separate virtual date/time fields from DB timestamp (for example)
$this->raiseEvent('OnAfterItemLoad', $this->GetID() );
$this->Loaded = true;
return true;
* Builds select sql, SELECT ... FROM parts only
* @access public
* @return string
function GetSelectSQL()
$sql = $this->addCalculatedFields($this->SelectClause);
return parent::GetSelectSQL($sql);
function UpdateFormattersMasterFields()
foreach ($this->Fields as $field => $options) {
if (isset($options['formatter'])) {
$formatter =& $this->Application->recallObject($options['formatter']);
$formatter->UpdateMasterFields($field, $this->GetDBField($field), $options, $this);
function SkipField($field_name, $force_id=false)
$skip = false;
$skip = $skip || ( isset($this->VirtualFields[$field_name]) ); //skipping 'virtual' field
$skip = $skip || ( !getArrayValue($this->FieldValues, $field_name) && getArrayValue($this->Fields[$field_name], 'skip_empty') ); //skipping marked field with 'skip_empty'
// $skip = $skip || ($field_name == $this->IDField && !$force_id); //skipping Primary Key
// $table_name = preg_replace("/^(.*)\./", "$1", $field_name);
// $skip = $skip || ($table_name && ($table_name != $this->TableName)); //skipping field from other tables
$skip = $skip || ( !isset($this->Fields[$field_name]) ); //skipping field not in Fields (nor virtual, nor real)
return $skip;
* Updates previously loaded record with current item' values
* @access public
* @param int Primery Key Id to update
* @return bool
function Update($id=null, $system_update=false)
if( isset($id) ) $this->setID($id);
if( !$this->raiseEvent('OnBeforeItemUpdate') ) return false;
if( !isset($this->ID) ) return false;
// Validate before updating
if( !$this->IgnoreValidation && !$this->Validate() ) return false;
if( !$this->raiseEvent('OnAfterItemValidate') ) return false;
//Nothing to update
if(!$this->FieldValues) return true;
$sql = sprintf('UPDATE %s SET ',$this->TableName);
foreach ($this->FieldValues as $field_name => $field_value)
if ($this->SkipField($field_name)) continue;
$real_field_name = eregi_replace("^.*\.", '',$field_name); //removing table names from field names
//Adding part of SET clause for current field, escaping data with ADODB' qstr
if (is_null( $this->FieldValues[$field_name] )) {
if (isset($this->Fields[$field_name]['not_null']) && $this->Fields[$field_name]['not_null']) {
$sql .= '`'.$real_field_name.'` = '.$this->Conn->qstr($this->Fields[$field_name]['default']).', ';
else {
$sql .= '`'.$real_field_name.'` = NULL, ';
else {
$sql.= sprintf('`%s`=%s, ', $real_field_name, $this->Conn->qstr($this->FieldValues[$field_name], 0));
$sql = ereg_replace(", $", '', $sql); //Removing last comma and space
$sql.= sprintf(' WHERE %s', $this->GetKeyClause('update')); //Adding WHERE clause with Primary Key
if( $this->Conn->ChangeQuery($sql) === false ) return false;
$affected = $this->Conn->getAffectedRows();
if (!$system_update && $affected == 1){
$this->Loaded = true;
if ($this->mode != 't') {
return true;
* Validate all item fields based on
* constraints set in each field options
* in config
* @return bool
* @access private
function Validate()
$this->UpdateFormattersMasterFields(); //order is critical - should be called BEFORE checking errors
$global_res = true;
foreach ($this->Fields as $field => $params) {
$error_field = isset($params['error_field']) ? $params['error_field'] : $field;
$res = !isset($this->FieldErrors[$error_field]['pseudo']) || !$this->FieldErrors[$error_field]['pseudo'];
$res = $res && $this->ValidateType($field, $params);
$res = $res && $this->ValidateRange($field, $params);
$res = $res && $this->ValidateUnique($field, $params);
$res = $res && $this->ValidateRequired($field, $params);
$res = $res && $this->CustomValidation($field, $params);
$global_res = $global_res && $res;
if (!$global_res && $this->Application->isDebugMode() )
global $debugger;
$error_msg = "Validation failed in prefix <b>".$this->Prefix."</b>, FieldErrors follow (look at items with 'pseudo' key set)<br>
You may ignore this notice if submitted data really has a validation error ";
trigger_error( $error_msg, E_USER_NOTICE);
return $global_res;
* Check field value by user-defined alghoritm
* @param string $field field name
* @param Array $params field options from config
* @return bool
function CustomValidation($field, $params)
return true;
* Check if item has errors
* @param Array $skip_fields fields to skip during error checking
* @return bool
function HasErrors($skip_fields)
$global_res = false;
foreach ($this->Fields as $field => $field_params) {
// If Formatter has set some error messages during values parsing
if ( !( in_array($field, $skip_fields) ) &&
isset($this->FieldErrors[$field]['pseudo']) && $this->FieldErrors[$field] != '') {
$global_res = true;
return $global_res;
* Check if value in field matches field type specified in config
* @param string $field field name
* @param Array $params field options from config
* @return bool
function ValidateType($field, $params)
$res = true;
$val = $this->FieldValues[$field];
if ( $val != '' &&
