# Preparations
* in IDE:
1. open the `themes/advanced/error_notfound.tpl` file for editing
2. add below shown code after `<inp2:m_phrase name="lu_text_PageNotFound"/>` tag:
<inp2:m_DefineElement name="product_element">
[<inp2:Field name="SKU"/>]
<inp2:p_PrintList render_as="product_element"/>
3. save changes
4. open the `themes/advanced/platform/my_account/my_account.tpl` file for editing
5. add below shown code after the topmost HTML comment on the template:
$application =& kApplication::Instance();
6. save changes
# Actual testing
# go to the Front-End
# confirm, that you're setting an expected page
# open `/missing/500/` page (manually append to base URL of the website)
# confirm, that `Page Not Found` page was shown
# click on the `My Account` link in the header
# confirm, that `Page Not Found` page was shown
# click on the `Register` link in the sidebar
# confirm, that you're setting an expected page