# Preparation
# login to the Admin Console
# go to the {nav Configuration > Website > General} section
# set the value of the "Website name" system setting to the `one"<strong>two</strong> three`
# save changes
# Part 1 - header and frameset
# login to the Admin Console
# go to the {nav Configuration > Website > General} section
# reload the page using Web Browser functionality (e.g. `Reload current page` toolbar button or `Cmd+R`/`Ctrl+R` shortcut)
# confirm, that while page reloading isn't finished page title (on the Web Browser tab) was changed to `one"two three - Administrative Console`
# confirm, that after page reloading is finished page title (on the Web Browser tab) was changed to `General - Administrative Console - one"two three`
# Part 2 - login screen
# go to the Admin Console
# if logged-in, then perform a logout
# confirm, that an `alt` attribute of the image above the login form has `one"two three` value (look at "View Source" instead of inspecting an element)
# in database:
* go to the primary skin record in the `AdminSkins` table
* remeber value in the `LogoLogin` column (mine was `in-portal_logo_login.gif`)
* clear value in the `LogoLogin` column
# reload the page in the Web Browser
# confirm, that the design of the login page was changed
# confirm, that an `alt` attribute of the both images above the login form has `one"two three` value
# Part 3 - the "advanced" theme
# open the `.../advanced/in-news/elements/rss.xml` URL (replace `...` with path to your In-Portal installation)
# confirm, that {nav rss > channel > title} and {nav rss > channel > generator} XML nodes have `one"two three` value
# open the `.../advanced/index.html` URL
# confirm, that page title (on the Web Browser tab) is `one"two three :: Welcome to In-Portal!`
# confirm, that an `alt` attribute of the both images in the top left corner (globe icon & In-Portal logo) has `one"two three` value
# create the `/themes/advanced/test_popup.tpl` file with the following content:
<NAME>Test Popup</NAME>
<DESC>Test Popup</DESC>
<inp2:m_DefineElement name="page_title">
Test Popup Title
<!--## //PAGE TITLE ELEMENT ##-->
<inp2:m_DefineElement name="content">
test popup content
<inp2:m_include template="platform/designs/popup_design.des" pass_params="1"/>
7. in another tab use `Rescan Themes` toolbar button in the `Themes` section of the admin console
8. open the `.../advanced/test-popup.html` URL
9. confirm, that page title (on the Web Browser tab) is `one"two three`
# Part 4 - the "default" theme
# open the `.../default/index.html` URL
# confirm, that page title (on the Web Browser tab) is `(one"two three)`
# confirm, that page source contains <meta name="author" content="one"two three"/>
# Part 5 - the "simple" theme
# open the `.../simple/index.html` URL
# confirm, that page title (on the Web Browser tab) is `(one"two three)`
# confirm, that page source contains <meta name="author" content="one"two three"/>
# confirm, that
# confirm, that an `alt` attribute of the invisible link in the top left corner (on red background) has `one"two three` value