isset($params['type']) &&
preg_match("#int|integer|double|float|real|numeric|string#", $params['type'])
) {
$res = is_numeric($val);
if ($params['type']=='string' || $res) {
$f = 'is_'.$params['type'];
settype($val, $params['type']);
$res = $f($val) && ($val == $this->FieldValues[$field]);
if (!$res) {
$this->SetError($field, 'bad_type', null, $params['type']);
return $res;
* Check if value is set for required field
* @param string $field field name
* @param Array $params field options from config
* @return bool
* @access private
function ValidateRequired($field, $params)
$res = true;
if (isset($params['required']) && $params['required']) {
$res = ((string)$this->FieldValues[$field] != '');
$options = $this->GetFieldOptions($field);
if (!$res && getArrayValue($options, 'formatter') != 'kUploadFormatter') {
$this->SetError($field, 'required');
return $res;
* Validates that current record has unique field combination among other table records
* @param string $field field name
* @param Array $params field options from config
* @return bool
* @access private
function ValidateUnique($field, $params)
$res = true;
$unique_fields = getArrayValue($params,'unique');
if($unique_fields !== false)
$where = Array();
foreach($unique_fields as $unique_field)
// if field is not empty or if it is required - we add where condition
- if ($this->GetDBField($unique_field) != '' || $this->Fields[$unique_field]['required']) {
+ if ($this->GetDBField($unique_field) != '' || (isset($this->Fields[$unique_field]['required']) && $this->Fields[$unique_field]['required'])) {
$where[] = '`'.$unique_field.'` = '.$this->Conn->qstr( $this->GetDBField($unique_field) );
// This can ONLY happen if all unique fields are empty and not required.
// In such case we return true, because if unique field is not required there may be numerous empty values
if (!$where) return true;
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s WHERE ('.implode(') AND (',$where).') AND ('.$this->IDField.' <> '.(int)$this->ID.')';
$res_temp = $this->Conn->GetOne( str_replace('%s', $this->TableName, $sql) );
$current_table_only = getArrayValue($params, 'current_table_only'); // check unique record only in current table
$res_live = $current_table_only ? 0 : $this->Conn->GetOne( str_replace('%s', $this->Application->GetLiveName($this->TableName), $sql) );
$res = ($res_temp == 0) && ($res_live == 0);
if (!$res) {
$this->SetError($field, 'unique');
return $res;
* Check if field value is in range specified in config
* @param string $field field name
* @param Array $params field options from config
* @return bool
* @access private
function ValidateRange($field, $params)
$res = true;
$val = $this->FieldValues[$field];
if ( isset($params['type']) && preg_match("#int|integer|double|float|real#", $params['type']) && strlen($val) > 0 ) {
if ( isset($params['max_value_inc'])) {
$res = $res && $val <= $params['max_value_inc'];
$max_val = $params['max_value_inc'].' (inclusive)';
if ( isset($params['min_value_inc'])) {
$res = $res && $val >= $params['min_value_inc'];
$min_val = $params['min_value_inc'].' (inclusive)';
if ( isset($params['max_value_exc'])) {
$res = $res && $val < $params['max_value_exc'];
$max_val = $params['max_value_exc'].' (exclusive)';
if ( isset($params['min_value_exc'])) {
$res = $res && $val > $params['min_value_exc'];
$min_val = $params['min_value_exc'].' (exclusive)';
if (!$res) {
if ( !isset($min_val) ) $min_val = '-&infin;';
if ( !isset($max_val) ) $max_val = '&infin;';
$this->SetError($field, 'value_out_of_range', null, Array ($min_val, $max_val));
return $res;
if ( isset($params['max_len'])) {
$res = $res && strlen($val) <= $params['max_len'];
if ( isset($params['min_len'])) {
$res = $res && strlen($val) >= $params['min_len'];
if (!$res) {
$error_params = Array (getArrayValue($params, 'min_len'), getArrayValue($params, 'max_len'));
$this->SetError($field, 'length_out_of_range', null, $error_params);
return $res;
return $res;
* Return error message for field
* @param string $field
* @return string
* @access public
function GetErrorMsg($field, $force_escape = null)
if( !isset($this->FieldErrors[$field]) ) return '';
$err = getArrayValue($this->FieldErrors[$field], 'pseudo');
if (!$err) return '';
// if special error msg defined in config
if( isset($this->Fields[$field]['error_msgs'][$err]) )
$msg = $this->Fields[$field]['error_msgs'][$err];
else //fall back to defaults
if( !isset($this->ErrorMsgs[$err]) ) {
trigger_error('No user message is defined for pseudo error <b>'.$err.'</b><br>', E_USER_WARNING);
return $err; //return the pseudo itself
$msg = $this->ErrorMsgs[$err];
$msg = $this->Application->ReplaceLanguageTags($msg, $force_escape);
if ( isset($this->FieldErrors[$field]['params']) )
return vsprintf($msg, $this->FieldErrors[$field]['params']);
return $msg;
* Creates a record in the database table with current item' values
* @param mixed $force_id Set to TRUE to force creating of item's own ID or to value to force creating of passed id. Do not pass 1 for true, pass exactly TRUE!
