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INP-1893 Denormalize "ChangeLogs" database table

Authored by erik on Jan 22 2025, 12:20 PM.


Test Plan


  1. Install previous version (522-B1)
  2. Login to adm.console as root
  3. Go to the Logs & ReportsChanges Log section
  4. Enable Changes Log by using special link above grid
  5. Logout
  6. Login to adm.console as root
  7. Go to the User ManagementAdministrators section
  8. Create administrative user, fill First Name, Last Name and Email fields
  9. Logout
  10. Login to adm.console as non-root
  11. Go to the User ManagementAdministrators section
  12. Edit administrative user, change some field value, save changes

Part 1 - upgrade test

  1. Make In-Portal Upgrade
  2. Login to adm.console
  3. Go to the Logs & ReportsChanges Log section
  4. Confirm, that Username, First Name, Last Name, Email columns contains proper data.
  5. Open debugger panel. Confirm, that no joins in sql request to ChangeLogs table.

Part 2 - clean install test

  1. Make In-Portal Clean install
  2. Login to adm.console as root
  3. Go to the Logs & ReportsChanges Log section
  4. Enable Changes Log by using special link above grid
  5. Logout
  6. Login to adm.console as root
  7. Go to the User ManagementAdministrators section
  8. Create administrative user, fill First Name, Last Name and Email fields
  9. Logout
  10. Login to adm.console as non-root
  11. Go to the User ManagementAdministrators section
  12. Edit administrative user, change some field value, save changes
  13. Go to the Logs & ReportsChanges Log section
  14. Confirm, that Username, First Name, Last Name, Email columns contains proper data.
  15. Open debugger panel. Confirm, that no joins in sql request to ChangeLogs table.

Diff Detail

rINP In-Portal
Lint ErrorsExcuse: Not fixing.
No Unit Test Coverage
Build Status
Buildable 11057
Build 3757: arc lint + arc unit

Event Timeline

erik created this revision.Jan 22 2025, 12:20 PM
erik requested review of this revision.Jan 22 2025, 12:20 PM
erik edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)Jan 22 2025, 12:21 PM
alex requested changes to this revision.Jan 22 2025, 12:39 PM

I haven't executed the test plan yet. Please make the proposed corrections/answer questions.


Please move the declaration of these columns after PortalUserId column.

2558–2565 ↗(On Diff #1303)

Please explain pros/cons of this implementation compared to executing this SQL in the upgrades.sql file?


Please move the declaration of these columns after PortalUserId column.


Is it possible for Guest user to cause change log record creation?

If so, then please also handle this across the Differential Revision.

2107–2109 ↗(On Diff #1303)

Please remove.

No need to assign empty values, because they match default values in these columns.

2111 ↗(On Diff #1303)

Please replace with:

$cache[$user_id] += $user_data;

Array concatenation would work faster in this case.

2122–2131 ↗(On Diff #1303)

Please replace with:

if ( $user_data !== false ) {
    $cache[$user_id] += $user_data;

  • Array concatenation would work faster in this case.
  • No need to assign empty values, because they match default values in these columns.
This revision now requires changes to proceed.Jan 22 2025, 12:39 PM
erik marked an inline comment as done.Jan 23 2025, 4:54 AM
erik added inline comments.
2558–2565 ↗(On Diff #1303)

Not working in upgrades.sql, because no table prefix replacement for joining table Users.

erik updated this revision to Diff 1304.Jan 23 2025, 5:19 AM
erik marked 6 inline comments as done.
erik edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)

Done all requested improvements

erik added inline comments.Jan 23 2025, 9:27 AM

Not possible change log for guest user, because session variable '_SessionLogId_' is required for change log logging. And this variable is set only after login.

alex requested changes to this revision.Jan 23 2025, 10:32 AM

The test passed. However, please make these minor adjustments.

2558–2565 ↗(On Diff #1303)

For such cases use <%TABLE_PREFIX%> placeholder as done in the below example (from the upgrades.sql file):

INSERT INTO Permissions (Permission, GroupId, PermissionValue, Type, CatId)
SELECT 'in-portal:configemail.add' AS Permission, GroupId, PermissionValue, Type, CatId
FROM <%TABLE_PREFIX%>Permissions
WHERE Permission = 'in-portal:configemail.edit';
2085 ↗(On Diff #1304)

Please correct a typo in the method parameter description.

2114 ↗(On Diff #1304)

Please only use TABs for indentation.

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Jan 23 2025, 10:32 AM
erik updated this revision to Diff 1305.Jan 23 2025, 10:45 AM

Done all requested minor fixes

alex accepted this revision.Jan 24 2025, 3:10 AM
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jan 24 2025, 3:10 AM
alex updated this revision to Diff 1306.Jan 24 2025, 3:11 AM

Minor SQL formatting changes.

alex retitled this revision from INP-1893 Don't use JOIN's in "Change Logs" grid to INP-1893 Denormalize "ChangeLogs" database table.Jan 26 2025, 1:57 PM
alex updated this revision to Diff 1311.Jan 29 2025, 4:42 AM

Rebase on top of D504.

alex updated this revision to Diff 1312.Jan 29 2025, 6:21 AM
  1. extract "\ChangeLogHelper::getUserFields" from the "\ChangeLogHelper::getAddFields" for easier customization
  2. change cache key of the \ChangeLogHelper::getAddFields method to include also session_id
alex updated this revision to Diff 1313.Jan 29 2025, 6:29 AM

Ensure new identical field order in both unit config and database table.