trigger_error('<span class="debug_error">no refresh intervals defined</span> for prefix <strong>'.$this->Prefix.'</strong>, but <strong>DrawAutoRefreshMenu</strong> tag used', E_USER_NOTICE);
$records_left = array_splice($list->Records, $list->GetSelectedCount()); // because we have 1 more record for "More..." link detection (don't need to sort it)
if (method_exists($object, 'EOL') && count($object->Records) == 0) {
// for drawing grid column filter
$block_params['field_name'] = '';
else {
- $block_params['field_name'] = $this->InputName($params); // depricated (produces warning when used as grid filter), but used in Front-End (submission create), admin (submission view)
+ // deprecated (produces warning when used as grid filter), but used in Front-End (submission create), admin (submission view)
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Automatic admin editing template detection failed because of missing "AdminTemplatePrefix" unit config option in "' . $this->Prefix . '" unit config');
trigger_error('Title preset not specified or missing (in tag "<strong>' . $this->getPrefixSpecial() . ':' . __METHOD__ . '</strong>")', E_USER_NOTICE);
return false;
if ( !array_key_exists('toolbar_buttons', $preset_info) || !is_array($preset_info['toolbar_buttons']) ) {
if ( $this->Application->hasObject( $this->getPrefixSpecial() ) ) {
$object = $this->getObject($params);
/* @var $object kDBItem */
if ( $object->getFormName() != $form_name ) {
trigger_error('Setting form to "<strong>' . $form_name . '</strong>" failed, since object "<strong>' . $this->getPrefixSpecial() . '</strong>" is created before FormName tag (e.g. in event or another tag).', E_USER_WARNING);