* @access public
* @return bool
function Create($force_id=false, $system_create=false)
if( !$this->raiseEvent('OnBeforeItemCreate') ) return false;
// Validating fields before attempting to create record
if( !$this->IgnoreValidation && !$this->Validate() ) return false;
if( !$this->raiseEvent('OnAfterItemValidate') ) return false;
if (is_int($force_id)) {
$this->FieldValues[$this->IDField] = $force_id;
elseif (!$force_id || !is_bool($force_id)) {
$this->FieldValues[$this->IDField] = $this->generateID();
$fields_sql = '';
$values_sql = '';
foreach ($this->FieldValues as $field_name => $field_value) {
if ($this->SkipField($field_name, $force_id)) continue;
//Adding field' value to Values block of Insert statement, escaping it with qstr
if (is_null( $this->FieldValues[$field_name] )) {
if (isset($this->Fields[$field_name]['not_null']) && $this->Fields[$field_name]['not_null']) {
$values_sql .= $this->Conn->qstr($this->Fields[$field_name]['default'], 0);
else {
$values_sql .= 'NULL';
else {
if ($field_name == $this->IDField && $this->FieldValues[$field_name] == 0) {
$values_sql .= 'DEFAULT';
else {
$values_sql .= $this->Conn->qstr($this->FieldValues[$field_name], 0);
$fields_sql .= '`'.$field_name.'`, '; //Adding field name to fields block of Insert statement
$values_sql .= ', ';
//Cutting last commas and spaces
$fields_sql = ereg_replace(", $", '', $fields_sql);
$values_sql = ereg_replace(", $", '', $values_sql);
$sql = sprintf('INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)', $this->TableName, $fields_sql, $values_sql); //Formatting query
//Executing the query and checking the result
if ($this->Conn->ChangeQuery($sql) === false) return false;
$insert_id = $this->Conn->getInsertID();
if ($insert_id == 0) {
// insert into temp table (id is not auto-increment field)
$insert_id = $this->FieldValues[$this->IDField];
if (!$system_create){
if ($this->mode != 't') {
$this->Loaded = true;
return true;
* Deletes the record from databse
* @access public
* @return bool
function Delete($id = null)
if( isset($id) ) $this->setID($id);
if( !$this->raiseEvent('OnBeforeItemDelete') ) return false;
$q = 'DELETE FROM '.$this->TableName.' WHERE '.$this->GetKeyClause('Delete');
$ret = $this->Conn->ChangeQuery($q);
if ($this->Conn->getAffectedRows() > 0) {
// something was actually deleted
if ($this->mode != 't') {
return $ret;
function PopulateMultiLangFields()
$ml_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('kMultiLanguageHelper');
$lang_count = $ml_helper->getLanguageCount();
foreach ($this->Fields as $field => $options)
if (isset($options['formatter']) && $options['formatter'] == 'kMultiLanguage' && isset($options['master_field'])) {
if (preg_match('/^l([0-9]+)_(.*)/', $field, $regs)) {
$l = $regs[1];
$name = $regs[2];
unset($options['required']); // all non-primary language field set to non-required
for ($i=1; $i<=$lang_count; $i++) {
if ($i == $l) continue;
$this->Fields['l'.$i.'_'.$name] = $options;
* Sets new name for item in case if it is beeing copied
* in same table
* @param array $master Table data from TempHandler
* @param int $foreign_key ForeignKey value to filter name check query by
* @access private
function NameCopy($master=null, $foreign_key=null)
$title_field = $this->Application->getUnitOption($this->Prefix, 'TitleField');
if (!$title_field || isset($this->CalculatedFields[$title_field]) ) return;
$new_name = $this->GetDBField($title_field);
$original_checked = false;
do {
if ( preg_match('/Copy ([0-9]*) *of (.*)/', $new_name, $regs) ) {
$new_name = 'Copy '.($regs[1]+1).' of '.$regs[2];
elseif ($original_checked) {
$new_name = 'Copy of '.$new_name;
// if we are cloning in temp table this will look for names in temp table,
// since object' TableName contains correct TableName (for temp also!)
