Merge of "w/in-commerce/releases/5.2.1-B1@15631" to "w/in-commerce/branches/5.3.x@15656".
- Committed
alex Jan 17 2013, 5:39 AM - Parents
- rMINC15663: Fixes #0001447: Product price change in Catalog breaks down all associated…
rMINC15631: Releasing version 'releases/5.2.1-B1' (copy from 'branches/5.2.x') of 'w/in…
rMINC15611: Bug #0001434: Disable html editor for "inp_edit_textarea" block by default
rMINC15605: Bug #0001424: Inconsistent naming in "E-mail Templates" section
rMINC15600: Bug #0001423: Function "htmlspecialchars" breaks down UTF-8 encoding
rMINC15598: Fixes #0001422: Cart Quantity Change Prevent Checkout
rMINC15596: Bug #0001421: Don't use $_REQUEST in Debugger
rMINC15591: Fixes #0001398: Email Sent Twice When Ordering
rMINC15589: Bug #0001362: Use even more secure password hashing algorithm
rMINC15568: Bug #0001317: Allow to specify what IP address source to use
rMINC15560: Bug #0001363: User selector not working
rMINC15557: Bug #0001396: Add "jpeg" and "bmp" to allowed image file extensions
rMINC15547: Bug #0001408: Usage of mktime() function with no arguments
rMINC15540: Bug #0001394: Multiple notices discovered while developing System Log
rMINC15536: Bug #0001393: Random "Requested ID for prefix <prefix> not passed" notices
rMINC15508: Bug #0001367: Incorrect disabled toolbar button images in sprites - Branches
- Unknown
- Tags