HomeIn-Portal Phabricator

Merge of "w/in-commerce/branches/5.2.x@16385" to "w/in-commerce/branches/5.3.


Merge of "w/in-commerce/branches/5.2.x@16385" to "w/in-commerce/branches/5.3.x@16392".


  • admin_templates/orders/export/export.tpl
  • units/addresses/addresses_config.php
  • units/affiliate_payments/affiliate_payments_config.php
  • units/affiliates/affiliates_config.php
  • units/coupons/coupons_config.php
  • units/currencies/currencies_config.php
  • units/gateways/gateways_config.php
  • units/manufacturers/manufacturers_config.php
  • units/order_items/order_items_config.php
  • units/orders/orders_config.php
  • units/orders/orders_event_handler.php
  • units/orders/orders_tag_processor.php
  • units/product_option_combinations/product_option_combinations_config.php
  • units/products/products_config.php
  • units/reports/reports_config.php


alexNov 12 2016, 12:54 PM
rMINC16392: Merge of "w/in-commerce/releases/5.2.1-B1@15631" to "w/in-commerce/branches/5.
rMINC16385: Bug INP-1579 - Remove "ItemSQLs" from unit configs
rMINC16378: Fixes MINC-176 - Register missing classes in class factory
rMINC16375: Bug INP-1487 - Create empty search result table, when search keyword is too…
rMINC16366: Fixes MINC-138 - On user login/registration update Order user via…
rMINC16365: Fixes MINC-140 - Assign last order to user registered after checkout process
rMINC16364: Fixes MINC-143 - Use table aliases in "ord" unit calculated fields
rMINC16361: Fixes MINC-145 - Modernize "orditems:LinkRemoveFromCart" tag
rMINC16360: Fixes MINC-146 - Modernize "orditems:RemoveCouponLink" tag
rMINC16341: Bug INP-1557 - Use "http_build_query" to escape url parameters
rMINC16315: Bug INP-1521 - Don't expose InitList and PrintList tag communication to Web…
rMINC16310: Fixes MINC-135 - Use shipping type from Order, when editing in Admin Console
rMINC16292: Fixes MINC-134 - Lock tables to generate unique order numbers
rMINC16289: Fixes MINC-133 - Don't run "OrdersEventHandler::CheckUser" method in CRON
rMINC16287: Fixes MINC-132 - Round discounted/couponed price on MySQL side
rMINC16275: Fixes MINC-131 - No reservation on multi-order save
rMINC16248: Fixes MINC-127 - Optimize "ord:UsingCreditCard" tag
rMINC16244: Fixes MINC-119 - Reset more fields during cloning
rMINC16242: Fixes MINC-120 - Make tangible item detection in order temp-table aware
rMINC16240: Fixes MINC-125 - Use grid name during order export
rMINC16239: Fixes MINC-126 - Print all selected orders
rMINC16238: Fixes MINC-128 - SQL error, when splitting an order
rMINC16237: Fixes MINC-129 - Shipment number isn't reset during order split
rMINC16234: Fixes MINC-130 - Get next available sub-number during order split from database
rMINC16206: Fixes MINC-123 - The "m_cat_id" not reset in "orditems:PrintList" tag
rMINC16202: Fixes MINC-124 - Use correct phrase in order's TransactionStatus options
rMINC16200: Fixes MINC-122 - Set sub-order original fields during split
rMINC16197: Fixes MINC-121 - Don't mix event variables during backorder fulfillment
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Buildable 490
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