// if we are cloning live - look in live
$query = 'SELECT '.$title_field.' FROM '.$this->TableName.'
WHERE '.$title_field.' = '.$this->Conn->qstr($new_name);
$foreign_key_field = getArrayValue($master, 'ForeignKey');
$foreign_key_field = is_array($foreign_key_field) ? $foreign_key_field[ $master['ParentPrefix'] ] : $foreign_key_field;
if ($foreign_key_field && isset($foreign_key)) {
$query .= ' AND '.$foreign_key_field.' = '.$foreign_key;
$res = $this->Conn->GetOne($query);
/*// if not found in live table, check in temp table if applicable
if ($res === false && $object->Special == 'temp') {
$query = 'SELECT '.$name_field.' FROM '.$this->GetTempName($master['TableName']).'
WHERE '.$name_field.' = '.$this->Conn->qstr($new_name);
$res = $this->Conn->GetOne($query);
$original_checked = true;
} while ($res !== false);
$this->SetDBField($title_field, $new_name);
function raiseEvent($name, $id = null, $additional_params = Array())
if( !isset($id) ) $id = $this->GetID();
$event = new kEvent( Array('name'=>$name,'prefix'=>$this->Prefix,'special'=>$this->Special) );
$event->setEventParam('id', $id);
if ($additional_params) {
foreach ($additional_params as $ap_name => $ap_value) {
$event->setEventParam($ap_name, $ap_value);
return $event->status == erSUCCESS ? true : false;
* Set's new ID for item
* @param int $new_id
* @access public
function setID($new_id)
$this->ID = $new_id;
$this->SetDBField($this->IDField, $new_id);
* Generate and set new temporary id
* @access private
function setTempID()
$new_id = (int)$this->Conn->GetOne('SELECT MIN('.$this->IDField.') FROM '.$this->TableName);
if($new_id > 0) $new_id = 0;
$this->Conn->Query('UPDATE '.$this->TableName.' SET `'.$this->IDField.'` = '.$new_id.' WHERE `'.$this->IDField.'` = '.$this->GetID());
* Set's modification flag for main prefix of current prefix to true
* @access private
* @author Alexey
function setModifiedFlag()
$main_prefix = $this->Application->GetTopmostPrefix($this->Prefix);
$this->Application->StoreVar($main_prefix.'_modified', '1');
* Returns ID of currently processed record
* @return int
* @access public
function GetID()
return $this->ID;
* Generates ID for new items before inserting into database
* @return int
* @access private
function generateID()
return 0;
* Returns true if item was loaded successfully by Load method
* @return bool
function isLoaded()
return $this->Loaded;
* Checks if field is required
* @param string $field
* @return bool
function isRequired($field)
return getArrayValue( $this->Fields[$field], 'required' );
* Sets new required flag to field
* @param string $field
* @param bool $is_required
function setRequired($field, $is_required = true)
$this->Fields[$field]['required'] = $is_required;
function Clear($new_id = null)
$this->Loaded = false;
$this->FieldValues = Array();
$this->OriginalFieldValues = Array ();
$this->FieldErrors = Array();
return $this->Loaded;
function Query($force = false)
if( $this->Application->isDebugMode() )
trigger_error('<b>Query</b> method is called in class <b>'.get_class($this).'</b> for prefix <b>'.$this->getPrefixSpecial().'</b>', E_USER_ERROR);
function saveCustomFields()
if (!$this->customFields) {
return true;
$cdata_key = rtrim($this->Prefix.'-cdata.'.$this->Special, '.');
$cdata =& $this->Application->recallObject($cdata_key, null, Array('skip_autoload' => true, 'populate_ml_fields' => true));
$resource_id = $this->GetDBField('ResourceId');
$cdata->Load($resource_id, 'ResourceId');
$cdata->SetDBField('ResourceId', $resource_id);
$ml_formatter =& $this->Application->recallObject('kMultiLanguage');
/* @var $ml_formatter kMultiLanguage */
foreach ($this->customFields as $custom_id => $custom_name) {
$force_primary = isset($cdata->Fields['cust_'.$custom_id]['force_primary']) && $cdata->Fields['cust_'.$custom_id]['force_primary'];
$cdata->SetDBField($ml_formatter->LangFieldName('cust_'.$custom_id, $force_primary), $this->GetDBField('cust_'.$custom_name));
if ($cdata->isLoaded()) {
$ret = $cdata->Update();
else {
$ret = $cdata->Create();
if ($cdata->mode == 't') $cdata->setTempID();
return $ret;
* Returns specified field value from all selected rows.
* Don't affect current record index
* @param string $field
* @return Array
function GetCol($field)
return Array (0 => $this->GetDBField($field));
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Property changes on: branches/RC/core/kernel/db/dbitem.php
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +1 ##
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\ No newline at end of property

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